• Published 2nd Nov 2017
  • 6,823 Views, 497 Comments

No Hugs for Sugar Crush - FerociousCreation

If a bat pony offered you a hug, would you accept it? Apparently, Mineral Water would not hesitate to deny Sugar Crush one.

  • ...

After 5 Billion Years, the New Chapter Came Forward

“Really, Mineral?” Nightshade asked. She rolled her eyes and snorted. “I am surprised that’s the reason why you won’t let Sugar hold you!”

Mineral pursed his lips, his ears down in embarrassment. “I mean, even if I am worried for a dumb reason, it’s still a reason.”

A pink rear bumped Nightshade’s three, causing the thestral to stumble a few steps. Morganite flicked her tail, “It may be odd to you, Nightshade, but with what Mineral has gone through, I believe his reason is justified.”

Rarity nodded in agreement and responded with words, not physical contact, “I think it is quite charming and romantic.”

The stallion shuttered, the attention all bearing down on him. They just didn’t know just how truly frightened he was. Mineral kept his words packed tightly behind closed lips. Trying to justify his resistance to any of them would only erupt in fits of giggles.

Strangely enough, talk about Sombra was an easier discussion, particularly because of how heavy it can get and will force the mares onto another topic than their fantasy of Mineral standing still and being collided by his special somepony.

“When we get to the stadium,” Mineral started, his attention to Nightshade, “how do you plan on discussing the topic of ‘moving on from the past’ to Saradiamond? I expect her to explode with emotions if you weren’t aware of her character.”

The air became dense when all four ponies looked to the tall stadium they were approaching. “Don’t forget you are also involved,” Nightshade responded. Mineral flexed his brow, confused at why he had to travel alongside Saradiamond. “You look surprised.”

“I have moved on,” Mineral argued.

“Then why have you allowed yourself to develop a fear of my sister hugging you?” Nightshade asked, her tone clear and blunt. “Or how about Steadfast? I don’t see you two as friends. There is clearly something holding you back there as well."

Morganite and Rarity both looked to the thestral with displeasure. “There is no need to be forceful,” Morganite said.

“How is that forceful? Should I pretend Mineral is not at fault for anything?” Nightshade shook her head, “Rarity, are you here to fix a friendship problem?”

“I am, but I have to be careful with my words.” Rarity’s ear twitched and turned at Nightshade. “How dare I stagger into somepony’s life and bark the order, 'get over yourself!' I need to ease forward carefully. I don’t know Mineral as much as you do.”

“And you are correct!” Nightshade announced. “I know him more than you do. I can be more personal.” She gestured her head to the discussed pony. “Besides, do you see Mineral arguing against me?”

Rarity glanced at Mineral, the stallion a quiet, thinking spectator toward the conversation being held around him. Nightshade gave no quarter to any possible rebuttals and continued, “I am not being insensitive about why he hasn’t truly moved on. The discussion will involve him. I will explain my own tragedy and share how I had no choice but to be strong and pursue onward. Then will I ask the question, ‘why.’”

Nightshade looked down at her short friend, “I understand your ‘why’ because I eased in, right?” Morganite frowned but nodded. “And do you understand why I asked you?”

Morganite slowly nodded and said, “Because you care about me, Mineral, and other crystal ponies.”

“Exactly!” Nightshade said with a triumphant sigh. “I want to help with this plague that ales my friends! Whatever that buckface Sombra did was no doubt cruel!” The swear caught everypony around Nightshade off guard. A parent with his foals leered at her, but the thestral didn’t bother to care.

“Moving on is not supposed to be easy,” Nightshade admitted, allowing her strong facade to dip a little. “But I’ve managed. And I want to help.” She bounced her slit pupil onto Mineral. “Don’t forget I am your friend, too.”

Mineral rose his brow at attention. “What do you mean ‘tragedy?’”

The four ponies entered the stadium's shadow. “I’ve lost somepony, too.”


The sound of another target being blown into splinters rang across the field. A pat on Steadfast’s shoulder made the jouster grin with pride. Having to speak loud over Steadfast’s hoofsteps, Spike said, “I think you vaporized the target! There’s nothing left!”

Steadfast rounded out of the list’s dirt trail and into the grass, slowing his speed to a strut. He held onto his joust with no sign of exhaustion. “The use of magic is illegal in this sport. That was nothing but pure accuracy and brute strength.”

“Well done, Steadfast!” Saradiamond called as she approached her teammate. “I think it’s time to take a break.” She looked at the dragon and smiled at him. “Having fun?”

“You bet!” Spike beamed. “Can’t wait to see you two in action!”

“We have merchandise of our team’s emblem at the concession stand if you wish to support us!” Steadfast said.

Free of charge, of course,” Saradiamond added.

Spike knew pledging loyalty to one jousting team would lead to the others being absurdly jealous. He simply concluded the gesture of Vampony merchandise with, “I’ll give it some thought. For now, let's get out of this sun.”

Both jousters nodded and turned around to see Pinkie Pie resting on the grass. She simply observed, watching with her usual smile. “I find it hard to see her be so still,” Spike said, tapping Steadfast’s shoulder plate.

“I agree,” Saradiamond nodded. “Maybe she has nothing to say.”

“Maybe,” Spike muttered.

The instant the three began approaching Pinkie made her spring into action. “But I’ve been wrong before,” Saradiamond said. “Here she comes.”

A few long hops and Pinkie Pie quickly closed the gap. “Oh boy! I am so ready to get a move on!”

“Have you not been enjoying our practice?” Steadfast asked with a raised brow. “Your excitement and… strange ability to connect your tail to the surround sound told me you were quite amused.”

“Oh, I’ve been having a blast! Watching things explode on impact is always fun to watch!” Pinkie answered.

Saradiamond chimed in, “Then what’s got you ready to jump into a cloud?”

“Because yet another hiatus is over!” Pinkie Pie jabbed her hoof back to where she sat. “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting in that spot? Over a year! An entire year!”

Both jousters looked at one other, knowing the passage of time was not months, but a few hours. “Just roll with it, guys,” Spike said to the jousters. “It’s just Pinkie nonsense.”

The anomaly that was Pinkie Pie certainly was one to get used to. The crystal ponies both tried to adapt like their hero, but listening to Pinkie’s proclamation was hard to not deem her as insane.

Saradiamond made an attempt to stay content with Pinkie and brought the conversation back to the hero. “So… Spike! Do you wish for me to get something right now from the concession stand?”

While the funnel cake from earlier was a nice sweet treat, Spike wanted something more hardy and heavy. “No thanks. I’ll be fine with some gems.”

Saradiamond turned around, ready to do his bidding. “I know just where to get some!”

“Wait! You don’t-”

But it was too late. The mare charged off in an excited sprint. “Give me three minutes!”

“-have to…”

While Pinkie Pie stared at a stopwatch she pulled out from nowhere, Steadfast let out a soft chuckle. “To see Saradiamond charge off like that is quite amusing. It shows how much of an influence you have on her.”

Spike hopped off of Steadfast and walked in front of him. “Guess that’s the side effect of being a hero,” he said with his arms folded. Spike entered Steadfast’s tall shadow, the sun no longer baking the dragon’s scales.

Steadfast levitated his joust over to the weapons rack and muttered, “Indeed.”

Pinkie placed her stopwatch in her mane and blinked at Steadfast a few times. “Something on your mind?”

The crystal pony’s body did not glitter from Spike’s view as he continued to use Steadfast to block out the sun. His entire figure didn’t boast his usual pride. “Everything I’ve wanted is starting to come to fruition so quickly it’s shocking. Saradiamond recognizing her anger, her and Mineral coming together and talking. Truly, it’s wonderful.”

“Then why aren’t you smiling?” Pinkie asked.

The sunlight became too bright for the stallion, and he clenched his eyes. “Because I’m inadequate!”

Spike stumbled out of the pony’s shadow. “Woah, hey! That’s not true!”

Steadfast’s stare at the ground was nothing short of a scowl. “Then why does she listen to you, O Great and Glorious Hero? Why do I lack the capacity of convincing words while your triumphant presence cleanses the ground she so dangerously trudges in?”

“Are you upset with us?” Pinkie Pie asked while taking short steps forward.

“I’m frustrated with myself!" Steadfast exclaimed. "I’ve tried to make things well by dwelling on the goodness of things! And what do I get in return? Just more anger at the past!” The more Steadfast angled frustration at himself, the less angry he appeared. More and more, sadness warped the crystal pony’s expression. “It took the rest of the world to wake my friends from their errors. Suddenly, my foolish suggestion to allow Mineral to be forgiven by Saradiamond is only now being taken into consideration.”

Steadfast struck the grass with a heavy stomp, the impact felt through Spike’s clawed feet. “What am I to them? A golden shell of empty words? A friend who can fix nothing as he watches his friends become swallowed by misery?”

Spike was at a loss of words. Any words of encouragement would easily be rebutted because of who he was.

“I can relate on a different level,” Pinkie Pie said softly.

Steadfast lifted his attention to her, his posture straightening. Every inch of movement twinkled off the unicorn’s golden physique. “Please relate, then!”

The instant Pinkie Pie planted her flank on the ground, she let her shield go and frowned. Steadfast’s mouth parted, and his eyes blinked several times. It was his time to be shocked at her change in character. Spike clenched his claws together, waiting with anticipation.

“I’ve had a crummy week this week,” Pinkie started. She let out a sigh, her ears dipping. “I did everything I could, I did everything right. Yet, my bad week persisted. I even had a moment where I exclaimed, ‘Why me!’ because nothing was going the way it was supposed to.”

Despite her slumped shoulders, Pinkie Pie shrugged. “But what could I do when everything was out of my control? I couldn’t change a customer’s rude nature because deep down, they were focused on themselves; it was all about them. Will they learn from their behavior? It would be nice. But am I the one chosen to be their savior?”

The question made Steadfast’s ears flick when there was a break in Pinkie’s talk. “O-oh. Umm… Is this a rhetorical question?”

Pinkie Pie shook her head.

“Then… at this point, no.”


Both Spike and Steadfast furrowed their brows. “So it’s good that I’m not chosen to be my friends’ savior?” Steadfast asked.

The spring in Pinkie’s muscles shot her into the air and right onto her hooves. “And who said that? Of course, you can!”

“But… it took everything outside of the Crystal Empire to make them realize their errors.”

“And it took my friends and I to save your home!” Pinkie Pie left a few inches between her and Steadfast. “It may be frustrating it took so long, but some things require a big happenstance to change anypony’s life. But what took you out of the picture? Hmm?”


“Then who knows what power you have from within!” Pinkie Pie held out her arm, welcoming him in if he needed her comfort. “It’s only a matter of time before you can still use that inner you and tell your friends what you’ve not only been saying but also how you are feeling now! Put the pressure on them with that golden urge you have; that urge that wants your friends back!”

Steadfast took in a deep breath of air as if to take Pinkie Pie’s words into his lungs. He closed his eyes and turned his attention to the sun’s warmth. “I’d… like that hug you’re offering, please!”

“Aww yeah!” Instead of tossing her entire figure at him, she slowly reached around Steadfast. “Normally I’d be more hasty, but I don’t want your armor to poke me.”

Cold armor plating chilled Pinkie’s spine when Steadfast carefully put a forearm around Pinkie Pie. “The gesture is all the same,” Steadfast said. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Pinkie Pie looked at Spike and gave him a wink. Spike gave the pony a thumb’s up, approving Pinkie’s motion and words.

“Pinkie…?” Steadfast spoke low.

“Yeeeeeeeeeeeees?” Pinkie sang.

The jouster’s armor began to clank. Spike took notice and scratched his chin. Is he shivering?

“You know… for somepony who isn’t a crystal pony-”

Steadfast’s words were suddenly caught in his throat. Spike instantly knew where Steadfast was going. A sly grin reached upward, almost touching the rim of his eyes. Hoping for the continuation of Steadfast’s words, Spike curled his claws in the grass in anticipation.

However, Steadfast looked onward, his attention no longer upon the one in his arms. Upon noticing this, Pinkie Pie and Spike looked to see a group approaching them.

Saradiamond was among the cluster along with familiar faces. Rarity was the easiest to point out with her yellow dress. Next was Morganite, her pink coat brightest in contrast to everypony else. Mineral and Nightshade seemed to blend together as they walked side-by-side.

“You can do this,” Pinkie Pie said to Steadfast. “Nice and steady, Steadfast.”

An unexpected laugh escaped Steadfast, startling Spike’s small heart. “Even at a time like this, you find ways to humor me!” the stallion said.

“Oh, you know me! The Element of Laughter is on the clock and at work!” Pinkie giggled.

Steadfast broke off from the mare and marched forward, his mind and heart set on his ever-persistent goal.

“Hey, Spike?” Pinkie Pie whispered. “What did I do to make him laugh?”

Spike rose a brow. “You mean your play on the words steady and Steadfast wasn’t intentional?”

Pinkie shook her head, “No. Then again, I am good at being spontaneous.”

“Can’t put it past you on that one.”

Not interested in the pony’s coming forward, Pinkie pulled out her stopwatch and smiled. “Hey, 3 minutes and 8 seconds! Saradiamond was right! It did take her that long.”

“And there you go,” Spike muttered.


It came as no surprise when Steadfast came within earshot of Mineral, the golden steed began the talk to the approaching crowd. “I am glad to see you in the sunlight, Mineral,” Steadfast said.

Everyone stopped to see how Mineral would react. Who would have thought that a simple response would make the world around him stop moving. “I’ve forgotten what it felt like to just stand still and let the heat soak into you.” Mineral’s outfit suddenly became warmer upon his statement.

Mineral eyed Saradiamond, curious if she had anything on the lines of, ‘Good to know you didn’t push Steadfast away this time.’ Thankfully, she kept her sapphire mouth clamped shut.

Hoping the crowd would begin moving in with their own words, Mineral looked at everypony around him. Rarity simply nodded her head at Steadfast. The time between Mineral and Steadfast was being observed like a climax during a play.

“H-having a good practice?” Mineral asked. He gandered to see Spike from afar. “Might I rephrase that? Has Saradiamond been a little quick in her step with our hero at the sidelines?”

The small crystal Saradiamond had hovering beside her quickly hid behind her flank. Saradiamond had no chance to react as Steadfast answered, “She’s almost a blur with how fast she’s been.”

Everypony gave nothing short of light laughter. Saradiamond simply stuck her nose into the air. “Sometimes we all need a little push in the right direction!” she huffed. “Good to know things between you two seem to be the same after all this time!”

While she stomped away with her crystal, Steadfast said to Mineral, “I pray that you are here on good terms, friend.” He looked between Morganite and Nightshade, his eyelids squinting. “I am curious about the two unexpected bodies; not to say either of you are unwanted.”

“I’ve come to uncover the truth,” Nightshade stated, her slit pupil sharper than her words.

“Nightshade,” Morganite interjected, patting the thestral on the shoulder. “I understand your intention. But keep in mind this is us crystal ponies. Even if this is for the betterment of your sister.”

Rarity advanced toward the jouster, the fabric on her outfit fluttering with her quickened pace. “Mineral and I have come with the intention to speak to you personally. Well, Mineral is the one who wishes to initiate that is.”

“And what good news this is!” Steadfast beamed.

Mineral’s ears fell down as if Steadfast’s exclamation was a scolding. Mineral felt his muscles weaken, suddenly not sure if he had the strength to say what’s needed to be said. At least Mineral didn’t have the urge to scowl at Steadfast anymore. All that anger from the past was extinguished thanks to Rarity.

