• Published 4th Aug 2012
  • 12,339 Views, 1,245 Comments

Honor Above All Else - Honored Service

Honored Service returns to tell the tale of his year long disappearance.

  • ...

It All Comes Crashing Down

Honor Above All Else
Chapter 22
By Honored Service

Somewhere under the mess that was my new home, an alarm clock began to ring. I slammed a fist on the bedside table but couldn't find the accursed thing anywhere. I rolled over and tumbled out of bed landing on my boots and pistol holster. The ringing continued as I slowly made my way to the kitchen, the noise growing louder as I got closer to the oven.

“No way.” I open the oven to find the alarm clock ringing at me. “What happened last night?” I thought while turning off the annoying thing and placing it on the counter next to the sink. I poured myself a glass of water and looked around at the mess. Cups and cans were littered everywhere and most of the new furniture was flipped over or arranged in some new fashion. The coffee table was currently sitting atop the two sofas with a chair on top of that. A pyramid of stuff stacked up to the ceiling.

Kill. Me.

“Oh well good morning Nightmare.” I raised the glass of water up in a toast and finished it off. “And how are you feeling?”

I felt better after getting blasted with the Elements of Harmony. Or after you shot me in the face.

“So a little hung over? Well I’ll get some aspirin and more water buddy.” I took the medicine from the cabinet in the bathroom and drank more water, hoping to sooth the savage Nightmare. Well annoyed and cranky Nightmare. “I’ll bet you'll be happy to know that all we have to do today is go and see the Princesses about my new charge of the Equestrian Honor Guard. Simple.”

Thank you to all that is evil. I just want to sleep. Sleep a lot.

“Okay I’ll make time for that.” I laughed as I went to my bedroom area and grabbed my duster. I stopped and remembered my new uniform. Thankfully it wasn’t harmed during the previous night’s antics. Once all the armor was in place and I slipped the helmet on, I stepped in front of the mirror.

“Oh yeah. I like this.” I spun around, missing the long tails of the duster, but figured I could make do without all the things I loved. The armor did have a new shine that sparkled in the sunlight coming through the window. I slipped the pistol into the new holster on my hip and wrapped the rifle sling around myself before throwing my armored chest rig on. The two swords rested perfectly across my back. “All set. You ready Nightmare?”

As I’ll ever be. So to see the Princesses. I’ll assume that it will be both Luna and Celestia?

“Yeah of course. Why wouldn’t it be?” I shrugged and opened the door. “It will be good to just talk with them and find out what I missed.”


“It sure is.” Two guards standing outside of the doors leading into the main castle snapped to attention and saluted me as the doors opened. I returned the salute and wished them a good morning. Both guards seemed surprised I had said anything at all. As I walked through the main lobby of the castle towards the throne room, a unicorn stepped out of door and collided into my side.

I stumbled and fell over along with the white unicorn. With a blonde mane.

“Good morning to you Blue balls.” I glared daggers at him as I picked myself up of the ground and extended a hand to the royal douche. He swatted my hand away and climbed to his feet.

“It’s Blueblood and I require no help from the likes of you freak.” He spit back at me. I was caught a little off guard by his remark. All I did was threaten him and punch him, was that enough to make him so angry… Oaky well maybe it was, but it had been a year.

I was about to deliver a verbal tongue lashing, but a Lunar Night Guard galloped up to me and saluted. “Lieutenant Honored Service sir, the Princesses request your presence in the throne room.” I saluted back as the mare talked. We left the stunned Prince just standing there, mouthing the word Lieutenant over and over again. As we walked away, I turned around and gave him a one finger salute. Douche.

“What’s your name?” I looked down to the guard.

“Swift Shadow sir.” She said confused. I guess by the pony standards I was being an extremely chill officer.

“Shadow, do you know what they need me for?” We passed by more guards who snapped to attention as I went by. I lazily returned the salute and proceeded through the hallway to the throne room.

“Just updates on the training for the newest batch of hoof picked recruits for the Equestrian Honor Guard.” She said as we approached the large double doors leading into the massive throne room.

