• Published 2nd Nov 2017
  • 6,823 Views, 497 Comments

No Hugs for Sugar Crush - FerociousCreation

If a bat pony offered you a hug, would you accept it? Apparently, Mineral Water would not hesitate to deny Sugar Crush one.

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Hugs First, Then Children

If there was one place Sugar never seemed to find comfort when she had thoughts plaguing her mind, it was on her bed. The evening’s topic? Mineral Water as per usual. She spun over to her side with a grumble and snatched her body pillow.

“Just don’t think about it, Sugar. Mini said things haven’t changed. Well, except for us being special someponies.”

Sugar loosened her hold in fears the pillow might burst from her frustrated might. With care, she nestled it, the pillow tickling her underside and sending Sugar deep into her fantasies. Thoughts of even happier times danced around, from exquisite dinner dates to her more wanted desire; a desire her dreams have yet to spare: to embrace Mineral. Sugar did think about their future children, Vanilla Bud and Mini Muffin being the prioritized names. But baring children was her second most wanted wish.

First comes hugs, then children.

Sugar slowly returned to the present, wondering if going to Mineral’s home at dawn would be a wanted surprise. Of course, she has always made an active effort to see him in the mornings from time to time and vice versa. A nice good morning kiss and hug attempt would be an excellent start of the day.

The thestral stroked the back of her pillow and began plotting. “First, I say 'hello' and do my nervous swaying, kiss his cheek, and then, call him ‘my Cini-Mini.’ Wait, no… Not ‘Cini.’ He might not get the reference to cinnamon. How about… ‘Mini Muffin-’ No! I can’t do that! That’s for our future child!”

Sugar shoved her muzzle into the pillow, angry at Mineral’s fantastic pet name. “How the hay am I supposed to top ‘Sugar Crystal?!’ It was too perfect! A nickname that cannot be bested! It was so romantic! And it made me feel…”

A slow breeze of air wafted through Sugar’s nose, smelling the clean pillowcase.


The love-struck mare caressed the pillow, wishing it was him, wishing she could take Mineral into her gentle hold. Sugar couldn’t help but giggle quietly. She finally had his heart all to herself. The kiss they performed was more than a dream; it was real. Just the memory alone made Sugar want to shed a few tears.

She was in love.

And yet, Mineral Water still managed to drive her mad.

“You still won’t let me hug you,” Sugar sighed.

The easily recalled the score the two had: 10 to 0. Or was it 11 to 0? Sugar recalled the hold Mineral got of her after they kissed, but he didn’t mention the score. “Hehe… It didn’t count!”

Still, Mineral was far ahead of her. And part of Sugar didn’t mind it.

Every time Mineral clutched her, he would always shiver like a scared foal before settling down. It was always cute. Sugar could always feel the emotion radiating from him when she was against him. Even though they made him uncomfortable for a short moment, Mineral didn’t avoid hugging Sugar altogether.

But Sugar was left with that nagging 0 point total.

In protest, she squirmed and squeezed the pillow, pretending the pillow was an effigy of Mineral and that, where ever he was, could feel her warmth somehow. Sugar wanted to give him the best hug in the moon. And after that, another. And another. And another.

As Sugar writhed around her bed, the nagging reality of her talk with Mineral whispered into her ear. Too bad she was occupied with being succumbed to her girly emotions to care.


“Princess Cadence!” a guard cried from the throne room’s door crack. “Spike, the Great and Glorious, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie have returned!”

“Oh thank goodness!” The princess lept from her luxurious chair and nearly stumbled down the small flight of stairs that lead up to the throne.

Shining Armor flashed to her side to catch Cadence, but the prince’s heroic deeds were not needed. “Calm down, dear,” Shining laughed. “We don’t want to inform the kingdom that you will be out of commission because of a fall.”

Cadence met her husband with a short-lived scowl, then succumbed to her true feelings. “I’m sorry, Shiny. I just need to hear the results of their findings.”

A soft kiss on Cadence’s cheek forced her to calm down. “I know things went well,” Shining said.

“I still cannot believe her behavior!” Rarity’s voice cried.

“Or the worst has happened!” Cadence whimpered.

Panicked with fear, Cadence approached the returning ponies and dragon with speed in her steps. Cadence’s heavy breaths broke Rarity from her verbal rant. “My dear, you look petrified!”

“She’s been like that ever since you three left the throne room,” Shining called from the other side of the room.

The Princess of Love gave her husband a not-so-loving glare. “I’m a mare who runs a kingdom she knows nothing about! I have an excuse to be emotional!”

“Ain’t that the truth…”

Spike laughed into his claw despite being in the presence of three mares. Rarity and Cadence gave the dragon their displeased looks, while Pinkie Pie stood unaffected.

“Cheer up, Cadence!” Pinkie beamed. “At least you don’t have to worry about raising the sun. I can’t imagine what that’s like. Think about it: if Princess Celestia had a bad day and dropped the sun, the entire land of Equestria would be set on fire!”

“You are not helping Cadence, Pinkie!” Rarity growled.

“Just saying there are much worse things she could be doing,” Pinkie Pie shrugged. “Besides, the crystal pony recruitment was a success!”

“It was?!” Princess Cadence reared and neighed like a filly, “That’s wonderful!”

“Easy!” Spike warned, his hands being used as small shields. “I’m down here!”

“Oop! Sorry… Wouldn’t want to trample the kingdom’s hero.”

Cadence took a few steps back and asked, “I am curious, Rarity.”

“About what, dear?”

“I was worried that things didn’t go according to plan when you came in and began complaining about somepony. Did something bad happen?”

A gray shadow fell over Rarity’s brow. “Let’s just say our friendship problem caused us to bump into a very… aggressive mare.”

“Oh goodness…”

Princess Cadence looked among the three, each one baring unique expressions. Rarity was simply irritated, that much was certain. Spike had his arms folded, his brow folded in thought. Pinkie Pie’s normal bright self was overshadowed by a frown Cadence was not accustomed to seeing.

“I can… assume you three have it handled?” Cadence asked with uncertainty.

“It’s up for debate,” Spike answered.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Cadence asked. “I am here to help my ponykind. Why don’t we all sit down over some dinner and discuss everything? The good and the bad.”

“And the ugly…” Pinkie Pie muttered.


The sound of silverware clacked and clicked off the glittering walls as Shining Armor, Cadence, and Sunburst watched their guests eat. Spike sat between Rarity and Pinkie Pie, the three still wearing the same expression as they did in the throne room.

“Sounds like you three had quite the emotional day,” Sunburst said, his eyes scanning over the list of crystal ponies that were to be expected.

“It was,” Rarity said, patting her lips with a napkin. She looked at Pinkie Pie and finally let go of her anger. “But I must reassure that I am not upset with you, Pinkie Pie.”

“I know you aren’t,” Pinkie muttered. “It’s just… There was a lot of sadness and anger today, too much for my liking.”

Cadence gandered at her husband, the two silently discussing with brows and head gestures. Shining Armor nodded once with a charming smile and spoke to the group, “But no friendships were ruined. In fact, two ponies managed to express their love for each other. I’m convinced you three did excellent counseling for Saradiamond.”

“Did we?” Spike asked. His claws clenched the tablecloth, the points of his claws poking out the other side.

“I feel like the scolding we gave her was necessary, but I feel a little bad for her. All the crystal ponies we’ve met today were all happy to see me, and Saradiamond was no exception. When I spoke against her, she looked so broken.”

Spike let go of the cloth and counted the ten holes he created. “Did we do the right thing?”

“I certainly think we did,” Rarity snorted. “She needed to be told that her behavior was unacceptable!”

“But it wasn’t the friendship way we normally go about things,” Pinkie Pie argued. “I think we let our personal emotions overwhelm us. I’ll admit, I too was not happy with Saradiamond when she got super angry. I was actually scared by her.”

“Then I will side with Rarity,” Sunburst said aloud. “I remember discussing with Starlight about her experiences with her town and when Twilight had her first friendship mission there. Starlight admitted she abhorred being exposed, but it was necessary to get the truth out.

“And unlike Starlight, I have a strong feeling Saradiamond will not behave as rash as Starlight did. I think this evening Saradiamond will have a lot to mill over. And I think it would be in your best interest to go to her’s and Steadfast’s practice tomorrow morning and check up on them.”

Rarity shook her head, “I’d rather not go. I’m not in the mood to be around such a brash pony after my experience with her. However, I am glad you understand my stance, Sunburst.”

“But do you think avoiding her will solve the friendship problem?” Shining asked.

Pinkie Pie tapped her hoof on the table. “To be honest, it’s hard to know exactly where the friendship problem lies. The root of it all definitely stems from Nebula, but she isn’t… present. All thanks to Sombra...”

The old tyrant's name weighed heavily upon the room. Even the guards stationed around the room were visibly affected. “I never considered how much pain Sombra brought to the crystal ponies…” Cadence frowned.

The princess looked to the nearest crystal pony. A pearl waitress waited nearby in case she needed to be called on. “Miss Cream?”

“Yes, Princess?”

“Have you been separated from any friends or family because of Sombra?”

Cream shook her head, her long locks bouncing. “I’ve been blessed that nothing has happened to anypony I know. However, I do know a few ponies who weren’t so fortunate and are still affected.”

“So this has been an omnipresent issue for some of our citizens,” Shining said as a matter of fact.

“Correct,” Cream confirmed.

Shining Armor stood from his chair, the legs screeching on the sleek floor. He eyed every crystal pony present with a concerned furrow in his brow. “Honey, what are you doing?” Cadence asked, unsure of what her husband was up to.

Instead of answering, Shining approached a nearby guard. The guard was a bulky earth pony, his fur a deep emerald. Parts of his jade mane poked through the brow of the helmet while the rest of it was fanned in the typical mohawk style.

“Green Pasture,” Shining nodded.

“Yes, Prince Shining Armor?”

“I mean no offense to fluster you in front of the others, but do you mind explaining why nopony has told me or Princess Cadence about being troubled by the past?”

The cool composure Green Pasture wore quickly crumbled and sorrow consumed him. “Forgive them, Prince.”

Shining took a few steps back, unsure of how to assess his guard’s behavior. “There’s nothing to be forgiven, Pasture. I just want to know why I’ve not been told of other crystal ponies’ past pains.”

Pasture’s spear leaned a little to the side before he regained a better grip on it. “We wish to move on from the past. None of us want to remember the tyrant. The Crystal Empire now has two great leaders and a hero to accompany them.”

Spike quickly, but unsurprisingly, became a focal point. “The crystal ponies look at you, Spike, remembering your great deed. But when we remember your heroism, we are also reminded of who you saved us from. And the memories of those who were lost to the past continue to plague some of us, myself included.”

The small dragon finally understood the importance of his role. “Can I ask you something, Mr. Pasture?” Spike asked.

“Anything!” Pasture said, his proud voice echoing off the walls.

“Since I scolded Saradiamond earlier, do you think that hurt her feelings a lot more than I realize?”

“I-” Pasture didn’t make eye-contact with Spike as he said, “No offense, but you most likely crushed her pride.”

Frustrated with himself, Spike smacked his head on the table. “Great. Now I feel like a jerk.”

“Spike, why did you go and do that?” Rarity cried.

Saradiamond’s beautiful face plagued Spike’s mind and how he tarnished that smile of hers.

“B-but you did say Saradiamond showed regret, yes?” Pasture stammered.

“What of it?” Spike asked though he was unsure if the guard heard him.

“She could easily change her ways because of you. You helped save our home from several disasters before. I am certain you can save her from destroying herself!”

Save her from destroying herself, Spike repeated in his head. His mind flashed to the several times Twilight had not only saved the day but also changed two ponies for the better: Princess Luna and Starlight Glimmer.

Engulfed with pride, Spike rose his head and flashed a wide grin at Pasture. “You can count on me! And thanks for the encouragement. I needed it.”

The guard puffed out his chest and exclaimed, “I am glad to have been of some assistance!”

Pinkie Pie nudged her shoulder into the dragon. “You know what, Spike? I’m with you as well! Sure we almost blew it several times today, but we still have our perfect streak of fixing friendship problems! So let’s keep that gravy-train rolling!”

“Glad to see you in better spirits, Pinkie,” Rarity said.

“Your welcome. Now it’s your turn to not be so upset with Saradiamond.”

“I-” Rarity cleared her throat as she maintained her relaxed mood. “I want to be perfectly clear, I’m not quite ready to encounter her again,” she said, her tone calm, but it possessed a tinge of sharpness.

“Then I am glad to conclude that you three have your friendship problem under control,” Cadence beamed.

“You got it, sister!” Pinkie nodded.

Pinkie Pie winked at Green Pasture, “Thanks for being a great help! I’m sure a great stud like you has a lovely mare waiting for you to get home.”

Despite the kind gesture, Pasture frowned, “I hate to say it, but… the pony I’ve been separated from was the mare I loved.”


In one motion, Pinkie Pie slid her plates aside and then slammed her face against the table. “WHY DO I KEEP SAYING THE WORST POSSIBLE THINGS! UGH!”


So many questions…

As hard as Pinkie Pie tried, the same phrase repeated itself as the night persisted. The instant she managed to find herself unconscious, her dreams were plagued by the unknown.

I just want to know everything that happened…

Pinkie stared up at the ceiling, the blue light of early morning hours creeping into room. Spike and Rarity were still sound asleep, their minds most likely not as affected as Pinkie’s was.

The three of them concluded the previous evening that Spike and Pinkie Pie would go to the Vampony’s practice and see how Saradiamond was doing, while Rarity would attempt to find time with Mineral Water. Rarity did want to talk some business with him in not only hopes to get a Crystal Coat body wash as fast as possible, but the true goal was to get him to explain his issues with Saradiamond. And since Rarity continued to hold onto her gripe with Saradiamond, it should be an easy topic for herself and Mineral.

There must be something I can do now!

Pinkie rolled onto her belly in protest of her eager thoughts. Pinkie Pie was on a quest for redemption; to reclaim her lost pride from the bad week she was having. She wanted to return to Sugar Cube corner with another story of a job well done.

There was only one problem: it was the early hours of the morning. The grandfather clock beside the bed clicked its obnoxious metronome, each tick slower than the last.

What was there to do? How can an eager pony pass the time Pinkie wondered. Maybe an early breakfast with some coffee. No, coffee and Pinkie Pie do not mix very well. The results of the last cup she had resulted in explosive behavior. Perhaps the kitchen would be a good place to go. Pinkie smiled at the idea of baking something complicated to distract her mind. That just left her to think about what to bake. But the more Pinkie Pie thought about what to bake, her mind went to Sugar and wondered how she bakes.

It was impossible to keep Pinkie from eagerly wanting to solve the complex friendship problem. Perhaps there was no way to distract herself. So Pinkie chose to let her mind become fixated on the task.

Then an idea came.

What if I walked around the kingdom!?

It was perfect! Instead of writhing around like a whining child, Pinkie Pie figured it would be best to get the gears grinding even faster.

Quietly, Pinkie whispered to Rarity who slept beside her, “I’m going to go on a walk. If you don’t mind that, don’t say anything.”

Rarity’s nose sniffed in protest before the mare shuffled around in her sleep.

“Glad to know we have an agreement.”


If I’m going to get lost in thought, perhaps I should get lost in the kingdom, Pinkie thought as she approached the castle doors. It wouldn’t be a difficult task to return to the castle once she finished exercising her thoughts, considering a good portion of the streets leads to the center of the empire.

The hallway was in a cool blue veil, the sun still not yet risen, and Pinkie felt a calm visage over her. As energetic as she was, Pinkie Pie felt the morning chill cool her bones. It wasn’t an unbearable feeling, rather, it was therapeutic; a small distraction from her working mind.

Pinkie approached the large doors that blocked the outside world but felt it would be necessary to open them just for her. Before the guards could open them, she dismissed the soldiers and used the much smaller door right beside the large slabs of precious stone.

A small gust of air was sucked into the castle when a guard opened the door for Pinkie Pie. The breeze tickled her underside, beckoning Pinkie to traverse the kingdom.

Ready to take on the world, Pinkie thanked the guard and bounced away. The area in front of the castle doors was very spacious. The only object that occupied a small piece of the area for itself was the crystal heart. The light-blue gem floated between two sharp-pointed crystals, one that grew from the ground, the other stemmed from the ceiling of the castle.

Four guards stood close to their admired treasure with spears much sharper than the points that held the heart in place. However, one pony stood in front of the squad of clad soldiers without a weapon.

Pinkie Pie stopped her bouncing to take a look at the pony, curious who they were. When she got a closer look, the earth pony was shocked to see who it was.

It was Mineral Water gazing up at the crystal heart.

What is he doing here?

Before Pinkie Pie knew it, the chapter was over.

Author's Note:

Holy butts! It didn't take half a month to get another chapter finished!