• Published 23rd Jan 2018
  • 1,826 Views, 32 Comments

Friendship Across Time and Space - Tangerine Blast

Pinkie Pie lived a fairly normal life. Work at a diner, try not to think of the looming magical threat. The usual. But when six strangers from different times appear in her life she’s suddenly thrown into a world of danger, adventure, and destiny.

  • ...



Celestia tensed. There weren’t many ponies who could make her with just a word but this was one such pony. She kept her posture stiff as she replied, “Please tell me you’re here to say you found the rest of them.”

Celestia did not turn, so she couldn’t see what her guest was doing, but the lack of hoofsteps or any reply for a few moments made her worry spike into anxiety.

“We did,” Her guest finally relented, but the way he said it caused no ease to the Alicorn, “But we can’t get them all together without your help.”

Celestia furrowed her brow but kept her gaze on the glittering moon above her. “And why is that? Surely you can corral five ponies around Equestria into one town. It is of utmost importance they all meet.”

“I know that, and it can be done. It just might be a tad harder than we first thought. Since, well… you see, Princess. They aren’t really around Equestria. At least, not right now.”

Celestia finally tore herself from the moon to stare at her guest. “Then where are they?”

The old pony, with a coat and mane and everything so unoriginal he blent into any crowd, gave Celestia a weary smile she had seen many time on his and his co worker’s faces. “I think you mean ‘when’, your highness.”

The two stared at each other for a few moments as the weight of the words sunk in.

“What do you need me to do?” Celestia asked.

Her guest smiled wide.


Pinkie Pie trudged down the road of Ponyville, completely exhausted. She had taken an extra shift at the diner to make up for the other day when she had come been running late to work. Because of that, she was leaving much closer to sunrise than she would have liked. Plus there was the issue of how work had been that she didn’t even want to think about. Being there only a few hours would have been too long. Let alone most of the day and half the night.

She almost collapsed with relief as her home came into view. Finally, she could relax. But then a pang of sadness caused her to continue her slow trudge with dragged hooves. She had almost forgotten that her roommate--and landlord--was out of town for the week, so the large house was going to be dark, empty, and so so lonely.

But then, as she got closer, she realized that wasn’t the case at all. Although none of the electric lights were on, she could see flashes of interchanging purple and red lighting up the windows. There was also a sound that wasn’t apparent until she was only a few yards away. Crashes, bangs, growls, and the unmistakable sound of magic being fired.

Pinkie Pie shifted the rollerblades hanging over her back and sprinted to the house. Skidding to a halt in front of the door she slowly, slowly, cracked it open.

She was expecting a lot of things when she opened the door. Burglars were high on the list, and the noises suggested a fight taking place in her home so maybe two groups of burglars? A wild monster was possible. The house was situated quite close to the Everfree Forest and it wouldn’t have been the first time. She just really hoped it wasn’t a hydra again. They generally made a mess.

What Pinkie did see, however, completely blew her expectations out of the water. She really had no idea what she was seeing and stood frozen in the doorway for a few moments trying to process it.

The scene before her was best broken up into three parts. First was the source of the bright flashes and magic sounds. Two ponies were locked in a magical duel, throwing spells left and right. What was strange about this was that only one of them had a horn. And the one that did have a horn also had wings. She was wearing strange armor that gave Pinkie the feeling of a really ecstatic Ogres and Oubliettes player. The Alicorn was also wielding a sword with her mouth that, by the slashes in some nearby furniture and walls, was very sharp.

The sword-swinging pony was fighting a sky blue Pegasus with a rainbow tail. Pinkie assumed her mane was the same color but couldn’t be sure since it was tucked into what looked like a flight suit the Wonderbolts would wear. Except this flight suit had blinking lights and a helmet attached to it. She was also wielding a weapon, a gun like thing that shot pure bolts of magic in a way that Pinkie was pretty sure was impossible with modern technology.

The second part was a lion.

A lion locked in battle with a pony… thing.

