• Published 2nd Nov 2017
  • 6,823 Views, 497 Comments

No Hugs for Sugar Crush - FerociousCreation

If a bat pony offered you a hug, would you accept it? Apparently, Mineral Water would not hesitate to deny Sugar Crush one.

  • ...

Crime of Passion

Nightshade summarized her entire investigation in a quiet pause. Spike continued writing, but his eyes kept looking back at her every few seconds. “Sorry, everypony,” Nightshade said softly. “Just trying to recall the more important details. There was a lot of walking and flying around the moon.”

“Take your time,” Rarity said.

Once more, Morganite leaned into Nightshade. It pleased Nightshade how she had a friend that continued to fish her out of her sad story from time to time. But Nightshade had to continue to throw herself into that pool.

“The first thing I forced myself to do was go to one of the farming terrariums and tell White’s family the news about him. It was- painful to watch his mother collapse onto the floor.” Everypony made a notable sigh; what a harsh detail it was.

“For the first time in my life, I saw White’s father cry. As for his brother, Nova, he couldn’t bear the sight of me.” Nightshade bore all of her attention into Mineral. “He blamed me for White’s death because I spoke out of line.”

Mineral’s eyes widened at the instant relatability he had with Nightshade. “However,” Nightshade spoke in a low tone, “I was not going to let his words convince me I was responsible for the discrepancies. There was something wrong with how everything transpired. I questioned the parents in their living room about the wheat they reaped. Nova was also interviewed but through the crack a door. Even though he cooperated with the questioning, Nova didn’t want to look at me. And I couldn’t blame him.”


Everypony turned to see Saradiamond of all ponies interrupting the story. Her ears fell down but she continued being vocal, “But it wasn’t your fault!”

Mineral snorted as he turned away. He didn’t need to say anything and everypony knew why he did. Saradiamond opened her mouth to speak to him but no words left her. She clenched her eyes shut and said, “Just- continue, please.”

Nightshade could see Saradiamond’s mask crack. It was only a matter of time before Nightshade would tear it from her face.

“Before I left the farm," Nightshade continued, "I asked if I could do a detailed search of their land. Corona, White’s mother, had no issue because she had nothing to hide. Her husband and Nova were upset with the notion because of my suspicion. Thankfully, Corona was on my side, and in fact, joined me.

“Corona showed me every place that could possibly hide away any wheat. Of course, there was some found in their pantry, but there wasn’t a massive stockpile. Searching White’s room was the most difficult. I kept finding old items he used to use when he was a short colt.”

Nightshade remembered how small he was before his sudden growth spurt in his pre-teen age. Poor White was always looked down upon except by his brother and herself. The most memorable item was his wooden spear and how he would use it to practice by attacking sacks filled with dirt. He vowed to be a strong soldier and supporter of Nightmare Moon. And the results he aimed for were received.

“After we looked around the house, Corona and I went into the barn house, toolshed, every storage unit you would typically find on a farm. There were plenty of sacks filled with wheat, but nothing out of the ordinary.” Nightshade’s brows furrowed, “And then we went to the cellar…”

The emphasis on the cellar drew everypony listening in. Even Spike stopped writing the note. Maybe he was finished but didn’t want to interrupt the story. “The first thing we noticed was how the lock was missing. I asked Corona if she had gone into the cellar recently, to which she blamed her husband for not locking it. When we entered, there were these large barrels filled with wheat alcohol. The farm White was from also dispensed some amount of beer, but only in small quantities because it was non-essential compared to having wheat being a staple crop for the moon.

“I knocked on the large barrels to hear if any were hollow. Most of them were filled. All except for one in the far back. And that’s where my worst fears came to light.”

Nightshade paused on purpose for once to ease her listeners into the first clue. “At the far end, there was a large hole that was punched into the side of the container. And inside were many sacks stashed from within. The smell from the sacks was no doubt wheat.”

A curious hum came from several ponies. Pinkie Pie opened her mouth to say something, but she reluctantly kept her words to herself. “Corona was shocked, of course, and pleaded for her family’s innocence. I had no choice but to ask questions. However, I was gentle with my approach. I asked her if she had a choice to hide something so sensitive, how would she do it."

Nightshade closed her eyes. “Her answer surprised me: to burn it.”

“That is a good way to hide evidence,” Mineral said as he tapped his chin.

“Indeed," Nightshade nodded. "Therefore, it wouldn’t make sense for White's family to hide the wheat the way it was found. Also, how it was placed was so haphazardly, not to mention the missing lock. If White or any of his family would want to conceal something, they would know how to place it in the massive barrels. What’s worse was that it wouldn’t matter if White’s family put it there or not. Nightmare Moon would instantly suspect every member… and end each one just to weed out potential treachery…”

Nightshade shook her head, “I told Corona to behave as if they found nothing; a very stupid thing to suggest. But I needed to report back to Nightmare Moon and tell her that I found nothing solid to defend White’s innocence. In truth, I wasn’t lying, considering I found something that would easily bring the family under more suspicion. I did, however, almost vomit at the idea I would be dancing around the absolute truth. I knew that if Nightmare Moon declared a search warrant onto the farm, Corona, Nova, Prominence, and my own life would end.”

The thestral felt the icy chill that fear brought as she remembered how she came forward to Nightmare Moon. “I returned to the throne room to tell Nightmare Moon nothing was found to prove White’s innocence quite yet. But before resuming her talk about my investigation, Nightmare Moon continued to look at where White used to stand. It was rare to see her sad. And when she looked upon me, for a short moment, I knew somewhere behind her blackened armor, her heart wept.

