• Published 2nd Nov 2017
  • 6,825 Views, 497 Comments

No Hugs for Sugar Crush - FerociousCreation

If a bat pony offered you a hug, would you accept it? Apparently, Mineral Water would not hesitate to deny Sugar Crush one.

  • ...


No matter where Sugar was located, no matter where she scuttled or simply stood, it seemed Raspberry was around every corner. The instant Sugar’s gaze would fall to the floor, the empress of the Chocolate Palace would present herself without warning or noise.

Even though Sugar was equipped with strong ears, she could not hear her boss; Sugar couldn’t avoid her own nagging, worrisome heart from thumping in her chest. And Raspberry gave Sugar no quarter to worry about her predicament.

“You could be sweeping the crumbs from under that table,” Raspberry said in a soft tone from behind Sugar.

Sugar flinched and half-fanned out her wings to leap away, but the mare held her wits together, enough to keep her on the ground. “I was- counting the bits in the tip jar!” the thestral replied in defense. She pointed a gray hoof that the container, “Twenty-seven I counted!”

“And I counted twenty-seven times you’ve looked at the tip jar.”

Arguing that was an extreme overshoot would put Sugar in a position of arguing with Raspberry, one Sugar knew she would lose; and because Sugar would confess that she looked at the tip jar at least three times.

“I’ll be at the register, Sugar,” Raspberry said.

“Alright, I’ll get to it.”

The muscles in Sugar’s jaw flexed, frustrated that Raspberry would have a vantage point over the entire store and would watch everything that happened. Sugar turned to grab the broom and stand-up dustpan that leaned against the wall near the kitchen door which was conveniently moved from the back of the house to the front.

“And smile, Sugar. I don’t think I treat you poorly and wouldn’t want customers to think that I do,” Raspberry added.


A frustrated, but quiet sigh whistled passed Sugar’s lips. As she inhaled through her muzzle, Sugar created an artificial smile. If it would please Raspberry, then so be it.

Deep down, Sugar wanted to stop festering over her troubles. She wanted to throw the broom and dustpan in frustration if the action would breed no consequence. The one pony Sugar wished to embrace her to whisk away all her troubles was also the one who she feared of changing her opinion of.

Thankfully, the crumbs under the table proved to be an effective distraction. If only Raspberry’s eyes didn’t remind Sugar why she was being supervised.

Sugar went to the table and brushed the tiny specs of breading into a neat pile, along with flakes of dust and a nasty clump of hair. The window to the outside world was open to Sugar, but the thestral didn’t give any of the passersby or buildings her attention. Two bodies stopped in front of the window, blocking some of the light from outside. It was probably a pair of ponies peering through to see if they wanted an item or two.

With all of the gathered mix of crumbs and other nasties, Sugar started to sweep them into the dustpan. The store’s bell dinged, the chime drawing Sugar’s ear to swivel around and listen for Raspberry’s welcoming or farewell line. But the proactive boss said neither of them.

Sugar looked at the door and watched Raspberry walk outside and approach Mineral who stood outside along with Rarity in his company; right in front of Sugar. Three pair of eyes watched her stare back at them, each equipped with unique expressions.

Rarity gave off a soft smile, which made Sugar’s workers smile warp into a jealous grin. Of course, another mare would find herself accompanying Sugar’s handsome stallion. Rarity just needed to know that Mini belonged to his Sugar Crystal.

Speaking of her stallion, Mineral wore a frown, an expression Sugar did not want to see. He spoke with Raspberry, his eyes flickering back at Sugar. Their words were muffled by the glass barrier, cursing Sugar to be deaf to the conversation.

Sugar wanted to barge into the discussion, but Raspberry’s neutral expression kept the employee pinned to performing her cleanup task. Fearing another scolding from her boss, Sugar quickened her sweeps and retreated toward the cashier.

A knock on the glass drew a few eyes toward the noise, including Sugar’s. Mineral smiled at his mare and pursed his lips as if ready to kiss the window. Against her better judgment, Sugar did the same and kissed Mineral in spirit.

Raspberry tapped her ruby hoof, irritated with his actions and said a few unheard words. Whatever she spoke toppled Mineral’s ears over, and the stallion backpedaled in fear. Rarity continued to remain mute for good reason.

Mineral waved his hoof and shook his head before turning around to leave with Rarity in tow. But just before he left Sugar’s view, both ponies caught each other in a romantic stare. The store’s bell rang loudly as Raspberry briskly walked into the Chocolate Palace.

Sugar braced for a scolding of a lifetime, to be humiliated in front of everypony. Raspberry’s hot face, however, did not reflect anger. Instead, she smiled and said, “Mineral wanted to come by and say he loves you.”

“HE DID?!” Sugar cried, her heart almost jumping through her chest.

Before she knew it, everypony stared at both employer and employee. Raspberry was surprisingly calm while Sugar brought embarrassment upon herself. The thestral wrapped her wings around her face, her cheeks flaring with a red that rivaled Raspberry’s natural fur color.

“He also wants you to not worry and keep working,” Raspberry said in Sugar’s ear.

Sugar nodded while her head and face remained cocooned in a leathery hold. Underneath all that embarrassed visage, the thestral’s inner mare giggled.

He loves me!


“Mineral?” Rarity asked, easing herself in between the silence that hung over their heads.

A purple ear twitched, the stallion’s mind clearly elsewhere and was recently retrieved. “Yes, Rarity?”

“Does Sugar not having her ‘Hug n’ Sweet’ deal on the board bother you that much?”

“It does,” Mineral admitted. “Even though Sugar did it for me, which I am flattered about her intentions, it was what brought us together. She wanted to give hugs to spread happiness and, in a way, give thanks to the Crystal Empire for accepting her despite her thestral visage. It was also Sugar’s signature sale tactic, whether she noticed it or not. Now it is gone.”

None of the shining buildings impressed Rarity as she followed Mineral through the streets of the elegant city. Her attention was invested on the stallion, eager to hear his mind and heart. “I cannot doubt that it was nostalgic for you.”

“It was,” Mineral nodded. He shook his head and applied a smile that was easily false. “Thank you for letting me check up on Sugar, even though Raspberry didn’t give me the luxury of saying anything to Sugar. And thank you for discussing the assembly line invention to me. Surely that will quicken orders at a rapid pace. I just need to find a mechanic who could aid me in creating a machine and even get it patented.”

Mineral eyed Rarity with interest, a gesture that was truer than his smile. “With time, I may take up your offer some day.”

“I am glad that you are still considering us conjoining efforts,” Rarity said with a low-dipped nod. Her curls bounced with excitement as she rose her head much faster than she would have liked.

“How can I not after you suggested a faster way of making items? I think I owe you by proxy.”

Rarity playfully swatted toward Mineral, nearly swiping at his shirt. “My offer is an offer, not a demand! I am no assertive business mare who gives a once in a lifetime chance to work with the wielder of generosity!”

“Word it like that and it becomes what you don’t wish it to be,” Mineral said with a toothy grin.

“Touche!” Rarity giggled.

The friendly talk about business certainly distracted them both, a discussion both knew they would go on all day if it weren’t for their next objective. “Do you think you can talk to Steadfast?” Rarity asked.

A twitching brow showed Rarity there was hesitation. “I think so.”

“I just find it hard to understand why you can confront Saradiamond and express your mind about her, yet Steadfast is a different and more difficult task,” Rarity pressed.

The crystal pony frowned with humility. “It’s because I know I am wrong for what I did,” Mineral admitted. “And yet, I want him to understand what it takes to run a business.”

The former statement was an interesting new piece of information for Rarity. “But why?”

Mineral was ready to respond when two familiar bodies rounded the corner and appeared before them. “Well isn’t this convenient!” he said specifically to Nightshade.

