• Published 2nd Nov 2017
  • 6,826 Views, 497 Comments

No Hugs for Sugar Crush - FerociousCreation

If a bat pony offered you a hug, would you accept it? Apparently, Mineral Water would not hesitate to deny Sugar Crush one.

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The List

To no surprise, Sugar flushed and did her best to hide her irritated face behind the cash register from Nightshade. On top of everything that was happening between her friends, the thestral had an energetic sibling ready to pry every ounce of detail off of her. “Breakfast at Mineral’s was-” Sugar began but was instantly stopped.

“Hush, Sugar!” Raspberry hissed. “No personal talk!”

Nightshade frowned at the boss, the thestral cocking her head, unsure of the sudden displeasure of discussing the morning’s events. “Is something wrong?”

Sugar took in a deep breath to answer, but Raspberry’s sour look at both thestrals clammed Sugar’s will to speak. Upsetting the Chocolate Palace’s empress so early in the morning would only cause the day to become even more unnerving.

“Sugar is having a stressful time dealing with personal matters,” Raspberry said. She walked around the counter and up to Nightshade, sizing her up before speaking again. “You and her can discuss them after she is done working.”

“Did something bad happen?” Nightshade asked.

Sugar didn’t dare open her mouth a third time, lest she would receive another harsh look from Raspberry. However, Sugar really wanted to tell Nightshade something in order to appease the abrasive sister. And to vent just a little.

“After. Her. Shift.” Raspberry said, each word blunt and firm. “From what I heard from Sugar, you and several others caused her quite a bit of stress here yesterday while on the clock. When she is behind my counter, I’d rather have her in her perky, upright mood.”

Nightshade’s eyes danced away from Raspberry’s furrowed brows and landed on the chalkboard, noticing a detail that was no longer upon its black surface. “No more ‘Hug n’ Sweet deal’ I see.”

Raspberry flinched and spun around to notice the iconic Sugar Crush business tactic suddenly gone. There were other things written upon the chalkboard, such as advertising Sugar’s Mineral Milk cookie and its combo when purchasing milk with it. But no Hug n’ Sweet deal.

“Did you forget to add it, Sugar?” Raspberry asked.

“No,” Sugar muttered.

“Did something happen that changed your mind?”

Sugar just shook her head in response. “I can’t answer that. It involves personal matters.”

Raspberry looked back at Nightshade with very concerned eyes. “Has she told you why?”

Nightshade nodded slowly, “She has.” A grin slowly infected her face. “However, I won’t answer for Sugar. You have to allow her to talk about personal stuff if you want to get any information about yesterday evening.”

“You certainly are devious…” Raspberry grumbled.

“I know how to get information,” Nightshade responded with the same smile. “I do speak for Princess Luna from time to time.”

Raspberry blinked at Nightshade, though the crystal pony’s irritation worked against herself as Nightshade refused to reveal anything. With a sigh, Raspberry said, “Once an actual customer comes in, no more personal talk. Okay, Sugar?”

Sugar didn’t reply to the question. Instead, she explained the absence of her free deal. “I’m no longer doing the Hug n’ Sweet deal as of last night.”

The empress gasped, shocked by the revelation. “Why! What happened?” She fired a hot stare at Nightshade. “Did somepony pressure my employee into doing something discomforting?”

“If anypony would do that to my sister, you would have known already,” Nightshade said, her mouth flat and serious.

“Nopony has done anything hurtful to me,” Sugar confirmed. “You see, I did it because of Mineral.”

Raspberry’s ear flicked. “Why?” was all she could say.

“Because I love him.” Sugar hated having to confess those words in front of Nightshade. The scenario would be used against her eventually. “When Mineral came last night, he was dressed very nicely all for me.”

“I know,” Raspberry smiled. “You told me every sweet thing Mineral did these last few hours when you came into the store, dancing on your hooves.”

“How sweet!” Nightshade smirked, her smile only half supportive. “What dance was she performing?”

Raspberry noticed the semi-heckling expression and said to Nightshade, “She was doing the ‘if you keep flustering my employee, I will have you thrown out of my store’ dance.”