“Thank you Shadow. I can see myself in.” She stopped and popped to attention and saluted. I saluted her and turned towards the room. It was never going to be simple when the Princesses called you to meet them for something.

“Let’s go Nightmare.” I put on my best smile and strode into the room, Nightmare grumbling about something having to do with taking over Equestria.

It’s going to happen. You’ll see.

“Sure buddy.” I stopped at the foot of the stairs leading up to the throne. I lowered myself into a bow. “Lieutenant Honored Service reporting Princesses.” I said in the most pompous voice I could muster. This got a laugh from both of the rulers as I stood up. “So what’s the news Princess C?”

“Celestia will do just fine,” Celestia descended the stairs with Luna, “and we need to discuss the training we would like you to do.”

“We know that when pitched in a fight that is seemingly unfair you somehow always come out on top. And we know that you would be able to best any guard we brought to challenge you, so we decided that we would like you to train a group of ponies to become an addition to the Equestrian Honor Guard.” Luna explained as we all walked towards a side room. Luna and Celestia took seats behind a large desk while I sat opposite them.

“You do know what you're asking me to do right?” I crossed my arms across my chest. I didn't like what I was going to have to do. But they were right. I wasn't going to be around forever to protect the ponies. It would only make sense to train more guards to become members of the EHG. “Princesses, I’ll do it, but I need you to understand what I do. Yes I protect the ponies that I serve, but I will use any means necessary to do it. Including death. I will kill to protect. Will you be okay with me teaching your ponies how to kill?”

Both of the Princesses looked at each other with concern in their eyes. Luna nodded and Celestia turned to me. “We understand Honored.” She extended a hoof across the desk. “Please teach the new guards how to protect Equestria like you do.”

I reached over and gripped Celestia’s hoof. “It will be done.”


It felt like warm water was dumped over me, spreading from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. I jerked my hand away but it was too late.

Celestia looked at me in horror as she stumbled away from the table and collapsed onto the floor. “Luna get back!” I jumped over the table and laid my hands on the side of Princess Celestia’s head. “Nightmare, you get the hell out of her right now!” I screamed at the unconscious princess. “You get back into my head now!” No response came from the ruler.

I turned to Luna. “Get out of here and start getting the guards ready. I don’t know what he’s going to do, but it won’t be good.” Luna gave a long look to her sister and then dashed out of the office.

“I'm sorry human.” I looked down to see Celestia’s eyes were open, but they were now green reptilian eyes. Nightmare god damn it. Celestia’s pure white coast was turning blood red as her pastel rainbow main turned to shades of red, orange and yellow and flowed together like fire. Her horn became curved and sharper resembling a cutlass. I scooted backwards as the crown and necklace became a gold helmet and armor covering her chest. The gold reflecting the light of her fiery mane.

“Nightmare why are you doing this? Everything was going good!” I slammed a fist on the ground as the Nightmare stood up on new unsteady legs.

“But being good. It’s just not me. I can’t do it.” Nightmare looked at me with neutral eyes.

“You can change. You were changing!” I was growing desperate. After an entire year with him, I felt nothing but pain. Betrayal and pain as my friend turned against me.

“No. Nothing can change. The past will always control me.” Soon I found the horn of the newly changed Celestia aimed at me. “Good bye human.” I dove to the ground behind the desk as a bolt of black and red magic ripped a hole through the desk and the door behind me. “This power. Now I see why I failed before.”

“The other Alicorn was weaker. And that bug was just as weak. But this much raw energy.” Another bolt of magic tore another hole through the improvised cover. “This energy is beyond anything I’ve had before.” I slipped the pistol out of my holster and into my left hand. I couldn’t kill the Nghtmare this time. Celestia had to stay unharmed… mostly, so a burst of magic through the wing might make him slip long enough to get back into my body.

I quickly rolled away from the desk and came up aiming the pistol at the Nightmare. “Sorry to the both of you.” I squeezed the trigger.