“But that rarity was short-lived. The all too familiar authority took over Nightmare Moon and it was back to business. Nightmare Moon told me to resume my search until my 72 hours were concluded.”

“Then somepony on duty quietly asked to leave a small input. It was Red Giant. He was a bulky stallion with a rare feature that very few thestrals have: red hair. I knew him all too well, and so did White. Red was born into a well-respected family known for their recruitment in Nightmare Moon’s ranks. I knew his skills and his feelings toward me and White. We were all close friends. And I knew he would want to help.

“Red asked why Nightmare Moon hadn’t dispatched a squad to search White’s home. It pained me to hear him suggest the notion because I knew I was doomed if she was convinced to do a detailed sweep across the farm. Thankfully, Nightmare Moon said that she wanted to see me do the investigation and to see what I could find since I was the one who defended White in the first place. Red then asked me personally if he could aid as well; even he was convinced something was aloof and wanted to find the truth."

“Nightmare Moon allowed him to help me but also told him his life was also in jeopardy. Now that he sided with me, we both were marked with death.

“When he and I left, I made sure to find a concealed area for us to talk. I hated myself because anypony could be suspected. I knew how Red liked me. And the last thing I wanted was to have White killed because of jealousy.

“It was uncomfortable to tell Red that I had some suspicion about him. He didn’t like hearing it but knew why. But I did tell him what I found back at White’s farm. I wanted to test his loyalty to White and I and see how he would behave.

“To defend himself, Red told me that if it was him, it would be easy to figure out it was him because of his red mane. If Red was the one who put the sacks of wheat in that barrel, there could be the chance that his mane might have flaked off somewhere. He even suggested going back to the barn and have me search for any pieces of red hair.

“It did convince me somewhat, but that didn’t clear any suspicion as hard as I wished it did. He could have concealed his mane and tail very well and was only telling me what I wanted to hear. Then, I told Red that whoever was responsible, I would rip a hole into their throat!”

The anger from the past bore its poison into Nightshade’s blood. Her audience was easily stunned by such a bold and violent suggestion. Morganite lifted her head to deliver a stern frown.

“Sorry,” Nightshade said specifically to Morganite.

“Just continue,” Morganite responded softly. “Don’t focus on anger.” Like a feather gently finding a place to rest, Morganite’s curly mane resided against Nightshade’s throat once more.

“Fine then, I will!” Nightshade gave her friend a small squeeze. “White would have liked you.”

“I’m sure he would.”

Both mares smiled along with the other onlookers. Nightshade didn’t need to be told how her friendship with Morganite was stronger than diamonds.

“So with Red on my side, he suggested to me to get some sleep while he goes over the receipts that were brought to Nightmare Moon and White. Surely, not every thestral was there before the- incident. It did make me think to the instant everypony came storming in. They weren’t simple messengers, oh no. The thestrals that arrived were either head of their own house or important figures, not to mention not every house was there to speak out against White’s family.

“When I arrived at my quarters in the castle to get some sleep, however, I was confronted by my father…”

“Oh dear,” Rarity mumbled.

“Indeed. I received the scolding of a lifetime, that was certain.” Nightshade looked at Mineral and the two instantly knew how menacing Carnation can be. “There was more fear in him than there was anger; I put my family at risk for speaking out of line.

“But after making my case, my father did side with me on one thing: there was something wrong about my entire ordeal.” Nightshade smiled, “And before I was left alone, he asked if he could come into my room. When we were alone, he cried about White’s death.” The thestral looked at Mineral and said, “Yes, my father does have emotions beyond scowling.”

“He hasn’t given me any attitude,” Saradiamond disagreed.

“That’s because you aren’t a stallion,” Nightshade countered.

Saradiamond nodded and said, “Fair point,” before looking at Mineral. “Looks like you have no option to argue against Sugar.”

Mineral smiled nervously, “She and I have only had… one small argument. But it was over something so dumb. So our friendship remains untainted.”

Both Saradiamond and Nightshade rose a curious brow. “Care to explain,” both spoke in horrific unison.

A golden arm bumped Mineral’s side. The sensation made him jolt. “You should learn to keep your mouth shut,” Steadfast said.

“I just can’t help but be honest! Besides, it was something very small! No harm in mentioning it!”

“Alright, alright!” Pinkie Pie interjected. “Mineral can’t argue with Sugar or else he’ll die! We all get it!” Everypony did laugh, including Mineral. However, Pinkie Pie remained still and focused on something else. “May you continue, Nightshade?”

All smiles subsided and the attention was back onto Nightshade. She nodded and resumed the story, “It was hard to find any amount of rest, to say the least. Of course, I was tossing and turning over the death of White. I even found myself just lying on my back and staring at the ceiling. And every so often, I would break down into a crying fit.”

Thankfully, Nightshade had already wept in front of her audience. There were no tears in reserve. Mineral, Steadfast, and Saradiamond visibly showed their sympathy more than Rarity, Spike, and Pinkie Pie. Nightshade knew the crystal ponies could connect with her experience.

“My sleep was disturbed by Red knocking on my door. He told me it took no time for him to write a list of all the locations where the receipts came from. He then said he also went to sleep as well to be fully rested. And I remember he told me I looked terrible while he looked like he slept quite comfortably despite the tragedy.”

“I don’t remember you saying he told you that!” Morganite interrupted. “What a jerk!”

“It at least made me laugh.” Nightshade nudged into her friend and said, “Remember, this is the tough mare, Nightshade, who’s telling the story.” Morganite only giggled and didn’t make any other notable interjections.

