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A plague of madness: part 2

A plague of madness: part 2

Last chapter: “No, Grand Inquisitor, as I said, it was only till now could I do this as the pony has unlocked the madness in his mind, he is now mine, as I control the cane and the cane controls him.” He replies as he gets his footing, he turns to face the Grand Inquisitor with an evil grin on his face, “Now we CAN take that planet...but in time.”

<Three months later>

<In Ponyville 11:30PM>

Ponyville has been rebuilt to its original state from before the war thanks to Mathis’ help with the mechs, Canterlot’s streets have been cleared and the C.O.C and L.R.M.S have been taken down, the doors that they emerged from left alone with grass and plants growing over them. The entrance to the underground rooms below the weapons gone but a long corridor replacing the entrance that leads towards the mech facility, a teleporter used to connect the two corridors together. The only remnants of the war is the ships that lay in the ground, grass covering them slightly, and the mechs, tanks and jets that are scattered around Equestria.

Twilight wakes up suddenly as she is woken up by a rapid knocking on the front door; she quickly gets out of bed and trots downstairs to get to the door, she opens the door to see Treacle stood, she looked panicked and scared of something, “Oh thank god you’re okay. Listen, Twilight, you have to get out now...ARGH!” she says before clutching at her head, “You...You need to get out, not out of your...your house, out...out of erm...out of Ponyville, yes Ponyville...” she adds as she becomes confused, having trouble getting the right words, “...Moonshine, she and I have a connection to Kieron, his madness has been released, and now it’s affecting us, I can feel it, soon it will get to her, I am mentally stronger than her so I can hold it off, as for her...I don’t know.” She adds, well timed as a loud, rapid banging comes from upstairs.

“Twiiiilighhhht!” a voice calls out, “Let me out of this room, I want to see you, please?” it asks in a normal voice as if nothing was wrong. Twilight looks at Treacle who shakes her head, she then walks in and closes the door.

“This madness, I’ve seen it before on humans, it causes them to become sex crazed, but Moonshine is ALWAYS sex crazy, so it will have a different effect on her, maybe causing her to be normal like you and me.” She explains as the knocking continues, “I could be wrong though, listening to it, it sounds as though she has already changed, she sounds...normal for her but creepily evil and seductive.” She adds as she listens to the pony upstairs ramble on.
“I should really go upstairs and...” Twilight replies only to be interrupted by Treacle.

“NO! No, don’t her out; she could spread the madness to you, then others. You get out of here; I’ll go and sort her out, since the madness will consume me too, sooner or later.” She then opens the door with her magic, pushes Twilight out the library, closes the door, takes a deep breath and slowly makes her way upstairs.

From outside, Twilight listens as the knocking suddenly stops, a click can be heard, that must be Moonshine’s door, and then a thud can be heard. ‘What could be going on? Why is Treacle acting so scared? What is this madness she was on about?’ Twilight questions herself in her head; she then walks off towards Sugarcube Corner to get Pinkie. As she walks towards the candy store she hears a small scream come from within the library, she looks back to see Treacle jump out the balcony door with Moonshine right behind her, she goes to jump off the edge but Moonshine grabs her hind legs and pulls her back so that they meet face against face. Treacle trying her best to get away from Moonshine but can’t get out of her grasp.

They both stare at each other as Moonshine’s glare begins to turn into that of the type that Trixie and Kieron had, the grin on her face growing, Twilight can just about hear them talking, “Join us Treacle, my sister. Join us and we can convert many more, help us spread the madness...” she says, a pony behind Twilight walks up beside her and begins to talk at exactly the same time as Moonshine, “We are one, but yet we are many. I control you all but yet we work as one. We are many but work as one. We are the madness and the madness is you...even you Twilight.” They both say as Twilight looks at the pony beside her in shock then looking back at Moonshine who’s gaze has shift to look directly at her, the eyes piercing her head, the glare stunning her still as if it had turned her to stone.

Treacle then calls out to her, “GO, TWILIGHT! Get out before they get you!” Moonshine then slams her against the balcony to silence whilst still glaring at Twilight. The pony that was next to Twilight then begins to walk towards her, at first she couldn’t make out who it was but she could tell it was female by the voice. As the pony got closer she could make out more about the figure as she backed away from it, the pony had a horn, medium length mane that was a very light blue...

It took her a while to try and think who this pony could be but she finally realised who it was just as the pony came face to face with her, it was Trixie, “Twilight, Trixie used to hate you, for what you did to her but now Trixie will have her turn to shame you. Join us, join the madness...” she says to her as she uses her magic to push Twilight onto the ground and lays herself on top of her, “You are mentally strong, so we will have to weaken that...there is only one way Trixie can do that......pleasure.” she adds just before locking her lips against Twilight’s. Twi tries her best to shake Trixie off but she can’t do anything as she has her pinned.

Trixie lowers a hoof to between Twilight’s haunches and begins to rub hard and fast, a shiver of pleasure rushes through Twilight’s body, her mind starting to scramble as the pleasure works its way through her, she can’t believe this is happening to her, the pleasure starting to overwhelm her as she loses herself and begins to kiss back, Moonshine giving off a larger grin as it is working, Treacle watching in vein as she can’t move from her sister’s grasp.

<Mech facility>

Kieron is walking through the main room with a large trolley following him, it is covered with a cloth so that whatever is underneath cannot be seen, and it was following him without him even touching it or holding it. He walks down the corridor that leads to the med-lab but instead of turning right to get to it he turns left to face a large cargo lift, his puts both hands in front of himself and then moves them to the side causing the doors to open, he steps to the side and wave a hand past him as the trolley rolls past him into the lift, he then steps into it, a hologram of Mathis appears, “Sir, I don’t know how but there have been reports of ponies going missing, lots of them, about 20 in total, do you know anything about them?” he questions as Kieron stares at him with a serious, evil stare, “Also, you have been spending a lot of time in that underground facility, what is going on, sir? What is in the trolley? I would like it if you were to go to the med-lab immediately for a check-up.” He adds.

Kieron continues to stare at him before putting his arms out to his side and bringing them together in front causing the lift door to shut. Mathis puts hand to his chin and thinks hard about what is going on, ‘Something is wrong, he isn’t himself. He seems...different like when he......OH GOD NO!” he adds as he releases something and disappears.
The lift reaches the bottom floor, the doors open and Kieron walks out down a large, 5m by 5m corridor towards a bulkhead door at the far end. The trolley following him jolts slightly to the side as if something hit it; he looks back at the trolley and bangs on it, he then continues down the corridor as a bang emits from the trolley. He soon reaches the end of the corridor, the bulkhead door unlocks and then opens, the room on the other side was dark but full of noises, they sounded like moans of pleasure and giggles of craziness, and he walks into the room with the trolley close behind him.

Some of the giggling stops as he enters, some shadows can be seen as figures dash about, one shadow closes in on him as he turns to face the trolley, it sneaks up behind him as he reaches for the covers, it jumps up and launches at Kieron who turns quickly and raises a hand to grab the pony by the neck and straight away puts him arms around it whilst kissing at it, it returns the kiss as a couple of other ponies emerge from the shadows and walk up to the trolley to see what’s inside.

Kieron puts the pony down and turns to the trolley, pulls the cover off and throws it across the room, the ponies stare as one giggles with excitement, Kieron climbs on top of the trolley and looks over the edge to look inside the bars. Inside was yet another pony, he reaches down to unlock the door and opens it; the pony remained in the corner scared. The pony that was giggling with excitement dives for the door and grabs at the pony’s legs, drags it out and begins to sexually harass it, the pony that was in the trolley was Colgate and on top was BerryPunch but she had gone crazy with the madness, it looks as though all of the ponies in here have got the madness.

Kieron then begins to shake as he starts to morph into the creature that rampaged through Ponyville a while ago. He then walks over to BerryPunch and Colgate, lowers down beside them, pushes Berry off as Colgate is moaning with pleasure, gets on top of her, opens his jaw fully and then jolts forwards covering her face with his split jaw as he puts his hands against the sides of her head, the madness starting to spread to her as she starts to squirm and panic. The transmission soon is over and he lets go, taking his hands off her and lifting his head up, he watches as she shakes violently as the madness starts to take control.

All of the ponies then begin to take at the same time, “Join us Colgate, let the madness take over you. Succumb to the feeling, let yourself be a puppet to the power. Join us and you will be rewarded.” She stops shaking as the madness takes full control, she then opens her eyes to have the ‘glare’ and looks around at the other ponies, of which a couple are rubbing themselves, others having a good time together.

<Canterlot castle>

Celestia is in her study reading a book that she found in Kieron’s room, it was about his past, a diary about all of the things he has done in his life. She continues to read only to be interrupted by a knock on her door, “Sorry but I’m busy at the moment.” She says only for the knocking to come again but louder.

“Princess Celestia, I know you aren’t busy, I have checked your timetable. This is an urgent matter concerning the ponyknappings.” The voice calls out to her. She gets up, puts the diary on the table and walks over to the door, opens it to see Dr Atom stood at the door, he then adds, “I have a lead on the ponyknappings.”