I clicked the trigger again. The pistol just sat there.

A slow deep laugh echoed around the room. “Oh human I thought you were smarter than this. I was your magic. You are powerless now.” I dropped the pistol back into its holster and slowly began to reach for my rifle.

“No!” Nightmare screeched at me before shooting a bolt of magic straight at me. I felt it hit me square in the chest and propel me through the door of the office. The wood shattered as I struck it and I flew into the throne room and bounced across the floor like a rag doll. I struggled to get to my feet, just as Luna and a group of her guards burst through the large door.

“Honored!” Luna called out and made a dash towards me. “Where is my sis –“

“Fools!” Nightmare exited the office through the destroyed door and stared at us. “Your sister and precious ruler is gone! Now she is Day Terror!” More cliché evil laughter followed suit. I was finally on my feet. I looked down and saw a burnt hole on my armor chest piece, with a faint bit of smoke still rising, but I wasn’t harmed, yet.

“Day Terror? Not Nightmare Sun?” I called out. I quickly whispered to Luna, “get out of here, her power is too great for the guards.”

“Then it must be too great for you. Allow us to assist.” She stamped a hoof on the ground. I wasn’t in the mood to argue.

“Fine, but if this goes south, then we need to get out of here.”

The Night Guards charged in at Day Terror, hoping to rush and overwhelm the Nightmare. Day Terror raised her front hooves and brought them down on the marble, sending cracks all around and a wave of scorching fire that sent all the guards flying backwards across the room. The guards remained scattered across the room, groaning in pain. A few of them were unmoving.

“Luna this just went south.” I said as I unsheathed both of the swords before facing Day Terror. Her mane exploded out from behind her as she rocketed towards me. I didn’t even have time to bring the swords up as she plowed into me. Her horn was knocked to the side by the armored shoulder but I was still sent flying through the air before smashing into a marble column. I collapsed to the ground coughing for air.

Gripping the swords I stood up in time to see an armored hoof slam into my face. I was sent sprawling onto the floor as the hoof came to rest on the side of my helmet. “Good bye human. I won’t let you interfere with my plans this time.” Her hoof began to crunch down on the helmet, but soon the pressure stopped. I looked up to see Luna standing next to Nightmare with her head lowered and her horn stabbed into the side of Day Terror.

I pulled myself up and sheathed the swords. “Luna let’s go!” she slowly pulled her horn out of Nightmare who only stared in shock at the wound in her side. “Now!” I barked as we ran out of the throne room.

A massive explosion of fire ripped through the hallway as the throne room doors exploded outwards and flew across the lobby. I skidded to a halt and turned back to the advancing Nightmare.

“Luna start an evacuation of the castle, and then the rest of Canterlot.” I gripped my rifle and leveled it at the throne room door.

“But what about you? She’ll kill you!” Luna stepped closer, “And you can’t shot her.”

“But you stabbed her.” I pointed out as the temperature suddenly got much warmer and a bright glow was emitting from the throne room.

“She was my sister so it’s okay and I missed all her vital organs on purpose.” She turned to leave, “just be safe, we’re going to need you.”

“No promises.” I said solemnly as she left to begin the evacuation of the castle. I aimed through the small scope, hoping to catch Nightmare in it and intimidate him to leave Celestia and get back in my head. The lobby slowly got brighter because of what emerged from the throne room.

A two legged human shadow, just like the ones from Hum-gia, but this one was shorter by a head. I chuckled a little; at least these things weren't bigger.

Then it exploded into flames and charged me, turning one hand into a long blade of fire.


I fired a round through its head. It stumbled before collapsing to the ground in a pile of ash. “MAHA!” I laughed aloud as the other flaming shadows swarmed out of the throne room and were swiftly cut down by magic rifle rounds.

“Hey Day Terror, these things are easier to kill than the real Nightmare Shadows!” I laughed more as the current clip went dry and another full magazine was slammed into the rifle.

“I know.” I cold voice shook the entire lobby.



“Oh really?” This time the voice came from directly behind me. I was kicked across the room into the marble staircase. I felt something in my chest snap and then nothing but sharp pain. Struggling for breath I stood up and faced down Nightmare. Day Terror wore s smirk of confidence as she slowly climbed the stairs. I raised the rifle. She paused, still knowing what that weapon could do.

“I see you still remember this Nightmare.” I coughed and spit blood out onto the white marble staircase. “So you know what I’ll do.” The rifle barrel was trained on her head not moving and inch.

“It’s Day Terror now. Nightmare was weak, now he’s gone and instead you have me!” Day Terror’s mane exploded into fire again and as it receded back to a normal size, it left the human flame shadows in its wake. Ten of the flaming goons stood around next to the new evil nightmare.

“And I know you won’t shot me because that would kill your precious princ-“


The bullet ripped through Day Terror’s extended left wing. I turned around and bolted up the stairs before spinning around and firing another round into the chain holding the chandelier in place above the group of enemies. It came crashing down, pining Day Terror under its weight and crusing most of the shadow flames into ash.

DON’T JUST STAND THERE! KILL HIM!” Day Terror shrieked as the golden chandelier actually began to melt around her body.

“Time to book it.” I ran across the top level of the lobby before racing outside into the garden and then towards the guard training area. Chariot after chariot was taking off from the landing are filled with castle staff and civilians alike. I was out of breath and struggling to breathe through the injury in my chest as I approached Luna and the guards around her. “Luna you need to get out of here.”

“Why?” She asked giving me a concerned look as she noticed the blood staining across my chest armor.

A massive boom roared across the castle and a pure bolt of magic exploded from one of the roof sections of the castle followed by a roar of extreme anger.

“Point made, guards, ready the final chariots.” Luna said to her guards who nodded and broke off to secure the last escape chariots. A dark purple and black chariot pulled up to the landing area as the members of Saddle Company disembarked from it. Fast Skies and Quick Flurry were hitched to the reins pulling it.

“Princess get on, we got to get while the getting is good!” Short Blade called out from the front of the chariot.

Five flame shadows jumped from the castle garden and began running towards the landing zone. I raised the rifle and moved to intercept them. “Get into the air, and then swing back overhead for a hot extract.” Short Blade nodded and once Luna was safely onboard, the chariot took off.

The rifle barked and the magically propelled rounds ripped into three of the five shadows, reducing them to ash. The fourth one got a rifle butt to the head and fell to the ground before I jammed the barrel into its back and fired into it. The chariot began its approach and I ran alongside it, just as a fireball from the fifth one impacted my left shoulder. “Fuck!”

I aimed the rifle one handed and fired at the flame shadow, smiling as it jerked from the impacts and fell into ashes. I gripped the bottom skid on the chariot as it took off into the sky, Hammer Strike and Battle Plan reaching down and hosting me into the chariot. My shoulder was fine, just a black scorch mark on the gold armor.

“Hm it was a hot extract.” Quick Flurry piped up from the front of the chariot.

“Did we forget anypony?” I asked siting up against the side of the chariot.

“The Elements of Harmony.” Luna’s face was blank as she stared at me. “We forgot the Elements of Harmony.”

“Um Princess, they were on the first chariot out of here, on their way back to Ponyville.” Battle Plan said while reading through a list of names on a scroll he was levitating to the Princess, “See, here they are, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applej –“

“No.” Luna stood up and looked back at the castle that was slowly being covered in horrible evil green and black fire from the Nightmare, “the actual Elements of Harmony.”

“Shit.” I stand up and look behind the chariot at the castle growing smaller in the distance. “Turn back, I got this one.”

“Bat shit crazy.” Had been said many times as I explained my plan to the Princess and the rest of Saddle. It involved a quick grab and dash. The chariot brings me close to Canterlot as possible, without alerting any of the shadow flames or Day Terror herself, and I sneak my way into the castle, up to the vault where the Elements were kept and then signal for a pick up on the landing zone in the dead of night. Simple.