The look of Nightshade’s shock perked Sugar’s mood into amusement. To see Nightshade taken aback by Raspberry’s sass was a sight to behold. “You can haggle your sister on her downtime, not while her time is occupied by my employment.”

Despite Raspberry’s stunning statement, Nightshade gave the empress an amused smile. “Good to know you are a great employer and stand up for my sister.”

“That smile doesn’t make me not suspect you aren’t up to your smooth-talking game.”

“You haven’t thrown me out yet.”

Yet,” Raspberry echoed. She no longer wanted to entertain herself with Nightshade and returned her attention to Sugar who watched, anticipating Nightshade to get the last word in. Sugar knew that both had a very colorful behavior, especially when either was bothered with a pesky pony.

“Sugar, would you mind continuing?” Raspberry asked, cutting off any chance Nightshade had at a verbal comeback. The sibling didn’t appear upset but was most likely bottling up everything behind her closed lips.

Sugar nodded and had to collect herself back to the topic at hoof. “So the reason why I chose to end the deal was because of a customer who was on a date. When he mentioned the Hug n’ Sweet deal, his date got upset with him for thinking he wanted to hug me.”

“Oh dear,” Raspberry giggled. “Sounds like he put himself in a bad situation.”

“B-but he didn’t want to hug me,” Sugar added with quick succession. “He also pointed to Mineral and said that Mineral might get jealous if somepony else hugs me in front of him.”

Raspberry let go of her amused smile. “I see.”

“And because of my intense feelings for my Mini, I don’t want to make things awkward. Or have him think another stallion would take me away from him if the deal persists.” Sugar huffed out a heavy sigh, “I just feel bad about its discontinuation because the Hug n’ Sweet deal is what brought Mini and I together.”

The boss stared at the blackboard, reminding Sugar that her business tactic was not upon its usual perch. “I’m sorry if I affected your business,” Sugar said.

“It’s fine,” Raspberry said with no smile. “If you are no longer comfortable with performing the Hug n’ Sweet deal, then that’s your choice.” She then turned to Nightshade once again. “You two can keep talking. But remember: once another customer comes in, nopony talks to her about anything personal.”

“I understand.”

With nothing else to add, Raspberry left the front of the store and entered the kitchen. Once the door stopped moving, Nightshade made her advance to the register. “I can tell Raspberry isn’t happy about your choice.”

A depressed moan rattled Sugar’s throat, her ears flopping back to dull out any more received sound. “Did you have to tell me the truth so quickly?”

Nightshade gave no reply to the question, only watching her sister sink into a more soggy, upset mood. “Everything just keeps getting better and better,” Sugar said.

“What about your breakfast with Mineral?” Nightshade asked. “Did that go horribly wrong?”

Sugar licked her lips, the taste of sugary cream cheese frosting no longer present. The memory, however, of Mineral’s surprise slowly evaporated most of Sugar’s bad emotions. “Far from it, actually.”

Nightshade took in a deep breath of air, and Sugar braced for a healthy helping of teasing. Just before the thestral expelled her words, she eyed the kitchen door. A good ten seconds passed before Nightshade asked calmly, “Care to explain?”

“Scared of the Chocolate Palace’s empress?” Sugar asked with a smug grin.

“I’m just being cautious,” Nightshade snorted. “I want to rally as much information as I can to Morganite without having to add that I was expelled from your workplace.”

“So you’re scared,” Sugar concluded.

Nightshade responded with a fast, snarky tone, “Keep that up and I’ll tell Morganite you made out with your Mini.”

“D-don’t do that!” Sugar whined.

The kitchen door burst open with Raspberry wielding a broom, her magic capturing the object in a veil of deep red. “I warned you,” the empress sang with murderous intent. “Now OUT!”

“But I need to know-” Nightshade started, but a lethal broom swished at her head. The thestral dodged to the left and was quickly met with the blunt point of the weapon lunging at her breast. Nightshade caught the broom handle with her armpit and chopped at it with her other arm, the wood spitting splinters as it broke with ease.

“Settle down, Raspberry!” Nightshade begged. “I’m sorry!”

Sugar was fighting back herself but only against her will to hold back any laughs that might slip through her lips.