Now Pinkie Pie had never seen a lion before and she was darn sure none lived even relatively close by, but she had read enough books to recognize one when it was right in front of her. Even if this one was non conventional.

For one thing, its colors were strange. The big cat had a dark orange coat and a bright blonde shaggy mane that fell around its neck like a frilly collar. Pinkie was pretty sure those should have been opposite. She was also pretty sure lions didn’t have cutie marks of bright red apples or wore old worn hats.

The creature that the lion was battling could easily have been mistaken for a butter-yellow Pegasus Pony. It had the same basic dimensions but there were a few key differences. For one, the wings weren’t standard feathered wings. Instead, they were skeletons of wings with skin stretched over. Resembling a dragon’s or bat’s more than the usual bird. The pony also had long sharp fangs growing out of her mouth, and piercing red eyes that seemed to glow from an inner power. The biggest clue that it wasn’t a pony, though, was that it had just been hit with a claw swipe that left three inch deep gashes in the floor and was barely phased.

The third thing was unique in that it wasn’t a fight at all, but a lone seapony sitting in a pool of water, yelling shrilly about how barbaric the situation was and pushing either of the duos away with a burst of magic whenever they got too close.

Pinkie could only stand frozen in the doorway, her mind trying to grasp onto anything that made even a shred of sense.

Finally, it found something, and the Earth Pony’s face morphed from shell-shocked confusion to righteous anger. “WHAT THE HAY IS GOING ON HERE?!?”

Instantly, all five… creatures froze and turned their gazes to the fuming pony in the doorway.

“Look at this place!” Pinkie yelled, sweeping a hoof around the room, “Nicks and slashes on all the furniture, blast marks on the walls, gashes in the floor, and water everywhere! Is this how you treat your own places?”

The five unexpected guests actually had the decency to look guilty, but Pinkie didn’t give them time to say anything in their defense. “Now listen, I’ve had a very hard day and this had kinda topped it off so I am going to go upstairs and take a shower. When I get back, one of two things should have happened.” She held up a hoof and closed her eyes. “One: all of you, the damage, and anything else will be gone because I have finally gone crazy and none of this is real. Or two!” She stamped her hoof on the ground and opened her eyes to glare around the room. Making a few of the occupants flinch. “This is real and all of you are going to remember what manners are and be sitting around that,” She pointed to a table that had been thrown against the wall, “table and be politely drinking hot cocoa and not fighting. If anything other thing has happened I will not be happy.”

Pinkie stormed through the throng of creatures and up the stairs on the other side of the room. She climbed up and, right as she reached the bathroom door, heard one of her new guests murmur, “Hot cocoa?”

“It’s in the cupboard above the stove!” Pinkie yelled down before slamming the door and getting to her shower.


About half an hour later Pinkie Pie came back down the stairs. She had changed out of her bright work outfit and into a plain blue t-shirt and shorts. The heavy makeup was completely gone, and instead of two tight pigtails, her curly mane hung loose around her shoulders.

The sight that greeted her when she walked downstairs was of six ponies sitting around a banged up table, drinking hot cocoa.

That was a bit odd since the lion, seapony, and vampire and been replaced by an orange Earth Pony, white Unicorn, and butter yellow Pegasus. The flight suit Pegasus and sword-wielding Alicorn were pretty much the same as when Pinkie had walked in, the only difference was that the Pegasus’s helmet had disappeared and the Alicorn’s sword was sheathed by her side.

“Well that’s disappointing,” Pinkie commented as she descended the stairs, “Caramel owes Thunderlane five bits.”

The yellow maybe-a-vampire pony jerked her head up from where she was guzzling her cocoa like her life depended on it. Her eyes focused on Pinkie Pie for half a moment and then as soon as Pinkie dismounted the the last step she was directly in front of her, without seeming to move at all.

“W-what is this… this food!”

Pinkie didn’t even flinch at her sudden appearance. “What? The cocoa? It’s just chocolate and sugar really.”

“Ch-chocolate…” The Pegasus said, testing out the new word, “I… I need more!”

Pinkie looked her over. She was trembling and still had cocoa clinging to the fur around her mouth. “Uh, I think you might have had a teeny tiny bit too much already.”


Pinkie did flinch this time. She stumbled back as the Vampire’s red eyes flashed and she towered over the Earth Pony. Pinkie bit down a whimper at the terrifying sight.

“Hey!” A shout interrupted the brief interrogation and the Pegasus folded down even smaller than Pinkie had cowered. The orange Earth Pony had gotten up from her seat and was glaring at the Pegasus. “Don’t you be doin’ anythin’ to her or so help me I’ll fight ya again!”

“...I’m… I’m sorry. It was very good… and I just… thank you for sharing it with me…” The Pegasus apologized meekly to Pinkie, before slumping back over to the table, the orange pony watching her carefully.

“Uh…” Pinkie said lamely, watching the scene carefully, “You’re welcome? It’s not that rare of a food. You can get it at any market.”

She turned towards the kitchen and was stopped in her tracks by the Alicorn standing a foot behind her, bowing deeply.

“Madame I must apologize for how rudely I have behaved this evening.” She talked strangely, with an even heavier accent than the orange pony. “I have come into your home, unannounced, and proceeded to destroy it. Me having no control over my arrival or the fact that I was attacked upon it does not excuse my behavior. As a Princess, I should have reacted better and I humbly ask for your forgiveness.”

Before Pinkie had to think of a response to that speech the other Pegasus spoke up, flaring her wings. “Hey, I didn’t attack you! I was on a space flight when suddenly I’m in a house with a sword in my face. You attacked me!”

The Alicorn twitched and shot the blue pony a glare. “I was in the middle of a training session when I was brought here. I tried to apologize but you fired at me!” She huffed and straightened out of her bow. “Besides, at least I have the decency to apologize to our host.”

“Why should I apologize?” The Pegasus asked, “How do we know she didn’t kidnap us and bring us here on purpose?”

“Sugar,” the orange pony spoke up, “She’s an Earth Pony, ah doubt she can do a big ‘ol teleport like that.”

“If she had a device she could,” The Pegasus protested, turning to the larger Earth Pony. She looked away the second her eyes laid on her though, a blush turning her blue face red. “Uhg, can you please put some clothes on? All three of you?”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” The vampire immediately apologized, reaching under the table and grabbing a black cloak she threw around her shoulders. “I forgot to put it back on after the fight.”

The Earth Pony-maybe-a-lion and the Unicorn-maybe-a-mermaid both raised a brow.

“Why in the sea would I need clothing?” The Unicorn sniffed, crossing her hooves.

“Ah’m already wearing ma hat.”

“You need more than that!” The Pegasus insisted, “It… it’s super weird! You…” She gestured over to Pinkie Pie, “You pink… uh…”


“Pinkie! You live here right? Can you please get these ponies some clothes?”

The orange pony snorted. “She ain’t gonna have anythin’ that’ll fit me. Ah’m twice her size.”

That was true. While the Unicorn was roughly the same body type as Pinkie, the other Earth Pony was huge, much bigger than anyone else in the room and almost the same size as the lion had been.

“Hmmm, you know I think I might have something, hang on.” Pinkie turned around and trotted back up the stairs, leaving her guests in an awkward silence. She returned just a few minutes later, however, two bundles of clothes perched atop her back. “Here you go, I hope they fit.” She handed the bundles to the two unclothed ponies.

The Unicorn unfurled the shirt she was handed and gave it a critical once over. “Hmmm… acceptable.” She concluded and then proceeded to slip it over her head.

Instantly, every pony in the room gasped and averted their eyes.

“What are you doing?!?” The blue Pegasus demanded, her eyes squeezed shut.

The Unicorn blinked in confusion as she finished putting on the shirt. “Changing? Isn’t that what you wanted?”

“You can’t change out here!” Pinkie shrilled, blushing so hard her pink coat turned more red. “It’s not… you can’t do that!”

