• Published 25th May 2018
  • 13,237 Views, 150 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Forgotten Friendship - Wildcard25

Sunset Shimmer must recover the good memories of herself from her friends with the help of some old allies before those memories are gone forever.

  • ...

Finding Answers

Sunset just stood before her friends in total shock. Just yesterday they were close as anything, and suddenly today the Rainbooms are treating her like one of their enemies. And the cause of it is the Rainbooms had somehow forgotten she was a good person.

"This has to be a bad dream. Wake up, Sunset. Wake up!" Sunset pleaded, until Pinkie pinched her arm, "Ow!"

"Nope. You're awake," Pinkie pinched herself, "Ow! Me too!" She giggled.

Sunset turned to Rainbow dash, "What about you?" she held Rainbow's arm to see her memories. She saw the memory of the motocross portion of the Friendship Games, where she fell off her bike as Rainbow and Indigo were riding by. What was meant to happen was Rainbow was supposed to have helped Sunset and give her a ride, but the memory of Sunset disappeared and Rainbow just continued the race.

Sunset snapped out of it seeing it wasn't just Applejack's memories of her that were gone, "No! Rainbow Dash, you saved me in that race!"

Rainbow pulled her arm back and asked in confusion, "What're you talking about?"

"I can see your memories, and I'm not in them!" Sunset answered.

"And exactly how is it you can see our memories, if you don't mind me askin'?" Applejack asked skeptically.

"With this!" Sunset showed them her amulet.

"Oh, pfft! It's obviously a cheap knockoff of ours." Rarity responded rudely.

"We got them together. You were there, remember?" Sunset pleaded.

"Why is she still talking to us?" Fluttershy whispered to Applejack.

Sunset wasn't looking so hot right now, until Fugitoid approached, "Good morning, girls. And what a glorious morning it is for a day at the beach," he asked joyfully, before he stopped to see the girls were trying to keep their distance from Sunset Shimmer who in turn was nervous, "What's going on here? I'm sensing some hostility among us."

"It's nothing, Professor," Applejack began, "Sunset Shimmer's here just acting up as usual."

"Acting up?" Fugitoid asked in confusion, before the girl explained.

"Fugitoid, the girls don't remember all the good times we've had."

"Say what?" the robot asked.

"They all still think I'm a bad person."

"That's preposterous," Fugitoid said, before looking at the Rainbooms, "Girls, you can't possibly think Sunset Shimmer is such a bad person after all we've been through together."

"What're you talking about, Fugitoid?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"Anything we've done didn't include her." Rainbow said.

Fugitoid was just as shocked as Sunset, "Are you serious? Who do you think it was who found my head when I crashed here on earth?"

"We found you, Professor, don't you remember?" Rarity asked.

"You found me? It was Sunset Shimmer who founded me!" the robot answered.

Applejack spoke to Sunset sternly, "What've you done to the Professor?" she accused Sunset.

"He must be malfunctioning," Twilight said, as she approached him, "I better have a look at your memories."

Before she could lay a hand on him, Fugitoid swatted her hand away, much to Twilight's shock, "There is nothing wrong with my memories, Ms. Twilight."

Sunset had to try and reason again, "Pinkie Pie, what about when I came to your sleepover before the Battle of the Bands?"

"Ha!" Pinkie laughed, "The closest you've ever come to a party of mine is freshman year, when you pretended to be Applejack and texted me, "Your party is lamer than a hungry duck in snow boots."

"Like I'd ever say that." Applejack added.

"It really hurt my feelings." Pinkie pouted.

"And it wasn't very nice to the ducks, either." Fluttershy put in.

Fugitoid looked puzzled, "Hungry duck in snow boots? I don't get it."

"That was a long time ago," Sunset answered, "Twilight, you remember me, right? We've been through so much together. Please...:

"I only met you once, when you yelled at me at the Games." Twilight answered, while looking glum about that memory being the only one that stuck with her.

"Oh, dear." Fugitoid said, knowing this was not looking good.

"Doesn't anyone remember that I've changed?!" Sunset cried, before an idea came to mind, "Maybe not anyone. I'll be right back!" she ran off.

