Twilight and Spike entered the castle, giving a respectful nod to the two guards standing in the front entrance. It has been quite a while since the Princess of Friendship had visited the castle. She noticed new sets of decorations on the walls and sets of furniture she didn’t remember. Twilight could only guess that Celestia had done a bit of remodeling in the castle. Twilight opened the two massive doors leading to the throneroom, finding Celestia and Luna quietly conversing with their messanger. The Sun Diarch turned her attention towards the purple alicorn upon hearing the throne room doors open.
“Twilight? Spike? What a surprise. I thought you two would be enjoying the celebration with the others.” Celestia stated.
“I wish I was.” Twilight replied. Celestia approached Twilight and her assistant and warmly greeted them with a hug.
“Nonetheless, it’s always a pleasure to see you. You look troubled. What’s the matter?” Celestia asked.
“I wanted to speak with Luna. It’s about a nightmare I had last night.” Twilight answered, piquing Luna’s interest.
“A nightmare? Please, tell me about thy bad dream.” Luna said.
“Well, in the nightmare I woke up in this big meadow. It was quite beautiful, to be honest. Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie were sitting on a log in a eerily quiet manner. I tried to make contact, but they just suddenly turned their heads around and glared at me with big red eyes. The next thing I knew, they just merged to form this grotesque winged three-headed monster of some sort. To make it worse, more of those beasts appeared. I tried fighting it off, but every time I defeat a monster, more monsters materialized out of thin air. All of a sudden, all the monsters just combined into this ginormous dragon.” Twilight said.
“A dragon? Can you describe its appearnce?” Celestia asked.
“I can’t remember much, but the dragon was solid gold in color and it stood on two legs ending in clawed feet. It had two tails, and bore giant wings that took the place of arms. It had three heads and they all looked identical to it’s center head, bearing a crown of curved horns. The monster’s three necks were covered in giant spikes like normal dragons. The most disturbing aspect of the dragon was its eyes. The beast stared at me with three pairs of malicious crimson eyes that hungered for blood. Right as the dragon ate me, the nightmare ended.” Twilight explained.
“That is peculiar...... Was last night’s nightmare the last thou saw of this dragon?” Luna asked.
“No. Just today I received a vision of the very same dragon. It lunged right at me, like it was trying to kill me... There was nothing else but darkness.” Twilight replied. Celestia’s eyes widened to the size of alien saucers.
“If this dragon keeps appearing consecutively in your dreams in a similar fashion to an omen, then that means.... Oh sweet Faust...” Celestia gasped. “Appaloosa, and by extension, the rest of Equestria is in far greater danger than I previously imagined...!!!”
“Wait, what? What does Appaloosa have to do with the nightmare and the vision?”
“Come with me, quickly.”
Celestia suddenly rushed towards the back of the room and disappeared into a pair of golden doors, driving Twilight and Spike to follow.
“Celestia, wait!” Twilight exclaimed.
Deep below the depths of the enormous Equus seas, a slumbering titan laid on the hard, volcanic seafloor. Even the piercing pitch-black darkness of the trenches couldn’t hide the towering saurian from the peering eyes of deep-sea creatures swimming by. The enticing smell of fish reached the beast’s nostrils, stirring the reptile from his sleep. Opening his medium-sized golden eyes, his black circular pupils shrunk in size as they followed the fleeing schools of trout swimming by the reptile. It wasn’t the fish that actually woke Godzilla from slumber. It was something else. He could feel his dorsal spines tingling with a oddly strange sensation, as if he could somehow sense impending danger looming towards his territory. Godzilla snarled as he pushed himself off the ocean floor, swaying his tail in a sideways motion. Godzilla felt the pressure of the ocean’s currents pushing against him as he swam towards the surface. Luckily for Godzilla, he was far too large to even be remotely affected by the current and simply ignored the feeble pressure. After a while, Godzilla finally breached out of the ocean’s surface. Godzilla towered over the rising waves, slitting the them in half with his dorsal spines. Something clearly felt wrong, yet Godzilla couldn’t place a claw on the strange feeling. The reptilian kaiju turned his gaze skyward, immediately noticing the now much closer meteor that was quickly entering the atmosphere. The flaming bundle the sky while leaving a bright orange trail behind.
There. That flying thing. That must be the problem.
Godzilla snarled as he trekked down the direction the meteor was heading, hoping to catch up to it before it could make landfall.
Great work keep up the good work
When the world is in peril, Godzilla will answer the call.
How come the image doesn't work?
It must be image size issue, I’ll let Gojipower12 know. Here Is the link for the image that is supposed to show: