• Published 2nd Nov 2017
  • 6,826 Views, 497 Comments

No Hugs for Sugar Crush - FerociousCreation

If a bat pony offered you a hug, would you accept it? Apparently, Mineral Water would not hesitate to deny Sugar Crush one.

  • ...

The Best Kind of Moment

Mineral wasn’t wearing anything extravagant. Only a black tuxedo and white undershirt accompanied his slicked-back mane. But regardless of the typical male attire, Sugar was charmed by his good looks and even greater sense of style. Sugar pondered to herself why stallions could always manage wearing the same black shirt with a white undershirt, while still looking unique in their own way.

The thestral was both stunned by Mineral’s handsome facade and embarrassed by how everypony in the store looked interested in the newest customer and cashier’s relationship. Sugar wanted to fade into nothing and avoid being flustered any further, but she was very curious about his choice to arrive dressed in a suit.

Sugar gasped, curious if the date he asked her on was going to happen that very evening. Of course! Why else would he go out of his way to get dressed? While the thestral was convinced Mineral arrived because of romantic interests, her stomach dropped. Mineral must have gone out of his way to pull off a surprise date for two to surprise her. But because she was unaware of her special somepony’s kindness, Sugar might have to reject the date because of the surprise she had something planned!

Sugar did her best to convince herself that her surprise was superior to Mineral’s. She had not only managed to have Rarity meet with him, but also prompted Spike to come along. Sugar was plagued by some guilt, knowing very well Mineral had something special for. And she was going to interrupt that plan with one of her own.

“Excuse me?” the mare at the front asked. “We would like to have two oatmeal cookies, please.” Sugar snapped herself away from her thoughts, though the flush in her cheeks remained.

“S-sure thing,” Sugar said and went to work, but not before taking one more look at Mineral. The couple in front looked back at Mineral as well. Because of her sensitive ears, she could hear the two talking.

“They must know each other,” the stallion said.

“I know, Onyx. Maybe that’s her boyfriend.”

Even though she wanted to explode from embarrassment, Sugar couldn’t resist talking to the two. “We aren’t a couple. At least, not yet.”

Oooooohhhhh!” the mare sang. She made sure to stare at Mineral until they met eyes. “Well, he certainly is going out of his way for you.”

Sugar placed the two treats in a small bag as she couldn’t resist smiling. “Good stallions have a tendency to do that,” Sugar said to the mare.

“I agree.”

Onyx nudged his date and nervously asked her, “Hey, what about the Hug ‘n Sweet deal?”

“Hmm?” When she noticed the chalkboard message, the mare furrowed her brow. “What are you implying? You want to hug another mare on our date?”

“I-I uh-!”

Oh dear… Sugar could easily tell the mare was the jealous type, and she worried the stallion would dig himself a deeper hole.

When he looked at Sugar, he said, “I know I get a free mini cinnamon bun if you give me a hug, but uh… How about in spirit? Like… have me and Amber here hug each other and have that count?”

Onix pointed a hoof over to Mineral, “Besides, I’m sure he would feel uncomfortable if you hugged another stallion in front of him.”

Sugar lightly gasped. He’s right…

The thestral bit her lip as she looked to the row of ponies. Several of them were stallions, and they didn’t appear to be with anypony but themselves. Sugar’s heart was set on Mineral and she wanted nopony else.

Was that evening going to be the end of the Hug n’ Sweet deal?

“I like that idea,” Amber beamed.

“Me too,” Sugar agreed, despite her discomfort.

The couple quickly embraced one another, leaving Sugar alone to cope among her thoughts.

In a single moment, Sugar’s signature business model became a flawed practice. Her mind went to the worse of assumptions with the remaining customers. She worried that one stallion would demand a hug from her. What’s more, Sugar never thought of how Mineral felt about her hugging other stallions over the last two months.

Her heart started to break. The Hug n’ Sweet deal was Sugar’s signature practice. It even brought Mineral into her life. What would Raspberry think about the discontinuation of a year-long routine?

Why must today be filled with ups and downs?

Sugar retrieved the cinnamon roll for Onix and Amber in silence. When Sugar went to the cash register, Amber asked her, “You okay? You look upset.”

Sugar snapped herself upright. “Nothing’s wrong!” she shouted with a suspicious smile. The outburst signaled to everypony that there was indeed something wrong.

Her slit pupils thinned as she observed Mineral’s concerned expression. The stallion didn’t remain in line much longer and stepped out of the line.

Everypony watched him quietly step forward toward Sugar. Not on soul dared to whisper. Onyx and Amber moved aside as the handsome pony scanned the thestral. “Sugar, are you okay?” he asked.

Sugar melted under everypony’s attention. “No…” her voice cracked.

“Do you need my help?” Mineral looked to the line. “You know I wouldn’t hesitate.”

Sugar worried that somepony would complain that the line was being held up, but by the grace of Luna, silence kept performing its spell.


Mineral blinked out of existence before popping right beside Sugar. Usually, when he teleported away, it was because he was fleeing a very overzealous thestral. However, the situation called for a different approach. Like a hero rescuing his one true love, the magical residue twinkled off of Mineral in a wonderful spectacle.

In an instant, Mineral went into work mode. “My apologies for the delay,” he said to the couple.

Amber dangled off her date, charmed by the heroic act. “Not a problem.”

Sugar nudged Mineral on the shoulder. “Mini.”


Sugar fanned out a large wing and tapped Mineral’s nose. “First of all, pause. Second, before you get serious, go wash your hooves, please.”

Mineral rolled his eyes as he walked to the kitchen door. “You forget that my career involves making soap.”

“I don’t care.” Sugar stuck out her tongue. “Who knows where your hooves muddled into as you walked all the way here.”

“Point taken,” Mineral nodded as he broke into a laugh.


“No…” Saradiamond repeated. “It… No. Not him.”

Steadfast eyed the ground, worried she was once again angered. But Saradiamond remained calm, despite her disbelief. Thinking it was an appropriate action, Pinkie Pie pulled the magazine from her mane. “I can show you the picture of them together,” she said.

Saradiamond looked at the issue with fear. “I… I believe you.”

“Then why don’t you see them for yourself,” Rarity suggested. “It’s a very relieving picture.”

After all her rage Saradiamond had expressed, Spike watched the mare, unable to comprehend what she was feeling. Was it anger? Doubt? Sadness? Worry? Curiosity? No doubt at least three of the five emotions were strangling Saradiamond’s heart.

“I can understand now why everypony kept his name away from me…” Saradiamond muttered. Her ears twinkled as they folded back. “Even Sugar didn’t want me to know.”

Everypony watched Saradiamond without disrupting her thoughts. Spike knew how she was feeling, even though it wasn’t to the degree of her explosive nature. Everything he and his friends were participating in had a lot to take in.

“Spike?” Saradiamond asked.

The dragon almost hopped at the mention of his name. “Y-Yes?”

“Did Sugar look worried when she asked you and your friends to not tell me about her and Mineral?”

“No,” Spike shook his head. “However…”

He couldn’t resist looking at Pinkie Pie. “When Nebula was brought up, well… Sugar had an over-the-top reaction.”

Pinkie nodded, “And it was my fault for upsetting her.”

Saradiamond furrowed her brows, “Why did you upset Sugar?”

Pinkie Pie stood her ground as she admitted with humility, “I was super curious about Nebula and the Vamponies. And my curiosity forced me to be a little too hasty.” She looked at the magazine she held. “My hunch told me that Nebula was involved in a friendship problem. I was half-right.”

“What did your entire hunch entail?” Steadfast asked.

Pinkie Pie’s frown reached her jaw. “That my friends and I could help reunite the Vamponies by finding out why Nebula was no longer a part of your team…”

Saradiamond clenched her eyes shut and turned her head away from Pinkie. “I- I didn’t mean any harm!” Pinkie Pie stammered. “I just wanted to help-”

“Stop,” Saradiamond said in a cool voice. It took a moment for Saradiamond to recover from Pinkie’s statement. “This is all very hard to take in.”

“It is,” Spike agreed. “And now that you know, what are you going to do?”

Instead of answering the question, Saradiamond looked at Pinkie Pie and said, “Hoof me the magazine.”

Pinkie nodded and quickly hopped over to the crystal pony. Before Saradiamond could grab it, Pinkie Pie opened it to the page featuring Sugar’s article. “I’m sure you were looking for this page.”

Saradiamond scanned over the two pages. On the left was the small-lettered article. On the right, was the picture of Sugar Crush and Mineral Water. A smile bloomed on Saradiamond’s lips. “She looks so happy. And beautiful.”

In the picture, Sugar was sitting on the left and Mineral was beside her. She was dressed in a simple light-blue dress with her mane in a bun. Sugar was visibly red in the face, but her smile was more than enough to keep Saradiamond from frowning. Saradiamond noticed how her friend had Mineral’s Crystal Coat applied, the thestral glittering just like Nebula once did when she wore the body wash.

Saradiamond didn’t care about what Mineral was wearing, but she found herself staring into his eyes. The smile she once had slowly morphed into a flat line. “So Mineral is her inspiration.”

“Read the story,” Steadfast suggested. “It goes into detail about how Sugar helped change Mineral’s livelihood.”

“No,” Saradiamond replied bluntly. “I’d rather hear the story from Sugar.”

“Are you upset with her?” Rarity asked.

Saradiamond flinched at the accusation. “Of course not! And if you think I want to tear her away from Mineral, then…” The mare licked her lips and let out a sigh. “...then you’d be strongly mistaken.”

Spike, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Steadfast all exchanged glances, surprised by Saradiamond’s bold statement.

“I care about Sugar,” Saradiamond continued. “And I don’t want to have any conflicts with her.” She furrowed her brow and glowered at Mineral’s image. “Even if he is involved. Perhaps he has changed for the better.”

The crystal pony closed the magazine and levitated it over to Pinkie Pie. Saradiamond shoved it in Pinkie’s mane, either disgusted with it or frustrated with Sugar’s predicament.

Rarity shot a glare at Saradiamond for being so harsh, but Pinkie Pie waved her friend off. “I was going to put it there, so no biggy,” Pinkie said as she somehow managed to smile.

“I’m sorry,” Saradiamond quickly apologized. “I just-” Her head dipped, “Rarity, did you say you were going to the Chocolate Palace to meet up with Sugar?”


“May I come along?” Saradiamond flushed. “I don’t want to intrude on your evening, and I’m certain you three want to get away from the angry mare who can’t get over herself. But I need to talk to Sugar.”

Saradiamond managed to lift her head. “I know Sugar better than… well, maybe less than Mineral, but that’s beside the point!”

Spike crossed his arms and let out a quiet sigh. His name really does bring out that ugly in her

“The point is, I know Sugar! I know how she can worry about everything.” Saradiamond rubbed her shoulder, “And there is no doubt that she is worried about me knowing about Mineral. I just need to talk to her for a little bit and tell her the truth about how I lied.”

A light-blue arm extended from Saradiamond as she reached for the three ponies before her. “I don’t know how to approach Sugar. Which is why I need your help. If you let me walk with you three, maybe… maybe you can advise me with what to say…?”

“...please…? I don’t want Sugar to run away from me because I know about her and Mineral.”

Spike took one step forward and clasped his two claws over the offered hoof. “Of course we can.” He looked past Saradiamond and winked at Steadfast. The stallion beamed at the gesture and mimicked his hero’s action.

In bright spirits, Pinkie Pie hopped forward and gestured to Steadfast. “Do you want to come along?” She retracted her arm and asked Saradiamond, “Is it okay if he comes along too? I mean, he is your friend.”

Saradiamond smiled at Steadfast, “He is Sugar’s friend, too. Of course he can.”


“Your total is going to be 10 bits please,” Sugar smiled.

The final customer tossed two 5 bit coins onto the counter and patiently waited for his sweets. Mineral quickly grabbed six cookies, each one different from the last: Chocolate chip, sugar, raisin, cinnamon, half and half, and wafer.

“Don’t forget to get him two mini cinnamon buns,” Sugar said to the working stallion.

Mineral’s hooves screeched as he spun around to retrieve the forgotten items. “My mistake!”

Sugar giggled along with the customer. Her grin was short-lived when she looked at the pony laughing along with her. “Again, I apologize for having to cancel the Hug-n-Sweet deal so suddenly…”

“Na, I understand,” the customer said, shaking his copper mane. “Besides, I’m getting two free cinnamon buns instead of one.”

“And who doesn’t like free items?” Mineral added, levitating the white baggie to the pony.

Sugar bumped her shoulder into Mineral, “You don’t since I haven’t given you your free hug yet.”

The customer rose a brow. “Wait, he hasn’t let you hugged him?”

“It’s a long story,” Sugar batted a hoof. “Anyways, enjoy your sweets!”

Sugar hated herself for wanting to shove the customer out the door, but she needed to hurry with closing. The customer simply grabbed the bag and left without another word.

“Finally!” Sugar exclaimed. The thestral sprawled her belly onto the countertop. “I thought they would never stop coming!”

In the corner of her eye, Sugar saw Mineral stick his nose into the air and beam, “Lucky for you, I came to save the day!”

“And you did it with style. In more ways than one.” Finished with lying down, Sugar got back onto all fours. Both ponies stared at one another, each one unsure of what to say.

Sugar managed to speak first despite being stunned by Mineral’s handsome appearance. “Thanks again for the help. It means a lot.”

“Your welcome,” Mineral answered. “Though I am surprised that you would cancel your Hug-n-Sweet deal so suddenly because of me.”

The thestral’s ear flicked. “It’s because of that one stallion, Onyx. I was worried that you would get jealous if I continued hugging other ponies, especially stallions.”

“I know. You told me.”

Sugar let out a heavy sigh, “I just feel guilty... The Hug-n-Sweet deal is what brought us together…”

Mineral took one step forward only to be met with a leathery appendage booping his nose. “Unpause…” Sugar muttered.

The amethyst stallion staggered a few steps before he hugged the sad thestral. “And yeah, the score is now ten to zero-”

“Shhh…” Mineral whispered. Gently, he rested his forehead onto Sugar’s own. “I understand why your choice would upset you.”


“It does mean a lot that you would stop your Hug-n-Sweet deal for me. To be honest, I was slightly worried about it for a while.”

Sugar lifted her head away from Mineral. “You were?”


Sugar’s ears, along with her lips, fell. “How come?”

“I was… worried that a stallion would come in one day and… distract you from me…”

“I would never let that happen!” Sugar exclaimed. She placed a hoof on Mineral’s chest, feeling his heart pound against his black tuxedo. Mineral stiffened at her touch, but he quickly relaxed.

“You’ve done so much for me, Mini! And I lo- l- like… you… a lot.”

Sugar couldn’t keep in the truth. It was true. Part of her was angry at herself because she didn’t want the Chocolate Palace to be the place she told Mineral her true feelings. She wanted to be in a romantic setting, not her workplace.

Mineral’s hold on Sugar tightened, his cheeks flaring. “I’m… I’m glad you feel that way about me.”

The thestral started to sway back and forth, gently rocking the crystal pony. “Was the kiss I gave you not a big enough indicator?”

“Maybe I just wanted to hear it from you.”

“Hehe, well now you know,” Sugar grinned. “And now, I want to hear it from you. Tell me how you feel about me.”

She pressed her muzzle against Mineral’s soft nose. His breathing began to increase, and his pulse increased a few ticks. “Here?” Mineral whispered.


“But I have a better place for that. There is a reason why I dressed this way.”

“Oh! Right!” Sugar smiled, tempted to kiss her Mini because of how close she was to him. “Well then, since you won’t confess the truth, might as well explain why you look so… handsome.” The mare bit her lip, “Is it because you have a surprise date waiting for me?”

“Actually, no.” Mineral looked toward the door despite nopony being outside. “The date I have in mind will be more than the simple dinner dates we’ve had from time to time.”

Sugar let out a sigh, “Thank goodness!”

“You’re… relieved?” Mineral asked with a raised brow.

“Yes!” Sharp, white teeth shined off the store light. “You see, I have a surprise for you, Mini. And I was worried you would take me somewhere away from your gift.”

Mineral blinked a few times. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”

“This morning was definitely a surprise in many ways! And I am not just including you asking me on a date. You see, a-”

A hoof knocked on the store glass, breaking the perfect moment with Mineral. Sugar snapped her neck to see if Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Spike had returned. But the second worst mare was behind the glass.

“Well, seeing your sister and Morganite is definitely a surprise,” Mineral chuckled.

Sugar could feel her face heat up as Nightshade wore a smug grin. Morganite just smiled brightly unlike her mocking friend. The two onlookers entered the store, the bell dinging aggressively as Nightshade shoved the door open.

“Sorry if I am interrupting!” Nightshade exclaimed.

A pink shoulder bumped into her shoulder. “Don’t be mean!” Morganite grumbled. Nightshade didn’t budge from the assertive action, but it caused her to roll her eyes.

Quickly, Morganite gained excitement and briskly walked toward the counter. “Did you tell him yet?!”

No longer in the romantic mood, Sugar removed herself from Mineral. “Tell me what?” the stallion asked.

Morganite gasped when she noticed Mineral’s attire. “You’re looking sharp. What’s the occasion?”

“I haven’t been able to tell Sugar that yet,” Mineral said, his eyes darting off every mare in the store. “But I am still curious about what’s going on…”

“Why don’t you tell us all why you’re here?” Nightshade suggested. Sugar nodded in agreement. She was still left to wonder the true reason for Mineral’s arrival.

A purple hoof grabbed Sugar’s wrist. “I want to tell her many things,” Mineral said, his voice cracking for a moment. “And I want to tell her those things somewhere special.”

Sugar always loved having Mineral be sweet to her in privacy. But whenever Nightshade was around, Sugar wanted to kill her for simply existing; and because Nightshade would heckle her sister for later amusement. However, something prevented Sugar from getting flustered by her sister.

The moment she was a part of was almost unreal to Sugar. A stallion had never gone out of his way compared to the length Mineral went.

Guilt started to hurt Sugar. “I hope my surprise didn’t ruin what you had planned.”

“It won’t take long,” Mineral smiled. “I only ask ten minutes of your time.”

She didn’t want to argue, but the guilt started to make the thestral worry. “Will you be upset if I asked you to maybe postpone your ten minutes for me? I planned on having you meet Spike, and I’m not sure how long that would take.”

The light in Mineral’s eyes twinkled. “Did you say ‘Spike?’”

“Mmhmm,” Sugar quietly mumbled.

“As in the Great and Glorious Spike the DRAGON?!”


Mineral let out a few chuckles, his smile as wide as he could manage “How? How did you manage to plan this? And what’s with that face?” The stallion kissed the mare on the cheek, breaking Sugar from her worried spell.

Morganite and Nightshade let out their “aww’s” before they returned to being quiet.

“You aren’t upset?” Sugar asked, surprised that Mineral had kissed her.

“What crystal pony would!? I can easily put my ten minutes aside for you.” Sugar knew Mineral would react the way he did, but she couldn’t help but feel upset.

“But you went out of your way to get dressed for me.”

Mineral’s smile faltered, and he furrowed his brows only a little. “Sugar Crush, there is no need to worry. I don’t care about how long my time with Spike will be.” He lifted Sugar’s chin with his hoof. “How about this: after the surprise is over, I take you to my surprise. Again, it will only take ten minutes. Maybe a little bit more if we have a moment.”

Sugar’s heart began to flutter, “What kind of moment?”

“The best kind,” Mineral answered.

It was very difficult to resist hugging Mineral. He was so close. And he would be sent to Tartarus if he so dared try to let Sugar to embrace him. Sugar decided to wait until she had the best kind of moment with the pony she loved.

In the corner of her eye, Sugar saw a body of ponies walk into view. She noticed Rarity and Pinkie Pie talking to-

“Oh no…”

“What?” Mineral asked.

When he looked to the outside world, Mineral’s pupils shrunk. Sugar’s worst fear had come to pass, and everypony was there to witness it.

Mineral and Saradiamond had been reunited.

Author's Note:
