• Published 28th Jul 2019
  • 1,893 Views, 175 Comments

Several Silly Short Stories for Sunday - Admiral Biscuit

Have you ever wondered why you shouldn't drink applejack or eat a spicy salad? This is why.

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Chapter the Second

Apple Munchies poked the body on her blanket with a stick.

The body did nothing.

He’d stopped breathing a while ago, and she’d tried earth pony healing magic and CPR, but neither had done anything useful. That was too bad; he’d been kind of cute.

Her eyes darted over to the mostly-empty bottle of apple blossom brandy, and she wondered if that had been the cause, then dismissed it. She’d been drinking out of the same bottle, and she was just fine. A little bit tipsy, yes, that was the point of alcohol, but certainly not passing-out drunk, and especially not dead.

As distasteful as it was, she couldn’t leave a body cluttering up her yard, not to mention it wouldn’t do to report it to the authorities. There was nothing they could do about it, and she’d be left with lots of boring paperwork and interviews which was hardly her idea of a fun time.

He should have told her that he couldn’t hold his liquor.

* * *

Getting the body on her back was the first challenge. He was floppy and heavy and she had to sort of push him partially upright and then let him fall onto her, then shift him around as best she could until he was more or less balanced.

His arms and legs hung off and she had to walk carefully to avoid stepping on them as she walked to Applejack’s farm.

* * *

It would have been more polite to dump him off around the corner before knocking, but she didn’t relish the idea of trying to pick him up again, and it felt undignified to have to drag him by her teeth, so she left him draped across her back as she gently pounded on the door.

A few moments later, Applejack opened it, and looked at her in confusion. “Munchies? What brings you around at this hour?”

“Little problem,” she said, tilting her head towards her back.

Applejack glanced around her. “Ah. Is he dead?”

“As a doornail.”

“What happened?”

“I don’t know. We were drinking out back of my place, and then he laid down and then after a while he stopped breathing and that was that.”

“Did you take him to the hospital?”

“What for? Dead’s dead.”

“Fair.” Applejack reached over and grabbed her Stetson. “Well, looks like you’re gonna owe me for this.”

“I know.” She shifted her weight then bounced her back—he was starting to slide off. “I don’t mean to be rude, but he’s no lightweight.”

“Of course. Just step back a bit and get turned around, and I’ll follow you out to Piggington’s pen.”

“I really appreciate this.”

* * *

Getting him into the pen wasn’t too difficult. Applejack stood guard, lest Piggington be too eager for a midnight meal, and Apple Munchies simply sat down on her rump, causing his corpse to slide off into the muck. She had to tug a little bit to get her tail out from under him, but that was a small price to pay.

Once she was out of the pen, the two mares hooked their forelegs over the fence and watched Piggington work. There was something both morbid and yet beautiful as he sniffed at the corpse and then dug into the flesh.

“It’ll take a couple days,” Applejack said. “On account of how big he is.”


“I don’t know how long it takes humans to spoil . . . could be he won’t eat it all, but I can tell Fluttershy to send her vultures over. They’ll take what’s left.”