“It is improper to change in front of others,” The Alicorn agreed, staring pointedly at the ceiling.

The Unicorn blushed and turned up her nose. “Well excuse me for not knowing the ins and outs of land-dwellers social faux pas.”

No one was quite sure what do with that comment but the orange Earth Pony broke the tension by standing up and making her way to the stairs. “Sorry Miss. Pinkie, but is there some place ah can change up there?”

“Oh yeah, sure!” Pinkie said, moving out of the way, “The bathroom is the third door to the left.”

The larger pony dipped her head in thanks and headed up the stairs.

“So, um, what are all of your names?” Pinkie asked after a few moments of uncomfortable silence.

The Alicorn gave her a baffled look. “Surely you jest? I am not sure where we are but I doubt my name has not reached your ears.” She fluffed her wings and removed her strange helmet, letting her striped purple mane fall loose. She smiled proudly and glanced around at the other ponies.

Everyone stared blankly at her.

The purple pony’s face fell. “Are you serious? How can you not…? I’m Princess Twilight Sparkle!”

Pinkie raised a brow. “Princess? There’s only one Princess, silly, and you’re a little short to be her.”

Twilight’s cheeks puffed out at that. “Perhaps there is only one Princess ruling this land but I assure you there are many others. I am a Princess of the great city Roam.”

The blue Pegasus snorted. “Please, everyone here knows your lying. There hasn’t been kings and princesses in forever!”

“...aren’t there only two left?” The other Pegasus spoke up, her nose scrunched in confusion.

“And the city of Roam doesn't exist anymore,” Pinkie pointed out, “I remember that much from
my history class.”

“You watch your tongue!” Twilight shouted, stomping a hoof, “The great city will never fall and to speak of such things is traitorous!” Her eyes suddenly grew wide and Pinkie quickly backed up as the Alicorn’s sword was suddenly thrust in her face. “I have not been transported to enemy territory, have I? Which Princess did you say you follow? Speak truthfully!”

“Um…” Pinkie squeaked as the others started to tense up. The Pegasi looking like they might jump in at any moment while the Unicorn simply watched with mild interest. Pinkie did not want another fight to break out, especially with her now in the middle of it. “P-Princess Celestia! I Pinkie Promise I’m not your enemy Twi- uh… Miss Princess.”

The sword was lowered. “Celestia? The Alicorn apprenticed under Starswirl?” Twilight’s eyes trailed to the floor in thought. “But… you said she was taller than me…”

Pinkie nodded rapidly, her eyes not leaving the sword that still wasn’t fully removed from her face. “Uh huh! She’s so tall. She might just be the tallest pony I’ve ever seen!”

“Oh dear… maybe I shouldn’t be here then…” The vampire muttered shifting in her seat, “I worship her sister and they don’t really get along.”

Pinkie turned to her. “Wait, sist…?”

“Luna?” Twilight gasped, “But she is nary more than a foal! How…?” Her voice trailed off as she pursed her lips, “Pinkie... how old is Celestia now?”

Pinkie giggled nervously. “How would I know? No one can even guess and she’s certainly not telling.”

“An estimate then.”

The Earth Pony shrugged. “Like, over a thousand at least?”

Twilight’s face screwed up in anger and her sword sunk into the wooden floor. “Starswirl you blasted fool! You shall pay dearly for this insult,” Her shoulders sagged and she bowed her head again to Pinkie. “Miss Pinkie, I must apologize once more. I did not realize the extent of the situation.”

“And what’s that, darling?” The Unicorn finally spoke up, her head resting lazily on her hoof.

Twilight turned to her with a grave look. “I fear we have been transported through time.”

Author's Note:

I did it.

This is the weirdest idea I've ever had.

But it won't leave me alone and the plot is almost entirely worked (and by that I mean I know how it's going to end and I've thought about the middle at least once) out so I guess I'm going with it.

This is going to be my next multi-chapter project. I hope you're ready for it.