• Published 2nd Nov 2017
  • 6,823 Views, 497 Comments

No Hugs for Sugar Crush - FerociousCreation

If a bat pony offered you a hug, would you accept it? Apparently, Mineral Water would not hesitate to deny Sugar Crush one.

  • ...


With her belly full of hashbrowns and over-easy eggs, Sugar was able to keep herself sane as she and Mineral sat side-by-side, while Morganite sat on the other side of the dining booth with her notepad. Nightshade sat beside the pink mare, eyeing everything Morganite was writing. The two friends glanced at each other when Morganite pointed at her notebook before they giggled, leaving Mineral and Sugar to sit patiently.

But Sugar was not able to keep herself silent and looked to Mineral with a smile. “Thank you again for planning everything, including the breakfast. It was also a surprise you got your mom to come along.”

“It wouldn’t be a surprise party if there weren’t surprises,” Mineral said. “Your parents are very nice.”

“You mean ‘my mom is very nice,’ right?”

“What makes you say that?” Mineral’s grin did its best to look genuine, but the beam was a lot wider than it should have been.

“Exactly what I mean,” Sugar snorted, her ears falling back. “Daddy can be very protective of me and Nightshade. I mean, did you see how he looked at you when we all ate breakfast?”

“He just cares about you.” The stallion’s mouth did sag, and he admitted with uncertainty behind his tongue, “But he could be a little less aggressive toward me.”

Sugar did not want to continue thinking about her assertive father, and would rather choose to think about the more civil parents. “Our moms sure got along quite nicely.”

“You should have seen how they were before the surprise,” Mineral said. “They couldn’t stop talking about us.” He looked up at Nightshade who whispered to Morganite. “Well, your mom did talk about her, too. Apparently, she has quite the mouth.” His comment made Nightshade dart her slit pupil at him. But she didn’t glance at the pony with anger, and Nightshade was quick to return her attention to Morganite.

Sugar sneered at her sister, “You have no idea how much trouble she got into when she was younger. There was this one time-”

“Morganite, is there anything you would like to add to your interview?” Nightshade spoke aloud. Both Mineral and Sugar laughed alongside each other, knowing very well Nightshade did not want the past to be brought up.

As for Morganite, the crystal pony did not appear to be listening until her name was mentioned. “I think I got everything I need,” she said, tapping her pencil on the notepad. “And I believe we got ourselves quite the cute story on our hooves.” Morganite closed her notepad with a circular swing of her hooves. “Thank you for being interviewed, Sugar. I know it won’t be easy at first, but I know this will help bring wonderful light to your cookies.”

“Your welcome,” Sugar said, though her eyes fell on the table. There was an uncomfortable gravity weighing down her shoulders. “It does feel a little exciting to have you do this for me. I’m just worried about… a lot of things.”

“I am sure you are,” Mineral said as he scooted close to her, but not quite touching. “Believe me, I was nervous myself when I was given the chance to advertise my products. But you will get the hang of the stress. And just like your boss said before, you will have ponies like me to help you.”

It always made Sugar more cheerful whenever Mineral continued to tell her he was there to assist. She leaned onto his shoulder and said, “Thanks, Mini.” The interviewer and sister moaned with glee, the sweet act lightening the mood. Mineral twitched a little before his nerves simmered down. The urge to resist hugging the stallion fell apart, and Sugar reached out her forearms to claim him.

Her fast movement was quickly telegraphed. Mineral rose his arms as if he was ready to spar. Sugar struggled to climb over to the resistant pony but didn’t want to push him out of the booth they sat in.

“You think they are going to kiss?” Nightshade said to Morganite just loud enough for Sugar to hear. Mineral’s cheeks changed color while Sugar stopped her struggle.

The younger thestral removed herself from her friend and pressed her nose with a hoof. “Pause.” With one blink, Sugar was in a completely different mood. Her long pupils thinned their width and her brows were at a very dangerous bend. “Excuse me, Mineral,” Sugar said in a monochrome tone. “I need to get to my sister.”

At once, Nightshade begged to Morganite, “Please let me out of the booth!” Both Morganite and Mineral moved at the same speed, like a castle door lowering itself to allow the ponies across a moat inside. Morganite was the first to step onto the carpet, and Nightshade was quick to bolt for the door. Sugar had no patience in waiting for Mineral’s sluggish speed and just leaped over his lap.

“You are paused, Sugar!” Nightshade called back at her sister.

“I’m paused for Mineral! And you are dead!”

The two siblings exited the diner in a loud ruckus, leaving Morganite and Mineral alone at the booth. They both looked at each other before laughing at the sisters and their shenanigans. “It seems anything Nightshade says can set off Sugar in a heartbeat.”

“I don’t blame Sugar,” Mineral responded. He climbed back to his original spot, the body heat still igniting the booth’s backrest. “Nightshade does have a tendency to tease her sister to no end.”

“I have talked to Nightshade about her behavior toward Sugar, and while I lamented our spying on you and Sugar, moments like…” Morganite giggled in her pink hoof. “...you two wrestling is a little hard to resist a simple tease.” If Morganite’s wording was much different, Mineral wouldn’t have blushed as much as he did. But there was no retort to her comment, and he sat in silence. And Morganite continued her talk with him.

“You like her, don’t you?”

Mineral was not expecting such a comment to be conceived so boldly. “Wha- I- What makes you say that?!”

The bubbly mare giggled much more, her teeth flashing at Mineral. “By the way you reacted, I think it is quite apparent that you do.”

At least you didn’t ask if I loved her… While the much less Nightshade doppelganger continued her high-pitched laughter, Mineral swallowed as he knew his true feelings for Sugar. He looked at the diner’s door to make sure the thestral sisters were not on their way back. Mineral leaned forward toward Morganite, his ears pointed back with a nervous weight. “I… do.”

The joyful giggles did fade, but Morganite’s smile remained stagnant. She rested her two elbows on the table and propped her chin onto her hooves. “Go on.”

The truth was out, and Mineral had to be sure he chose his words carefully. “Please don’t tell Sugar,” the stallion pleaded. Morganite nodded as her ears twitched with eager anticipation. “You remember how everypony was telling Sugar that she was the reason why we had this little event for her, right?”


“Well, it’s because of her being so thoughtful for me is what really draws me toward her. I never thought I would ever deserve a friend after what I had done before. But I am glad Sugar proved me wrong.”

A brow rose on Morganite’s forehead. “And what did you do that made you feel that way?”

Mineral took a deep breath. Remember: don’t get emotional about Nebula. Slowly, he let out the pent-up oxygen. “Do you remember the pictures of the thestral in my home?”

“Of the self-portrait, yes.”

He closed his eyes to maintain his calm behavior. But doing that could not hide the vivid memory of Nebula crying on his doorstep.

“This was supposed to be a great day. But instead, you let your work get in the way again!”

“Nebula, I didn’t mean-”

“If you didn’t mean to not show up, then why did you do it, Mineral?! Do you even know how important this tournament was for Nebula and I?!”

“Saradiamond, please-”

“Mineral! Hey!” The stallion flinched, his mind flickering to the present. Morganite stared at him with intense concern, no longer leaning her chin on her hooves. It was too late for him to hide the rolling tears. The shameful past sank its pointy teeth deep into Mineral’s soul. “Why are you crying?”

“Because I messed up…” he answered. “It’s my fault she is gone…”

“Who? The mare in the picture?”

“Yes… I made her flee from the Empire because of my idiocy. I never got to see her again after that.”

Morganite looked at her notebook with a frown. “Do you really think it was your fault that she isn’t here?”

The answer was too easy. “Ultimately, yes.”

“I disagree.” Mineral blinked a few times, not sure how to combat Morganite’s comment. “You see, there were a lot of friends I had outside the Crystal Empire. And before Sombra enslaved us, I got into an argument with one of them.” Morganite kept a confident posture despite her own tears started to fall. “I never got to tell her I was sorry,” she choked. “But I know she and I would easily make up for the stupid argument we started. So instead of being upset at what you did, be upset because Sombra took our happiness away. He was the one responsible for the separation of our friends that were lost to time.”

The fire that burned in Morganite’s eyes held their flame despite the salty tears that streamed down her face. Mineral could see how angry she became, the past having its effect on her in a more different light. There was a hatred to be held for Sombra, but Mineral knew that if he didn’t upset Nebula on that day, she would be alive alongside the crystal pony; Mineral was still criminally at fault.

Their awkward silence was instantly broken when Nightshade and Sugar Crush re-entered their lives. Nightshade was quick to jump beside Morganite. “Morganite, what’s wrong?” The two mares hugged one another, leaving the question unanswered.

Sugar’s sweet eyes made Mineral easily allow her to bunch up against him. “I’m still paused just so you know,” she said.

Mineral blushed as he leaned more into the sweet Sugar Crush. There is a reason why I love you so much.


Nightshade made sure to not leave Morganite’s side until her friend was her usual chipper self. The two had begun walking with each other back to Morganite’s work as the crystal pony fanned through her notepad. Sugar Crush and Mineral Water left with each other on their own separate route. Nether Nightshade, nor Sugar were enlightened to have their friends sad because of the past on a day that was supposed to be full of happiness and interviews.

Morganite giggled, her movement faltering a little as she read her notes. “I still can’t get over how your sister was so quickly inspired by Mineral. It’s just too cute.”

“No matter how much Sugar wants to deny it, she does like to remind me of how glad she is to be Mineral’s friend.”

Morganite beamed at her tall friend before stopping in her tracks. “Nightshade, what’s wrong? You look worried.”

A window to the thestral’s right reflected her slightly-less thrilled expression. “I’m…” Her shadow nearly consumed Morganite as she stood over the crystal pony. “Are you still okay? I mean, I know you told me and the others before we left you were fine. But you looked so sad.”

The smile Nightshade was starting to grow addicted to flashed. “You’re the one who looks sad at the moment.” Infected by the grin, Nightshade couldn’t help but feel lifted and smiled alongside her friend. “I am fine,” Morganite nodded. “I just get a little emotional sometimes because of what has happened. It’s common among us crystal ponies.”

“Okay,” said Nightshade, still not fully convinced Morganite wasn’t 100%. “Just so you know, I am here for you.”

“Aww.” Morganite hugged her friend in a much less aggressive embrace than that of Sugar’s. Nightshade’s back still cramped from Sugar’s earlier bone-crushing vice grip, but the thestral didn’t shake off Morganite, nor did she want to, regardless of her discomfort. “Thanks for wanting to help. It does mean a lot to me.”

“You’re welcome.” Nightshade hugged her friend back while admitting, “Sorry for being so concerned. It runs in my family. I get it from my dad.”

“At least you care. That’s what matters.” Morganite was quick to remove herself to return to her regular behavior. “Now! To end this chapter on a good note, guess what I found out!”

Nightshade was convinced her friend was not upset anymore and continued along the brighter path. “What has you so cheerful?”

“Let’s just say… a mini cupcake wants a little more sugar.”

“Wait… DON’T TELL ME!”

“We have a firm confirmation!” Morganite squealed.

The overwhelmed thestral batted her wings with two gleeful flaps, lifting her off the ground. “I knew it! I FLUFFING knew it!”

Morganite gasped, “Language, Nightshade!”


Even though it was not yet filled to the brim with her own original sweets, Sugar Crush was still proud of herself to have her very own shelf. To test out her original product for the day, she only baked fifteen Mineral Milk Cookies. If she were to see just how much ponies wanted her cookie, Sugar had to know how quickly they sold. Of course, Mineral had to be involved with his usual business tactics.

The purple stallion looked into his friend’s display with a proud smile. “I think the sale of milk will easily escalate alongside Sugar’s cookies,” he said to both Raspberry and Sugar.

The boss rubbed her chin and observed the paper propped up on the bottom shelf. “‘Sugar’s Sweet Deal: 1 Mineral Milk Cookies and 1 small carton of milk, 7 bits.’” Raspberry grinned, “Very clever, indeed. One order of 24 cases of small milk cartons run me 10 bits. This means, instead of having them at the usual 3 bits, and say everypony takes the deal you have planned, that means I make…” A few “tsks” clicked on Raspberry’s tongue before she concluded, “...105 bits in sales!”

“And because Sugar’s cookies practically beg for milk to be used, I am certain very few ponies will go without a small carton of milk, leaving you with approximately 90% profits gained based on your best case scenario equation!”

While the more business-centric ponies giggled about numbers, Sugar stared past her reflection to see the row of tiny milk cartons with plastic cups right below the deceptive cookies. She knew if she needed help with making a good price for any other sweets that will come in the near future, Mineral and Raspberry would be there for assistance.

Raspberry and Mineral shook hooves, the two happy with the presentation. “It is a pleasure having you help me and my employee,” the Chocolate Palace’s Empress beamed.

“As it is mine,” Mineral replied. Sugar walked over to her friend and made a lousy attempt to hug him, but Mineral sidestepped the mare with little effort. “You gotta try harder than that, Sugar.” However, the thestral planned ahead and brushed her torso right up against Mineral’s barrel. The contact electrified him, and the stallion let out a strange, “ick!”

“I think you should be aware that I can do more than just hug you,” Sugar giggled as she walked behind the counter. Despite her friend’s grumble, Sugar didn’t feel guilty for what she had done. She wanted to put him on edge for the inevitable.

“Well everypony,” Raspberry announced, “I think it is time to open shop!” The mare’s tail bounced as she went over to the door to unlock it.

Even though Sugar was eager to see her cookies sell on their own alongside everything else, she looked made sure everything was stocked to the maximum. One walk behind the counter was enough to be confident everything was ready for the day.

“Hey, Sugar,” Mineral said at the border of the counter, not quite out of the dining room.

Sugar could tell by the way he stood something was on his mind. “What is it, Mineral?” she asked and paced quickly to the stallion.

Mineral pressed his nose, said “Pause,” and followed up with, “I know I told you this yesterday, but thank you for walking me back home. It means a lot that you care.” It was subtle, but Sugar noticed her friend dip his nose to the ground. With the opportunity there, the thestral propper her forehead onto Mineral’s brows. “Thank you,” he said, his voice vibrating through Sugar’s skull and into her brain.

“You’re welcome, Mini.” The rule of pause was beginning to drive Sugar mad. Even though she wanted to embrace the challenge of hugging her friend, Sugar was starting to yearn for her arms being wrapped around his neck. She wanted him to know how much she feels.

Just give it another month, Sugar. Then maybe that would be a perfect time to try and ask him to be your special somepony.

The two ponies took a step back and looked at each other. Mineral rose his hoof, placing it mere centimeters away from his muzzle. “I’ll be off now.”

“Leaving so soon,” Sugar sneered. The mare’s wings shuttered, ready to push her forward the second Mineral unpaused.

“Lots of work to be done.”

From the angle Sugar was standing, it was impossible to tell if Mineral had touched his nose. She went to his side and saw that it was not quite in contact with his muzzle. “Unpause!” Sugar rushed forward, even though she knew somepony would slam into the wall.

However, speed was not in her hooves, and Sugar’s face was met with a hard wall. Stupid unicorn magic won again, teleporting Mineral Water away in a burst of magical glitter.