“With the list in hoof, Red started from the top,” Nightshade resumed, “and off we went to the library terrarium. There, we confronted the head of that dome and family, Omnibus. He attempted to comfort me because he knew my relation with White, but I didn’t want sympathy from anypony until I found the truth.”

Nightshade’s shield dipped and the mare’s ears fell down. “It was impossible to not get angry, even though I knew he wanted to help.”

Even though it was subtle, Nightshade noticed Saradiamond part her lips. Saradiamond flinched the instant their eyes met, but the crystal pony spoke, “It was… a defense mechanism. Anger, that is.”

“How so?” Nightshade asked.

Mineral watched Saradiamond with interest when she answered, “You didn’t want to be reminded. Even though you missed White, when you…” Her eyes kept bouncing off of Mineral and the ground. “...when you have a reminder, you want it to go away, too…”

Her words sunk into Mineral. “Makes sense…” he spoke with a rasp in his throat. Mineral looked at Steadfast, and both stallions’ ears fell down.

Rarity hummed through the silence. A few eyes came her way, but she nodded at Nightshade to resume.

And so the thestral did. “Red and I asked questions about the missing wheat, curious about who accepted them when the delivery arrived. We were directed to the kitchen and questioned everypony in there. One interesting fact was how one of the cooks swore how they accepted a large order of wheat from White’s brother, Nova. Omnibus was not happy and scolded the cook because it brought suspicion on his house.”

“And that act brought Red and I to the conclusion that a search warrant was to be requested by Nightmare Moon personally.” Mineral, Steadfast, and Saradiamond stopped their internal thoughts and all rose their brows.

Nightshade nodded upon noticing the gesture. “Indeed. Though, when we suggested the idea of going to Nightmare Moon to Omnibus, he quickly changed his mood; if he resisted having the terrarium searched, it would bring even more suspicion to him and his family. So Omnibus let Red and I search with the exception that he would join us.”

“How come?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Omnibus swore he had nothing to hide,” Nightshade answered. “More importantly, even he was curious about the comment his cook made about receiving the order of wheat. So we looked. Red and I were granted into rooms and hallways hidden from common eyes. We were even given access to Nightmare Moon’s study, though we didn’t snoop around for too long.”

The thestral shuttered at her memory. “Neither Red, Omnibus nor I wanted to move anything in the slightest because Nightmare Moon is very abrasive when her items are relocated.”

“Hours were spent looking as you can all guess.” Everypony nodded but gave no further motions. “I hated myself because nothing was found. I even began to doubt the legitimacy of my case. Maybe the hidden sacks of wheat at White’s home was done by his family.”

“Furthermore, Omnibus looked relieved when I told him he was almost free of suspicion. But we had yet to search anypony’s quarters and rooms and that was to be saved for last on purpose. I wanted to learn about the secret places before looking somewhere obvious; it allowed me to watch Omnibus at how he wanted to clear himself and his house of any suspicion.”

Nightshade licked her lips and swallowed. She inhaled and sighed. “We all searched Omnibus’ room first before going to his daughter’s room.”

The specific detail made it very clear to everypony what was to come. “Before I continue, I think it’s important to note that Red had a strong fondness of Omnibus’ daughter, Novelette. Red was very uncomfortable once we came to her room. He and I suspected everypony, but not her. She was too fragile to do anything malicious. If we found something, it wouldn’t have been done by her. At least, that’s what we told ourselves.”

Nightshade tried to keep herself relaxed, but her brows and frustration took control of her face. “We found Novelette on her bed, reading. But when we asked her to leave, she refused…”

“So she-” Spike started but was cut off with a harsh “shh!” by Nightshade. The crystal ponies around her didn’t like how she quieted their hero, but Nightshade didn’t care.

“Omnibus and Red begged Novelette to move while I watched her cry. Red had to remove Novelette by force, but did it as gently as he could; even he started to sob. Novelette wasn’t outside of the room when I looked under her large bed and found heaps of wheat sacks hidden by the long sheets.”

A heavy sigh hissed through the gaps of Nightshade’s teeth. “I nearly lost it. Red let go of Novelette and blocked me from getting close to her even though I made no advancement. Omnibus was in absolute shock. He kept screaming ‘why!’ at Novelette until his voice cracked. She could have fled in an attempt to hide but instead crumpled to the floor and just cried along with Red and Omnibus…”

“Dang…” Spike muttered. Everypony looked at the grass, the weight of the story heavy on their eyes. But Nightshade waited until somepony added their thoughts.

“Hold on!” Rarity said. Her brows were furrowed not in a gnarled twist, but in soft thought. Rarity looked back at Nightshade while the others watched her speak. “But the hole in the barrel! The… the broken lock! Surely those details weren’t Chekhoove’s Revolver!”

“Parden?” Nightshade asked, tilting her head.

“Chekhoove’s Revolver is a term used to point out how details that were mentioned in a story should be necessary, and to remove unwanted filler that has nothing to do with progression with the plot.”

“Taking a swing at the author of our story I see,” Pinkie muttered enough for the others to hear her.

Instead of acknowledging the earth pony, Nightshade hummed, then nodded at Rarity. “Indeed. Those details are what held me down from lashing at Novellet, not to mention motivation for the stashed wheat sacks.”

Rarity continued to add her thoughts. “I was wondering that myself.”

“Well, needless to say, I arrested Novellet despite her father’s objections; Red quietly helped me escort her. Omnibus offered himself to be taken. He couldn’t stand the fact of Novellet being suspected of murder so much, he begged all the way to Nightmare Moon’s throne.”

“How sad,” Saradiamond whispered.

Nightshade didn’t want to hear Saradiamond's interjections anymore and spoke over the crystal pony's words, “When I threw the doors open, I proclaimed to Nightmare Moon I had made an arrest. Omnibus charged toward Nightmare Moon’s throne and threw himself at her hooves, begging to die if it came to judging his daughter. He was quickly thrown into a wall."

Everypony winced as if they felt what Omnibus endured.

"Nightmare Moon did not get up from her throne as I thought she would. But she did grab Novelette with her magic from across the room, pulling her quickly away from Red and I.”

Everypony made noticeable gasps. Nightshade knew their concerns for Novelette even though she was the prime suspect. “When Novelette was yanked away, Red gave chase. Nightmare Moon did not kill Novelette the moment she was let go, but Novelette did crumple to the floor as though she did die.

“While Nightmare Moon just stared down at Novelette, Red jumped between both mares, ready to protect the suspect. It was then that Nightmare Moon stood up and charged her horn with deadly magic. She exclaimed, ‘You wish to protect a pony who could very well be the one behind the cause of your friend’s death? You fool!’"

“But I intervened before a repeat happened. I had to shout at Nightmare Moon, yet another crime punishable by death, but I was already at Tarterus’ Gates anyways.” The memory of Nightmare Moon blinking out of existence, only to reappear inches from Nightshade’s face shook the thestral to the bone. The anchor that was Morganite gave another supportive squeeze and brought Nightshade back to the present. But that friendly affection didn’t repel all of Nightshade’s shaken nerves.

“I- I told Nightmare Moon that I- I needed to ask some questions.” Nightshade took a few deep breaths to calm herself. It embarrassed the thestral that everypony saw her vulnerable side. But she had to keep going, else it would kill her to repeat the entire story, especially White’s death.

“I calmly asked Nightmare Moon to hold back her judgment because there was now a much bigger picture at play. And bless her sister, she listened.”

“That’s good to hear,” Mineral said. Nightshade saw his eyes flick to Saradiamond for a brief moment. The blue crystal pony was unaware of the millisecond attention he gave her.

“The first question I asked Novelette was, ‘Did you intentionally place those sacks of wheat under your bed?’ Of course, all she did was tremble. So I then told her, ‘You not saying anything means that you aren’t denying it.’ And she nodded…

“Before Nightmare Moon could disintegrate Novelette, I stated aloud, ‘Then you aren’t denying the other stash of wheat I found!’ That’s when she spoke up. She did confess about the ones she deliberately placed under her bed, but continuously denied doing any other acts of treachery. So I asked, ‘Why then, did you hide the wheat that lead to the death of White?’

“At first, Novelette hesitated. Nightmare Moon towered over her, not with hot fury, but sadness and asked, ‘Why did you conspire against my son like this? He’s dead because of you.’ Those words sent Novelette into another sobbing fit. And through her tears, she continued to repeat over and over again she couldn’t say why. Even when her life was on the line, Novelette could not give her reason because she said it would not only bring her death, but death to another pony; a pony who was not involved in her deeds.”

“So I asked, ‘Have you been blackmailed?’ She just nodded, but it was an answer nonetheless. And Nightmare Moon was furious, not just at Novelette, but also at the reality that her children were conspiring among one another. She wanted her family to love one another, not nash at their siblings or distant relatives.”

“I don’t blame her anger,” Steadfast said. “Why would anypony wish for infighting?” Steadfast looked at both Mineral and Saradiamond, each one glancing the other way when they noticed his stare.

Nightshade left the three to their own problems and continued, “I asked Novelette who was the threatened pony, the one not involved. She refused, so I had to beg her because I knew at that point she wasn’t creating malicious intent; Novelette was forced to put those bags there!”

“My words gave her some comfort because I had faith in her, but Novelette continued to refuse to speak the truth. She did confess she did something with that uninvolved pony that would have bitter consequences for them both which is what got her blackmailed in the first place. So Nightmare Moon offered that the punishment would be greatly reduced if Novelette confessed who the blackmailer and the threatened pony was.”

“Her answer shocked everypony: Red was the threatened third-party, and his father, Erakis, was the blackmailer!”

“Red did not like hearing his father being the blackmailer and turned his back on Novelette. Both broke into an argument. Nightmare Moon wanted to intervene, but I told her to let it play out; their true emotions were at play. However, there was one detail that forced Nightmare Moon into their banter.

“In her fit to protect herself and convince Red it was his father, she confessed her crime of passion: she and Red had fornicated, sex out of wedlock.”

“That’s… a crime?” Rarity asked, turning her head.

Was a crime, yes,” Nightshade nodded. “And it could result in death depending on Nightmare Moon’s mood upon hearing the details.”

“Seems a little steep,” Mineral said. “I mean, I can understand how it can lead to complications such as a child and a crippled social standing, but… death?”

“That’s how it was on the moon,” Nightshade said.

More questions were about to be lobbed at Nightshade and explaining the reason why it was a crime was another tale on its own. “To keep it short, the reason why the act is forbidden is because of our origin; thestrals are a product of that very same act. Our first father was Backdrop. He and the princess weren't wed when they slept together. And after the first brother was born, Backdrop's family was lambasted and went into hiding. We are a blessing to Princess Luna, but the very first of our kind was treated as if he was the embodiment of sin.

Nightshade waved her hoof to shoo away explaining more nonsense. “Point is, that was one of the many rules during Nightmare Moon’s reign. No need to debate any further.”

The simple origin story intrigued Nightshade's audience. They were hungry for who Backdrop was, no doubt. But that was for a later time.

"Where was I?" Nightshade said aloud, telling the others she was moving on with her investigation. “Oh right, Novelette and Red having sex." The three-letter word made everypony flush.

"Surprisingly, Nightmare Moon let Novelette’s father be the first to cast his fury at his daughter and Red. For as large as Red was, I’ve never seen him shrink so much. Red did argue his reason why he convinced Novelette to commit what they did: Red and Novelette were lovers in secret.”

“Omnibus turned to Novelette and demanded an explanation why she kept such a thing from him. Novelette explained that Red’s father never wanted them to be together; he wanted Red to be wed to me.”

Curious hums echoed around Nightshade. She shook her head at the noise they made. “But Red was never in love with me, that much I knew. However, I did recall how abrasive Erakis was with convincing my own father Red and I should be arranged. Thankfully, my father was not going to do such a thing to me.”

“Red had to explain that his father did not give up trying to make me his daughter-in-law. Even when White and I became a couple, Erakis wanted to sabotage my relationship. And to nopony’s surprise, Red refused, despite being in a lower position in his father's house; refusing any parent’s wishes is one step toward Nightmare Moon’s wrath; it was an act of disrespect.”

Nightshade went quiet, the fur on the back of her neck rising. Even though the incident happened years ago, she vividly remembered the realization everypony had in that throne room.

“So… it was Red’s father who forced her to place those wheat sacks there,” Spike said.

“The implications were more than obvious,” Nightshade responded, “but at the time it was still alleged.”

“How!” Saradiamond argued. “It seems too obvious!”

“I agree.” Nightshade looked to the sky and presented the moon was up in the blue air somewhere. “But Red didn’t want to accept the possibility. Nightmare Moon didn’t want to believe the best enforcer of her law would be behind malicious intent. And I hated how there was finally plausible motivation behind the discrepancies.”

“Was Red’s father arrested?” Mineral asked.

“Let’s not get too ahead of the story,” Nightshade said with a smile. “First, let’s focus on our ‘forbidden lovers.’”

Mineral’s throat bobbed in order to swallow whatever words may have come forth if he hadn't. Nightshade’s grin subsided and her mind returned to the past. “I knew Nightmare Moon was dancing around the situation at hoof when she asked Omnibus what to do with his daughter and Red. Omnibus couldn’t answer the question, so Nightmare Moon faced Red. He bowed in respect and offered his life to pay in repentance. He wanted to die because he had his father’s blood in him and felt guilty by association.”

“No…” Rarity weakly begged.

Nightshade gave the mare no relief and resumed with a low tone, “Nightmare Moon levitated Red into the air while Novelette desperately grabbed one of his legs and tried to pull him down. But her father was much stronger and effortlessly pried his daughter from Red. Novelette begged for her life to be taken because Red was innocent. Nightmare Moon ignored the pleas and ignited her horn with light. She looked at me and said, ‘Close your eyes.’”

“The light grew brighter and stabbed my sensitive eyes. I wanted to watch instead of looking away. However, my eyelids didn’t shield me and I was stunned by Nightmare Moon’s power. Through my blindness, I heard Nightmare Moon talk to Red.”

“‘Did you dream of being with Novelette as your wife?’”

"To which he answered softly, “‘Yes.’”

“‘Did you dream of your own foals running around your legs?’”


“‘You wish to die right now despite those wishes?’”

“‘In order to uphold your law, yes.’”

“The light grew more and more intense. And after a moment of silence, I heard Red’s body collapse to the ground.”

Visible tears ran down every mare’s face, save for Morganite who didn’t sniffle like the others. Spike gave Saradiamond’s neck a soft hold, but even her hero couldn’t save her from sad emotions. Mineral and Steadfast stood close to Saradiamond, their sides almost touching.

“My eyes hadn’t adjusted to the light so I couldn’t fully see him, though, I easily made out his body’s silhouette. Novelette was already covering his body with her arms. Nightmare Moon simply stared down at her lamenting daughter and said, ‘Confess your dreams to her.’”

“I like this part,” Morganite whispered.

“I know you did,” Nightshade said into her ear.

The thestral’s audience watched her with wide eyes. “Realizing he wasn’t dead, Red stood to all fours. Novelette gasped with shock, then clung to him and cried gently into his chest. Again, Nightmare Moon repeated herself with more detail, ‘Confess your dreams to Novelette.’”

A wide smile swept across Nightshade’s face. “And so he did. Red confessed his deep wishes to be her husband and wanting foals of their own. Novelette happily wanted just as he wished as well and asked her father if he approved of Red. Omnibus accepted Red as a member of his house earnestly because he knew Red was a capable soldier from a reputable family.”

“However, Red disagreed his family was less reputable because of his father's potential guilt. Red’s words didn’t persuade Omnibus and still had a place for Red to go to. Then Nightmare Moon stepped forward and proclaimed, ‘Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce Red Giant and Novelette husband and wife! You are both able to commit more intimate behavior without the fear of punishment.’”

“Red threw himself at Nightmare Moon’s hooves and thanked her for her mercy. But Nightmare Moon's generous mood quickly soured. She looked at the couple with a stern scowl and told them, ‘Do not let my kindness go to waste.’”

“As quick as it went, everything was back to business. Before Nightmare Moon went to arrest Red’s father, I suggested we send several search parties to investigate the locations where the receipts came from. It wouldn’t make sense if it was only Novelette was blackmailed. And it seemed improbable for Novelette to go to White’s farm and break the lock to the cellar and not get caught. There would have been noticeable evidence of clumsy work if Novelette broke the lock, not to mention she was simply never trained in the art of stealth like I was.”

“Wonderful deduction!” Rarity said.

The praise did not lift Nightshade’s mood or lips. “That’s what I simply told Nightmare Moon. In actuality, Novelette was under suspicion until I verified malintent. Even if there was no motivation on the surface, I wanted to get this nagging idea out of my skull: anypony could be guilty.”

Rarity said nothing in response and flatlined her smile.

Nightshade furrowed her brow, hating the following details that were to come. “And… and that suspicion led me to my own house.”

“You suspected your family?” Steadfast asked in shock. “How could you? Red’s father was clearly-”

“Because I was paranoid!” Nightshade barked as her voice trembled. “What if he used my sister for his nefarious game and threatened her life!”

Gentle hushes whistled through Morganite’s lips. Nightshade noticed them and simmered her irritated mood, but Nightshade couldn’t keep herself completely calm. “Nopony here knows what it feels like to investigate the murder of their special somepony! I wanted the pain to stop. And in order to do that, I made sure nopony was safe from my gaze.”

Nightshade took in a deep breath and then exhaled, letting any bottled- up stress out into the warm air. “Nightmare Moon collected several parties to search houses that had receipt discrepancies and had a warrant for Erakis arrest; Red went to go aid in capturing his father.”

Most eyes wavered their gaze from Nightshade, their storyteller too good at conveying bitter facts. But Pinkie Pie stared right at the thestral. “Where did you go?”

“To my house alone,” Nightshade answered. “Even though no receipts came from there, my house was a part of a well-respected line of soldiers. Many members of my family are a part of the armed forces for Princess Luna, save for Sugar.”

Mineral sighed, “That’s a relief.”

“Sugar was too nice for her own good,” Nightshade said. “That’s why she failed basic training.”

“Well, I’m glad she turned out the way she did,” Saradiamond smiled. She looked at Mineral with a sly grin. “Some of us more than others I’m sure.”

“Yeah, yeah, pick on the guy who’s in love with her,” Mineral said while rolling his eyes.

All the mares giggled at his expense while Steadfast didn’t leave Mineral to fend for himself. “At least you’re not single.”

“That’s true,” Mineral nodded.

Saradiamond snorted and flicked her tail with nothing to retort with.

Nightshade licked her lips and cleared her throat before starting back up. “The first place I had to check was Sugar’s room.” Nightshade saw the horror in Mineral and Saradiamond’s dilated pupils. She lifted a hoof and said, “Calm down. It’s not as bad as you two think.”

Both crystal ponies relaxed their tense shoulders but didn’t let go of their intense gazes.

“The instant Sugar saw me, she scrambled off her bed and slammed her little self against me.” Remembering Morganite was still holding her, Nightshade suddenly felt nostalgia warm her body. “For as small as she was at the time, Sugar had a tight grip.”

Finally, Mineral and Saradiamond no longer looked upset and smiled at the newly found information. “She was sad for White’s death but also knew I was deeply upset, too. I had to tell her I needed to search her room just to be sure she wasn’t being used as some pawn. Thankfully, Sugar was happy to oblige and said there was nothing to hide.

“And she was right.”

“What about the rest of your family?” Rarity asked.

“My father came to aid me in my investigation. When I told him about the missing lock at White's farm, I had a suspicion that there could be a stealthy accomplice. He did hate the idea but also wanted to scrub out anypony who would dare bring my house shame if found out.”

Steadfast stood proud like a golden sentinel. “Well, with no receipts coming from your house, I’m sure nothing was found-”

“Wrong!” Nightshade quickly countered.

A shadow fell over Nightshade and Morganite. The thestral’s audience turned to see the sun went behind one of the large stadium lights. “A close cousin, Chrysanthemum, was found hoarding a large collection of wheat in his room.”

Steadfast blushed for being so quickly silenced.

“If there was a weapon nearby, I think my father would have ended him then and there. But I had mercy. Yet another stash was found. I asked Chrysanthemum why this collection was found despite our house was not a part of the receipt discrepancies. Reluctantly, he confessed he was blackmailed by Erakis, Red’s father.”

“My father gave Chrysanthemum no quarter and pounded into my cousin’s skull that he was responsible for the murder of a family member. Chrysanthemum tried to explain himself, but was easily silenced. Disgusted with him, Father left to go grab troops for Chrysanthemum’s arrest while I find the ‘pathetic excuse’ for being so low as to be blackmailed.”

“Finally alone, Chrysanthemum and I talked. He confessed his blackmailing was created because he was caught letting Red and Novelette having their private sessions. For you see, because my house is a part of a military branch, soldiers have to uphold the law without bias.”

“Thankfully, I had gotten everything I needed just in time for my father and several family members to arrest Chrysanthemum.” Nightshade averted her attention away from her audience. “And nopony was nice when they seized him…”

Nightshade looked away from her audience. “They condemned Chrysanthemum all the way to Nightmare Moon’s castle, calling to any passerby how ashamed they were of their treacherous kin. Too bad that when they passed by the house head Remedy, overseer of medical wards and practitioner of medicine, she told them her son was also forfeited over to authorities for the same crime as my cousin. When asked about why he did it, Remedy was in disbelief when she said her son was babbling about how Erakis blackmailed him.”

The sun no longer hid from behind the tall stadium light and warmed Nightshade’s figure. “Everything was coming together,” she said with a low, raspy tone. “Never in the history of the moon were the jail cells so full.”

“It was very difficult for Nightmare Moon to grasp the situation at hoof. She couldn’t muster herself to go to the rooms of the imprisoned or even listen to the findings in the investigation. For days, Nightmare Moon locked herself in her throne room. The only time she opened the doors was to obtain meals prepared for her.”

“What information did you find from the ponies that were arrested?” Saradiamond asked.

“I think you’d rather hear what happened to Nightmare Moon,” Nightshade answered with a smile. The turn of attention intrigued the crystal pony and she rose her brows.

“So in comes our favorite thestral, Sugar,” Nightshade started, which instantly snatched everypony’s pupils and shot them onto her.

“Wh-why is she important?” Mineral asked, his face strickened with worry. He looked as if something bad happened to Sugar in the story, she would suddenly stop existing in his life.

“It’s what she did and what followed,” Nightshade said

Nopony relaxed their curiosity, amusing Nightshade as they waited. “It was in the evening hours, about 10pm. Dinner was served a few hours back and Nightmare Moon was still in her quarters as expected. As for Sugar, she wished to make something sweet for Nightmare Moon as a late-night snack. Father was very resistant to the idea because Nightmare Moon was obviously in a distraught mood. But my mother thought it would be a nice surprise considering Sugar was thinking about Nightmare Moon’s wellbeing.”

“And what did she make?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“My mother’s mother’s mother’s famous moonpie,” Nightshade answered.

Pinke Pie hummed and licked her lips. “Ah! A family tradition! Sounds interesting! What’s it like?”

Nightshade felt Morganite move and her voice came to life. “It’s a round graham cracker sandwich with marshmallow in the middle, dipped in chocolate.”

While almost everypony fantasized about the unique desert, Nightshade said to Morganite, “I’m the one who’s telling the story.”

“And I am the one advertising something unique and interesting!” Morganite quickly responded. “You gotta be quick and to the point when you want to address something ponies might want. And you getting to the point is very lacking.”

“It’s called ‘build-up,’ Nightshade frowned with a slight crease in her brow. “Besides, the detail of the moonpie is integral to the story.”

Morganite giggled as Nightshade made her case. “Okay, okay, my bad.”

Nightshade nodded and returned to the hungry audience. “So with the moonpie made, I took it along with Sugar to Nightmare Moon’s throne room.”

Horror bled onto Saradiamond and Mineral’s face. “Why did you take her?” Saradiamond protested. “It must have been dangerous for her!”

Nightshade’s pupils thinned as she said, “You think very low of who Luna was when she was Nightmare Moon. Yes, she was harsh, but never to a child.”

Both ponies swallowed and kept quiet for the rest of Sugar’s part.

“Sugar was very nervous when she told me that she wanted to give the moonpie to Nightmare Moon. But Sugar’s intention was to make Nightmare Moon happy.”

A round of ‘aww’s’ echoed through the audience. “So Sugar and I went to the throne room, and I knocked on the massive door. There was no response after a minute passed, so I proclaimed a small, generous, and sweet gift was being offered by my sister. Another minute went by until the doors slowly opened. When Nightmare Moon appeared, I bowed while Sugar trembled in awe, nearly shaking the moonpie from the plate she held.”

“Oh dear…” Mineral muttered.

“Indeed,” Nightshade said with a nod. “But Sugar didn’t flee; mostly due to how scared she was. When Nightmare Moon saw the desert, she asked Sugar why she made it. Sugar told Nightmare Moon she wanted her to eat it and think about how sweet it tasted and not think about any bad thoughts.”

Once more, “aww’s” rippled through the ponies around Nightshade. “Nightmare Moon took the snack, bit into it, and closed her eyes. And while she chewed, Sugar spoke of her second motive: she didn’t want to see her family of thestrals or Nightmare Moon sad anymore. Sugar said that for almost 1000 years, Nightmare Moon has been the thestrals’ mother and the thestrals her children. Sugar didn’t want her family hurt anymore and wanted it all to get better. She didn’t want to see nearly 1000 years of family bonds hurt because of one pony.”

A few giggles escaped Nightshade before she continued. “To see Nightmare Moon break down because of a filly’s words was… interesting to say the least. Sugar thought she was going to die because she made Nightmare Moon cry but was quickly reassured she did nothing wrong.”

“Sugar certainly has a way to speak through her deserts,” Mineral said softly, his voice in a dreamy mumble. “Her Mineral Milk cookie is the reason why I’m standing here after all.”

“And unlike you,” Nightshade bluntly added, “Nightmare Moon took my sister in her arms, and the two embraced each other as mother and daughter.”

Mineral flushed and swished his tail. “I told you I’m afraid of her hugs.”

Saradiamond flinched at such a strange reason. “What do you mean? I’ve seen you two kiss. What makes a hug so threatening?”

Mineral already had confessed his reason to Rarity, Nightshade, and Morganite, but his flustered behavior meant it was still embarrassing to repeat himself. “Our game.”

“‘Our game?’” Saradiamond echoed.

Steadfast gasped and exclaimed, “I see!” Saradiamond rose a brow, not sure what he was going on about. “It was in the magazine article about Mineral and Sugar. Their friendship was somewhat founded on this game they play. Simply put, Sugar is to embrace Mineral at all cost, providing nopony gets hurt.”

“Too bad Sugar’s attempts have gotten her injured from time to time,” Mineral said with cheeks that beamed ruby-red. He looked at Saradiamond and continued Steadfast’s thoughts. “It was created to force me to remember Sugar could pounce at any moment, allowing me to think about her almost all the time.”

Pinkie Pie turned her head, the news very new to her. “But how can you be afraid of Sugar’s hugs? I mean, is she dangerous with her hugging attempts?”

Saradiamond watched Mineral with intent as the stallion searched for his answer. “Not as often as you think,” Mineral answered. “In fact, you’ve seen me hug her before. The problem is-”

A light gust dipped into the stadium and whipped up everypony’s mane. “I want her pursuit to never end. I want Sugar to clutch me against her. But that can never happen, no matter how badly I want it to be so.”

Saradiamond took in a deep breath, but Mineral quickly prevented her from speaking and said, “I’ll tell you in a bit.”

Saradiamond kept her lips parted. Words were at the edges of her teeth and Mineral waited for a response. But slowly, Saradiamond gently closed her lips with no further reactions.

Deep in the recesses of her heart, Nightshade started to get more upset at Saradiamond. Saradiamond was the main reason why Mineral had that game to play with Sugar in the first place. And there she was, standing so quiet and still like. Nightshade can feel the shame wafting off of Saradiamond as the thestral’s story related more and more to the reality at hoof.

But what really irked Nightshade was how Saradiamond sympathized with the death of White. At the time of his demise, Nightshade blamed herself for his death; and tragically, at the present, still felt somewhat at fault. Yet, the wretched crystal pony told Nightshade that it was not her fault while blaming Mineral for Nebula’s death over and over.

“Nightshade?” Morganite said, snapping the thestral from her furious mind. “Your heart is racing. Are you okay?”

It was easy to lie in front of everypony. “Just thinking about the end of my story.”

Morganite nodded, shifting around a bit as if to remind Nightshade she’s there to help. But there was no helping Nightshade with her anger against the hypocrite.

But it was a good time to start back up and reach the climax. “To my surprise, Sugar’s simple gesture reinvigorated Nightmare Moon and was off to interrogate that very same day. She took me along to analyze behaviors and details. I suggested to Nightmare Moon to tell every prisoner that they were the first to be interviewed and wanted to see if each one lined up with the blackmailing scheme. She obliged.”

“And the results of your technique?” Rarity asked.

Nightshade’s ears fell down. “Spot on,” she sighed. “Every single thestral had been blackmailed because they were caught by Red’s father, Erakis. And every time Nightmare Moon had to hear that her best enforcer would sink so low angered my mother more and more.”

“But how did Erakis orchestrate such a massive plan?” Steadfast questioned. “He withheld a lot of information from Nightmare Moon, but how did he control everypony?”

“I suppose I can tell you how,” Nightshade said, though she hated having to explain the steps that lead to White’s parting. “When Erakis caught somepony doing a crime, he didn’t report it, and instead, said to those he blackmailed that he would use them in the future when the time comes. Eventually, that moment came and told each thestral what to do: steal away one sack of wheat every day and conceal it.

“Erakis’ victims said that if they refused, he would simply confess to Nightmare Moon about the crime they committed. What’s worse is how he kept them working for him. Once they started stealing away wheat, they couldn’t stop. Because if they did, Erakis would search his victim’s house and find the stashed wheat, and arrest them for theft.”

A nasty scowl bore down on Saradiamond’s brow. “How horrible…”

Nightshade watched her audience do the same as the crystal pony and created the same expression. She tried to get angry, but her neck became heavy. Nightshade dipped her head and muttered, “When Erakis’ victims asked him when they could stop, he told them, ‘You’ll know when…’”

“But then came the massed trial,” Nightshade said while lifting her head. “Everypony from every house was gathered in the courtyard to witness the judgment of the arrested, including Novelette and my cousin, Chrysanthemum. What made it unique was how those Erakis blackmailed stood in their own group; Erakis stood alone. Erakis was quiet but wielded a cold stare at those he threatened. Some of the arrested scowled back while others refused to look at him.”

“Where were you during the trial?” Steadfast asked.

“Right beside Nightmare Moon along with White’s parents, his brother, Red and his mother, and my father,” Nightshade answered.

“Why your father?” Mineral chimed in.

Nightshade stared at Mineral to answer the question. “Nightmare Moon wanted to display those who were most affected by White’s death. My father saw him as a son and wanted White to be my husband.”

Warm pressure started to circle around Nightshade’s eyes. The false reality of White and faceless children came to the sad thestral. Oh, how she longed to be a wife to such an accomplished stallion.

Mineral appeared the most hurt as his eyes couldn’t hold back tears. Saradiamond saw this and a glint of sympathy glittered in her expression. Spike reached out his short arm and touched Mineral’s shoulder. Steadfast pulled Mineral into his side. The golden stallion’s strength was a bit rough on his old friend. Mineral shuttered violently upon contacting Steadfast but didn’t flee, and slowly stopped shivering in due time.

But Saradiamond just stared at Mineral, not giving him any affection like Spike or Steadfast. Everypony stared at Saradiamond, expecting her to do something. But she simply did nothing other than looking sorry for Mineral.

Nightshade had to force herself to speak, lest she would lash out at Saradiamond’s lack of action. “Nightmare Moon began the trial by addressing the current events: White’s death, the reason behind it, and the massive arresting campaign. The entire moon knew what was going on, but to hear Nightmare Moon acknowledge it was overbearing.

“Doom was upon Erakis, but he remained still during the address. That is, until he was mentioned. Nightmare Moon demanded why so many ponies had spoken out against him with no conflicting evidence? Erakis was shaken and his guilt was apparent when he said nothing.”

A dark shadow fell over Nightshade’s face. “That’s when I step forward with the spear I was given prior to the address. My role was executioner...”

Everypony and dragon gasped. Morganite squeezed Nightshade as the thestral’s heart started to pound at her ribcage. The world around Nightshade tore away like paper and there she was, back at the very place it all ended.

Like a vivid, freshly-painted image, Erakis stared right into her soul as an audience of thousands circled them.

Author's Note:

If you are curious about who Backdrop was and the origin story of thestrals, this is what you can refer to: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/402345/collaboration

Collaboration was written to be linked to No Hugs.