• Published 30th Dec 2017
  • 2,708 Views, 64 Comments

Bringing Back The Laughter - Flutterpriest

Pinkie Pie has Passed away. After the funeral, the ponies of Ponyville put it upon themselves to bring a little party and laughter to their quiet town.

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Intro - Dustchu

The Party Cannon, Pinkie Pie’s trademark, everyone in Equestria knew what it was. Her crazy way of starting or ending a party, that trademark boom followed by confetti raining down. It was packed too tightly with confetti this time, and it blew up, exploded, actually.

Our ears were ringing from the explosion, smoke filled the air as Pinkie ragdolled away with a squeak, spinning like a fan blade through the air, and ponies laughed. She was so silly with her crazy antics... this wasn’t unlike something she’d do just to make a pony smile.

But she hit something hard; the wall of a nearby building. We all heard the sickening crack from where we were gathered. Maybe it was her spine, or maybe her arm, but… in the end, it had been too much for her.

I can't forget it... I’ll never forget it. Pinkie’s look of childlike happiness before she pulled the cord to ignite the cannon, it happened so suddenly, and none of us were prepared for this.

The sad thing was, is that today was a foal's birthday party. Pinkie was so excited, telling me what she had planned, promised me not to tell anypony else. She had so much planned for the colt, cake and streamers and party games.

Pinkie was so happy to plan out this party, her eyes sparkling with that gleam of hers. She wanted to end it with a bang.

And she died doing what she loved the most out of life, something selfless.

Making ponies smile.

Redheart was there, checking Pinkie’s pulse. I had never seen Redheart’s face so scared in my life. That hollow look in her eyes, the tears streaming down from her face as she tried to revive Pinkie, screaming for another medical pony to come help her.

I felt terrified myself. We all watched it, listening to her scream and try to bring her back. Ponies were scared, how could we not be scared?! Pinkie had just… we thought it was a joke, some silly antic of hers to get a laugh out of the crowd.

Only when we saw Redheart stop and cry did we realize something horrible had just happened...