Everypony thought it was a suicide mission. Fast Skies especially thought it was a terrible plan. But the smaller the group, the better; less noise, less ponies to get caught, and certainly no one else to screw it up. I would slip in, grab the Elements, and get out. Luna quickly gave me a gem enchanted with a magical signature that would allow me to open the vault and get the Elements. I was also given a second gem that would act as a signal device. Just break it on the ground and the chariot would fly over to the landing zone and extract me in five minutes.

I took of my pistol, rifle and armored chest rig that held all my ammo for the rifle. I laid them out on the chariot seat. Everypony stared at me. “What? This is a stealth mission and the rifle isn't very stealthy, the pistol doesn't work since I have no magic now, and the chest rig carries ammo for the rifle which I'm not bringing. The chariot passed low over the first few houses leading into Canterlot. Almost time to drop.

“Sky,” I looked the mare attached to the front of the chariot, “I love you. And I’ll see you back before you know it.”

“You better. Because I had another date planned.” She smiled, but couldn't hid the look of fear in her eyes.

“Look forward to it babe.” I blew her a kiss and walked to the edge of the chariot.

“Honored, without your chest rig, you have no protection for your entire chest and abdomen.” Luna pointed out while gesturing to my unprotected midsection.

“True, I guess I better not get into a fight.” I smiled and jumped off the chariot and fell towards the market bellow me.

I aimed directly at a canopy draped over a stall in the center of the market. I hit the cloth and bounced across the street into a large cart filled with hay. “Holy shit that actually worked perfectly. This mission is starting off on the right note.”

Peeking out of the hay, I saw that the market was clear of anypony and shadows. The city had been evacuated swiftly. Civilians and guards alike were gone. The next target would be Ponyville, but with all the guards from Canterlot now stationed there it wouldn't be easy to get through.

I crept out of the hay and slinked through the shadows to a dark alleyway. I picked bits of hay out of my hair and out from in-between spaces in my armor. I had three weapons, both swords and my knife. So I wasn't armed to the teeth, which meant that I would have to keep the direct approach attacks down to none.

I crawled my way through the abandoned city towards the castle, ducking into houses and dumpster at any sign of a patrol. The longer i spent in the city, the more time Day Terror was having at getting a flame shadow army ready. And by the time I had reached the castle wall, an army was the least of problems.

Celestia must have been extremely powerful because every few minutes another squad of flaming shadows would come marching through the gate and into the city of Canterlot. There were already nearly two hundred of the flaming soldiers marching around the city.

“Shit.” I whispered, trying to think of a way to get into the castle. I could try letting myself on fire and marching into the castle, but I don’t think that was the best of ideas. I decided that the best way to get the Elements would be to just enter the tower the vault was located in.

“Okay Luna said it was second tallest tower directly to the left of the observatory.” I followed those directions with a finger and found it. That tower happened to be at the rear of the castle adjacent to the gardens. “Well shit.” the gardens were on fire from all the flame shadows that were marching through them.

The sun was finally beginning to set, which would allow me to have the cover of darkness to enter the castle grounds. I had already found a house close enough to the castle wall. I could jump from the roof and make it across. With an entrance found, I would just have to wait till one of the many roaming patrols was out of sight before making my approach.

Things were slow moving but slow was good, because it was keeping me out of sight from the bad guys. And without my rifle, I was no more of a threat to Day Terror than an earth pony. No magic, no rifle, no problem to her. I would hack and slash my way to the elements if I had to, and judging by the amount of guards surrounding the castle, I think that’s what Day Terror expected me to do.

“Well this is something I normally don’t do. All sneaky and stuff.” The next patrol rounded the corner and marched past the house. I counted a few seconds before moving to the roof. I double checked and made sure that the shadows had marched on. The coast was clear. I backed up to the ledge and sprinted forward, leaping over the gap between the house and the wall. I tucked and rolled across the scorched earth and pressed myself up against the castle, trying to squeeze myself into the shadows. I waited patiently, but no flame shadows returned to investigate the noise.