“Breaking public property, I see…” Raspberry growled. The two pieces of the broom did not make Raspberry hesitate to use the two new weapons at her disposal. The broom bristles swiped at Nightshade’s feed, forcing her to retreat. In conjunction with the pushback, the long shaft stabbed at the thestral. Despite the dual-wielding unicorn, Nightshade had no trouble dodging the exaggerated attacks. That didn’t mean she wanted to fight.

At the door, Nightshade backed into it and stepped outside and out of the swiping range of the two broom pieces. The bell dinged aggressively during the thestral’s desperate retreat. “Raspberry, please!” Nightshade begged, “I- slipped up! I sometimes can’t hold back my tongue!”

“Well that’s to bad,” Raspberry said as she leaned against the doorframe. “I warned you, yet, you didn’t listen.” She watched the stick twirl in the air. “For somepony who claims to speak for Princess Luna, you really misrepresent her with that unstable mouth of yours.”

“Buck off,” Nightshade muttered.

The swear only made Raspberry smile. “Oh, so now you want to swear when you are clearly in the wrong? Very well. You’re banned for one month.”


“Two months for screaming at me. Care to talk some more?”

Sugar retreated into the kitchen and into the fridge. And then finally bellowed at her sister’s stubborn behavior.

But while Sugar exhausted her lungs from laughing so hard, she did wonder if Nightshade would tell Morganite if Mineral did make out with his special somepony.

She probably would. But at least Sugar could best Nightshade by telling Morganite how she got banned from the Chocolate Palace.


“Come on, Saradiamond!” Spike cheered. “Lift those weights!”

Saradiamond kept herself still while her magic engulfed a bar with several 45lb weights on each end. She didn’t grit her teeth, but the strain put on her looked painful. Spike and Pinkie Pie had a small table with several snacks available to eat, but the two watched Saradiamond perform her final rep and lift.

In time, the long bar of bulky metal stood high above the jouster. “Now hold!” Broadside commanded.

Spike recalled how when Broadside said the same thing to Steadfast, Broadside had his son hold the weights in the air for one minute. The dragon furrowed his brow, stressed by the sight of Saradiamond's exercise.

10 seconds passed…






The seconds crawled by, the pressure starting to push Saradiamond into the ground. Her body quivered as if a faultline lived in every joint and was being ruptured by an earthquake.


“Slowly lower the bar!”

The magic around the weights was very thin, the veil nearly non-existent. But Saradiamond did not let the object fall to leave an impression on the grass to remind her of weakness. Gently, the bar was placed down, finally allowing Saradiamond to relax. She knelt down and started to suck down heavy breaths.

“Alright, yeah!” Spike cheered with a short hop.

Pinkie Pie bested the dragon with her own hoorah. She spoke into her tail and the speakers across the stadium boomed, “What a fantastic performance by Saradiamond!”

Saradiamond, Steadfast, and Broadside flinched at the unexpected volume of Pinkie’s voice. Steadfast walked over to Pinkie Pie and asked, “How did-”

“I hooked my own microphone in my tail to the surround sound,” Pinkie Pie answered, pointing to the long wire that ran from her tail all the way across the field. “Before you ask how I did it, I’m just that good at things.”


“Shhhchchchch! Don’t question it!” Pinkie hissed. “Ferocious has enough to write and explain! I don’t want an entire chapter explaining logic! Otherwise, we might have another hiatus on our hooves!”

While everypony, except Spike, attempted to ponder how she managed to pull off her shenanigans and who this dashing Ferocious was, Pinkie looked to Broadside and asked, “Is it now time to show Spike and I how jousting is done?”

Broadside nodded, “With weight-lifting finished, I am now happy to say that it is that time.”

Spike clapped his claws together, eager to watch the sport in action. “All right!”

Steadfast grinned at Spike’s enthusiasm, “It brings me pride to see you willing to learn about our cherished sport.”

“Oh, you bet!”

Saradiamond managed to get her breathing in order and stood beside her teammate. “Do you wish to see us demonstrate our skill?”

“Hold on!” Broadside interjected, holding up his silver hoof. “Before you two show them any skill, I think it is important for them to learn about the rules and answer any questions they have about jousting.”

Steadfast and Saradiamond nodded at their coach in agreement. Broadside smiled at the notion and turned his figure toward the fence at center field. “I will prepare several targets while you two talk.”