Nightshade flinched as Morganite was curious for the jolt of shock. “G-good morning!” Nightshade grinned with folded ears.

Rarity flicked her head, moving her mane with a quick motion. With the spy caught from earlier, Rarity made sure to gaze at Nightshade with a suspicious eye. “Good morning.”

“What’s gotten you so nervous?” Morganite asked her friend.

More and more, Nightshade started to buckle under pressure. “I umm… Well… you see…”

Morganite pursed her lips and tapped a hoof on the pavement, “What did you do?”

“...I kinda… spied on Mineral and Rarity this morning…” A disapproving shake of Morganite’s head only forced Nightshade to express her excuse, “But it was necessary!”

“And what was so ‘necessary’ about being sneaky?”

Public shame was not what Rarity wanted or expected the day to play out. While passersby watched the thestral be scolded, Mineral was simply an amused spectator. “You're not upset that she was spying on you?” Rarity whispered to him.

Mineral simply shrugged.“I’ve got nothing to hide. Besides, what’s Nightshade going to do? Tell Sugar that you and I discussed business?”

“Or how she possibly listened to your story about Nebula, Saradiamond, and Steadfast?” Rarity added, raising her brow in the process.

That straightened Mineral’s entertained mood into a more worried one. His ears were much further back than Nightshade’s. “What did you hear?”

“I’m on your side!” Nightshade exclaimed, her alliance proclamation clear as the sky above. “I heard all of it, except for why you won’t let my sister hug you.” Morganite snapped her attention onto Mineral as if he was the one in trouble. But she didn’t give him any nasty remarks or expressions.

Before Morganite could press any questions, Mineral turned to Nightshade and asked, “Do you believe my story? Can you understand why I fear losing Sugar?”

“I believe you to the absolute fullest!” Nightshade said with bolt certainty. “I don’t just believe, I don’t just see, I can feel how much you love my sister! And you don’t want Sugar to look the other way because of what you once were!”

Nightshade softened her tone and let her face sag a little. “Princess Luna felt the same way when she became reformed, fearing her children would still reflect on who she once was. Just because Princess Luna was once Nightmare Moon, doesn’t mean she is the same tyrannical pony today. I have forgiven her for everything. And I mean everything…”

Morganite took Nightshade’s flat-colored hoof and bunched herself against her thestral friend. “What I don’t understand is why Sugar is taken so far back by this entire ordeal between you and Saradiamond,” Nightshade continued. “Sugar has forgiven Princess Luna for who she was, yet, is afraid of changing her mind about you and Saradiamond.”

“Huh…” Mineral muttered. “You make a great point…”

A chill splashed across Rarity’s back; an idea to change everything was conceived in her mind. “So Sugar forgave Princess Luna, right?” she asked Nightshade with wide eyes.


“And she doesn’t speak any ill will toward Luna?”

“There is no need for any thestral to. We are free from her grasp and free to roam Equestria without conflict between Princess Celestia and Nightmare Moon.”

“Then!” Rarity was having difficulty keeping a stable composure. She was thrilled to give a remedy to Mineral, Sugar, and even Saradiamond’s triangular strangle. Rarity cleared her throat, prepared for the absolute suggestion. “This may sound absolutely absurd, but because this is official friendship problem business, and because Pinkie Pie and myself are here to represent the Princess of Friendship, I could request Princess Luna to aid us in our endeavor!”

Everypony stared at Rarity as if she was insane, especially Nightshade. “You can do that?” Mineral asked. “You can directly contact Princess Luna?”

Rarity pointed down the road where a convenient statue of Spike, the Great and Glorious stood. “Did you know that Spike has instant access to all four alicorns? He can send them messages with his own form of magic.”

Mineral let go of a small chuckle, “Of course! My home’s hero surely would have their instant aid if he simply asked!”

Morganite nodded in kind with a smile. Rarity had all but Nightshade convinced. “No offense,” Nightshade began, “but why would Princess Luna subject herself to something as trivial as a squabble between three ponies?

“I am not suggesting that it is impossible to grab Princess Luna’s attention to help us, but I know she is a very productive and busy leader. The princess may only have her duties on the moon, along with raising it, it is still all a duty she must fulfill.”

Nightshade was not wrong. Rarity knew with no doubt that Princess Luna had a workload that would put every store Rarity owned to shame. But there still was a workaround. “We simply state to Princess Luna that a friendship problem could be ended with her aid on behalf of the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle. Remember, it was the help of Twilight, my friends, and I that we saved Luna from herself, along with Princess Celestia allowing her sister back into her life. Princess Luna considers the wielders of the Elements of Harmony exceptional allies to Equestria and would help her companions no doubt.

“We can also explain to Princess Luna the friendship problem requires aid in forgiveness, something she was given even when it appeared to be an impossibility.”

As Nightshade digested the received words, Rarity turned to Mineral. “Once we have Princess Luna’s attention, she can talk among you, Sugar, and Saradiamond about forgiveness. And! The princess can also convince Sugar to not look at your’s and Saradiamond’s bad past because it is all in the past!”

Mineral’s jaw went slack, and his eyes were wide with hope. Rarity continued to press on, feeding the stallion with positive energy, “If Sugar forgave everything Princess Luna had done, there should be no reason why Sugar should worry! Sugar can stop all of this, I’m sure! All she needs is a little convincing from somepony she’s forgiven!”

Without warning, Mineral collided with Rarity in a strong embrace. The white unicorn had to keep herself from toppling over from the sudden impact. “Wonderful proposition!”Mineral exclaimed. “Well done, Rarity! I am in full support with requesting Princess Luna’s aid!”

“You’re welcome, Mineral,” Rarity grunted.

Nightshade and Morganite smiled for Mineral and the potential resolution. “You really do care about Sugar that much,” Morganite said.

“I don’t just care,” Mineral said with Rarity still in his hold. “I am deeply in love with Sugar.”

While Rarity and Morganite giggled at the bold statement, Nightshade nodded, “And you have my absolute approval, Mineral.”

“Thank you…”

Mineral quickly removed himself and sheepishly rubbed his shoulder. “Forgive me, Rarity. I- don’t know what became of me.”

“Hehe, it’s fine,” Rarity reassured with a wink. “This is your love story.”

Despite the flustered moon Mineral placed himself in, he still managed to talk somewhat clear. “So Nightshade and Morganite, what brings you two out in the open?” His eyes fell on Morganite. “Normally, Nightshade just loiters around with you in your office.”

Morganite giggled at the small poke while the violet thestral took offense. “I don’t loiter!” Nightshade argued with a weak, intimidating glare before raising her snout. “I simply visit my friend a lot!”

“At least there is no apparent issue between you and your friend,” Rarity said to Nightshade.

Nightshade disagreed and shook her head. “You’re wrong,” she said in a cold tone.

An invisible weight pulled Morganite’s chin toward the ground. Both Mineral and Rarity were surprised and concerned there would be yet another problem to encounter. “Did something happen between you two?” Rarity asked.

“We talked about the past...” Morganite answered. She looked to her side at Nightshade but not up. “...about Sombra and Princess Luna.”

Mineral took one step back, his brows furrowed at Nightshade. “Why?”

The thestral closed the gap, stepping toward the retreating stallion. “We were planning on going to the stadium and confront Saradiamond and ask her ‘why it’s difficult to move on from the past?’ And I would like to ask you that same question.”

Mineral sighed, letting his shoulders slack. “The answer would go on for a while.” He gestured his hoof to Rarity. “We were also on our way to the stadium.”

“How convenient.” Nightshade patted her chin in thought. “Hold onto your answer then, Mineral. I think I will get the answers I’m looking for even quicker and efficiently.”

Author's Note:

The closer the end draws, the more I hesitate. This is why the chapter was delayed. I want a solid end to the story, but perhaps I fester too much. Still, my apologies.