Ducking into the gardens I found the base of the tower where the Elements were stored. Of course there wasn’t a door or window within reach, but nearly thirty feet up there was a window. “That’s going to be easier than trying to get through the castle to the hallway leading into the tower. Outside there was only a patrol or two. Inside there was bound to be a lot more roaming shadows.

I looked around for something that would assist me in the reaching the window. No conveniently placed ladders were within the gardens, but there was a wall covered in vines. I thought I might be able to climb up the vines to the window, but the gardens provided something better. The vines were growing up a mounted ladder to cover the wall. I said a silent prayer to whoever designed the garden and began to climb. I realized that the ladder wouldn't reach all the way to the window sill. It was still a good five feet up.

“Well shit, and this was going so well Nightmare. Oh right.” I did miss the other voice in my head. I shifted my weight around on my feet and stepped up to the last rung. I swayed briefly before regaining my balance and looking up at the sill.

I crouched down and jumped up, hands extended and caught the lip of the window sill. I grunted as I hauled myself up onto the slim edge. I pushed against the window.

“Of course it’s locked.” I pulled out the knife and began to cut a hole into the pane of glass. “Screw this.” I pushed the knife in between the two panes of glass and pried the latch up holding the two together. The window swung open easily and I lowered myself into the tower. Now it was just a steady climb up the… “Son of a bitch.”

Climbing the spiral staircase wasn't a big deal, but having to hide behind a pillar or plant every other second was really slowing my progress down. The whole tower was filled with flame shadows. I stepped out of my hiding spot just as a shadow came down from the next flight of stairs. It looked right at me, so I did the only thing I could do now.

I ran head on at it and knocked it over the railing. I peered over as it fell down to the base floor and exploded on impact. Flame shadows looked up from every floor and began rushing towards me. Drawing both swords, I continued up the stairs, all stealth put behind me. I climbed till i reached the top floor. The vault doors were massive. Each was covered in hundreds of gems and jewels that would explode out of the door if something tried to open the door without the magical signature of one of the Princesses. I extended my hand with the gem Luna had given me to open the door.

“Stop.” Shit. I only needed another minute. “Turn around human.”

I did as I was told and slowly turned around to face Day Terror and over twenty flame shadows. “You got me, I guess I’ll go peacefully.” I raised my hands, clutching the gem inside a closed palm, the other hand still gripping my lightning sword, Zappy.

“You're persistent, I’ll give you that human.” Day Terror stepped closer to me, “But who said I was going to take you alive. As far as I'm concerned it will be easier for everypony to just kill you and be done with it.”

“Well then have at it.” Day Terror took another step closer, charging a spell in her horn. I smiled and jammed the sword into the crack in between the two vault doors. I dropped to the ground as the magical sound of a spell charging was drowned out by the massive boom from the door exploding over two hundred gems at Day Terror and her minions in front of the door.

I coughed through the thick smoke and stood up. The air was thick with ashes and Day Terror was nowhere to be seen, but I knew she was alive. Bad guys don’t die like that. I pushed the magical signature gem into the key hole on the door, and the vault opened. I quickly dashed inside and opened the jewel encrusted chest holding the precious Elements of Harmony. I scooped up the necklaces and put them in the thigh pocket of my pants, and struggled to find somewhere to put Twilight’s crown thingy. “Screw it.” I carried it out of the room and ran down the stairs.

I reached the bottom floor just as flame shadows began to stream into the room. I swung Zappy in front of me, but then heard a magical charging sound. I dove to the left onto the ground as a bolt of red energy blasted into the door way, turning the oncoming shadows into ash. Day Terror stood behind me, panting and covered in cuts and dirt. “Now I’ll end you human.”

I flashed her a smile and ran out of the door, smashing the signal gem against the floor as I high tailed it towards the landing zone. Stealth was far gone now. From all over the city of Canterlot, flame shadows rushed towards the castle. A seemingly endless wave of fire minions poured from the castle as I ran to the spot the chariot would pick me up at.