Spike rung his happy, little claws together, his excitement growing by the second. “Will you be splintering your targets to pieces with your lances?”

“‘Explode’ would be a better word,” Saradiamond answered.

The dragon could already hear the sound of wooden objects tearing from harsh impacts. “Can’t wait to see what you to got.”

Both jousters showed their best smiles, their pride inflamed with positive heat.

Pinkie politely rose her hoof and waited until Saradiamond and Steadfast looked at her. “So first question: what are those squares on your shoulders?”

Steadfast pointed to the gridded guard on his right shoulder. “This is where you attempt to strike a jouster.” He gestured Saradiamond over to him, “Stand in front of me, please.”

Saradiamond nodded and stepped forward. She was several feet away and stood a bit off to the side of Steadfast’s right with her guard also on her right shoulder. Steadfast then lifted his right arm and slowly walked forward. “When jousters charge at each other, they need to hit the guard to score points,” he said. The stallion swiped the corner of Saradiamond’s guard. “A graze is 1 point.” He then pressed his hoof on the plate. “3 points for direct contact.”

Without warning, Saradiamond jammed her hoof onto Steadfast’s gridded shoulder, knocking the stallion onto his rear. “And 5 points for a knockdown,” Saradiamond grinned.

The speed Saradiamond moved stunned Spike. “I didn’t even see you move,” he said.

“We have a saying before we run at the list: ‘Don’t blink.’”

Steadfast just rolled his eyes. “There is another saying, or rather rule: ‘Attack with honor.’”

While Steadfast climbed onto all fours, Pinkie Pie asked, “What is ‘the list?’”

Saradiamond pointed to the white fence. “That is the list.”

“The fence?” Spike asked. “Is there a reason why it’s called that?”

Both jousters nodded, though Saradiamond chose to answer the question first, “The origin of the name comes from an age prior to the founding of the Crystal Empire. When jousters would perform, they would apply their names on a sheet of papyrus. That list of names would then be advertised throughout the town, kingdom, wherever the contest is being held. The placement of the names is important as well. On the papyrus, there was a line that ran down the center of it. When jousters would apply themselves, their team’s name would then be ‘randomly’ assigned to another team. When two teams were assigned against each other, their team names would be directly across from the other, showing who would face off against who.”

“You say ‘randomly’ with harsh sarcasm,” Pinkie said with a raised brow.

Steadfast looked at Saradiamond and placed his hoof on his chest. “May I?” The teammate nodded, allowing the stallion to give his input. “Throughout the ages, even to this day, jousting has had its controversies. There have been times when organizers would purposely arrange the tournament ladder. For example, there were two teams who notoriously hated each other: the Scorpions and the Solar Flares. In hopes to have them both face off in the finals, both teams were placed on opposite sides of the latter. Many ponies speculated that the listings were done on purpose. However, among those who were suspicious, a lot of ponies wanted to see the Scorpions and the Solar Flares clash in the finals, so they didn’t seem to mind. Regardless of ponies’ wishes, an investigation was brought forward. And the result was that the entire jousting organization at the time was in on the purposefully ordered ladder.”

“Yeesh,” Spike muttered. “Sounds like a mess if you ask me.”

Saradiamond started to laugh despite the shady practice. “The irony is that, despite the findings, the tournament commenced as if nothing happened. What’s more, the Scorpions and Solar Flares got into a hoof fight over a petty squabble before the tournament began and were disqualified! The fools!”

Steadfast spoke out the side of his mouth, even though his volume was audible for Saradiamond to hear him, “Saradiamond is guilty of getting into some squabbles herself.”

“I never got violent!” Saradiamond argued. “And all of them were being rude for no reason, so I gave them a few choice words! I only kicked their flank at the list!”

Spike had no doubts she got heated with opponents before but didn’t ponder much on exactly what Saradiamond said. In fact, he wanted to know the results of the flank kicking. “Did you win against those who talked trash?”

“They were obliterated,” Saradiamond answered with a sneer, her low tone rasping her voice. She blinked at Spike and quickly changed her mood to a more relaxed mode. “The thrill of competition can sometimes get you riled up.” The mare smirked at Steadfast, “Even Mr. Bright Fur here can get aggressive.”