It came as no surprise to Sugar that she nearly sold out of Mineral Milk Cookies for the day. However, she did marvel at how fast they came and went. Before the orange light of the afternoon began to light up the kingdom, they were all gone. She recognized a few of her past customers, and they told Sugar how much they enjoyed the cookies before. One even asked to place an order for a dozen. Catering was something Sugar was very familiar with, and rather enjoyed baking a lot when it came to big orders, so long as she kept herself in the kitchen. But the Mineral Milk Cookies were her product, and Morganite told Sugar that if somepony asked for any original baked goods, Sugar would have to be the one taking and completing the order. Only allowing just one order, the thestral accepted the request. As Sugar wrote down the date to have the order completed by, she also noted to ask Mineral if limiting the total amount of orders would be a good choice of action.

The harsh afternoon beams poured into the Chocolate Palace. Sugar was all alone at the front, sweeping the floor, collecting bunches of dust and crumbs. She had to close the shop that evening and getting a head start was a top priority.

The bell sang its welcome ring as the door opened. “Welcome,” Sugar smiled a bit too wide because of the blinding glare of the sun. Two silhouettes stood before her, their visuals indistinguishable as the thestral squinted. Neither customers spoke a word, however. They just stood at their original spots.

It was impossible to tell what their expressions bore, making the situation very uncomfortable for Sugar.

Finally, a mare’s voice spoke, “Is… Is that really you..?”

Sugar looked away from the ponies and leaned the broom against the wall. Using an arm to shield her eyes, the thestral was able to obtain more details from the guests. Both were unicorns, an easily spotted feature. The mare’s mane was short and curly, the color an ocean of blue. A body of a very light-blue shade beautifully complimented her hair, almost making the mare appear transparent. The stallion was tall and muscular, his height rivaling Nightshade. His golden coat and flaming orange mane made the stallion fuse with the light.

Aside from the fact that they were the same type of pony, they also wore the same exact frown. Sugar blinked, unsure of the strange stares she was receiving.

“She’s not her,” the stallion sighed.

“I realized that…” The mare looked away from Sugar as if disgusted. “Sorry. I thought you were somepony else.”

Sugar was feeling a strange feeling she was in a familiar situation and pressed forward. “Why do I remind you of another pony?”

A much friendlier smile shown from the tawny stallion. “You look exactly like an old friend of ours.”

Sugar’s eyes widened, the sun’s brightness not affecting the potential shock she may feel. “What was her name?”

The diamond crystal pony took in a breath of air to answer the question, but kept the gasp to herself and exhaled no information. Her friend did reply, “Nebula.”

It was very challenging for Sugar to contain herself. The very name she knew that was already sensitive material for Mineral appeared with no warning. Many questions smashed into Sugar’s brain, nearly forcing her to ask if she knew Mineral.

But before her tongue could move, the stallion said, “My name is Steadfast.” Steadfast gestured his hoof to the mare, “And this is my friend and teammate, Saradiamond.”

“I’m Sugar Crush,” the thestral slightly nodded, trying her best to remain calm. Because the two crystal ponies knew nothing about Sugar, she chose to pick away at some information about the long-gone pony and her relationship with Saradiamond and Steadfast. “Who was Nebula?”

Saradiamond turned around and walked toward one table that sat in the corner, hiding from the setting sun. “She was a wonderful friend, and an excellent jouster.”

It was a painful question to even consider, but Sugar had to ask, “Where is she now?”

The legs of the chair Saradiamond grabbed shrieked as she pulled it away from the table and propped herself onto it. “Gone…” was all she mustered.

Of course, Sugar knew that fact very well. It didn’t make her happy to be reminded yet again of Nebula’s fate. “I’m so sorry,” Sugar frowned. “And I am sorry for not being who you thought I was.”

Steadfast never let his smile weaken as Sugar looked at him. “Ah, don’t be sad, my friend,” he said to her. “Every once in a while, I do remember the good times with me and my good friends: Nebula, Saradiamond over there, and Mineral Water. It’s good to reflect on who helped me on my quest to fame.”

Sugar swallowed, her heart dropping down to her stomach. In such little time, she learned about a question she had never considered: did Mineral have other friends. The answer was a yes.

