• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 4,342 Views, 179 Comments

Don't Stop Believing - R_O_Y_G_B_I_V

Lazy, carefree and lucrative meets spunky, sporty and rash. But the latter depends on the first.

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Chapter 1:

"Woohoo! Yeah!" Rainbow Dash cried to no one but the wind as she raced through the troposphere at incalculable speeds. She had just surpassed mach speed after performing one of her legendary 'Sonic Rainbooms'. Normally, she would've enjoyed the remainder of her flight by coasting down to a more stable level, but today she felt adventurous. She wanted to see how far and how fast she could go.

And so she furrowed her brow, smirked in that cocky fashion of hers, and flapped her wings hard. Harder than she had ever done before...

While she was attempting to gain momentum, she found a nice thermal that would take her higher, and boost her speed a little. And so higher she went. She was aiming for the stratosphere at around seventy thousand feet of elevation. It would be rough, but she could nose dive to gain speed. So for that, it was worth it...

By now she was travelling at least mach two speed. And she was excited. Nopony she knew had flown this fast before. Not even Celestia herself. Her wings were aching and her face was sore from the resistance, but she loved every bit of it. And so pressed on...

If mach four had scared her, than she was down right horrified as of right now. Rainbow Dash was currently traveling at mach ten speeds. The wind resistance would have killed her had she not been the special flying suit she was right now. She was really starting to regret ever deciding to push these limits. Any lesser pony would have collapsed from exhaustion and wind burn, but Rainbow was an element of harmony, and wouldn't be stopped by anything as trivial as ripped muscles and severe wind damage. No, she needed to find out what her true breaking point was. She needed to know just how far she could go...

She wanted to know, and by Celestia did she find out. Now shattering her previous record, Rainbow Dash was traveling at mach twelve speeds. She could no longer see, for she had to close her eyes to protect them from the harsh winds after she had broken her goggles. She couldn't be sure where in Equestria she was, or if she was even in Equestria. All she knew now was pain. The searing pain of her burning muscles, flaming lungs and aching wings. She knew now, that this was her limit...

She was just about to call it a quits, and started to descend down into the troposphere, when she noticed a fine white jet-stream flowing from the peak of her triangular-positioned hooves. It looked just like the kind that formed when attempting a sonic rainboom. Naturally, this piqued her curiosity. Perhaps she had discovered some new trick? Perhaps the next tier of rainboom? There was only one way to find out.

And so in a last ditch attempt to try and find out what lay behind this new barrier, Rainbow plunged. She dove straight down, from her elevation of eighty thousand feet, beating her wings furiously.

She grinned when she saw what looked to be the start of what appeared to be the second tier of rainboom.

The white jet-stream now had a silver hue to it, and seemed to spark off the peak of her hooves in swirling silver tendrils. Rainbow half-regretted not being able to see it fully for herself, but she was happy enough to take pride in the new discovery, and brag about it for the rest of her natural life.

The seam was about to break and Rainbow Dash had no idea what to expect. But what had happened was definitely not what she had even taken into consideration.

A bright, white light flashed violently into existence like a lightening bolt, sending off huge amounts of magical energy. Shades of grey, black and white radiated from the magical explosion Rainbow Dash had created. Any unicorn within a one hundred mile radius would be able to pick up the signal.

Inside the flash of magic, Rainbow's skin started to tingle, and her fur was sparking with static electricity. Her flying suit had been ripped to shreds by the shear force of the wind. It was a huge surprise that Rainbow had not been ripped apart like that at all.

At first she had thought that she'd flown through an active thunder head, but upon further investigation, there wasn't a drop of water in sight.

The next thing she noticed, was that her body was starting to change. Her hind legs were elongating and filling out. Her fur and tail had disappearing but her mane remained. Her fore-legs were now elongated like here hind-legs, but now had weird, almost claw-like appendages at the ends of them. Her face started to flatten out, her waist started to curve and her chest started to expand slightly.

Rainbow Dash was officially freakin' out.

What was worst of all about the transformation though, was the loss of her wings. Rainbow Dash watched as what ever being was doing this, cruelly took away her wings from her, as they molded into her now upright back.

The change had been painless, but the most horrifying thing she had ever experienced. The next thing she saw was a mound of green and brown. Then, all was black, and she felt only the pain of being slammed into the earth. It wasn't as painful as she had thought hurdling towards the ground at mach thirteen speeds would have been. It looked as if she was at least given the blessing of a peaceful landing in compensation for her now mutilated body.

Rainbow Dash cursed up a storm while writhing on the ground in pain (it might have not been a mach thirteen impact, but it still wasn't a soft landing by any measure) for a few seconds before sitting up in a panic. That was a bad idea, she thought as she gripped her now pounding head.

She tried again to sit up, this time slower, and found that she was in a land completely unknown to her. She was surrounded by trees with leafs of varying colours and shades, and the are had a small chill to it.

"Damn, just how far did I fly?" She though to herself.

She laid back down, and then a second, more horrifying thought breached her mind. "What if... what if no one was around to see the stunt?! What if all that glory went to waste!?!?!"

Rainbow Dash was broken out of her thoughts by the sound of hoof-steps coming closer and closer. But she was to tired to get back up and see who it was, so she just laid there. Eyes pointed towards to sky, trying to find even a trace of the energy blast that had changed her body and sent her so far away.

Suddenly, a figure wondered into her peripheral vision. It definitely wasn't a pony. And it definitely didn't have hooves. It was to tall for that, and it had the same appendages that rainbow had gained. It walked on its hind-legs, making it stand about one-hundred-eighty centimeters tall. It was fully dressed in some sort of blue leggings, and what looked like some kind of black jacket. Rainbow noted that it too was hairless, with the exception of a radiant blonde mane growing from atop its head.

It was a strange sight to see. Nothing Rainbow Dash had ever seen could come close to what she saw now(maybe with the exception of the bipedal diamond dogs, but this creature was significantly less atrocious). From the looks of it, the creature appeared to be male. But Rainbow had no way of confirming this since the being's clothes covered nearly all of its body.

Rainbow Dash was suprised when she heard the creature talk. It said "Hey, uh... are you okay? What are you doing on the ground...? Naked..."

Rainbow Dash sat up and her eyes widened a bit in shock. This creature could speak, and it spoke her language! What are the odds? She didn't know exactly what to say, but she managed to ask "Y-you speak Equestrian?"

"Um... English, French and a little bit of Spanish, but not Equestrian. Horses don't have a language... they just sorta whinny" the thing responded sarcastically.

"What do mean? Who, and what are you?!" Rainbow shouted at the creature before her.

The thing in question quirked an eyebrow at Rainbow Dash in confusion and said "Um, the names Ray, Ray Marcone... As for what I am, I'm human... Like you".

The statement confused Rainbow Dash until she looked herself over. She had the exact same body makeup that this Ray had, with a few exceptions. She looked at the appendages at the ends of her fore-legs, gazed at them quizzically and asked "So, what are these?" Holding out her hands in-front of her face.

Ray deadpanned, and slapped his hand to his forehead. "Those would be called, hands" he said sarcastically while holding his hands out. "Man, why'd I have to find a kook? She must have hit her head or something..." Ray solemnly thought to himself, shaking his head.

"Okay, well um... where exactly are we?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Did you hit your head on anything?" Ray countered her question.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and said "I only flew here at mach thirteen speeds breaking the second tier of rainboom, and slammed into the ground after having my body transformed into this-" she gestured at herself. "-human body or whatever you called it by unknown magical forces! Yeah I might have bumped a thing or too" she finished, blowing a few stray strands of hair from her face and crossing her arms across her chest.

When she looked back at Ray, she saw that he had the most incredulous expression she had ever seen on anyone. Ray crossed his arms over his chest in a similar manner and rested his head on his hand. He sighed and remarked to himself "Yep, she definitely hit her head..."

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to protest, but Ray beat her by saying, "look, you're obviously lost and confused... and naked," Ray blushed at Rainbow Dash's naked form. "So hows about you come with me, I'll get you clothed fed and figured out" he finished in a nonchalant tone.

Rainbow Dash hated how he regarded her in such an uncaring and cold tone. But he was her only hope of getting anywhere right now seeing as she had no idea where she was, or what had happened to her. So she simply huffed out a "fine" under her breath.

Ray leaned over Rainbow Dash and extended his arm to her, asking "can you stand?"

Rainbow nodded and hooked her arm around Ray's, making him quirk an eyebrow at the odd act. Rainbow just regarded him with a "what". Ray just shook his head and continued to lift Rainbow to her feet.

Once she was standing Ray took off his jacket and held it out towards her, revealing a black collared shirt with an intricate design etched into it, and said to her "here, put this on. People are going to think you're crazy if you walk around stark naked". Ray helped Rainbow Dash into it, doing up the buttons for her as well, blushing lightly the entire time. Since she was significantly shorter -about fifteen centimeters shorter- the jacket covered a lot more, reaching down to her mid-thigh. Ray was satisfied that it wouldn't make her look indecent, and started to walk away, gesturing for Rainbow to follow.

However, when Rainbow Dash had tried to walk like Ray did, she stumbled to her knees. Ray caught her before she fell flat on her face, and with a short, uncharacteristic burst of worry, asked "are you okay?"

Rainbow shook her head and said "looks like I can't walk after all".

Ray facepalmed and sighed. "Looks like I'll have to carry you then".

"Wait wha- OOF" Before she could question him, Ray picked her up and slung her across his back, carrying her in a piggy-back style. Rainbow Dash's face reddened in embarrassment at the fact that she needed to be carried instead of using her own strength, and Ray inwardly blushed at the feel on Rainbow Dash's surprisingly soft skin, and the fact that he was carrying a fairly attractive girl on his back...

Ray and Rainbow Dash walked for a few minutes in silence. Rainbow Dash was too busy taking in the scenery trying to discern where she was, and Ray just making his way back to wherever he was taking his passenger.

After a few minutes of looking around, Rainbow Dash had discovered that she had landed in a park in some big city. The city was much MUCH larger than any she had ever seen in her entire life! The buildings towered over the landscape, reaching high into the horizon. She noticed that all kinds of sounds emanated from the mysterious cluster of buildings, from squealing tires to high pitched sirens.

Rainbow Dash regarded Ray and asked "hey uh, where exactly are we?".

Ray responded in that neutral tone of his, "Toronto".

"Where's that?"Rainbow continued.


"Where's Ontario?"

Ray gave her a curious look, and continued sarcastically "Canada. Of north America. Of Earth. Of solar system. Of The Milky Way. Of the universe..."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at the snarky reply, and said mockingly "Well thanks". After a few more moments, she said, "Wait... Earth? What's that?"

Ray gave her a calculating look, attempting to try and figure out whether she was genuinely oblivious to the fact that she was on earth, or if she was just playing around. But she seemed to serious to for shits and gigs, and so Ray explained to her in that oh so charming manner of his, "Yes Earth. The third planet orbiting the sun. Seven continents, one-hundred-ninety-four countries, six-thousand-five-hundred languages, seven billion people, and five-hundred-eight-million-four-hundred-fifty-thousand square kilometers of planetary surface... That answer your question?" He finished in a mock sweet tone.

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes at Ray and simply said, "well I've never heard of this earth place where I'm from. And I've never seen one of you either. So forgive me from being a little curious".

Ray just rolled his eyes, making a mental note to get this mysterious girl a head examination when he takes her to the doctor's.

"So, I still haven't learned your name yet" Ray stated quizzically.

"My name, is Rainbow Dash. Fastest flier in all of Equestria, element of loyalty and idol of the people!" She replied arrogantly, thumping her fist against her chest.

"Oh wow, she's either absolutely off her rocker, or on drugs... or both. Maybe she's a hippy? That would explain her interesting choice in hair dye" Ray thought to himself, regarding the girls multicoloured hair that spilled down to the middle of her back. It seemed to frame her face perfectly, shining in the sun like a real rainbow. Such a shame that the pretty ones were more often than not crazy...

