• Published 8th Aug 2012
  • 28,330 Views, 1,780 Comments

Dark Wanderings - ed2481

Twilight journeys to the Capital Wasteland

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Day 4 part 3 end of day 4

Day 4 Part 3

Twilight flashed into existence shocking Fawkes out of his boredom. He raised his weapon and prepared to unleash hell when he noticed who had come out of the small flash of light.

“Twilight my friend I did not know that you could teleport.” Fawkes said lowering his gatling laser.

“Fawkes you have to help Ethan is in trouble!” Twilight exclaimed.

“It is Ethan, I’m sure he will be fine.” Fawkes told her calmly with a shrug.

“He sounded really worried Fawkes; to make matters worse he called me by my name instead of calling me Sparky!” She told him frantically. The mutant’s eyes widened in surprise and then narrowed.

“That is distressing, what was it that he was facing?” Fawkes asked her worriedly.

“There were two enormous mutants and one large one who was sitting on a throne of some kind.” Twilight told him.

“That is not good at all; Ethan was not outfitted to fight behemoths…” Fawkes said trailing off. “Twilight go to Charon and tell him exactly what you have told me, I will find someone else to guard this door in my absence.” Fawkes commanded. Twilight took off at a gallop towards the section of the museum that she’d met the ghouls the other day. Raul looked up from his desk in surprise.

“What do you need senorita?” The Ghoul in the poncho asked.

“Ethan’s been captured and I need your help to rescue him.” Twilight told the ghoul.

“Tell the boss, I’ll get my ammo.” Raul said gesturing towards the cafeteria door. Twilight ran into the cafeteria and found the other three ghouls in the same places as they had been yesterday.

“The unicorn is back, I have good news for you pony, we have bread for sandviches!” The heavy set ghoul told Twilight excitedly.

“Thanks but I’ll have to have one later, Mister Charon Ethan’s been captured by the supermutants!” Twilight told the ghoul who regarded her with a raised eyebrow (if he had eyebrows that is).

“Ethan is always getting captured, I’m sure he’ll be fine.” Charon told her dismissively.

“You don’t understand; the mutants had two behemoths!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Shit!” Charon said softly before he turned to the heavy ghoul and the thin one. “Nikita, Doc get your gear on we move in two minutes!” He told them, both ghouls nodded and set off down the corridor. “Where was Ethan being held?” Charon asked turning to Twilight.

“I don’t know; I left before anything happened but from the tone in Ethan’s voice I could tell that he was in trouble. I last saw him in the really tall room with the dome.” Twilight told the ghoul who nodded.

“Stay here Miss Sparkle, we’ll be right back.” He told her curtly before he left the room leaving Twilight alone in the cafeteria where she spent two agonizingly long minutes sitting in silence.

When they returned the four ghouls were wearing black almost chitinus power armor. None of them wore helmets with the exception of Raul who still wore the sombrero. Nikita the heavy set ghoul carried a large minigun (the word Vera could be easily read on the side). Doc the tall slim one carried a large plasma pistol while Raul carried two large ranger sequoias. Charon carried a riot shotgun.

“Alright Miss Sparkle stay behind us, we’re blasting our way through and rescuing my idiot of an employer and then leaving as fast as possible.” Charon told her with a nod as the five of them began walking out of the museum. Fawkes met them at the door and gave Charon a wide grin as he hefted his gatling laser.

“Once again we are being called upon to save Ethan.” Fawkes said with a smirk.

“Almost makes you think that we’re the heroes doesn’t it.” Charon replied with a matching smirk as the six walked out the door.

“Meh I’m here to make sure the boss’s husband doesn’t die, she’d probably find some way to bring him back but she’d still chow my ass for it.” Raul said dismissively.

“I’m here to kill giant mutants.” Nikita said simply hefting his large minigun. “Oh and Vera gets annoyed if I don’t take her on enough dates.” He added gently running his hand down the side of the gun.

“I just want to disec- I mean heal Ethan, his biology is very interesting.” Doc said with a slightly maniacal grin.

They made their way to the capital building and were (at least Twilight was) dismayed to find a large group of supermutants guarding the entrance.

“Okay we’ll advance in fireteam formation. Fawkes you and Nikita in the center while Raul and I cover your flanks. Twilight you and Doc bring up the rear.” Charon told them.

“I’m going to teleport in and rescue Ethan, you guys clear me a path.” Twilight countered. Charon raised an eyebrow but shrugged.

“Don’t die.” He told her.

“I’ll see you inside.” Twilight replied before she vanished in a flash.

“Always the dames.” Charon said shaking his head.


Ethan woke to the odd sensation of having large meaty fingers wrapped around his body, it wasn’t uncomfortable, but he wasn’t into that kind of thing. Instead of groaning or doing anything else to alert his captors to his to the fact that he was awake he remained perfectly still and allowed his breath to come in and go in the same manner it would as if he were sleeping. A sudden sharp increase of pressure on his ribs caught him unexpectedly and his eyes jerked awake in surprise. He found himself face to face with Dominus. The Nightkin looked at him with a smile before he leaned back and punched Ethan in the nose breaking it. Ethan grunted as blood streaked down his face and his nose popped back into place.

“You are a very fun toy.” Dominus told him with a smile.

“Do you flatter all of your boys that way?” Ethan asked with a smirk.

“But of course, what kind of host would I be if I didn’t?” Dominus asked him.

“Please tell me this is the part where you confidently tell me your plans, I love that part.” Ethan said with a grin.

“Very well, my plan is simple really. Overwhelm the Brotherhood with sheer numbers, turn the survivors into mutants, and then overrun the wasteland. You of course remain my prisoner until that’s done and then you become a mutant” Dominus said with a small grin.

“A little too simple for my tastes, personally I prefer the convoluted.” Ethan said with a head shake.

“Yes but the convoluted are easily thwarted by those of your persuasion.” Dominus replied with a shrug.

“If you don’t mind me asking, how exactly did you come across your accent? No offense but effeminate British accents are hard to come by in the wasteland.” Ethan asked with a thin smile.

“Is it that unbelievable that I speak like this naturally?” Dominus asked before he gave Ethan another punch to the face.

“No, but I’d hoped that you were just putting on a show so I didn’t have to listen to it for the remainder of my captivity. Oh and next time I prefer wine if you’re going to fuck me.” Ethan replied with a smirk, and then he felt another of his ribs snap. “Worth it.” He gasped around the pain of his ribs healing.

“You will not speak to me in that manner, I am the eventual destiny of all mankind and I will be treated as such!” Dominus said angrily.

“You are aware that you don’t have the capability of creating new life right?” Ethan asked with a pained smirk.

“You are aware that I will have all the manpower I need to conquer this brown dirtball we call a country after I turn all of your friends into supermutants right?” Dominus countered. Suddenly Ethan felt the supermutant’s fingers beginning to loosen slightly and he noticed a slight purple glow coming from the opposite side of the room. A mad gleam entered his eyes.

“Aglets.” Ethan replied.

“What?” Dominus asked.

“The little plastic things that are on the ends of shoelaces are called aglets, their true purpose is sinister!” Ethan exclaimed while Dominus eyed him in confusion.

“What are you talking about?” Dominus asked

“You understand but you do not comprehend!” Ethan shouted.

“Have you gone insane?” Dominus asked backing away uncertainly.

“Cheese for everyone!” Ethan responded enthusiastically, he felt the fingers of the mutant loosen a little bit more.

“I find you odd; I wonder if I keep punching you you’ll start to make sense.” Dominus said before punching Ethan in the face again.

“Ali ali oxen free, it’s safe to come out and play!” Ethan shouted with a grin, the fingers encircling him suddenly snapped open with a large burst of purple magic. Ethan wasted no time and jumped forward smashing his fist directly into the Nightkin’s lower jaw breaking his knuckles and sending Dominus reeling backwards. “Fuck, I didn’t think that one through all the way.” Ethan said rubbing his knuckles as they popped back into place. “Great timing by the way Sparky.” He added with a grin before Dominus charged forward drove his fist into Ethan’s stomach driving him into the air as a cough of blood shot from his mouth. Twilight caught him in her TK and quickly brought him over by her side as she stepped fully into the view of the mutants.

“Ah the little pony returns, tell me my dear do you plan to gore me with your horn or are you planning on intimidating me with your scary little hooves?” Dominus asked with a chuckle.

“Actually I was planning on shredding you molecule by molecule until you’re nothing but an ugly pile of electrons.” Twilight answered as her horn began to glow.

“Brutus, smash the small unicorn please.” Dominus said with a yawn.

