• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 18,840 Views, 477 Comments

Spikes Journey - That Drunk Pony

This is gonna be my first fic about Spike and his exile from Ponyville

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Chapter 7: Cloudsdale I

Spike stretched his large wings. The were a nice green color matching his green spike’s on his back. They felt like another pair of arms with no claws. He first tried to generate a gust of wind to see how it works. He then raised his wings in a near upward vertical direction to get as much wind as possible. As he pushed down full force with his wings, he was instantly propelled in the air.

The unexpected ascension left the dragon in a state of fear as he flailed around in the air. Spike then noticed his ascent slowed and he started to decent. He tried flapping as much as he could to stay up, but he did not realize that the more you flap in quick succession that the harder it is to stay up in the air. He then landed on the same spot he took off from with a hard impact.

The dragon ached as he got up and noticed his body was imprinted into the ground. He rubbed his stomach and checked to make sure he wasn’t injured. He thought he heard laughter, but the sound vanished almost as fast as it came. All seemed fine, but he really needed to control his flight if he was ever going to get to Cloudsdale. He then tried again and fell back to the ground. He tried again ... and again ... and again ... and again ... and again. By the time he gave up, the land around him had his imprints in the dirt all over.

He thought to himself what he was doing wrong. He sat on a rock, put his claw to his chin, and began to think and reflect. Each time he tried he did something right and something wrong. He got flipped when a simple breeze hit him, he spun out of control when his wings weren’t in sync. He plummeted every time he tried to flap harder to stay up.

He was tired and it was only noon. He then started feeling hungry and went into his bag which held the gifts from Canterlot. He got himself a doughnut from the bag. His lips watered from the sweet circular ring of deliciousness and began to drool slightly. As he regained himself from his daze, he opened his mouth, closed his eyes just waiting to taste that wonderfully sweet first bite.

A gust of wind quickly rushed past Spike He took a bite only to discover he had bit his own claw instead. “AHHHH!!!!” was all that could be heard from the dragon. It scared any animal watching the dragon. Spike was holding back the tears. As he checked his claw if it was alright, he noticed the doughnut was gone. He searched around for it, but the sound of laughing stopped his search.

When he looked up at a tree he saw a pegasus eating his doughnut with a smirk on its face. Upon closer inspection he noticed it was a mare with a white coat and a cutie mark that was all to similar. Three party balloons with a bit of confetti as her cutie mark. Her mane was almost exactly like Pinkie Pie, but was blonde. His initial thought was that it was Pinkie who had changed her colors, but the wings denied his theory.

As he kept pondering, he didn’t realize the pegasus coming closer and closer. The pegasus landed on Spike with a tree branch. The dragon let out another roar of pain and threw the pegasus off his back along with the branch.

The white pegasus then got up and brushed off her coat. She looked at Spike with a big smile, while Spike was doing the exact opposite and with a more menacing look. Spike then asked the question, “Who are you?” with a very obvious angry tone.

The white pegasus then replied with a smiling face “Well isn’t it more appropriate for a person to introduce themselves first?” Spike’s eyes grew narrow in annoyance. The white pegasus picked it up and continued. “Sorry, my name is Surprise and I like to have parties, play games, eat sweets, play small pranks with friends, ...”

Spike sort of tuned out Surprise for a second, since it sounded just like how Pinkie described herself. If there was one thing he learned from Pinkie was the ability to tune out noise. The dragon’s belly then grumbled again. He went back into his bag to pull another food item as Surprise continued her endless rant. He got himself an emerald from the bag and started eating it while nodding to whatever Surprise was saying.

An idea then came into his head. Spike then tried to stop Surprise from talking by putting his claw on her mouth. He then began to question her “Say that is all very interesting and I know a pony who is almost exactly like you, but can you help me?”

Surprise was first upset about getting forcibly being quieted, but then smiled again when she was asked for help. “Sure! What do you need? A party!? Well we will need lots of streamers and sweets. Mmmm” She started gazing into the sky, fantasizing about many different delectable sweets.

Spike shook her back to normal and continued, “Hold it. I need help getting to Cloudsdale. Can you teach me how to fly? I really need to get there by order of the Princess and I don’t have much time.”

Surprise was surprised when she heard that it was from the Princess. “I will do my best or you will die trying!” she said with her smile.
Spike felt uneasy about the ‘dying’ part. “Right... well lets get started I guess.”

“Yes, lets do this. Now follow me. This is the way almost every pegasus learned to fly who weren’t naturally able to” she said as the dragon followed her to the top of a very large hill. When they stopped they were at a cliff.

Spike looked over and gazed in amazement since the walk had not seemed that long. He then took a nice breeze, full of fresh air, down his nose in a large inhale and exhaled. The air was simply wonderful, fresh, and smelled sweet like a hint of honey. This wonderful moment didn’t last long, however, since Surprise had rammed Spike off at full speed.

Spike was flailing in the air even more than before, but then got calm when he heard Surprise’s whisper. “You need to calm down. Otherwise you really will plummet to your death,” she said while pointing out some jagged rocks from below. Pointing it out didn’t calm the dragon down at all, but then Surprise continued, “Okay Spike, flight lesson number one. You must open your wings and hold them stretched out. Don’t flap them like a crazy pony otherwise you wont be able to fly.”

