• Published 4th Aug 2012
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Honor Above All Else - Honored Service

Honored Service returns to tell the tale of his year long disappearance.

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Rising Action

Honor Above All Else
Chapter 39
By Honored Service

So this just leaves you and me little ponies.” Day Terror smirked at the group of creatures before her, “And one deformed shadow and a backwards griffon.” She lifted her head and laughed into the sky. “This is the most pathetic group of fighters I have ever seen. You honestly think that you have what it takes to stop me and my army from crushing this entire world?” The torches covering the walls flickered, casting long twisted shadows across every surface. The newly dubbed Elements of Sanctuary stood their ground and faced off against the evil tyrant, not giving her an inch, save for Fresh Greens, who was near to passing out from fear.

“You think you can scare us?” Sergeant Stand Bold stepped forward towards the alicorn, taking control of the situation. The quiver of pink tipped bolts began to glow and hum as he did so. “You think that just because you look scary that we will give up? We have crushed these so called armies of yours twice! Honored nearly did it by himself. And if you think he can’t kill you then you're wrong! He just can’t kill Celestia you dumb nag!” Stand Bold spit the last word with such hate from a pony that nearly everyone present flinched at it.

Day Terror recoiled, but otherwise made no movement. Hammer Strike’s massive frame moved forward, the giant hammer hanging loosely to his back. “Why would you come here? To meet justice?”

To stop Honored, you great big stupid lummox.” Day Terror’s mane of fire rapidly expanded, doubling in size. “And judging by how far down that pit is,” Day Terror gestured to the hole in the wall where the human had been thrown through and down into the darkness, “I’d say it was successful.


“Guess again bitch.”

From out of the shadows, the human leapt forward swinging a large blood red sword at the alicorn. Day Terror jumped backwards, launching a spell with the intent to kill the human, but the spell was blocked by the sword. The spell hit the blood red blade and was simply absorbed into the enchanted weapon.

“Try again.” Honored smirked and dove at the alicorn again, the blade whistling through the air as he went. “You think you can stop us?” The blade clipped Day terror’s wing, blood and a few feathers flying off onto the wall and ground.

Ahhh!” She shrieked and dodged again, slowly being forced back towards the same pit the human had just emerged from.

“You can’t win Nightmare. So why don’t you come out and fight me!” Honored Service yelled at the alicorn. He held the magical Element of Protection at the throat of Day Terror, panting heavily. Blood slowly trickled down the warrior’s face from a gash on his forehead. His eyes were full of flameing anger and hatred for the Nightmare.

If I come out then it will be all over, inside, inside your precious ruler I am safe. You can’t kill me without killing her.” Day Terror babbled widely, eyes darting right and left, trying to find some kind of escape from the crazed human.

The human’s smile grew wider as the blade whisked quickly to the left, slicing the armor along Day Terror’s side. It dropped to the floor with thud. “This blade will cut through anything. Maybe it will cut through Celestia, and into you, leaving her unharmed. Always a chance.” The smile on Honored’s face reached ungodly proportions as the blood red sword slowly began to move back towards Day Terror’s throat.

Day Terror’s eyes shrunk to the size of pin pricks as the creature before her began to laugh widely. Quickly, in the blink of an eye, Day Terror wrapped herself in the Nightmare’s infamous shadow mist and slipped through the many cracks and holes in the decaying walls.

“Good riddance.” Honored slipped the magical blade into its sheath and turned back to the ponies and other creatures behind him. “Well that deep pit of darkness wasn’t that deep. Just banged my head up a bit.” He wiped a hand across his forehead and looked at the still fresh blood. “Come on. Let’s get out of here friends. We got a castle to free.”

The soon to be heroes left the dark depths of the Temple and began the trek through Mythartica and back towards Equestrian soil. The Canterlot castle was the last objective in the horrifying war between the shadows and the ponies. This conflict would be one that would live forever as a horrible evil committed by the Nightmare in an attempt to gain power once more.

The human could only hope that when Day Terror was hit with the Elements of Harmony, and then Nightmare was killed with the Elements of Sanctuary, that everything would end; all this pain. All this suffering. All the torment that the ponies hand gone through. Soldiers were meant to witness the atrocities that had been committed, not the innocent ponies of Equestria.

“Just remember y'all,” Honored looked to the new weapon bearing Elements of Sanctuary, “when it comes down to the final blow, Nightmare is mine. I started this, i'll end it.” Honored laid one hand on the knife attached to his thigh. “And I'll end it nice and slow.”

I collapsed on the log set before the small fire I in the middle of our campsite. Covert and Gilda dropped more logs and branches nearby to feed the fire later in the night. Fresh Greens and Sergeant Stand Bold worked on turning the supply of vegetables we had left into something that would be edible. Hammer Strike and Quick Flurry bickered to themselves on the other side of the campfire about whose weapon was cooler.

“You alright?” Battle Plan scooted beside me and rested his bow at his hooves. “ You've been awfully quiet for the last few hours.”

I sighed and looked the flickering flames of the fire. I raised my gauntlet and captured a small ball of fire in my magical aurora. I let the flame dance in my open palm above the blood red gem. “Just thinking about the future Plan.”

“Want to enlighten me on it?” Battle plan asked, smiling. “I know something’s troubling you. You get all quiet and solemn when you're upset.”

Man, am I that easy to read? It’s like I'm an open book to these ponies sometimes.

“Yeah you're basically an open book.”

Damn that’s creepy. “Battle Plan, I don't know where I'm going to fit in with the future. Once this is all over with-“

“Oh shut up.” Battle Plan lightly punched my shoulder with a hoof. “For such a badass you can be such a sentimental sissy. You're going to have a great life with us, even if you don't get to run around and destroy things.” He waved his hooves across the campsite, gesturing to all the ponies and friends gathered around. “ You've got a family that cares for you, and I'm sure the princesses will have something for you to do. Now buck up, it looks dinner is served.”

Stand Bold and Fresh Greens carried over a stew in a pot. It bubbled up into a brown looking sludge. I looked at the meal and back at the two chefs who cooked it. They both gave a smile and held the pot out to me. I laughed like a fool and took a bowl of the awful smelling soup.

I raised the bowl up and looked at all my friends, “here’s to a safe return to Canterlot, and kicking Day Terror’s ass!”

Author's Note:

Y'all really think i would leave you with that cliffhanger?!

I love y'all more than that! Haha, but i had you going there for a while.