“Only when the helmet is on,” Steadfast replied, his reaction calm and truthful.

“Speaking of, where your helmets?” Spike asked. “Aren’t they like the helmets that the guards wear?”

“Ah! Allow me to retrieve them!” Steadfast beamed and jogged over to the weapon’s post and helmet stands. The lances on the racks were made of wood, while the two helms were made of the same metal as Steadfast and Saradiamond’s armor plating.

Steadfast levitated them once he got close enough and brought them over to his teammate. The design of the helmets were not to the dragon’s expectation. Instead of having an open area that shows the wearer’s face, the helms had a solid dome shape to them. There was a space that started at the crown of the helmets and ran down to the near base of the back of it for the mane to poke out. The face guard was pointed and had a horizontal, three lined grill across it. Two slits for vision rested near the top of the adjustable plating and two other slits sat on opposite ends of the crown for the ears to poke out of.

The golden pony levitated the smaller of the helmets over to Spike, the dragon grabbing with interest. “This is cool!”

“And intimidating!” Pinkie added as she leaned over Spike’s shoulder. She looked up at Saradiamond and smiled. “It suits you!”

Steadfast sputtered his lips and had to take a few steps away from Saradiamond in case she would attempt to push him down. Spike flinched, not sure if the comment would upset the jouster. In good spirits, Saradiamond couldn’t resist smiling, though she did roll her eyes. “Okay, that was kind of funny.”

Pinkie Pie let out a small laugh but gave no other input after that. Spike walked over to Saradiamond and gave her the armor piece. “You’ll need this.”

“Thanks.” Saradiamond applied the helmet, the mare needing some help from Steadfast with filing her mane through the headpiece. In no time, the sapphire pony was fully clad in armor with very little blue of her visible.

The face guard magically opened up, showing Saradiamond’s grin. “You ready to watch how we jousters do things around here?”

“You bet!” Spike said.

Saradiamond knelt forward, exposing her back to the hero. “Then why not have an up-close view by riding along with me?”

Spike rose his brows, surprised and happy to be offered such an experience. “Would I!” He quickly clambered onto Saradiamond, getting himself the most comfortable position. “I’ll hold onto your neck when you start running, alright?”

“That is fine with me.”

Away from Spike’s view, Saradiamond bore a very calm smile. However, her sapphire face transmuted into rubies. No doubt was she proud to have the Great and Glorious hero propped onto her back.

“Have fun!” Pinkie Pie said with a wave. Spike waved back just as Saradiamond began to walk toward the weapon’s rack.

“I am sure you have other questions to ask me,” Saradiamond said.

Spike scratched at his chin, mustering up his eventual list of curiosity in his head. “You said you and Steadfast are on the same team. How do you two go against other opponents? Do you face off against both mares and stallions?”

Saradiamond took the lance on the lowest row with her hoof and into her grasp. The wooden lance was about 10 feet long, had a ball-tipped point, and was no doubt heavy. Spike admired her strength as she gripped the handle and held on with no struggle in her step.

“I only face off against mares,” Saradiamond answered. “Jousting teams are more sophisticated than singles. When it comes to singles, there are the mares and stallions divisions respectfully. Single jousters only run with a lance. In doubles, teams are given a shield used to be wielded by a unicorn teammate. As in singles, there are the mare and stallion doubles divisions. However, if there are one mare and one stallion on a team, that is called a ‘mixed division.’ There are two types of mixed divisions: S Mixed and M Mixed. An S mixed team has a stallion runner while the mare is the shield bearer; M mixed is contrary to S mixed.”

“How does a team work in jousting?” Spike asked. “It sounds confusing to have four jousters running at each other.”

“In the mixed division, shield bearers run beside the runners and use a wooden shield to protect the gridded shoulder guard.” Saradiamond rolled her right shoulder. “That’s their job.”

“What division are you and Steadfast in?”

“We can be in both, but this year, he and I are in the M mixed. Jousters can be in multiple divisions at once, so long as they can take the beating. But it is not recommended if you partake in singles and teams during the same tournament, especially if you are a runner in teams.”

“How come?”

Saradiamond reached the far end of the list, the fence only reaching as high as her knees. The list was much smaller than Spike anticipated. “Let’s say I am in singles and doubles. If I get injured in either division, that will hinder my progression in both ladders.” The crystal pony did her best to look back at Spike. “Even if I am a shield bearer, which I am much less likely to get hurt, sprinting down the list gets tiresome after a while. It’s heavily recommended to just stick to one division per event.”

The amount of detail within jousting really impressed Spike. “I am sure there is much more to learn when it comes to this sport.”

“Jousting is not just a mere sport!” Saradiamond spoke in a bold and pride filled response. “It is a testament to the brave ponies who have served in armies and charged headlong into battle to defend what they loved! It also takes great bravery to charge down the list with a lance in hoof while another pony runs at you with their own lance!”

Spike patted the jouster’s neck plating. “Saradiamond, your pride is showing,” he said with a small smile in hopes to show he wasn’t upset with her joy in jousting.

The comment, however, staggered Saradiamond and she flinched. But upon seeing Spike’s smile, Saradiamond sighed. “I thought you were upset with me.”

Spike waved a dismissive claw, “Na, don’t worry about it! You should see Twilight if you tell her that studying is nothing more than reading books.”

A much bigger and guilty smile crawled on Saradiamond’s blue lips. “The thought of the Princess of Friendship going on a tangent is amusing.”

“Don’t even get me started about how Twilight feels about science fiction,” Spike said.

“What is ‘science fiction?’” Saradiamond asked with a raised brow.

The dragon gasped, “You don’t know what science fiction is!?”

“A lot of things have happened during the disappearance of the Crystal Empire. Equestria is somewhat alien to us now.”

“Maybe after we are done with practice, I can share with you the wonderful genre of sci-fi!”

The excited dragon expected Saradiamond to share her own interest in learning something new. But the fruit of knowledge did not interest her. Instead, she was caught staring at the sky. “Saradiamond? Is something the matter?”

Her ears fell back, “I’m sorry, Spike. I just- Every time I remember the empire’s 1000 year banishment, it dampens my mood.”

“I don’t blame you,” Spike said. He gently scratched a claw on a plate of metal. The idea of Saradiamond, Steadfast, Broadside, and many other crystal ponies being subjugated by King Sombra certainly made Spike understand Saradiamond’s sensitivity. He didn’t know just how truly painful it felt. Spike wanted to. He just needed to get under the armor that crystal ponies shielded themselves with.

“You know,” Spike started, his two words perking both of Saradiamond’s ears. “Princess Luna, herself, was banished to the moon for 1000 years as well. And while she regrets betraying Princess Celestia, Luna appears to be very strong-minded about it. Maybe I can ask her to speak with you about moving forward from the past.”

“I have heard talk about Princess Luna’s banishment from the moon,” Saradiamond said. “I didn’t want to believe it because I never thought she would turn against her own sister. Sugar told me that she was banished on the moon with Luna, who was at one point called Nightmare Moon.” Saradiamond moved her head but didn’t show her eyes. “But now Princess Luna is redeemed and all past sins are forgiven?”

“Yup!” Spike beamed.

A curious hum escaped the crystal pony. “I wonder…”

“‘Wonder’ what?”

“Does Sugar dislike Princess Luna?”

“I don’t know?” Spike shrugged. “I’ve never met a thestral like Sugar until yesterday. Maybe you can talk her about it. Why ask me though?”

“Because thestrals live on the moon,” Saradiamond answered. “Princess Luna also dwells on the moon, too.” The crystal pony turned her attention down the row of fence. “I need to ask Sugar something when we are done with practice.”

“And what’s that?”

Saradiamond finally showed her wide-eyed stare and quivering lip. “Why were thestrals banished to the moon? And was Nebula banished as well?” The questions made it too difficult for Spike to look at the very distraught crystal pony.

“You said earlier that you could have Princess Luna summoned and have her speak to me directly,” Saradiamond continued.

“I have my connections with her and I’m sure we would want to help this friendship problem,” Spike said, his stare still at the base of Saradiamond’s neck.

“Summon her,” Saradiamond said. “I need to know what happened to my friend. Please.”

Spike’s little heart cramped with every pulse it gave off. This friendship problem is getting more and more difficult to deal with...