Spike was still terrified, but did as he was told. He didn’t really have much choice in the matter anyway. As Spike’s wings reached it’s full length he noticed his decent was slowing a bit, but at his angle he would still hit the ground hard. In his head all he could think was how insane that pegasus was.

“Alright Spike, flight lesson number two. Try to angle your wings up only slightly to change your direction upward,” Surprise said with a calm demeanor. Spike tried his best to do it only a little but then he did it too much and started to pull up too fast. He was nearly flipping out until the pegasus had pushed Spike’s head to stop him from loosing control.

“I said only slightly. Don’t over do it,” Surprise said still with a calm attitude.

Spike had yelled back, “You are probably the most insane pegasus I have ever met!!” Spike tried again as he watched the ground get closer and closer. ‘Alright keep calm. Just keep calm and everything will be easier,’ Spike said to himself as he started to angle his wings upward. He noticed his angle was changing and eventually he was in the clear as he rose up above.

Once He got higher and higher in the air, he started getting the hang of it. He gave the occasional flap to power himself, but not flail around with his wings as before. He finally soared through the clouds with the Pegasus on his tail. They both then landed back on top of the large hill.

Surprise was expecting a thank you, but instead she got a hug. A very strong hug which felt more like a bear hug. Spike then said, “I will KILL YOU!!!! That was the most frightening experience of my life!” Spike eventually let the pegasus go however. If it wasn’t for her he would have never been able to fly in time for the potion. “Thanks though,” the dragon said while turned around with eyes still full of anger.

Surprise was first in pain, but when she heard the ‘thank you’ from Spike. She became very ecstatic and hugged Spike’s back. This warmed Spike since he hasn’t been hugged since he was back in Ponyville by Rainbow Dash oddly enough. Although Rainbow Dash’s hug was more of in the moment cause she got frightened by the sound of thunder made from Pinkie and her newest toy. The Prank Noise Maker which allowed her to make many different kinds of noises.

Surprise finally broke the hug and asked the obvious question, “So now that you are able to fly, should we go to Cloudsdale?”

Spike then replied “Well of course. I have a mission to do there.”

Surprise then offered her services of being his guide and Spike was hesitant, but allowed it. They both took off to the clouded city in the sky.

Surprise then got an idea to make things fun, “He Spike, lets race. Whoever get’s there first owe’s the other a drink.”

Spike with a smirk replied, “Your on!” and they both took off at full speed.

Surprise was easily pulling away towards the beginning as she easily dodged each cloud while Spike ran into almost each one, but Spike started getting the hang of the agility and started to catch up. Surprise noticed it and started playing dirty by sending clouds his way. He was able to dodge most of them, but it slowed his momentum.

As they neared Cloudsdale, Spike’s competitive side started kicking in even harder than before. It was similar to Rainbow Dash and the day she got her cutie mark. The speed and the adrenaline was like nothing he felt before. His heart was racing more than when he almost plummeted to his death and he kept gaining speed.

Surprise was surprised when she saw Spike was just drilling through each cloud gaining a lot of speed and only going faster. It was like nothing could stop him and he felt the freedom that pegasus felt on a daily basis and what other ponies only dreamed of. The endless sky all around him only made him want to go faster and faster. He zoomed past Surprise with ease and still kept going until he started feeling the sound barrier.

Spike wasn’t going to let a simple sound barrier stop him from achieving more speed. He kept pushing until it broke. He broke the sound barrier and did the equivalent to a sonic rainboom, but was just a regular sonic boom. The thunderous noise shocked all the pegasuses in Cloudsdale. When they looked, they only noticed a dragon flying at extreme speeds. The guards were alerted and a messenger went out to the wonderbolts.

Spike realized it only too late that he was going too fast and was probably going to zoom past Cloudsdale at his speed. He tried his best to slow down only to be tackled down and netted by a bunch of guards.

“Yeah! We stopped him. We caught the dragon.” The guards cheered as they lowered the dragon onto a cloud in town and made sure he couldn’t escape. Surprise finally caught up only to see Spike tied down. She tried to get Spike, but was halted by the guards to make sure nopony got too close. Surprised struggled as much as she could to get past, but was pushed back.

“This is an accident. Spike isn’t a bad dragon. We were just racing,” was what Surprise kept repeating, but the guard ignored her every plea. She never gave up and Spike saw this and he then told Surprise, “Don’t worry about Surprise. I wasn’t thinking when I was rushing to Cloudsdale as a dragon.” Surprise only got sad when she heard that since he didn’t do anything wrong and yet he was about to be arrested.

Just then another pegasus walked past her. The guards quickly moved out of the way. A guard said, “See, we caught him without your help. We are capable.”

The pegasus then turned to the guard’s face, “Wonderful, you caught a messenger of Princess Celestia and a friend of mine.” The guard was shocked to hear this. The pegasus then cut the net that held Spike down and Spike looked up and recognized the pony. It was ...

To be continued......