“Oh for the love of god please don’t be late.” I said, hacking another flame spawn into ash. I was nearing the landing zone, but the amount of flame shadows charging towards me was growing. Far too fast for me to have any hope of defeating them all. They were easy to kill sure, but when hundreds of them were charging, throwing fireballs and exploding left and right, it was easy to get overwhelmed.

“HONORED!” I turned to the open sky line and saw the dark chariot coming in fast. It was going to be another jump onto the moving platform extract. Another fireball exploded right next to me, singing the bottom of my pants and scorching my boot.

“GET LOWER!” I screamed running towards the chariot. Quick Flurry was pulling the chariot, while Sky flew close behind, throwing spears at the flame shadows. Battle Plan was launcing arrows from his bow at any spawn that tried to stop the chariot.

“YOU WONT GET AWAY HUMAN!” The magical charging sound filled the air along with a buzzing sound. I turned just as Night Terror launched a bolt of raw magic straight at my chest. There was a flash of red magic and a flash of red feathers.

“Sky!” I screamed jumping forward and catching the wounded mare as she tumbled to the ground. I scooped her up and ran adjacent to the chariot and hurled myself on board. “GO!” I screamed. Quick jerked the chariot away from the castle as fireballs and red bolts of magic shot by the chariot. We flew off into the night towards Ponyville.

I held Sky in my arms as the burning city grew to just a dim light in the background. Her eyes were closed as I gently rocked her back and forth. There was a large scorch mark on her side, right under her wing. “Oh Sky.” I whispered to her. “Please wake up.”

Her eyelids fluttered open staring at me. “Honored are you,” she coughed violently as her breathing became shallow, “are you alright.? Did you get them?” I smiled sadly at the dying mare and held up the tiara.

“Sure did. Now what did you have in mind for that date.” I croaked out, tears beginning to form in the corners of my eyes. I cradled the light red mare in my arms while stroking her orange mane. She began to tell me what she had planned for us to do, until her words became nothing but whispers and then stopped all together, her eyes glazing over. Finally her breathing stopped and I let out a strangled sob as I looked to the now dead mare.

“Good bye Sky.” Gently as I could, I closed her eyes and hugged her body close. She died with a faint smile on her lips, dreaming of the date that would never come.

The rest of the chariot ride was silent. Ponyville grew in sight and a few Lunar Night Guards joined the chariot in its descent into center of the town. We touched down and were greeted by Luna and the main six. All of whom wore smiles on their face, until they saw the limp and burnt Fast Skies in my arms. I handed the Elements of Harmony to Luna and then walked away from the crowded town center and towards the edge of the Everfree Forest. Along the way a dark green stallion approached me.

“Hi Pine Needle.” I said quietly to the old friend.

“Honored it’s good to see you alive and well.” I shot him a glare. “Sorry. Um was she a friend of yours?”

I was about to lash out and verbally assault the slow pony, but he didn't know any better. I never talked of Sky when I rescued him from prison. “Yeah, she was my marefriend.”

“I’m really sorry Honored.” Pine gave me a pat on the shoulder. “Remember I promised you some land for saving me? Well I’ll take you to it. I'm sure you want to bury her there.” And he was right. I nearly forgot about his payment he wanted to give to me for saving him from the griffon prison.

With Pine Needle’s help, I dug a grave in a plot of land tucked away behind a pond near the Everfree Forest. I jumped down into the hole and gently placed Sky on the ground. Reaching around my neck, I undid the clasp holding my dog tags in place and carefully wrapped them around her hoof. “Keep them safe Sky. You give them back to me when I see you again.” She looked so peaceful.

I asked Pine Needle if I could do this last part by myself. He left quietly uttering another brief sentiment to me.

In the light of the moon, I said my final farewells.

Day Terror took something precious from me. Now there was nothing left to hold me back. She wanted a fight, she would get one.

Author's Note:

The Nightmare is a guy, but now that he is Day Terror, which was Celestia, he is now a she. i didnt want to say that in the beginning for fear of ruining the story, so now you know.

He = She