• Published 2nd Nov 2017
  • 6,823 Views, 497 Comments

No Hugs for Sugar Crush - FerociousCreation

If a bat pony offered you a hug, would you accept it? Apparently, Mineral Water would not hesitate to deny Sugar Crush one.

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Our Favorite Pastime

Pinkie Pie stepped forward to confront Saradiamond in hopes Mineral would pursue her. But neither crystal ponies budged, both caught in another staredown. Pinkie licked her lips, curious about Saradiamond’s presence. Even though Pinkie Pie feared Saradiamond’s abrasive behavior, the pink mare had a problem to solve.

The walk to Saradiamond was long, quiet, and lonely. Pinkie had none of her friends to help. But she was determined to make her bad week a great one, maybe even allow everypony involved in the friendship problem have a better future with one another.

“Morning,” Pinkie Pie said to Saradiamond, her mildly perky voice cutting the silence.

The crystal pony furrowed her brow unsurprising. “Did you and your friends have fun with shaming me last night?”

I didn’t,” Pinkie answered with a frown, also unsurprised with Saradiamond’s tone. “Even Spike was upset that he broke your pride.”

Saradiamond had no quip to retort with and her ears fell back, unwilling to hear more words. However, the shameful ear folding didn’t void out all noise. “What are you doing here?” Mineral hissed behind Pinkie Pie.

Saradiamond looked past Pinkie. Saradiamond’s familiar fury warped her lovely face. “I have my reasons.”

“Ponies, please!” Pinkie begged. “It’s too early start the day like this!”

Spike isn’t here to calm either Mineral or Saradiamond down. Be smart about this.

Pinkie Pie lifted up her hoof and faced Saradiamond. “Saradiamond, I want you to take a deep breath.”


Slowly, Pinkie Pie rose her hoof and took a large breath of air. “Pretend I’m Spike. Take a deep breath.”

Saradiamond reluctantly obeyed and did what was told.

“And exhale.”

Both mares expelled their inner stresses. Pinkie Pie certainly felt better about the situation as she saw Saradiamond’s furrowed brows release some tension.

“Now Saradiamond, why are you here?”

Without being instructed a second time, Saradiamond took in another breath and exhaled. “I…” She looked at Mineral without bitter looks, rather, Saradimond bore a frown. “I wanted to ask you something about Sugar. A few things, actually.”

“Are you going to insult me while you’re at it?” Mineral bit back.

“I am doing my best to keep myself under control, Mineral!” Saradiamond hissed.

It was Pinkie Pie’s turn to face the stallion. “Mineral, I believe you should hear her out.”

“And why should I do that?”

“Because she wants to talk about Sugar, a pony I know for an absolute fact you both care about.”

Mineral and Saradiamond managed to look at each other without any malice in their eyes.

Pinkie used the opportunity to press on. “You said it yourself, Mineral, when we talked at the crystal heart, my friends and I saved the best ponies, the thestrals, from their banishment; along with Princess Luna even though you didn’t mention her, but it was also implied.”

Pinkie Pie shook her head, returning to the point. “What I’m saying is that you telling me about the thestrals tells Saradiamond and me you really see the beauty in thestrals, which also tells us how much you really like Sugar. Tell me I’m wrong if I am.”

Mineral’s body rose along with a grin, “You’re telling the truth.”

Pinkie spun around, her tail nearly smacking Saradiamond in the face. “And when you told me the tale of Nebula and how you told everypony about how Sugar is like Nebula but also not Nebula, tells me that the similarities of the two expresses your care for Sugar even more. Tell me I’m wrong if I am.”

Saradiamond’s face forged rubies in her cheeks, but the mare made no rebuttal to the statement. “You just had to say it all out loud in front of him.”

“What’s wrong with that, Saradiamond?” Mineral asked. “I admit that Sugar reminds me of Nebula. But Sugar is also her own pony. And I love her for who she is.” He looked at his grocery bag and licked his lips. “You used to tell me the truth when something about Nebula came up. What’s the difference now considering we are praising Sugar? There’s nothing controversial about that.”

Mineral’s eyes bounced off of Pinkie Pie before recoiling back to Saradiamond. “Tell me I’m wrong.”

Slowly, Saradiamond looked at Pinkie, knowing very well she inspired Mineral’s latter statement. “As much as I do care about Sugar, I must admit something is bothering me about what she said last night. It may not be controversial, but it might be in your best interest to hear me out.”

Before the conversation continued any further, Pinkie interjected with a raised hoof. “Perhaps we should take this conversation inside somewhere,” she said, her eyes on Mineral.

It was never in Pinkie Pie’s interest to insult anypony, but she also had realistic emotions. Don’t be stubborn, Mineral. This is your chance to talk things through.

“I’m expecting Sugar this morning,” Mineral said. “No doubt she will come to see me after last night’s events.” The stallion looked further down the street to one of the crystal homes. “If Sugar sees the three of us together, surely she will be suspicious and find something to worry about.”

“But-” Saradiamond caught her voice and began tapping her hoof on the ground. “That might also be a good thing. If Sugar does come to see us somewhat getting along, then maybe…”

Saradiamond shook her head, “Let’s just talk things over while you make your soaps.”

A smug grin bloomed on Mineral’s face as he made the grocery bag wave like a pendulum. “Well I hate to disappoint you, but I am planning a breakfast for Sugar. Work is not my first priority this morning.”

“Is that so?” Saradiamond had no smug response or expression. In fact, she was surprised. “Well good for you.”

Mineral’s smile disintegrated and the two crystal ponies stared at each other once again in silence, that time in bewilderment.

“Sooooooooooooooooooooooo?” Pinkie Pie sang. “How about that talk inside?”


Pinkie Pie and Saradiamond entered Mineral’s home first, the stallion using his arm to keep the door from slipping onto somepony’s face.

“Thanks, Mineral!” Pinkie chirped.

“You're welcome,” Mineral replied. “Just keep walking down the hall and you will reach the kitchen and living room area.”

Pinkie Pie’s hoofsteps died out as she went deeper into the home. However, Saradiamond was caught standing in the hall, her eyes locked on the grounded picture frames. Mineral closed the door and stood behind his old acquaintance. “I never had the strength to get rid of the pictures with you and Steadfast in them,” he said. “It doesn’t matter what dreadful things you said to me, you were a good friend. You were never afraid to tell me the blunt truth, especially that day when you and the others gave me that ultimatum.”

“Then why didn’t you tell Sugar about the good times you and I had?” Saradiamond asked, still reluctant to move any part of herself. “Or better yet, anything we did?”

“Why did you only tell Sugar that I was a heartbreaker and nothing else?”

Mineral finally moved forward, but steadily approached Saradiamond. “I can answer both of our questions: because we are still angry at each other. And that anger we have for each other will constantly worry our Sugar- I mean our friend.”

“‘Our Sugar?’” Saradiamond giggled. Before Mineral could escape Saradiamond’s reach, she took two steps and blocked him with an extended arm. “Caught on a bit of nostalgia I see.”

The amethyst stallion flushed and looked down at one of the more larger picture frames. The image was hidden but knew what it was a photo of. Mineral rotated it to unveil the smiles behind the glass.

Nebula was propped in the very center of the photo with Saradiamond and Mineral clumped too close to the thestral. Steadfast sat behind Nebula, his physique almost too large for the photo. The three jousters wore their dark-blue armor, the paint very similar to the uniform Princess Luna’s guard was accustomed to wear. Mineral was dressed in a blue sweater, the shade slightly lighter than the deep blues his friends wore.

With Nebula at the center, the thestral was blushing with how close Saradiamond, Mineral, and Steadfast were against her. But the other reason for her flustered grin was because of the crystal trophy in her hooves. The wording on the plaque was small, but Mineral was able to read the wording.

“Snowstorm Jousting Tournament Champions (Mares Jousting Major Division)”

“You remember this day?” Mineral asked. “The day you and Nebula had that rivalry match in the Mares Division?”

“The day Nebula and I bucked the cutie marks off those rude, offensive, discolored-”

“-unskilled, w, x, y, z duo, the Backbiters.” Mineral finished, rolling his eyes.

“Hey, those two were unnecessarily rude to Nebula! They deserve my insults!”

Mineral pursed his lips, “I admit, they said very hurtful things to Nebula. Anyways, remember before the match you had with the Backbiters, remember when I was pumping you up and I said to you, ‘Use your shield to protect our Nebula?’”

“I do remember. That’s how ‘our Nebula’ became what we addressed her by from then on out.” Saradiamond reached out a hoof gently touched the glass.

“Good times,” Saradiamond whispered.

“Yeah,” Mineral quietly agreed.

In Mineral’s eyes, he watched the picture of Nebula slowly frown the instant Saradiamond placed her hoof over the thestral’s face.

“Don’t touch me if you haven’t said you were sorry,” Nebula said with disgust.

Pinkie Pie’s head extended from around the corner. “Hey, no arguing! You two were having such a good moment!”

Saradiamond looked at the pink guest with confusion. “We weren’t…”

Mineral and Nebula flinched, shocked with what had just happened. “Did she hear me?” Nebula asked.

The suspicious Pinkie Pie stepped into the hallway, her ears swiveling around. “Mineral, Saradiamond, do you hear another voice in the hallway? It sounds upset.”

Instead of trying to solve whatever Pinkie Pie was listening to, Saradiamond walked toward the dining room. “I’ll be waiting on the couch so we can talk about Sugar.”

“Alright,” Mineral nodded, though his eyes were still glued to Nebula’s perplexed gaze.

The moment there was more room for her to wonder, Pinkie Pie walked toward the purple crystal pony. Her movement was slow as if she was submerged in water. Mineral turned his attention to Pinkie with every image of Nebula in his gaze.

At once, every thestral spoke, “Can she hear me?”

Pinkie Pie shrieked, hopping a few inches off the ground. When she got her bearings, Pinkie instructed, “Woah, one at a time, please! No need to startle me!”

Mineral couldn’t believe what was happening. What madness is this?!

“What in the hey is going on in that hallway!” Saradiamond barked, her patience wearing thin.

Pinkie Pie pawed at her chin, “Just… these pictures really speak to me.” She aimed her muzzle at Mineral. “Don’t you agree?”

Mineral was surprised to not see Pinkie disturbed as if her experience was something she had grown accustomed to. He only nodded to answer the question.

“Welp! Into the kitchen we go!” Pinkie Pie sang as she spun around and gestured behind her.

Again, Mineral simply nodded. He escaped the strange mare, the plastic bag he was levitating bouncing off her side.

All of his nerves were in shock. The stallion feared he would fall over. Just get a hold of yourself, Mineral! There’s got to be an explanation for what just happened. Mineral placed the bag on the counter without any care, the contents making a thump.

Never thought I’d say this, but talk to Saradiamond and get a hold of yourself. Pinkie Pie did say she was here to solve a friendship problem. Maybe the Cutie Map she mentioned grants mysterious powers.

“Hey Mineral?” a voice said close to his ear.

“AH!” The stallion teleported a few feet away before staring at Pinkie Pie. “Don’t sneak up on me!”

Mineral saw Saradiamond watch him from the armchair, her irritation growing fast. For once, he couldn’t blame her; she couldn’t see or understand what was unfolding. “So Saradiamond,” Mineral called to her, “what is it you want to discuss about Sugar?”

“Just a few things.” Saradiamond shuffled in her seat.

“Alright. Why don’t you ask the first question.”

Pinkie Pie walked around the kitchen island in order to not startle Mineral a second time. He looked at her with dread. She could read his thoughts. Will she tell anypony about what he has experienced with Nebula’s pictures?

“Relax, Mineral,” Pinkie said calmly. “Everything will be fine.”

“I hope so.” Saradiamond stared at the wall across the living room. “I’m sure you’ve had some bothersome thoughts since our encounter last night.”

Pinkie briskly walked over to Mineral and whispered into his ear, “Use this to your advantage! She doesn’t know what’s going on!”

“Uh- In more ways than one,” Mineral responded in kind to both Saradiamond’s statement and Pinkie Pie’s push toward conversation. He stood still and waited to Saradiamond to respond, but she continued to stare at the green wall.

Maybe Saradiamond was counseling with it. Mineral had to fight the urge to laugh.

“Take your time, Saradiamond,” Pinkie Pie said. “I’m sure you have quite a few things to say. And don’t worry, I’m not angry at you. Pinkie promise.”

Saradiamond licked her lips. “Will Spike still be coming to my practice?”

Mineral rose a brow, unsure of what Saradiamond meant. “In all his great glory!” Pinkie Pie beamed.

The mare sank into her chair, her mood easily lighting up. “Bless his little soul,” Saradiamond sighed.

While the two mares had their exchange, Mineral got to work. The cabinets all flung open in unison. Mineral quickly fanned over the visible shelves with one turn of his head, grabbing a large glass bowl from a top shelf and a singular glass plate from another cabinet with his magic.

“Sounds like you get to show off your skills to our cherished hero,” Mineral said as he opened the fridge and levitated the eggs over to the bowl. “Nervous?”

“Somewhat,” Saradiamond admitted.

Pinkie Pie looked about the kitchen with curiosity. “Mind if I help with making breakfast? I make a mean pancake!”

“I thought you were here to help with a friendship problem, not make aggressive food,” Mineral smirked.

“Oh, psh!” Pinkie batted a playful hoof.

Saradiamond’s voice jumped into the fray. “You’ll have to talk to me if you serve that mean pancake to my friend!”

Pinkie Pie was slightly bothered with the crystal pony’s statement, but she let it roll off her back. “Are you referring to Mineral or Sugar?”

The question staggered Saradiamond. “Yes,” was all she said.

Mineral hummed to himself, wondering what was stirring in Saradiamond’s head. He let her do her own independent thinking and looked back at Pinkie Pie. “Can you get the flower? It’s on the other side of the kitchen island.”

“Yes indeedy!”

Pinkie Pie sprung into action and Mineral turned to the kitchen sink to wash his hooves. “So what about Sugar is on your mind, Saradiamond?” Mineral asked.


Mineral let out a sigh, the sound of the running water swallowing the noise he made. “Just say what’s on your mind, Saradiamond. This does involve our Sugar.”

Pinkie Pie placed the paper sack of flower by the eggs, the bag shivering a few flakes of white powder from the top. “What next?” Pinkie asked.

“Get the chopping block and start cutting the strawberries,” he instructed.

“Thick or thin slices?”

Mineral didn’t consider how he wanted to cut the fruits but the suggestion was a good one. “Thick, please.”

The stallion stepped aside to allow Pinkie Pie to wash her hooves. As Mineral dried his hooves, Saradiamond returned to staring at the wall. “You can sit at the kitchen table,” Mineral said to the quiet pony.

Saradiamond slowly got up from her chair and she walked over to the dining area. She stopped at the edge of the carpet. “Mineral?”

Mineral watched Saradiamond eye the border between the living room and kitchen. “Yes?”

Saradiamond’s ears fell down. “I’m… I’m scared…” she whimpered.

“About what?” Mineral asked even though he was certain it was something about Sugar. Exactly what he was not so sure.

Saradiamond put on her bravest expression, but Mineral knew it was a ruse. She did it before whenever she had an issue with something but was unsure of how to approach it.

You were never good with telling the truth when you weren’t being angry at somepony, Mineral thought.

“I’ll save you the trouble from yelling at you.”

“That’d be a nice change of pace.” He knew poking at her wouldn’t progress their talk and chose to be reassuring. “Then I won’t do what I did last night and get aggressive either.”

The sunlight slowly crept through the living room window. “Thank you,” Saradiamond said in a near whisper.

The sound of Pinkie Pie’s chopping the strawberries broke Mineral and Saradiamond’s attention, and both crystal ponies looked to her. “Don’t mind me,” Pinkie said with a cheeky grin. “I’m just doing my thing here.”

Pinkie Pie returned to her task, leaving the two to their devices. “What are you scared about?” Mineral asked.

Saradiamond gandered down the hallway, the light within it slowly growing. “Sugar’s fear about the truth.”

A shiver ran up Mineral’s spine. “So I’m not the only one.”

The sapphire mare quickly pulled the nearest chair away from the table, the legs grunting from the aggressive yank. She plopped her flank onto it and placed her hooves on the table’s surface.

“I’ll be the first to admit I wasn’t kind to you when we came to learn about Nebula’s fate,” Saradiamond blurted out. “I said things that would turn away most ponies.” Her tail curled around her body, “And possibly one hero… But that’s my own problem.”

Saradiamond didn’t furrow her brows, but her tone was sharper than the knife Pinkie Pie was using. “I will also say that if someponies knew about how you behaved in the past toward your friends, they would certainly question your current behavior.”

Mineral knew exactly what Saradiamond was getting at. He was at least grateful she was willing to humiliate herself first.

“And Sugar is that one pony you dread to lose,” Mineral frowned.

Saradiamond’s body began to light up as the sunlight bled into the house. “Yes. Worst of all, Sugar has a bigger reason to hate me more than she does you.”

Mineral had to fight the urge to lash at Saradiamond. But they were on the same ground, and he knew that pushing Saradiamond into the fissure she created would only create more harm. “When you said you were going to tell Sugar the truth about everything, I knew I would be brought up,” Saradiamond frowned.

It was impossible to keep himself from speaking his mind. “Not to ruin the moment, Saradiamond, but you’re the reason why I chose to close myself off from other ponies.”

“Exactly!” Saradiamond whined in frustration. The muscles in her jaw flexed and her brows twitched further and further inward. “What were you going to tell Sugar exactly? In fact, I want to know what you planned on doing last night with Sugar. I know you don’t dress unless you’re going to an event.”

Mineral sat on the opposite side of the table, the gap between him and Saradiamond inches apart, yet they seemed to be miles. “I’ll do what I can to not get angry-”

“Just say it. I’ve said worse and you got most of it out last night.”

Despite her willingness to hear what was on his mind, Mineral chose to stick with the bare minimum. Well, almost the absolute minimum.

“I wanted to take Sugar to the crystal heart and make a spectacle about how I felt about her.” Mineral’s cheeks flared with red, the blood twinkling through his purple face like silver flakes drifting in a river’s current.

Saradiamond let go of her frustration and lightened her mood. “Really? How sweet!”

Mineral aimed his eyes at the table, knowing very well both mares were eyeing him. It was embarrassing to let out the truth to them both. It would have been easier to tell Morganite or even Nightshade of all ponies about his plan. But he knew little about Pinkie Pie, though she was at least willing to listen, so Mineral didn’t mind letting her know. As for Saradiamond, Mineral never reconsidered ever talking to her again. However, things were much different with Sugar in the middle of him and Saradiamond.

“I was going to tell Sugar that she changed more than just my habits,” Mineral continued, his voice growing louder with every word. “I wanted to tell her she forced out this nasty mentality that you poisoned my head with; that I didn’t deserve friends because of my workaholic behavior. I wanted to tell her that my life changed the day she came to my home and gave me sympathy even though I felt unworthy of it. And above all, I wanted to say everything before the crystal heart and have it flare and twirl, showing Sugar- no, proving to her that I mean everything I was saying, despite my past actions!”

Mineral forgot to breathe and his heart rose into his throat in order to breath for itself. The stallion feared his heart may rupture his throat with how aggressive it throbbed. A minute passed with him just taking in breaths before he was able to press on.

“And to solidify everything, I wanted her to hold me. Just once.”

Saradiamond’s trance in Mineral’s sweet words were broken. “What do you mean ‘just once?’ Are you still sensitive to hugs?”

Mineral nodded, “I am. And unlike Nebula, Sugar is very bad at trying to hug me. In fact, that’s sort of how Sugar and I became friends.”

Invested into the origin story, Saradiamond leaned forward with interest. “Why don’t you tell me how you both met? That was another thing I wanted to learn.”


Pinkie Pie swayed back and forth as she stood in front of the stove as a large pancake sizzled on a pan. Calm piano music played in the background, the keys soft and mellow. In order to set the mood, and to surprise Sugar, Mineral pulled out his phonograph. The sound was garbled a bit, but nopony seemed to give it any thought.

Mineral and Saradiamond were busy setting the table as they continued to exchange their personal stories with Sugar. Pinkie Pie was satisfied with the crystal ponies’ pastime activity. If there was one thing they loved talking about, it was Sugar.

The one thing that did surprise Pinkie Pie was how neither Mineral or Saradiamond brought up their negative pasts into the discussions both were having.

“I still can’t believe Sugar was inspired to create the Mineral Milk Cookie just on your name alone,” Saradiamond said as she placed the silverware on the white napkins.

“To this day, I am still shocked about it,” Mineral smiled. “Which is why this breakfast is a testament to Sugar’s invention.”

Pinkie Pie flipped the pancake over with one easy motion of the spatula. “Mineral and Sugar really do make a cute couple, don’t they?” Pinkie Pie said aloud.

“They do,” Saradiamond answered a little too quietly.

Pinkie gandered back at Mineral, both still aware something was bothering Saradiamond. However, the good mood was heavier than the negative emotions that both crystal ponies had for each other. And Pinkie Pie did not want to tarnish that atmosphere.

Saradiamond rounded the table and stood in front of Mineral. “She’s going to love this.”

“I hope so,” Mineral said, rubbing a hoof on his foreleg.

“Oh don’t be so down on yourself!” Saradiamond passed Mineral and bumped her flank into his side. “This is our Sugar we’re talking about. I wouldn’t for a second think this isn’t a good idea.”


On cue, the music player finished yet another piano solo, leaving the room to be consumed in silence.

“Shoot! We aren’t finished with everything!” Mineral protested.

Saradiamond had a better hold of her emotions. “Calm down, calm down. Just go answer the door and ask Sugar to close her eyes so she can’t see what you made yet.”

Mineral didn’t move from his spot. He just tapped his hoof on the floor in thought. Again, another round of knocks echoed through the home, however, the music began to play once more.

Using the top of her head, Saradiamond began to shove him toward the hallway. “Go! Get! Answer it!”

“Okay! Okay! Goodness!” Mineral shot a hard stare at Saradiamond who just smirked at him before the stallion went on his own volition.

“You didn’t have to do that,” Pinkie Pie snorted.

Saradiamond shrugged, “Sometimes you gotta give somepony a push.”

The door hinges squeaked as the front door opened and a cheery voice flowed through the home. “Good morning, Mini!”

Suddenly, Saradiamond briskly walked away from the hall’s opening and hid behind the couch. Pinkie Pie didn’t think Saradiamond was being playful and took the motion very seriously. “I think this will be a good step forward,” Pinkie Pie said.

“I just don’t want her to worry!” Saradiamond argued from afar.

“You hiding will obviously give Sugar the wrong idea.”

Carefully, Pinkie Pie placed the pancake on top of the stack of the others. “Finished!”

“Who’s that?” Sugar’s voice asked.

“We have guests,” Mineral answered.

Instead of being a scared filly, Saradiamond stood up and showed herself to Pinkie Pie. Hoofsteps bounced off the walls, the thestral on the approach. However, Mineral was quick to teleport into Sugar’s way. “Close your eyes first!”

Sugar’s speed, however, forced Mineral to sidestep her instead of being crashed into.

“Good morning,” Saradiamond said with a nervous grin.

It was not a good sign when Sugar’s next question was, “Mineral, what’s going on?”