"Don't hurry back, darling!" Rarity answered.

Fugitoid gasped, "Rarity! How can you say something so uncouth to your friend?"

"We ain't friends with her, Fugitoid." Applejack reminded him.

"Rubbish! I don't believe it."

"Professor, why're you taking her side?" Fluttershy asked in confusion.

"Because she is my friend! And one of the only ones who understood the mistake I made years ago!" Fugitoid snapped, before calming down, "I don't know what's happened to your memories, girls. But I intend to find out!" he promised, before following Sunset, much to the Rainbooms confusion.

Fugitoid went to Sunset who was sitting under the lifeguard deck with her journal out, "Sunset Shimmer, I know this looks bad, but there must be some logical explanation for all this."

"I hope so too," Sunset agreed, "But good news is Princess Twilight still remembers me and knows I'm a good person."

"That's a relief." Fugitoid sighed in relief.

"But I'm gonna have to go talk to her face to face. I got a feeling this is equestrian magic related."

"You think so?"

"I have my hunches. But we're gonna need some help, and I know just the group. I just hope they remember me." Sunset pulled out her phone and made a call.

Soon she got an answer, "Hello?"

"Leonardo, it's Sunset Shimmer. This is gonna sound crazy, but am I a nice person to you guys?"

"What? Why do you even have to ask? We're all friends with you."

Sunset sighed in relief, "Thank goodness. Listen I got a major crisis here and I could use your help."

"Sorry, but my bros and I are kinda in the middle of another Squirrelanoid infestation here in the sewers." As it turned out, Leo was on his T-Phone while fighting a Squrirrelanoid in the sewer, as his brothers were each dealing with a Squirrelanoid.

"I see." Sunset sighed.

"But don't worry, we'll be at CHS as soon as we're done." he promised.

"Ok. I'll text you the situation. See ya around." she hung up.

"Well?" Fugitoid asked.

"Leo and the others have their own problem to deal with now."

"So we're on our own?" Fugitoid asked in concern.

"I guess so," Sunset sighed, before another idea came to mind, "Or maybe not. Leo and the guys may be preoccupied, but there may be some other comrades who can help." she began making another call, much to Fugitoid's confusion.

Later the two were at the parking lot of CHS, and Sunset was back in her day clothes, while Fugitoid wasn't wearing trunks, "I hope they make it." Fugitoid said.

"So do I." Sunset agreed, until they saw a familiar white van pull into the parking lot. Out from the driver seat was a familiar warthog mutant, and popping out from the back was a familiar rhino mutant.

"Never fear, comrade Sunset! The Bebop and Rocksteady are here!" Rocksteady declared.

"Hey, Sun-Girl, Robo-Prof." Bebop greeted.

"Hello." Fugitoid greeted.

"Hearing you guys still remember me is such a relief." Sunset told them.

"How can we forget the friend who helped teach us Friendship is the Magic, da?" Rocksteady asked.

"So what's the dealio, Sunset? Rainbooms got amnesia or something?" Bebop asked.

"It's not your typical amnesia, Bebop. The girls still have their memories, but the good memories of me have been completely erased from their minds."

"They all still think she's a bad girl from long before." Fugitoid added.

"Whoa, that's some messed up stuff." Bebop said.

"I know, but Princess Twilight may be able to help, but I have to go back to Equestria. Think you guys can help me?" Sunset pleaded.

"Like you have to do the asking?" Rocksteady smiled.

Sunset smiled, "Thanks, you guys."

"So can you tell us how to get to Equestria?" Bebop asked.

"This way." Sunset brought them all to the statue in front of the school, "Right through here." she presented it.

"Portal to Equestria right here at school?" Rocksteady asked.

"That's right. It's from this portal I came from Equestria, as did Princess Twilight."

"Wow to the wow." Bebop gasped.

Sunset turned to Fugitoid, "Fugitoid, you better wait here in case something comes up."

"As you wish, Sunset Shimmer." Fugitoid saluted.

Sunset turned to the two mutants, "You two ready?"

"What's going to happen to us when we go through?" Bebop asked.

"I will assume my original unicorn form. And you two... Well, it's best you see for yourselves." Sunset said, as she went through the portal.

"Let's go, Rock." Bebop said, as he went through.

Rocksteady got on all fours and tried crawling through the portal, but almost got stuck until Fugitoid pushed him all the way in. Fugitoid looked at the portal and spoke, "Good luck, Sunset Shimmer."

Through the vortex, Sunset went through a spiraling path, with Bebop and Rocksteady following while clinging to each other squealing and roaring in fright.

In Princess Twilight's library, Princess Twilight and Spike were pacing in concern, until the mirror portal activated, and out came Sunset Shimmer trying to stand on two legs, "Twilight!" Sunset cheered, while starting to lose her balance.

"Sunset!" Twilight quickly caught her, as Sunset stood on all fours.

"Oops. I was trying to hug you." Sunset said sheepishly.

"So what's been happening?" Twilight asked.

"Before I talk, we may wanna back away from the portal." Sunset warned them.

"Why?" Spike asked, until they saw the portal glowing again.

"Move!" Sunset pushed Twilight and Spike away, as two figures came flying out of the portal and rolled across the floor before crashing into a table.

"What the?" Twilight gasped, as she and Spike saw getting up were two anthro ponies.

The first one was a brown coated scrawny earth pony with a purple mohawk styled mane and matching tail design. What stuck out was his attire which looked like part of a purple high tech suit with some light purple energy lines in his arms, and covering his eyes was a familiar visor. The second was a big gray coated muscular unicorn with the horn looking curved, along with a blonde tail. He wore a beige tank top, brown bandoliers, camouflage pants, spiked shoulder pads, and knuckle dusters that looked fused to his fists. Twilight noticed he had a familiar glass eye in his right socket.

"Owie." Bebop groaned.

"That was wild," Rocksteady groaned, until he looked himself over, "Oh, nyet! Comrade, look at us!"

Bebop gasped, "We've been turned into pony mutants! Well, at least it beats being a pig."

Rocksteady felt his muzzle in shock, "Bebop, I've lost horn!"

"You didn't lose it, Rock. Feel your head."

Rocksteady touched his forehead and found his horn, "Horn is now on forehead. And it feels thinner."

"You're a unicorn now, Rocksteady." Sunset answered.

"Unicorn? Like the magic kind?" he asked.


"Bebop and Rocksteady?" Twilight asked.

The two mutants saw the Princess and gasped, "Rock, ain't that the other Twilight from this world?"

"Da, this is Princess girl." Rocksteady recalled.

"What equine has wings and a horn?" Bebop asked in confusion.

"I'm an alicorn," Twilight explained, before speaking sternly, "You know it's been a long time since I last saw you two. And you weren't at all on the right side," the two mutants lowered their heads in guilt, before Twilight smiled, "But Sunset Shimmer messaged me about how you helped save the city along side the others. And for that, you both have my trust, and friendship."

The two mutant perked up, as Bebop spoke, "Well, yeah. Fighting the good fight's a lot better than being bad."

"Da, is much more our thing." Rocksteady added.

"That's good to know." Spike said.

Rocksteady looked down at Spike, "Who is purple lizard boy here?"

"Lizard boy? I'm Spike the dragon. Remember, I kicked both your butts back at Coney Island." Spike reminded them.

The two looked at Spike again, as Rocksteady spoke, "You're that pup?"

"That's right." Spike smirked.

"Huh, for a dragon I'd thought you'd be taller." Bebop said sounding disappointed.

"Hmph." Spike crossed his arms with wounded pride.

"All right, you guys. What's happening back at CHS?" Twilight asked.

Soon the group was walking the hall of the castle, as Sunset had told Twilight everything, "This is bad, Sunset. It's way beyond anything I've ever heard of."

"So what can we do?" Sunset asked in concern.

"I may not have the knowledge of what this could be. But I know somepony who might."

"And who's that?" Bebop asked.

"Princess Celestia." Sunset realized.

"Princess? Don't you mean Principal?" Bebop wondered.

"Not in this world." Sunset replied.

"Princess Celestia is one of the two monarchs of Equestria along side her sister Princess Luna." Twilight explained.

"And you think she may have answers?" Rocksteady inquired.

"It's our best shot." Twilight replied.

"Then we're going to Canterlot." Sunset said seriously.

Some time later in Canterlot, Twilight, Sunset, Bebop, and Rocksteady were walking towards the castle, "Man this pony world is something out of a kids book." Bebop said.

"Da. And ponies give us the oddest looks." Rocksteady added.

"Don't worry, you two. They've only seen five mutant ponies, but it doesn't get any easier for them." Twilight explained, as they entered the castle.

As they walked the halls, Rocksteady looked at the castle's interior design, "It is the beautiful."

"Yeah. Why couldn't Shredder have a better lair like this?" Bebop asked.

The four walked into the throne room where Celestia and Luna were waiting. As they walked, Rocksteady whispered to Bebop, "They look almost like Principal Sisters from High School."

Sunset spoke to her former mentor, "Princess Celestia, it's good to see you again."

Celestia came down and hugged her, "And it is good to see you too, Sunset Shimmer," she smiled at Twilight and spotted the two new ponies, "And I see you've brought some new friends as well."

"Yes. These two much like the turtles are also mutants, and much like me they were not so nice. But just like me they learned the meaning of friendship and now they're close friends. This is Anton Zeck and Ivan Steranko."

"But we are better known as The Bebop and Rocksteady!" Rocksteady explained.

"That's us." Bebop agreed.

"Twilight did mention she tussled with two mutants during her first time to New York. Mutants that matched your appearances. A warthog and a rhinoceros?"

"Da, we is those mutants." Rocksteady confirmed.

"Princess, there's trouble happening at CHS, and we need your wisdom." Sunset told her former mentor who looked more than happy to help.

The sisters led Twilight, Sunset, Rocksteady, and Bebop through the hall, as the Princess of the Sun spoke, "I am not familiar with the exact spell that could have erased your friends' memories. But it sounds like Equestrian magic is at work in your world."

Luna continued, "Hmm. Indeed. The toilings of this nefarious enchantment could portend unimaginable catastrophe if left unchecked." Bebop and Rocksteady looked at each other in confusion about what she said, while Sunset just giggled, much to Luna's confusion.

"Sorry. I'm just used to hearing you say no student parking in the faculty lot. Heh-heh." Sunset explained.

"This "faculty lot" you speak of sounds like a place of great power." Luna pondered.

"Yeah. If ya like having authority over parking spots." Bebop whispered to Rocksteady who chuckled.

"The answers you seek are in the Canterlot Library." Celestia explained.

"Well, then let's bounce on over to that library." Bebop suggested.

"My thoughts exactly." Twilight agreed, while sounding excited.

Later the group was walking up to the Canterlot library, and passed a pegasus guard with a familiar blue colored mane. As Sunset passed him, she stopped and looked back in shock before catching up with the others, "What was the hold up back there?" Bebop asked.

"Sorry, it's just that pony reminded me of someone back at CHS." Sunset answered.

Rocksteady looked back and studied his appearance, "Oh, he looks a lot like guitar playing pretty boy?"

"Yeah." Sunset replied sheepishly.

The group looked around the library seeing how big it was, "Dang, this is some library," Bebop began, "Probably bigger than New York's."

"There's over a million books in here." Sunset said in worry.

"I wish!" Twilight answered in excitement, "But don't worry. You're looking at somepony who knows this place like the back of her hoof," they suddenly saw the alicorn sisters going off somewhere, "Where are you going, Princess Celesta?"

"To the restricted section." she answered.

At the sound of that, Twilight began hyperventilating, "There's a... a reh... a reh... a reh..."

"Breathe, Twilight." Sunset told her.

"Yeah, girl. Don't give yourself a heart attack." Bebop chuckled, as the group followed the sisters.

They watched Celestia and Luna walk up to a bookshelf, and used their magic to pull a book out each labeled with their cutie marks. This in turn caused a secret passage way to open up. Twilight's jaw dropped in shock, as Rocksteady closed it for her.

