• Published 2nd Nov 2017
  • 6,825 Views, 497 Comments

No Hugs for Sugar Crush - FerociousCreation

If a bat pony offered you a hug, would you accept it? Apparently, Mineral Water would not hesitate to deny Sugar Crush one.

  • ...

No Hugs for Sugar Crush

It took Spike a short moment to recognize Mineral Water as everypony looked through the glass. “Oh hey! That must be-”

Spike's blood went colder than it normally was. Spike snapped his head at Saradiamond. After all of the hatred she had for Mineral, Saradiamond looked rather perplexed. Everypony else didn’t say a word; they let Saradiamond drift on her own thoughts.

Morganite and Nightshade stepped aside, the two mares just as taken aback as the ponies outside.

Steadfast was the only pony who smiled even though the expression was not fit for the situation. He moved toward the door, and nopony stopped him. “I’ll be back.”

The bell dinged twice before Steadfast stooped in the doorway. “Spike, why don’t you come along? I know he is expecting you.”

Spike silently nodded.

The two entered the store, the Chocolate Palace much quieter than Spike remembered. It was the first time encountering Mineral, so Spike had to throw all assumptions about his character; regardless of what Saradiamond had said before.

Morganite lifted a single hoof and waved it a little. Spike tapped cheek, remembering where she kissed him. Morganite blushed and rubbed a hoof on her pink foreleg.

Like a scared sheep, Sugar stood behind Mineral, reminding Spike of her skittish nature. He needed to be careful with his words.

Mineral kept his eyes on Spike. The corners of his mouth twinkled when he smiled. “Good evening, Spike, the Great and Glorious.”

“Here I am, ready to save the day at a moment’s notice,” Spike said, rubbing his claw through his fin. “I… met your girlfriend this morning and uh…”

Spike looked up to Steadfast for assistance, but the jouster gestured him to continue he sentence. Come on, Spike! You helped vanquish King Sombra, prevent a disaster at the Equestria Games, AND helped unite Starlight and Sunburst which lead to them and I to save the Crystal Empire. This shouldn’t be that hard!

“Not yet girlfriend,” Mineral winked. “But I think I am close.”

“You’re more than close, Mini,” Sugar said with a weak smile. Morganite and Nightshade giggled as quiet they could be, but the silent store allowed their joy to be heard.

Steadfast finally butted in, “And I am glad to hear that, Mineral.”

Mineral’s lips flat-lined, his brows slightly furrowed. “I hope so.”

Mineral looked past Steadfast, and Spike didn’t have to guess who he saw. “Should I be concerned about her?”

The question made Sugar hide more behind Mineral. Spike couldn’t help but look back. Saradiamond looked helpless as if the door was non-existent and all she could do was watch.

A heavy sigh left Steadfast. “Sugar…”

The name made Mineral look back at the thestral, forcing her to throw a wing across her face.

“...Saradiamond knows about you and Mineral now…”

Sugar couldn’t hold her leathery wing up anymore, revealing her shameful tears.

“You know Saradiamond?” Mineral asked.

Sugar gave no answer.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

In an instant, Sugar glared at Spike with clenched teeth. “I told you and the others not to tell her about Mineral!”

“Sugar, calm down!” Mineral begged.

Sugar’s stare petrified Spike, but the small dragon lips were still able to move. “We didn’t tell Saradiamond about him!” Spike defended. “Rarity and Pinkie Pie made sure not to talk about him or Nebula!”

“It was me!” Steadfast exclaimed. “If you want to be angry at somepony, blame me! I told the truth!” His ears were down along with the corners of his mouth.

Steadfast shook his head, “I don’t know how long you’ve been friends with Mineral, but it was only a matter of time before Saradiamond would have found out. I hope you weren’t expecting even me to not learn about him when Morganite published your article.”

Sugar couldn’t hold onto her anger and quickly extinguished it with more tears. “Mini, I’m sorry…Don’t hate me…”

“Wh-what?” Mineral walked in front of Sugar. “Why would I hate you?”

“Because I’m friends with Saradiamond… And I don’t want her to hate me because we are friends...”


Mineral shot a glance at Spike. The hero was needed. Spike didn’t know Mineral at all, making it more difficult to approach with confidence. Furthermore, Spike knew Saradiamond and her feelings about Sugar and Mineral’s friendship.

“Might I say something to you both?” Spike asked. “It’s about Saradiamond; a good thing.”

Sugar’s fluffy ears perked up, and Mineral’s curiosity rivaled the thestral’s. “She isn’t here to force Sugar to pick a side. All Saradiamond wants to do is talk to Sugar.”

The thestral snorted, her tears no longer falling. “But…” Sugar looked at Mineral’s hooves, “...what about you, Mineral? Will you force me to choose between you and her?”

Spike knew the answer before it was conceived. “Never,” Mineral answered in a bold, warm hum.

Mineral walked up to Sugar and gently pulled her in with an arm. “I can understand why this is hard for you. But I swear on the beloved memory of Nebula, I hold nothing against you.”

Steadfast straightened himself, the statement easily affecting him. Nightshade focused on her younger sister, while Morganite’s couldn’t keep her eyes still, unsure of who to look at more.

Sugar faced the kitchen door, away from everypony’s eyes.

That’s when Mineral used the opportunity and leered at Saradiamond.

After all of his calm behavior, he quickly showed his true feelings. Mineral clearly didn’t like Saradiamond either, and he was not afraid to show his emotions to everypony but Sugar.

The glare prompted Saradiamond to enter the store; the bell rang loudly as the door rammed into it. Spike could see the antagonized mare’s tense jaw muscles despite her calm expression. Pinkie Pie and Rarity quickly followed, almost ready to jump in front of Saradiamond in case she behaved irrationally.

Even Nightshade took a few steps forward, asserting herself into an already unstable situation. “What are you doing?” Morganite whispered.

“Getting closer to my sister,” Nightshade answered, her eyes homed in on Saradiamond. Both mares puffed out her chests, attempting to intimidate the other. Nightshade’s height easily exceeded Saradiamond, but that didn’t stop the crystal pony from behaving tough. Mineral gave Nightshade an approving nod, and she complied with a wink; Nightshade was clearly on his side.

“Ladies and gentlecolt,” Rarity said with a heavy emphasis of calming everypony down. “I understand that there is a tense relationship between Saradiamond and Mineral.” Rarity angled her muzzle at Sugar. “But let’s not make it any worse for her.”

Sugar flinched but was not yet willing to look at anypony.

Thankfully, Mineral, Saradiamond, and Nightshade softened their bitter glares. Rarity gestured her hoof to the frightened thestral. “Saradiamond, go talk to your friend.”

After a single sigh, Saradiamond approached the front counter. “I’m not here to cause problems, Mineral.”

The stallion got a little closer to Sugar. Mineral said nothing to Saradiamond, but he furrowed his brows. “You… look nice tonight,” Saradiamond said.

Mineral face darkened. “And you’re being awfully kind.”

Saradiamond was powerless, her rage from earlier gone. Saradiamond’s weakness was right in front of her, entangled with the stallion she heavily dislikes. “Please, let me talk to you, Sugar. I know I’ve said some things about Mineral, but that doesn’t mean I’m angry with you.”

Mineral’s eyes widened, “What have you told her?”

Saradiamond countered with a panicked question, “What have you told Sugar about me?!”

“Stop!” Sugar squeaked.

Sugar slowly removed herself from Mineral and observed everypony muddling in her issue. She first looked at Pinkie Pie who quickly shied away from Sugar’s eyes. Rarity stood between Saradiamond and Nightshade, glancing between the two before noticing Sugar looking at her. Morganite watched from behind Nightshade, not sure what to do. Steadfast was doing the same as Morganite, but he was near Saradiamond instead. Spike was out in the open, fiddling his claws like a confused child.

Saradiamond, despite being blockaded by the counter, was close, and Sugar could see the details of her friend’s expression. A soft fold at Saradiamond’s brows. A long frown. And two unstable pupils that refused to be still, bouncing off Sugar and Mineral.

Mineral was the closest of all. He stood just out of reach but one step would be enough to close the gap. Unlike Saradiamond, Mineral focused on Sugar, unshaken by the mass of bodies.

Everypony stood like chess pieces, hungry for the queen to budge from her position. Sugar wanted to blame Steadfast and Pinkie Pie, but the thestral knew that wouldn’t get her very far. Sugar’s secrecy could not be kept, and the truth needed a speaker.

“I’m… sorry…” Sugar muttered. “This is all my fault…”

“No it’s not,” Mineral and Saradiamond said in unison. The two glanced at one another, surprised by their synchronization. At least they agreed on something.

“Yes, it is… I kept this secret from you two…”

With humility, Saradiamond said, “Because of me. I know I’ve said some things that would intimidate you from telling me about Mineral.” She gestured her head at Mineral, refusing to look his way again, “Well, if he said anything about me, then both of us are to blame.”

Mineral had the courage to look at Saradiamond. “I’ve never said a single breath about you. So for once, you are to blame.”

“Mini, stop!” Sugar demanded, her knees quivering.

Mineral, however, didn’t listen to the thestral. “What did you tell her, Saradiamond?”

“Look at how you are making Sugar nervous!” Saradiamond tried to mask her worry, but the cracks made Mineral recoil.

“Don’t avoid the question! I have an excuse to be concerned here! What did you tell her?!”

“Why are you concerned, Mini?” Sugar asked. “And please, don’t yell…”

Mineral complied with being quiet and swapped his anger with a worried frown. “Because… Saradiamond might have overly exaggerated several things about me. Did she tell you anything about my past self?”

“I called you a heartbreaker,” Saradiamond butted in. “That’s all.”

“I’m not talking to you,” Mineral growled. “I never spoke about you because I had no reason to remember a pony who was a-”

“Mineral, stop!” Sugar cried again.

“Why? She told you I was a heartbreaker! It’s only fair to return the favor!”

“Aren’t you quick to vengeance,” Saradiamond said again. “All I said to her was-”

“You need to Shut. Up.” Furious tears rolled down Mineral’s face. “I am so close to telling Sugar the true mare you really are!”

Mineral teleported from behind the counter and appeared beside Saradiamond. The mare staggered away from the stallion and quickly lowered her horn. “Stop behaving like a foal!”

A wicked grin bloomed on Mineral Water, freezing Sugar’s blood. He was enjoying his pursuit. “What’s with the worried face? Are you ashamed of what you did to me because your friend is here? Are you trying to look good in front of everypony while you tell me not to be upset despite what you’ve done to my well being?”

Saradiamond started to shrink and quiver. “...stop…”

Before Mineral could get out another word, Sugar wedged herself between him and Saradiamond, fanning out her wings in case he tried to run around. Just like him, Sugar had tears of her own. “That’s enough!”

Mineral blinked a few times, and his fury was gone. “What’s gotten into you, Mineral?” Sugar asked.

“The past, Sugar. The past memories of her-”

“I don’t want to hear about the past,” Sugar sniffed. “Why are you so concerned about what she told me?”

It was Mineral’s turn to shrink. “Because I don’t want you to think differently of me…”

“How do you think how I feel?” Saradiamond asked.

Sugar lowered her wings and Mineral was met with an angry gaze. “Why else would I behave like this?” Saradiamond asked. “I don’t want Sugar to look at me with disgust because of what I’ve done. I care about my friend.”

“And so do I!” Mineral boldly proclaimed. “I guess if there is one thing you and I can relate to, Saradiamond, is that we care about Sugar. A lot. Whatever your reason may be is your reason alone. My reason is that she helped me change and made me a better pony. Just like how our beloved and unforgotten friend, Nebula, did for me.”

“But Nebula isn’t here because of-” Saradiamond said as if it was a natural response, but her sentence was quickly stopped by Sugar.

“The same goes for you, too, Saradiamond," Sugar demanded. "I don’t want to hear the past. The now is much more important.”

Mineral lurched his head at Saradiamond, his jaw clenched. “Don’t you bring Nebula into this!”

Sugar had heard enough. The truth was easily washing through the cracks, and she feared that everything was about to explode like a dam unable to hold back the flood. “STOP, BOTH OF YOU!” Sugar cried.

The outburst startled Saradiamond, but Mineral was unphased from the thestral’s shriek.

“Just stop…” Sugar whispered. “No more fighting. No more anger. No more talking about each other. The now is more important, not the past.”

Mineral blinked out of his stare with Saradiamond and faced Sugar. “You sound like you don’t want to hear about the past.”

“I… agree,” Saradiamond added. “Is there a reason? Does it involve Nebula as well?”

The two crystal ponies were fast to turn their attention onto Sugar. They didn’t appear to be angry. Just curious.

“I- It’s not that I don’t want to hear about the stories you two have told me about Nebula,” Sugar reassured. “But I don’t want your past negative experiences with each other to blind me from what great friends I have now!”

Sugar made sure to share her eyes evenly between Mineral and Saradiamond. “The past I am not intimidated by is Nebula’s. You two have told me how much you loved and still love her. I’ve seen you both lament over her. And I know that because of Nebula, you both see a little bit of her in me..”

The crystal ponies returned to looking at one another but did so with the absence of anger. “Sugar does remind me of Nebula,” Saradiamond said.

“Except unlike Nebula, Sugar tends to worry about everything,” Mineral smiled. “I remember when Sugar did her first bake sale, she was so worried about selling out for the day. As if it was a bad thing!”

“And I think that’s what separates Nebula from Sugar,” Saradiamond nodded.

“My lack of confidence?” Sugar interrupted with a low grumble.

“No!” Saradiamond laughed. “Your worry shows that you care.”

“It… does?”

Mineral looked at Saradiamond and pursed his lips. “I agree with that sentiment.” He returned his attention to Sugar. “Remember how we first met and when I said you reminded me of Nebula?”

The memory made Sugar flush, “I will never forget our first moments.”

Saradiamond was caught giggling by Mineral. Again, the two crystal ponies didn’t leer at each other. Sugar’s heart began to flutter with relief. They’re getting along!

“You were so worried about me, that I somehow inspired the Mineral Milk Cookie. And you… managed to find my home and check up on me.”

“Well…” Sugar started to sway in place, flustered by everypony who stood in the store, “...your name was unique; that’s why I came up with the cookies.”

The thestral grabbed Mineral’s hoof. “You were also sad when I met you. I just knew something was wrong. And now, here we are.”

“'Here we are,'” Mineral repeated.

Saradiamond couldn’t stop smiling at the Mineral and Sugar. “He really does make you happy,” Saradiamond said.

“He does,” Sugar beamed as she bunched into Mineral. He flinched as her torso grinded against his. “And I don’t want my feelings for either of you to change.”

The amethyst stallion rose a brow, “What do you mean?”

Sugar’s ears fell back. All she had to do was avoid talking about the past she feared that would unearth. Instead, Sugar opened her sharp-toothed mouth. So she continued to keep it open and said, “I’m scared of my feelings changing. So far, I have been successful with not wavering my feelings toward either of you.

Sugar stepped toward Mineral. “Even when Saradiamond expressed her distaste for you, my emotions never changed.”

“That’s great to hear,” Mineral said and shot a glance at Saradiamond for a moment. “If your feelings never wavered, then perhaps you should hear the full truth.”

Sugar’s ears fell back. That was not something she wanted to hear. And Saradiamond quickly asserted her disapproval. “Did you not just hear her? Sugar doesn’t want her feelings to shift!”

“But I think it would be better for us all,” Mineral said to Saradiamond. “It will prevent us both from worrying about each other from exaggerating the truth.”

In the corner of Sugar’s eye, she saw Rarity and Pinkie Pie nod in approval. Sugar couldn’t believe they were siding with Mineral’s dangerous proposal!

“We may not like each other,” Mineral continued, “but if we had a mediator, you and I can sit down and talk to Sugar.” Slowly, Pinkie Pie rose her hoof with a cheeky grin. “And if he would like…” Steadfast straightened himself as Pinkie stomped her hoof in protest. “...might I request if the Great and Glorious hero would like to help counsel the discussion?”

“If I can obliterate a tyrant king into pieces, then I should be able to help with a sit-down discussion,” Spike smiled.

“I wouldn’t mind that at all, actually,” Saradiamond nodded. “Though I request that the hero sits beside me.”

“How come?” Mineral asked.

“Well, you can have Sugar, a pony you care about sit beside you, while I have a hero I admire reside at my side.” Saradiamond gazed at the dragon and fluttered her eyes. “You wouldn’t mind, do you?”

Everypony stared at the stammering dragon. “Ehehe… I mean… I vanquished King Sombra… Sitting beside a mare shouldn’t be that challenging…”

While most of the ponies smiled with happiness, two were not in the same mood as everypony else. Morganite’s eye twitched a little, a small sign of jealousy, and Sugar could only frown. She did not approve of this intervention she was about to be dragged into.

“Sugar, is something wrong?” Mineral asked.

The thestral shook her head, “Can we not have the talk?”

Sugar’s question sucked up the joy from the store. “Why not?” Pinkie interjected. “There is clearly an elephant in the room and one talk will easily get rid of it.”

“I’m worried the talk would take a turn for the worst,” Sugar argued. “We all saw how they both started getting angry at each other earlier. I don’t want that to happen, even if Spike is there to help try and calm everything down.”

Saradiamond rose her hoof to grab Sugar’s attention. “I will admit, I still have mixed feelings about Mineral, but-”

“Stop!” Sugar was doing everything she could to resist the talk. “You don’t like him and he doesn’t like you. That’s all I want to know.”

Mineral furrowed his brow, “But I want you to know the truth.”

“Well, I don’t want it!”

The purple stallion took a few steps back, the shout too powerful for Mineral’s ears. “You don’t want to hear how I truly feel about you?”

“What? Of course I do!” Sugar walked toward Mineral, but the crystal pony retreated in kind. “Why are you backing up?”

“Let me tell you everything. Please!”

Sugar shook her head, “I can’t let you do that.”

Mineral’s head dipped, his eyes barely visible. “So that’s how it’s going to be…”

Sugar’s heart almost fell out of her chest. “Mini, no…”

Saradiamond’s emotions flared, “You better not do anything stupid!”

“Shut up,” Mineral replied quickly.

Nightshade joined Saradiamond’s staredown and leered at the stallion. “If you hurt my sister, I swear-”

“Everypony, please!” Rarity cried. She nodded at her friends then gestured to Nightshade and Saradiamond. Pinkie Pie stationed herself beside the thestral, and Spike went to the sapphire mare. Steadfast didn’t have to be told what to do and chose to stand close to Mineral.

“Why are you siding with Mineral?” Saradiamond barked at Steadfast.

Steadfast simply ignored the angry mare and asked Mineral, “My friend, what’s wrong?”

“Sugar doesn’t want me to tell her the absolute truth,” Mineral answered. “That’s what’s wrong.”

Mineral managed to look up at Sugar, his sad eyes tore the mare’s heart at the seams. “I was going to take you somewhere special, Sugar. I was going to confess my everything to you there. I wanted to confess why you mean so much to me. I wanted to confess my old habits and how you pried me away from them. But you don’t want to hear my everything…”

“I do!” Sugar cried, her tears returning full force.

The sight of seeing her sister cry enraged Nightshade. “So help me if you break Sugar’s heart!”

Sugar could see Mineral shaking, but he didn’t give in to pressure. “You don’t want to hear every detail, Sugar. You said it yourself, you don’t want the truth.”

Mineral looked at Saradiamond, unphased by her burning glare. “Doesn’t that upset you in the slightest, Saradiamond? She doesn’t want to understand why you are so upset with me.”

“So? The past is the past! I’m willing to move on from it!”

“Don’t lie to me,” Mineral snorted. “If that was the truth, then why did you call me a heartbreaker?”

“I don’t want to know why she called you one!” Sugar argued.

Mineral furrowed his brows, “This is exactly why you need to know the truth, Sugar! It’s stressing you out! Saradiamond and I have our differences, but I don’t mind you being her friend. However, if you don’t learn about her and I, all you will be concerned with is how we behave when we are around.”

Again, Mineral directed his attention to Saradiamond who appeared to be less angry with him. “Doesn’t that concern you that your friend will be stressed about us all the time? I don’t know how long you two have been friends, but I’m sure when you told her about me, Sugar’s been stressed ever since. Let’s give her that peace of mind. And maybe you and I can get over this feud; for our friend’s sake and the memory of Nebula.”

Saradiamond softened at the sound of the long-lost friend’s name. “I… think I agree with you, Mineral.”

Sugar didn’t let off her resistance. “Please, I don’t want to do this talk.”

“But… think about how much stress you won’t have,” Saradiamond said. “Please, I don’t want to argue with you… You’re my friend, and I want what’s best for you.”

“I can’t…” Sugar whispered.

Mineral let out a sigh, “Then I have no choice but to… To cancel my surprise for you…”

Sugar’s voice squeaked, “No! Mini, please!”

Nightshade couldn’t contain herself and stomped forward. “You bastard!”

Morganite was the first to latch onto the furious sister. “Nightshade, stop!”

Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Spike held Nightshade down as she attempted to shake them off. “Let me go! He hurt my sister!”

“You better have a good reason for canceling this ‘surprise’ you had for Sugar,” Saradiamond grumbled.

Mineral’s shaking increased, but he continued to remain in the same spot. “I was going to tell Sugar everything, including you and Steadfast. She was going to learn about the friendship, the struggles, and the outcome we endured. And… something else. But because Sugar doesn’t want to hear any of that, fine.”

Mineral took Sugar’s hoof and gave it a soft squeeze. “This does not mean I am canceling our date, nor does this mean I hate you. I won’t hide the fact that I am disappointed in your resistance. That being said…”

Mineral gently placed his lips on Sugar’s forehead. Nightshade managed to simmer herself down, but those restraining her didn’t let go and for good reason. “...all I can say is that you mean the world to me; or as you thestrals like to put it, 'the moon to me.'”

“But the world is so much bigger,” Sugar said, placing her forehead onto Mineral’s.

“But the moon is much prettier to look at.”

Sugar couldn’t resist Mineral’s kind words anymore. Even if she wouldn’t receive the absolute truth, Sugar wanted to show she wanted his love. The thestral closed her eyes, slipped her lips onto Mineral’s mouth, and gently pressed onto them. Mineral mumbled in shock, but the stallion succumbed to the soft kiss.

Sugar felt herself get pulled into Mineral’s embrace. Her legs dared to buckle and give way. To prevent that from happening, Sugar lifted herself and pressed her chest against Mineral. He gasped but didn’t pull back.

Sugar thought she didn’t have any tears left in reserves, but sure enough, the tears came anyways. Her worst fears had come to pass, and yet, the worst outcome never happened.

She didn’t want the kiss to end, but Sugar wanted to make sure Mineral was breathing. Their lips parted with a smack. The two stared at each other, perplexed with what just transpired. However, Sugar’s overwhelmed heart forced her to jump forward. “Oh Mini!”

As per usual, the stallion sidestepped Sugar and countered her hugging assault by spinning around and hooking his arm behind the thestral’s neck. He pulled her close and nuzzled his cheek against Sugar’s head. "The score is now 11 to 0."

“Still aren’t going to let me hug you,” Sugar sighed. She simply shrugged and leaned into Mineral, closing her eyes to daydream about the great future she and Mineral were about to have.

As great as a moment the two had had, Mineral didn’t allow himself to smile. Since you don’t want the truth, I can’t explain my resistance to your embrace...

Mineral slightly adjusted himself to see everypony staring at him. Nightshade didn't appear that she wanted to kill him, but it was Pinkie Pie who peeked his interest. She wasn't as cheerful as the other mares, and if anything, Pinkie was being very observant.

Both Pinkie Pie and Mineral Water weren't convinced all was well.

Author's Note:

I'm going to be honest, I was planning everything to hit the fan, but I am actually fine with this chapter's outcome. Why? Because it still fits the original idea I am going with. :3