What remained was shame.

“Smile, Mineral! Smile!” Steadfast announced. “I see no clouds as far as I can see!”

“I hear the forecast stated there will be some later in the evening hours,” Mineral said with a thumping heart.

Mineral made sure to check the sky and saw there weren't any. When he returned back to earth, a golden arm reached for him. “You are here on good terms, yes?” Steadfast asked.

Mineral’s eyes dodged the limb. “I want to make things right. This is my choice.”

Steadfast let his happiness falter, and a curious hum rang in his throat. He took back his arm and said, “Then let’s talk with Saradiamond.”

Mineral snapped his head at Steadfast with some tension on his brow. “I want this to be between you and me.”

“That cannot be.” Steadfast looked to Nightshade. “I too want to uncover some truths as well. It’s time I speak my mind.”

“Then allow me to tell you my story,” Nightshade said. “And when I am done, it’s only a matter of answering why?”

“‘Why’ what?” Steadfast asked.

“Why is it difficult for crystal ponies to move forward? That is my question.” Steadfast was ready to answer but was cut off quickly. “I already know the Crystal Empire’s tale. But you do not know mine. I’ve gone through my own trial of misery.”

Steadfast looked the thestral up and down to try and find any chink in her armor. But her strong, flat expression showed no sadness. “Then I will listen and see if it compares to the empire’s pain.”

Nightshade thinned her pupil as she took one heavy step forward. “Don't you dare say that!" The outburst forced almost everypony to step back; the only pony unaffected was Morganite, though, she did flinch. "This isn’t about body counts! This is simply asking ‘why!’ I’m trying to understand, not say I know how to witness my lover’s death and how Nebula cannot compare as you are putting it!”

The thestral was clearly hurt, a rare sign indeed. And she was not finished with speaking her mind. “Shall I get a scale to weigh our lost loved ones? Or maybe-”

“Nightshade, please!” Morganite slammed her body into Nightshade, gripping her in a tight embrace. “Calm down!”

Whatever story she had kept hidden within Nightshade’s heart resurfaced too quickly. Nightshade was obviously disturbed somepony would dare try to attempt to compare one tragedy over another. She trembled so violently, it was easily seen. Rarity and Mineral were only spectators to the short-fused event.

Steadfast knew he stepped one too many hooves forward and lowered his head in shame. “Forgive me,” he said. “Please tell your story.”

Nightshade took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled it before regaining her wits. “Saradiamond needs to hear me as well.” The mention of her name brought everypony around the group of five to look at her. Saradiamond, along with Spike and Pinkie Pie stared back at them from afar, easily distracted by Nightshade’s outburst.

The distant trio briskly came to the restrained mare. Spike was given no luxury of walking and rode on Saradiamond’s armored back. The crystal that Saradiamond brought only had one small bite taken from it as he clenched it in a single claw.

“What’s with the shouting already?” Saradiamond asked with a furrowed brow angled at Nightshade.

Nightshade didn’t give Saradiamond the attention or answer the question. Nightshade nodded at Steadfast and said, “I forgive you.”

“Thank you,” Steadfast whispered.

Pinkie Pie looked at the group she wasn’t involved with and asked, “So… is everything okay?”

Rarity bit her lip, her mind searching for the right response. “Let’s just listen for now, Pinkie.”

“That game, huh? Okay.”

Pinkie Pie saw Spike still propped on Saradiamond, the dragon stilled by the tension. Nightshade tried to move, but Morganite refused to let go. The thestral looked down at her short friend with a gentle smile. “I don’t need to be anchored anymore.”

Everypony expected a response or movement from Morganite. However, the crystal pony proved resilient in playing dead while standing. Her eyes were closed as if asleep, only held up by Nightshade’s strong stature.

“Morganite, I’m fine.”

Again, no response. The only movement Morganite did was her slow breathing. Nightshade visibly blushed, not sure what to do with all the attention everypony gave the two. She appeared lost despite being in front of many bodies.

Rarity noticed Pinkie and Spike confused at the entire ordeal. She heard Steadfast whispering into Saradiamond’s ear, the words inaudible but it was easy to guess he was filling her in on what transpired. When he finished, both of Saradiamond’s ears fell down.

All three crystal ponies before Rarity all had the same expression. None of them were flustered as she or her friends were. Rarity’s heart didn’t want to mutter her thoughts, but she knew ignoring them would not help her quest.

“It’s hard for me to relate to all of this pain,” Rarity said with carefully selected words. “I do not know, nor can compare to any thestral or crystal pony and their pasts. The only ones who can do that now are yourselves.”

Rarity’s words resurrected Morganite, the pink crystal pony awkwardly looking up at Nightshade because of her hold on her friend. “I agree.” Morganite looked at her own kind. “It would be best for us to listen and not rant about other parties. That’s how a full story is told.”

Saradiamond looked away as if the statement was specifically for her. Mineral was also affected and quietly nodded in agreement.

“May I tell my story to you all?” Nightshade asked. “And may I ask ‘why’ at its conclusion?”

“‘Why’ what?” Saradiamond asked.

“Why is it hard for us crystal ponies to move on?” Mineral answered for the thestral. Saradiamond was easily bothered by the question and readied to give a response. Mineral held up a hoof and said, “Let’s hear Nightshade out, first.”

“But what difference does it make?” Saradiamond’s brow twitched in an attempt to not furrow it. “We’ll have to answer the question all the same. Why not now?”

“You’ll be asking a different question when I’m done with my story,” Nightshade said.

“And what would that be?”


Saradiamond furrowed her brows, frustrated with the cryptic thestral. “‘How’ what?”

“You’ll know exactly how to fill in the rest of the question once we get there.”

Saradiamond sighed in defeat, “Very well.”

Nightshade looked down at Morganite who still clung against her figure. “If you’re going to keep holding on, you better get ready for a wild ride.”

“I’m very familiar with your tale,” Morganite countered. “And I know you cannot go on the ride alone. Why else tell me your story now after we’ve been friends for two months now?”

A heavy breath escaped Nightshade as if punched in the gut. She just leaned her head on the short pony. It was impossible for anypony to not smile at the duo’s interaction with one another.

“Nightshade is just like Sugar,” Mineral said Saradiamond. “If Sugar has no response, she just tries to act cute.”

Saradiamond rose a brow, “Are you suggesting Nightshade is cute even though you are in a relationship with her sister?”

“I- didn’t mean it like that!” Mineral argued. His face and tips of his ears flared red.

Saradiamond gave the stallion a playful push. “I’m joking,” she giggled.

“O-oh! Right, heh.” Mineral rubbed his forearm with a hoof. “Of course you were.”

“And I know exactly what you mean.”

The air on the field felt less tense as Saradiamond and Mineral smiled at one another. Steadfast stepped between them and bested their smiles with his own. “Glad to see you both getting along!”

“No need to proclaim it,” Saradiamond grumbled.

Mineral nodded but didn’t let his joy go. “But this is Steadfast. He doesn’t go a day without boldly proclaiming something.”

“And why not!” Steadfast cried, adding more truth to Mineral’s words. “Being a beacon of positivity is who I am!”

“And stick with it!” Pinkie Pie added with a hoof jabbed into the air.

Steadfast beamed at the added support. But something was off with his smile. “Are you blushing?” Saradiamond asked.

Steadfast’s smile writhed into shock. “Wh-what are you referring to? Nightshade’s story?” He snapped his attention at the thestral. “Why not tell your story!”

Too bad for him, almost everypony knew what he was doing. As for Pinkie Pie, she just stood there confused. “Why am I having the sudden urge that I’m being oblivious to something?” She scowled at the grass. “Must be the author trying to build up something and keeping me dumb in the process!”