"So much for you knowing this place like the back of your hoof, huh?" Bebop joked to Twilight who scowled.

They followed the alicorn sisters down a chamber, as Bebop spoke, "Whoo, this is some pretty super secret stuff, eh, Princess C?"

Princess Clestia answered, "Well, there are some things we can't let just anypony know exists."

The Princess sisters opened a pair of doors and inside was a chamber loaded with even more books than in the library itself, "Great Anastasia's ghost!" Rocksteady gasped.

"Dang that's a lot of hard covers." Bebop looked around.

Twilight being the total bookworm was just as surprised, "Oh-my-gosh-oh-my-gosh-oh-my-gosh-oh-my-gosh-oh-my-gosh! So many books all unread! Ancient historical artifacts!" she gasped, "I just... I thought...! I can't...!" she began wheezing.

Rocksteady turned to Sunset and Bebop while rolling his finger at the side of his head, "Princess Pony's noggin went bye-bye."

"You sure you're up for helping me go through all this stuff?" Sunset teased.

Twilight pleaded desperately with her, "Don't take this away from me!"

"Better let her have it, Sunset." Bebop warned her, and they chuckled.

"I should warn you, however. The archives' mechanical catalog has not been... well-maintained." Celestia motioned to an old outdated mechanical catalog that just fell apart.

"You ponies got to get up to date in society." Bebop told them.

"Guess we'll have to read everything! C'mon!" Twilight cheered as she startd checking out several books, "No way! Can you believe they have Canterlot Cantabiles Volume Thirty-One? You heard me! Thirty-One! Sunset, that's when it gets goooooooood!" she let out a gasp at more books, "Over here! An original Windigo Weather Warning from the pre-Equestrian era! Oh, my goodness! I can't! I just can't!"

Sunset and Princess Celestia laughed at Twilight's behavior, as Bebop spoke, "Well, we might as well get started too."

"Da. Sooner we get started the sooner we find answers." Rocksteady agreed, as they went to help.

The two ponies and their mutant comrades were checking out book after books for any hint that could explain the Rainbooms forgotten memories. As they searched, Twilight was teaching Rocksteady how to use his magic to levitate books. At first the big mutant unicorn was struggling, but Twilight helped him calm his nerves and relax. Rocksteady tried again as his horn glowed with a gray magical aura and he successfully levitated a book over much to his success, and Twilight's pride.

Hours had passed, and Sunset was sitting at the desk yawning before closing one of the books, "Did you know Chancellor Puddinghead tried to pass a law mandating Earth ponies drink carrot juice at every meal? I do. Know that. Now." she said dryly.

"Your former leaders came up with the most whacked up laws." Bebop said, as he was kicking back against a wall while surrounded by books.

Rocksteady who lifted his head up from the table with a book on his head spoke, "I feel like I'm back in high school. The worse parts of it."

"Awww. Sounds like you guys got to read all the fun books," Twilight yawned sounding equally tired, "We should probably take a break from looking..."

"You read my mind." Bebop agreed, until Twilight levitated some stuff over.

"Because I found something! Sunset, you're familiar with The Seven Trials of Clover the Clever?"

"Obviously. Why?"

Twilight levitated a chest onto the table, and opened it before levitating a scroll out, "Well, first of all, these date back to before the founding of Equestria. Look at this."

They looked at the scroll and saw a stone object, "The Memory Stone?" Sunset asked.

"Memory? Sounds like we on right page." Rocksteady said looking intrigued.

"What else does it say?" Bebop asked.

Twilight explained, "It belonged to an evil sorceress who was practically invincible. With the Memory Stone, she could erase any memory from anypony. Even fragments of memories."

"Fragments like... memories of me being nice?" Sunset gasped upon realizing the connection.

"Mm-hmm. Clover the Clever knew the sorceress had to be stopped and the Stone destroyed, so he chased her across land and sea. But every time he got close, the sorceress would erase his memory and escape. But he kept finding her."

"How?" Rocksteady asked.

"These scraps of parchment. He secretly wrote everything down so he'd know what had happened and where to go next. Like a trail of bread crumbs.

"Clever! Ohhhh. Clover the— Yeah, got it." Sunset chuckled.

"This Clover really is the Clever, da?" Rocksteady nudged Bebop who spoke up.

"Hey, who're these?" Bebop motioned to an image on the scroll of four unicorns surrounding the stone.

"Those are Clover the Clever's four students. They assisted him in trying to stop the sorceress." Twilight explained.

"And did they succeed?" Sunset wondered.

"The last page is missing. Clover must've hid it to keep anypony else from finding the Memory Stone. Sunset, what if the Memory Stone ended up in your world?"

"And someone is using it to make everyone hate me again?" Sunset gasped.

"But who?" Bebop and Rocksteady asked in confusion.

"I don't know, but if this Memory Stone is the cause of it. Then someone in my world must be using it." Sunset said.

"Maybe if you tell the Rainbooms about this, maybe they'll believe ya." Bebop suggested.

"It's possible. Hopefully." Sunset sighed.

"I'll stay here and search the restricted section top to bottom until I find a way to get your friends' memories back." Twilight offered.

"If that's even possible." Sunset continued to be a downer.

"Oh, it's possible. Even if I have to reorganize the whole library by subject. Or maybe chronologically! Oh! And fix the broken catalog machine..." Sunset and the mutant duo gave her a dry look. Twilight cleared her throat, "I'll figure it out."

Sunset spoke to Twilight and Celestia, "Thank you. Both of you."

Princess Celestia smiled, "This is quite a contrast from the last time we parted ways. But you are not that way anymore. With every choice you make, you prove yourself to possess a kind heart."

"I guess I had a good teacher." Sunset looked to Twilight who blushed and answered.

"You were a good student." the two laughed, until Celestia spoke up sounding angry.

"Are you saying I wasn't a good teacher?"

Bebop and Rocksteady were concerned with her tone, until Sunset and Twilight stammered nervously.

" Oh, no! I wasn't...! I mean, what I meant...! She didn't sa...!" Sunset began.

"She didn't say that!" Twilight pleaded.

To their shock, Celestia burst into laughter, prompting the other four to join in, "Princess Celestia has a sense of humor? Looks like I'm not the only one who's changed."

Twilight nodded before turning to the two mutants, "You two. Sunset Shimmer will need plenty of help in locating the Memory Stone. Can I trust the two of you will protect her and help her?"

"We are on it, Princess Twi." Bebop saluted, as Rocksteady continued.

"Da! Memory Stealing Magic never get past the Bebop and Rocksteady."

"Then I wish all three of you the best of luck." Celestia finished with a bow of her head.

Sunset, Bebop, and Rocksteady bowed their heads back, as Sunset spoke to her new partners, "Come on, boys." she hurried off followed by the two.

Back in the human world, Fugitoid was waiting outside the portal to Equestria looking bored, "Oh, I've been waiting here for so long I've lost track of time. I do hope Sunset and the others get back soon."

Suddenly the portal began glowing and out came Sunset, Rocksteady, and Bebop back in their regular forms, "You know I actually missed being a pig." Bebop admitted.

"That was truly the experience." Rocksteady agreed.

"Sunset, you're back!" Fugitoid cheered, "Did you find the answers you were looking for?"

"Yes. And we may know what's causing it." Sunset explained.

"And what is it?"

"This right here." Bebop showed him a picture of the Memory Stone.

"It is Stone of Memory," Rocksteady explained, "Magic in it can remove memories of anybody, even bits."

"My hunch is someone must be using it to remove the good memories of me from the girls." Sunset told the Professor.

"It's a good start." Fugitoid admitted.

"We gotta tell the girls. Maybe with this evidence they'll believe me." Sunset hoped.

"Are you sure we should do that, Sunset Shimmer?" Fugitoid warned them, "They already see you in a bad light without their memories. You think they're going to believe you just from this?"

"We have to try, Professor." she answered.

Fugitoid spoke, "Well, if you say so. Come along, everyone, back to the beach."

"We'll take our ride." Bebop offered, as they headed to the lot and piled into their van before heading off.