"Well Rainbow Dash," Ray said the name jokingly, "it appears as if we've arrived at our destination.

"Huh?" Rainbow looked ahead and saw that they were now standing outside of a long and tall, seven floor building made out of some kind of aging brick and shiny glass. There was ivy growing up the sides of the building, and the entrance looked like it was nothing more than a large pane of glass.

"Home sweet home" Ray exclaimed half-mockingly half-happy-to-be-home, gesturing to the building.

Rainbow Dash went wide eyed, and asked "you live here? This place is huge!"

Ray chuckled a bit, and explained, "no RD, I live in in one of the apartments here. This place is basically a large collection of separate homes".

Rainbow Dash nodded in understanding. That made a lot more sense than one person living here.

Ray walked into the building, and Rainbow awed when she saw the glass pane move just from Ray walking up to it, she assumed that either he, or it was just magic. But Ray showed no signs of being magically inclined; seeing as he picked her up with his arms instead of a magical aura. Maybe the door had an enchantment? Who knows; she wasn't a unicorn.

She saw Ray take out some sort of card, and press it against a black pad next to the door leading into the actual building. Whatever he had done with the card had made the door open by itself just like the last one had. But she made note that this one required some sort of key to make the door open.

"What was that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"What, you mean this?" Ray replied, holding up the card he was about to place back in his pocket.

"Yeah that thing..." Dash said suspiciously.

"This is my pass key. I just press the striped side against the scanner over there and the door unlocks for me" he explained blankly.

"Oh, that makes sense... I guess..." Rainbow finished.

Ray paid no mind to the last statement, and walked through the open door with Rainbow Dash still on his back. He made his way over to some silvery doors and pressed a button that lit up after he'd touched it. Then, the doors opened up to reveal a small metallic room with mirrors on the walls.

Ray walked in, let Rainbow stand on her own for a while so he could rest his shoulders, and pressed the button that said 'seven' on it. Rainbow Dash looked at him quizzically, and asked "Wait... this is where you live? A measly little room of mirrors?"

She was relieved when she saw Ray laugh at the statement. "No RD, this is an elevator. It'll take us up to the floor that I live in. It saves us a trip up the stairs".

Rainbow Dash had no idea about what Ray was talking about, but didn't question it not wanting to sound stupid in front of him. She already worried about his opinion about her.

So instead of saying anything, Rainbow Dash took this time to examine her new body in the mirrors. She noticed that she stood smaller than Ray by about half a head. She noticed the difference in size between the two of them. Ray had a more muscular build, with defined arms and more broad shoulders; where as she had slender arms and legs with a slightly larger chest than Ray. While she wasn't as defined as Ray was, she didn't lack any muscle. It just wasn't as noticeable as Ray's.

All in all, she didn't mind her new figure. Sure, she had to deal with not being a pony, and not having wings, but at least she wasn't horribly disfigured in any other way. Though Ray might argue that her mental state was a little deranged.

Rainbow was startled out of her self ogling as the elevator dinged, signalling that they had reached their floor. Ray picked Rainbow up again onto his back, and walked through the door out into the hallways.

"Woah, warn me next time!" Rainbow Dash scolded.

"Meh" Ray lazily replied. "Hey look, we're finally here" Ray continued as he pulled out his passkey. He slid it into the black scanner, and the door made some weird screwy noises, meaning that it must have unlocked.

Ray twisted the door nob, and after warning Rainbow to mind her head, walked into the apartment...


A/N: There was probably a lot of physics defying bullshittery involved in that first sequence with Rainbow Dash flying, but whatever it's fiction. The chapter ended a little abruptly, but I didn't want an overly huge chapter. I hope this story is has at least piqued the interest of a few readers. I strive towards that seemingly unattainable goal of reaching the feature box. So help me out by RR, and have a nice night. Check out some of my other stories if it tickles your fancy, and don't be afraid to share this badass story with any bros you may converse with regularly.