• Published 12th Feb 2018
  • 6,700 Views, 208 Comments

In the Days That Followed - shallow15

Sunset Shimmer and her friends try to get their lives back to normal following the events of "Repercussions."

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Sundays With Twilight

Sunday was blissfully free of both psychological and emotional turmoil. After a delightful and admittedly rather silly breakfast, the girls went their separate ways, most of them having plans for the day.

Fluttershy drove everyone home. Goodbyes were made as Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Rarity were all dropped off. Sunset was the last one to be taken home. Fluttershy pulled the minivan up outside Sunset's apartment building.

“Thanks, Fluttershy, I'll see you tomorrow!” Sunset opened the door and climbed out of the van, grabbing her backpack from the floor.

“Are you going to be okay, Sunset? I mean, after last night and all?”

Sunset smiled. “I know I said this last week after I got out of the hospital, but this time I'm pretty sure I mean it. I think I'm going to be fine, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy returned the smile. “I wish I could spend the day with you, Sunset, but I have a shift at the shelter this afternoon.”

“Don't worry about it. After everything that happened this week, I'm not planning on doing a damn thing today. I'm gonna go up to my apartment, deprive myself of pants, and veg out.”

Fluttershy giggled. “Sounds like fun!”

“I hope so. Catch you later!”


Sunset waved as Fluttershy drove off, then let herself into her building. As she passed the door of the bottom apartment, it opened and the severe form of Miss Bookbinder, Sunset's landlady, stepped out, carrying a garbage bag. She blinked when she saw her tenant.

“Oh, hello Sunset,” she said.

“Hi, Miss Bookbinder.”

“Late night?”

“No,” Sunset answered. “Sleep over with the girls.”

“Well, that's good. Excuse me, won't you? I need to get this outside before it ripens any further.”

“Oh, right, sorry.” Sunset went back to the front door of the building and held it open. Miss Bookbinder nodded her thanks and began to leave. As she did so, Sunset gently grabbed her arm.

“Miss Bookbinder, with everything that's been going on the last couple of weeks, I forgot to tell you this: thank you.”

Miss Bookbinder's mouth curled up in a half smile. “For what?”

“For being my emergency contact. The girls told me you helped them find out what was going on with me at the hospital. And they told me you stayed with me for a couple of days when they couldn't be there. You didn't have to do that.”

“And I didn't have to rent you my old converted storage room to you with no documentation either.” Miss Bookbinder's smile turned into a grin. “While I'm glad you have such good friends closer to your own age, Sunset, I hope you realize you have other friends who also care about you as much as they do.”

“But not you, of course,” Sunset smirked. “After all, that might not be ethical under the usual tenant/landlord relationship.”

“Of course, but since there isn't anyone else to look after you, I figured I could do you a favor... this time. And now, if you'll excuse me?”

Sunset stepped as her landlady exited the building. She grinned to herself and shook her head. No matter how hectic her life got, Sunset could always count on Miss Bookbinder being an isle of normalcy... and sarcasm.

Sunset climbed the stairs to the second floor and let herself into her apartment. She dropped her overnight bag next to the door and kicked off her boots. She draped her jacket over the back of her desk chair and flopped face first onto the couch. After a minute, she sat up and made good on her statement outside, shucking off her pants and letting out a sigh of relief.

She stretched and looked around the apartment, trying to decide what to do next. Her gaze fell on the table where she did her homework and her art projects. The magical journal she used to communicate with Princess Twilight in Equestria was laying on it. Sunset smiled and got up. She grabbed a pen and the journal and returned to the couch.

Hey, Twilight? How are things?

There was a brief delay, then the opposite page glowed with a magical magenta light.

Sunset! Great timing. Spike just made me take a break from all the planning I've been doing.

Planning? Something wrong over there?

Oh, no. Just the opposite, in fact. Next week I'm hosting the first ever Festival of Friendship! Ponies from all over Equestria are coming. I've even extended invitations to all the other races too. The yaks, the changelings, the griffons, even the buffalo and the dragons! There's going to be games, contests, exhibits. And...

Sunset waited for the princess to satisfy her sense of drama. After a few seconds the rest of the sentence appeared.

