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Chapter 5: A Disturbing Secret

Chapter 5: A Disturbing Secret

Last chapter: Kieron and Zeldax stop running to catch their breath, “God only....knows what’s going on....in her room....” he wonders, just then a loud moan can be heard from the open window to Celestia’s room, “I would love to be a fly on her wall right now but at the same time, I don’t want to know.” He comments. The two of them then continue back to Ponyville discussing what to do for the foreseeable future.


Nine months have passed and nothing big or dramatic has changed since the Overseer’s arrival apart from his own security system he implemented in Ponyville. They consist of eight miniature, automated Havoc mechs that keep guard of the village. Two stand outside the doors of the village hall, two outside of the library because not only is it home to Twilight Sparkle but is home to his very own pony, Moonshine, who Twilight agreed to keep in check and give a home for her. One mech stands at Rarity’s home, one at Fluttershy’s cottage, one at Sugarcube corner and one patrolling Sweet Apple acres.

The Overseer himself continues to work in the mech hanger, always trying to make new designs and new parts for them, he does however do some errand jobs for Dr Atom Discharge who lives in the neighbouring observatory. He sometimes goes up into space using a mech and collects moon samples for him. Zeldax left the facility a few weeks ago with the challenge of surviving in the Everfree forest for a year.

<SKULL mech facility>

The main room is empty apart from a mech hologram in the centre of the room. Loud animalistic roaring can be heard coming from down a corridor. In the small medical bay there is a surgical table upright vertically facing away from the door, it shakes violently as the thing attached to it struggles, a loud roar emits from it as a pair of dragon-like wing burst open from its back spraying the walls with blood.

A robotic arm with a needle on the end lowers from the ceiling down to its neck; it suddenly shoves the needle in and administers the serum contained in it. After a few minutes the table stops shaking and the wings fold back in.

Moonshine enters the med-bay not even phased by it all. As she makes her way round the table she sees the wings morph back into the creature’s skin.

When she reaches the front she can see it isn’t a creature after all but instead is the Overseer whose body has gone limp, head hanging down with his lower jaw split into four segments also hanging down, “You have to tell them at some point, Kieron. This secret won’t stay hidden for much longer.” She tells him.

“Yeah, I...argh....Ouch. Yes I know. But for mow nopony does know but you, Mathis, me and Zeldax.” He replies as his lower jaw fuses back to one piece and the restraints release him.

“True but not anymore, Twilight knows about it now.” She disagrees with him as she looks past him towards the door where a frightened, little filly is stood looking around frantically at the blood all over the place whilst shaking as he approaches her.
“What in Equestria are you?” she questions him, he puts his hand on her head and tells her about what he truly is.
“I tell you what. You should go to Canterlot castle, invite everypony to come and then tell everypony who and what you really are. I mean, if you don’t, I will.” She advises him, Twilight knodding in agreement.

“So be it. I will do it. Say next week? NO! Tomorrow at 3PM. Twilight, would you mind helping me organise it? It would be a great help. By the way, I can see your influence on Moonshine is working, she’s awfully calm.” He replies to Moonshine’s offer.

He then tells Mathis to send a note to Celestia about what he plans to do tomorrow. The three of them then walk out discussing on what to do today, “Hay, would you like to come watch the race? It’s me against the one and only Rainbow Dash, it’ll be great, I have something up my sleeve for her. Oh wait, there’ll be other racers too, just some ponies that want to prove themselves.” He excitedly claims as he remembers about it.

Twi and Moonshine then rush off to the start line of where the autumn run is held whilst Kieron heads for the mech hanger.

<At the start line>

All the contestants that are in the race are either warming up or posing in front of some of the audience. Moonshine and Twilight arrive at the line to see pretty much the whole village here to watch, as they make their way over to Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash suddenly lands down at the line from no-where and immediately strikes a pose to show off her awesomeness.

After a few minutes of posing, warm-ups and showing off the contestants line up as Pinkie Pie in her balloon call out that Kieron is almost here. As Ambush is walking closer to the line an electrical effect flashes around it, once the effect disappears the mech can no longer be seen, this dumbfounded Pinkie as she searches for the mech.

The contestants all wait patiently for Kieron to arrive but no-one turns up, “Aw c’mon. Where is he?” Rainbow asks herself, “It’s almost 11:30 and we start soon.” As she looks over towards the village hall clock it looks distorted as if a lens was put in front of her, she moves her head around a bit to see if the same effect persists, it did. As she looks she sees a dim 3 by 2 set of red lights looking down at her.

“Rainbow Dash, you’re a fast-flier, huh? We’ll see about that.” A voice echoes from in front of her as a mech suddenly appears in front of her as if it were invisible a second ago. The mech stood tall next to Rainbow as they all prepared for the start, wings flapped, boosters blared and breaths heavy. A trumpet sounds as Princess Celestia is stood in her chariot above and in front of the start line.

“May you all race well. Good luck, all of you. Ready...set...GO!” she shouts out starting them off as multiple pegasi wiz past and a large mech slowly following them but as she watches the rear-end boosters light up suddenly propelling it forwards at an alarming speed.

Kieron soon catches up to the crowd of pegasi that was led by Rainbow, he comes along side them then next to Rainbow herself as she flies along not even breaking a sweat. The ‘wings’ on the core of the mech extend diagonally and unfold revealing the boosters, they quickly charge up and thrust it forward away into the lead, Rainbow being the pony she is didn’t like the fact someone can fly faster than her and races after him.

Halfway into the race everypony is dodging trees as they close in on the finishing line, Rainbow and Kieron way ahead of the rest but Rainbow tries to be sneaky as she rises up above the tree line allowing her a straight, clean path. She started to gain on Kieron for a brief moment before Celestia witnessed this and did not approve as this was seen as cheating, she then uses her magic to animate a tree that pulls Rainbow back down and then creates an invisible barrier that prevents anyone and anypony from trying the same trick.

As the race goes on Rainbow and Kieron fight for first place as he tries to swing for her and she sometimes hitching a ride. The finish line came into view, Kieron took one last swing at her and just misses but the gust of wind that followed causes her to spin out allowing him to take the lead. She soon gets her bearing and chases him down.

Just as he is about 100 metres off the finish line an alarm beeps indicating that the mech has been overboosting for far too long and has run out of energy. The mech then falls to the ground as the boosters flicker then go off completely; he quickly takes action by pulling the ejector cord which causes the top part of the core to split open sideways and launching his pilot chair and him up in the air towards the line, Rainbow sees this and seizes the opportunity, rushing to the line as fast as she possibly can even coming to the edge of causing a sonic rain-boom.

Kieron lands just short, he quickly unties himself and dives for the line just as Rainbow herself dives for the line, they both cross the line at the same time, and the crowd goes crazy even Luna is bouncing with excitement by the amazing performance given off by the two of them.

The two of them stand up as they’re swarmed by the crowds, as the cheering continues they begin to argue with each other about who really won. As the argument heated up, Twilight, Moonshine, Luna and the others manage to squeeze their way through the crowd to the argumentative couple. Luna approaches Kieron and gives him a kiss to congratulate his victory.
“Um, Princess, What are you doing?” Twi asks her.

“Congratulating him of course, he did win, didn’t he?” she replies as she becomes worried that she may have just kissed him by mistake.

“No, they finished at exactly the same time.” She explains to Luna.

“That’s good enough for me.” Kieron interrupts, perking his lips for another kiss.

The crowds of ponies then begin to chant, “Kiss, kiss, kiss” repeating themselves, Luna looks round frantically as she is nervous realising so many ponies are watching, as the chanting continues it starts to become annoying to her as she rolls her eyes and wraps her front legs round Kieron, giving him a big kiss. The crowds roar as they continue to kiss.
“What about me? What do I get?” Rainbow questions jealously.

“I’ll give you a snog, I mean kiss.” Calls out a pony from behind her, she turns to where the voice came from to be knocked to the ground by a pink Pegasus who straight away locks their lips together.

‘Tia approaches to congratulate the winners only to witness Luna kissing Kieron and Moonshine on top of Rainbow Dash kissing her as everypony else stands and watches, cheering. She walks over to Twilight and starts up a completely random conversation whilst watching, “So, my faithful student, has anything happened lately that you wish to tell me?” she asks her.
“No, not at all, although there is...no, I shouldn’t say, you’ll find out tomorrow, Princess.” She replies.

“Oh, is that so.” Celestia responds wondering what it could be.

Kieron pushes Luna off of him as she almost suffocates him by the kiss, “Christ, how long can you kiss for? Anyway, I must go.” He walks off through towards the mech facility to be engulfed by the crowd leaving the mech laid in the park.
Luna stands in the middle of the crowd in confusion. Was it something I said? Did I do something wrong? Does he like me? I get the hint he does but what if he doesn’t? She thinks to herself as Celestia tries to push her out of the crowd.
“Come on Luna, move will you. We have some work to do.” Celestia says to her.

“Do you think he likes me?” she replies as she begins to work her way out of the crowd.

“Whatever do you mean?” ‘Tia asks.

“Well, I get the feeling that he likes me but I’m not sure.” She comments.

“But I thought it was Moonshine you liked.” Celestia says to her as they reach the edge of the crowd.

“Not anymore, she’s got Twilight.” She replies, “Anyway, let’s go home.” They then fly off to Canterlot as the guards follow them.

<On the way to the mech facility>

Kieron is walking along a lonely path toward the facility, “Why do I feel this way? I am human, well sort of and she is a pony, this is not right. Why? Why do I love her? I DO NOT LOVE HER! Yes you do. NO! Trust your feelings, you know you do, just succumb to your true feelings, Kieron, let me in. I want to control you. NO, I WON’T YOU!” he shouts to himself as he argues with himself.

The mane 6 and Moonshine catch up to Kieron to see him on all fours grunting, “Kieron?” Moonshine calls out as she rushes over to him, when she gets to him he raises his head and his pupils and irises are all black, this creeps her out as she has never seen this before. As the others get to them he grabs her and roars in her face as his jaw splits into four, the roar increases in volume, echoing past the crowds still as the finish line, even the Princesses hear the noise and stop to look to where it came from to see them as tiny figures. As Kieron continues to roar a loud alarm blares from the facility, “WARNING, KIERON HAS APPROACHED THE THRESHOLD! All ponies get to your homes, NOW!” Mathis shouts out through a loud speaker.

The crowds here this and murmuring starts as the roaring continues, ‘Tia and Luna watch as the figure holding Moonshine morphs, wings rip out of its back, spraying blood onto Rarity and Fluttershy, his face stretches to that like Zeldax’s, his leg bones crack as they turn to that of a dog’s hind legs, his teeth become sharp and pointed, his hand have claws growing from them. He finishes roaring, throws Moonshine down and in a demonic voice shouts out, “LUNA!!”

Luna immediately gets a shiver run through her body with fear; the guards then advise them to get to Canterlot.

Fluttershy cowers behind Applejack as the creature in front of them stares at them as if they were lunch for it, “WHERE IS LUNA?!” he shouts at then causing Fluttershy to dash off to her cottage. Twilight steps forward and points over into the Everfree forest. He looks over at where she is pointing then looks back at her, “YOU’RE LYING!” he looks up over her to see a small white figure and an even smaller deep purple figure flying towards Canterlot, “See, you are lying. There is Luna.” He proves to her as he gives off a loud roar, spreads his wings and takes flight after her.

One guard looks behind to see the creature racing after them, “PRINCESSES, YOU NEED TO HURRY!” he shouts out to them as they look back to see nothing.

“What are you talking about? He’s not there.” Luna replies to him. Just then the creature dives down from above and tackles Celestia down towards the ground.

“CELESTIA, YOU WILL DIE FIRST! I shall have Luna last to savour the taste.” He shouts at her before roaring in her face. She thinks quickly, whilst he was roaring she hits him in the face making him release her, she then teleports back to Luna and teleports them to Canterlot, the guards then pursue the creature.

Kieron gets his bearing, lands down in the middle of Ponyville where there are many ponies rushing to their homes, “I’m hungry. Who shall be first?” he asks himself as he sees one pony that goes stray from the rest, he runs after it, grabs the pony, pins it to the floor and immediately starts to rip away at the pony’s sides with his claws, blood spurts everywhere as the pony screams in agony, other ponies run past not even attempting to help as the screaming dies down as the pony loses the will to live, he then rips out its guts, throwing them all over and begins to feast on the pony.

The mane 6 excluding Fluttershy make their way to Fluttershy’s cottage as Twilight quickly decides that they have only one option, the Elements of Harmony, they soon reach the cottage, “Fluttershy, we need you, we’re going to use the Elements of Harmony.” Moonshine calls out to her, head against the door.

Fluttershy opens the door slightly, “Are you sure? Will it stop him?” she questions.

“Yes it will for sure.” She answers.

“I don’t know, ok, I’ll do it.” She accepts to help.

They all them race towards the mech facility as Moonshine claims that they can use the teleporter to get to his room in Canterlot and then run the rest of the way avoiding him completely, on the way they hear distant screams as Kieron feasts of more ponies.

When they reach the facility three ponies in armour and mounted weapons on their backs run out towards Ponyville, at the same time the garage doors open and a bipedal Havoc mech exits walking towards Canterlot it then activates the boosters and flies to Canterlot.

As they go to enter the facility a hydra’s head falls down just next to them, a little bit of blood splashes up onto them, “NO, my cat, my beautiful coat. How much more blood is going to get on it?” Rarity complains as Zeldax jumps down from the roof.
“I heard a roar that can only mean one thing. Has he not taken his medicine?” he asks them.

“Yes, he had taken it early this morning.” Moonshine sharply replies.

“Then how is this possible? Never mind, I presume you have a plan?” he asks

“Yes, we’re going to get the Elements of Harmony to use them against him.” She explains.

“Right, well I know that you, Moonshine, are not required for that and we need a distraction to buy the rest of you some time, we have that distraction.” He claims as he looks at her, “Moonshine you come with me, the rest of you hurry as fast as you can.” Zeldax grabs at one of Moonshine’s ears and pulls her along as the others make their way inside.

Once inside Twilight leads them to the main room where the holographic figure of Mathis is stood looking at a holographic projection of Kieron indulging himself on yet another pony. He activates the teleporter and Twilight urges them through one by one before entering it herself.

<At Ponyville centre>

Kieron is still eating away at his third meal when one of the guard mechs from the village hall approaches to investigate the screams and commotion.

He notices the incoming mech and slides into a nearby alleyway, unaware of the trail of blood dripping from his mouth. The mech reaches the dead pony laid on the floor, half of its face gone and its guts spilled across the nearby flooring. As it searches the area it notices the trail of blood and follows it, as it gets closer to him he hides behind a large bin waiting for it to pass.

The mech cautiously continues to follow the trail, soon on the other side of the bin, it slowly walks round it as Kieron readies himself to pounce. The mech walks in front of him and he jumps up at it ripping the laser blade off its arm then onto its back pulling at the head as it struggles in an attempt to grab him. As he pulls on the head the ‘eye’ dots begin to flicker as the connection begins to fail.

Another mech detects the engagement and makes its way over to the alleyway. Once it reaches there it takes aim of Kieron with its shoulder-mounted railgun, it can’t get a steady shot as the other mech continues to struggle and move about. The second mech steadies itself as it aims at the mech’s core, it shoots instantly hitting it and penetrating straight through, the generator overloads and the mech explodes knocking Kieron back into the nearest wall.

The mech reloads, approaches him as his leg is almost completely detached, after a few seconds the flesh and skin begin to fuse back together as it rapidly regenerates the wound. He then suddenly jumps up over the mech and flees with the mech in quick pursuit. As he runs through Ponyville he spots the library and realises that it is the home to a Twilight Sparkle.
The mechs guarding her house begins to shoot multiple rounds, missiles and lasers at him as he dodges them; he jumps onto one of them and covers the ‘eye’ dots causing it to fire randomly everywhere, destroying the other guard mech. He then pulls the head off and rips out the wiring. He then flies up to the balcony as the front door is locked, slowly prays open the door and steps inside.

As he slowly searches the bedroom he doesn’t find anypony, he begins to search more frantically before hearing a noise from downstairs, it sounded like a book falling. He opens the bedroom door and peeks down to see nothing; he creeps down with his wings folded in, “AHH!! Who are you?” Spike shouts out in surprise, he scans the creature that makes its way down the stairs and stands tall in front of him. His heart begins to race as he gets the feeling that this creature isn’t friendly as he sees the creature staring straight into his eyes and blood on its teeth.

“You...where is Twilight?” the creature asks him whilst saliva dribbles from its mouth.

“I...I don’t know.” He replies, scared. Just as he finishes his sentence the creature grabs him, lifts him to its height, roars at him, and licks its lips as if it were about to eat him but then it suddenly drops him whilst clutching at its head, squirming around the room.

“ARGH!! What...what’s going on? Is that you Spike? Where are Twilight and Moonshine and the others? Why am I in the library?” he questions Spike as his voice turns to normal and his pupils returning normal. As Spike stands in fear and confusion, Zeldax and Moonshine burst through the door to see the creature stood calmly with no ounce of anger in it.

“Kieron?” Moonshine tries to talk to it.

“What’s happening Moonshine?” he replies, as Moonshine’s eyes grow large realising that Kieron is still in there somewhere, Zeldax doesn’t believe it is him but thinks that the creature is trying to fool them so that it can easily get them and dives at him dropping them both to the ground and Moonshine grabs Spike by the tail in her mouth and runs off with him to safety.
Zeldax pins the creature to the ground as it doesn’t resist but after a few seconds it grabs at its head again as its pupils dilate again and it roars at Zeldax before shoving him off with a great enough force to make him fly up through the roof. The creature then got up, looked around to get its bearings before realising that the little dragon was gone, it walks out side to see Zeldax land right next to him, unconscious. It looks up to Canterlot remembering Luna, spreads its wings before taking flight towards Canterlot.

<At Canterlot>

The mane 6 reaches Celestia’s study as two guards chase them as they had forced themselves in. Twilight barges the door open and they enter to see nopony in, they search the room desperately for the Princesses, “Do you think it got them?” Fluttershy asks quietly.

“No, no I don’t think it did. I saw them get away.” Applejack replies as she hugs Fluttershy to reassure her.

“Well then where are they?” Pinkie questions as she pops up out of the clothing drawers.

“They are right behind you all.” Celestia calls out from the door. The others rush over and begin to talk all at once as ‘Tia tries to make sense of the gibberish.

“One at a time please.” She tells them as she uses her magic to zip their mouths shut, “Right, Twilight, what is going on here?” she unzips their mouths as Twilight takes a breath.

“We were looking for you. We need you to unlock the doors to the Elements of Harmony. We are going to use them on Kieron.” She explains.

Celestia is unsure of it as she doesn’t know what it could do to him but then decides that it is the only option they have and leads them to the hall of the Elements of Harmony. They don’t take long to get there, as they walk down the hallway, a shadow whizzes past a window, Luna sees the shadow and notices it’s the creature as no other thing has that figure, she panics knowing its after her and pushes at ‘Tia to try and make them hurry.

“What are you doing Luna?” she asks her. Luna points at the shadow that flies across more windows, “IT’S HIM! Everypony hurry.” She calls out as they all rush towards the end the hall. As they get close to the end a window shatters as the creature busts its way in, it rises up covered in blood and shards of glass, ‘Tia looks back to see it dripping with blood as it slowly walks towards them.

Celestia rushes over to the door, places her horn on it as the door begins to unlock. The creature stops still and tilts its head to realise what is going on.

The door opens as Celestia jumps in front of the mane 6 protective over them. They walk over to the box and start to put on the jewellery as the creature begins to pull out the shards and throw them at ‘Tia as she blocks them with her magic.
Once it has pulled out all of the shards it begins to close in on them as Luna begins to have a mental breakdown, as it approaches another window shatters as Zeldax flies through heading straight for the creature and hitting them both off the brick wall.

Celestia runs over to try and help Zeldax as he pins down the creature and they both exchange blows, tears begin to well in her eyes, “STOP IT, BOTH OF YOU!!” she shouts at them as a tear runs down her cheek.

“Princess watch out!” Twilight shouts as they take aim, “Get Zeldax off him!” ‘Tia uses her magic to pull him off the creature and dives out the way as the jewels glow with magic and a large rainbow emits from them and works its way over to the creature who attempts to fly away but is too late as the rainbow engulfs him.

Roaring and whooshing can be heard as the magic takes effect on him. Soon the roaring dies down into human screams of pain. The rainbow soon disappears revealing Kieron weak on the floor, they all rush over to help him, “Wha...what happened?” he weakly asks.

“Shh, quiet for now. We’ll talk later.” Rarity comforts him whilst trying to rub off the blood on her coat.

<Three days later>

Kieron is in the hospital laid on a bed, vitals normal as Moonshine enters a nurse stops her, “I’m sorry but for now you will have to wait.” She informs her.

“Moonshine?” Kieron calls out slowly. Moonshine then is let over to him as they both approach him, “What happened?”

“I don’t know, really...” She replies, “But at least everything is back to normal now. So for now just rest.”