The supermutant who hadn’t been holding Ethan (who was recovering his breathe on the ground next to Twilight) ran towards Twilight and swung a large stop sign club thing at Twilight. Twilight called up a glowing purple barrier around them and the club bounced off easily. Brutus the behemoth looked at the unicorn and the man beneath the barrier with a look of confused stupidity on his face. He raised his club and tried again but was met with the same result. Twilight’s brow wrinkled in concentration for a second before she dropped her shield and sent a large wave of force smashing into the supermutant sending it slamming into the other end of the room with a phenomenal crash.

“I am Twilight Sparkle student to Princess Celestia Goddess of the Sun, you are nothing!” She told the mutants before her, her voice rang loud and clear like a bell ringing at midnight or a cannon firing over a quiet battlefield.

“Brutus, Caphis kill her. I have things to attend to.” Dominus told the mutants before he quickly ran towards one of the exits.

Twilight was about to target him when the other behemoth charged her screaming a war cry. It swung a giant fist at them but Twilight deflected it with a small shield that angled it so that the punch deflected harmlessly to the side. Then with a small effort of will Twilight unleashed a small magic missile. The beam of magic shot through the air and ripped a small cauterized hole through the behemoth’s chest. Unfortunately she missed anything vital and all she did was annoy the giant mutant who began to beat pound on her new shield with both hands. A drop of sweat began to roll down Twilight’s forehead as the mutant pounded on her shield with both fists and was soon joined by the other mutant who had at this time recovered and began to beat on the shield with its club.

“So Sparky how long can you keep that shield up?” Ethan asked as he began to inject himself with several stimpacks and a dose of Med-X for good measure.

“A while, but I have a different idea.” Twilight said. “Do you happen to have a plasma grenade on you Ethan?” She asked after a few seconds of thinking.

“Sure, but why?” Ethan asked as he gingerly reached into his pack and retrieved a plasma grenade before tossing it to Twilight who caught it in her magic.

“Well I’m going to enchant it with two spells. One is a modified version of my old ‘want it need it’ spell and the other is one to magnify the blast radius.” Twilight explained as the grenade began to glow.

“Wasn’t that the spell that you mentioned that got you into trouble?” Ethan asked before spitting out a thin trail of blood. “Damn, I hate waiting for lungs and kidneys to regrow.” He added.

“Yes, but this is a modified version that should only attract them.” Twilight replied and then shuddered as a particularly strong strike rocked against the shield.

Twilight’s horn suddenly glowed brighter and the grenade gained an almost ethereal yellow light. The supermutant’s immediately increased their hammering and began to howl noisily as they tried to get to the grenade. Twilight opened up a small hole in the shield and threw the grenade out at top speed. The mutant’s ran after it frantically and once it had reached the far end of the room Twilight removed the pin. There was a spectacular green explosion and Twilight was forced to close her eyes. When she opened them both of the behemoths were still standing although they now looked very confused. They slowly turned to regard the unicorn and the human in puzzlement before one grunted something and they both charged again.

“Oh fuck you; you stupid fucking morons!” Twilight shouted. With an effort of pure magical energy Twilight grabbed both of them in her TK (they weighed around the same as one Ursa Minor). Without waiting for them to begin to struggle Twilight lifted into the air and smashed them against the ceiling of the dome. Sweat began to coat her hide but she rammed them against the roof again. The mutants roared in agony and protest but remained helpless in her magical grasp. With one final heave Twilight sent them hurtling into the top of the dome which shattered and the mutants shot out of it into the distance. Then she collapsed to the ground in exhaustion.

“That’ll do pig that’ll do.” Ethan said patting her on the back gently before he pulled her over to lean against him.

“I feel like I should be offended by that, but I can’t manage the effort.” Twilight replied.

“Don’t worry Sparky one of these days you’ll learn how to snark effectively.” Ethan told the unicorn as he patted her head gently.


From his studio window Threedog was drinking a cup of coffee thinking about the troubling news he’d just heard. The Brotherhood was under siege by a giant army of mutants with no end in sight and Ethan was nowhere to be found with the last reports putting him somewhere in the mall. Suddenly Threedog dropped his coffee mug which shattered against the ground sending burning coffee spilling all over his shoes, but he didn’t care because sailing away from the capital building were two giant supermutant behemoths. A large smile appeared on his face and Threedog began to chuckle, something that crazy could only be the work of Ethan.