Songbird Serenade agreed to perform in concert!

Sunset raised her eyebrows in surprise. While she didn't really know who Songbird Serenade was, the Festival seemed like a big event. Maybe too big even for the organized Princess Twilight Sparkle to handle.

Sounds like fun. Are you sure you can handle something like that? Can Ponyville?

Oh, we're holding it in Canterlot! I've got all the girls helping, and Cadance is coming down from the Crystal Empire! Even Celestia and Luna are planning on helping! Celestia said it was a brilliant –

Sunset couldn't help but giggle as the line was quickly crossed out. Twilight started again further down the page.

Sorry about that. But yes, everything is under control, and I can't wait for next Friday! Oh, hey! What am I thinking? You should come through for the Festival! I can get you put up in the castle with me!

Sunset's expression became concerned. Despite the personal revelations she had about herself while she had been in the coma, she was still reluctant to see her old mentor. She thought for a moment and began writing again.

While the Festival sounds like a lot of fun, I don't think staying in the castle would be a good idea right now.

There was another pause as, Sunset presumed, Twilight realized why she wouldn't want to stay in the castle during her visit. Then there was a mess of hurried scribbling.

Oh, geez, I did it again, didn't I? I am so sorry, Sunset! Of course you don't have the stay in the castle! Maybe you can stay with Starlight! She's going but she said she's going to stay with Trixie in her wagon. They might be able to squeeze you in, and I know she'd love to see you again!

“Trixie?” Sunset quirked an eyebrow. “How did that happen?”

That could work, I guess. I wouldn't be able to show up until that night though. School and all.

Oh, of course. Speaking of, how was your first week back?

Sunset sighed. Traumatic. It's been a hard week. We talked to Firecracker Burst's parents yesterday.

Oh boy.

That isn't everything. This is gonna take a lot of explaining.

Sunset wrote down everything that had happened during the week, including her fights with Applejack and human Twilight, the confrontation with Firecracker's parents, and the events of the previous night. When she was done, Sunset sighed and leaned back against the back of the couch. After a long moment, Twilight began writing her reply.

That IS a hard week. Sunset... are you sure you're okay?

Sunset smiled at the reply. She picked up her pen.

I'm not sure if “okay” is the right word, but I'm healing. I lost a lot of emotional baggage last night. It's still kind of raw, but I think I'm going to be fine.

As long as you're sure. I mean, I was kind of worried about you and the girls last week when you were all up against Firecracker.

You wrote a six page rant/interrogation of me when I got home from the hospital and demanded to know exactly what happened after Rarity's last message to you. Yeah, you were “kind of” worried about us.

Okay, more than just “kind of.” Gee, it's like I almost CARE about you or something.

Sunset laughed and shook her head. Never change, Twilight. But seriously, I think things are going to get better for me now. My head feels like it's on a lot straighter than it's been for a while. We still need to update Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna about our plan to explain Firecracker's disappearance, and hopefully, we'll be able to come up with a long term solution so her parents can hold a memorial service. I think once that's done, we'll all be finally ready to move on.

I hope so. Oh, shoot! Break's over. Spike just brought me a letter from the princess about the Festival. Apparently there's issues with the weather schedule. I need to go find Rainbow Dash and ask her to talk to the Canterlot weather team. I'm sorry, Sunset. I wish it could wait.

It's fine. Go. I'll let you know if I can make it to the Festival.

Okay! Talk to you later!

Later, Twilight.

Sunset closed the journal and set it aside. She giggled as she pictured the size of the checklist Twilight had to have for the Festival of Friendship.

“Never change, Twi,” she murmured. She grabbed the remote for her TV from the end table and clicked it on. She grabbed her game controller from the floor and hit the button to turn the console on. After a minute, she grinned and grabbed her phone from her discarded pants on the floor.

Hey, Dash. Webspinner's gunning for you.

“And three... two... one.”

Sunset's phone vibrated as a reply to her text came in.

In. Your. Dreams. I'm getting online right now!

Sunset grinned as she loaded up Uberguard. No matter how strange or dangerous things got, it was good to know some things would never change.

Author's Note:

It may seem like an ending, but it isn't. More to come.