“Who is Mineral Water?” She did what she could to smile along with Steadfast. “He sounds like a nice pony.”

Saradiamond was quick to snort. “Mineral Water is nothing more than a heartbreaker!”

The response made Sugar flinch. Heartbreaker…? “Now now, no need to get heated,” Steadfast begged, holding his hoof up toward the bothered mare. He quickly discovered Sugar’s surprised expression. “Please forgive her.” Steadfast stepped forward to allow his talk with the thestral more personal. “She tends to get a little upset when he is mentioned,” he said in a low tone. “And don’t let Saradiamond’s behavior bother you. She is a good pony when she isn’t so sharp.”

Sugar peaked around the bulky stallion to see Saradiamond facing the wall. There was an intense hostility toward Mineral that Sugar had no knowledge of. However, despite Saradiamond’s previous anger, Sugar wanted to help her; just as she did for Mineral.

“I know what will cheer you up,” Sugar said to the upset mare. The thestral went behind the counter and obtained the last Mineral Milk Cookie. Before she considered any further actions, Sugar stared at the sweet.

Heartbreaker…? Sugar reflected on everything Mineral had done for her during their month of meeting. So much has happened between them, along with the various amounts of sobbing over the past. But the newly found information seeped a deadly poison into Sugar’s love-struck heart. And she hated how it began to corrupt her in seconds. Sugar still loved Mineral, that was for certain. But doubt was a new enemy, all because of Saradiamond and her simple statement.

Speaking about Mineral to Saradiamond would easily be a poor choice. Cheering her up would be the better option. Sugar grabbed a milk carton and placed it, along with the cookie, on a white plate.

The sun finally dipped behind the building in front of the Chocolate Palace, giving Sugar a much better view of the two guests. She walked over to the very quiet Saradiamond and gave her the cookie.

“You don’t have to,” Saradiamond said as she looked down at the cookie. “I don’t deserve something for free.”

It was a near repeat of how Sugar and Mineral had met. Was Saradiamond just as resistant to hugs as well? Sugar was about to find out. She looked back at Steadfast standing by, spectating without any sign of intervention. Because of her kind heart, Sugar still wanted to help the sad crystal pony, even if there was an uncomfortable gripe between Saradiamond and Mineral. That would be for another day to figure out.

“You may not want it for free, but I know you wouldn’t mind it,” Sugar said to Saradiamond. Sugar reached out an arm, her chest exposed. “Would you like a hug? That might help make you feel better.”

The facade Saradiamond was wielding flaked off and was replaced with a warm grin. Both of her ears fell back, the impact of Sugar’s words showing visible effect. “You… You are too kind. But you don’t have to.”

“But you wouldn’t mind,” Sugar countered.

Saradiamond got out from her chair, the legs making little sound as she stood. The Hug n’ Sweet deal was too hard to resist. The crystal pony moved very fast, even though she took a few steps. Sugar took one step forward before the simple impact of the two mares made her shake.

“You’re right. I wouldn’t mind a hug.” The embrace didn’t last long, but it spoke a thousand words to Sugar. Among those thousand words told Sugar she had an important role in possibility reuniting Mineral with his old friends. But Sugar was unsure on how to do that. What could she do in order to prevent the least amount of damage? That was impossible to tell. The best Sugar could do is ask questions while pretending to not know anything.

Saradiamond looked to be in a much more cheery mood from earlier, and she appeared to be easier to approach. “Do you feel better?” Sugar asked.

“Very much,” Saradiamond smiled. “Thank you for being kind and… reminding me of a great friend.”

“I second that,” Steadfast said, his voice right behind Sugar.

The thestral beamed at the sight of both happy crystal ponies. It was impossible to not feel joyful after a hug did its intended purpose. “I bet Nebula was quite the friend to have,” Sugar said.

“She was,” Saradiamond nodded.

She opened her mouth to say more, it was interrupted by the bell ringing as the front door opened. “I see you like talking to customers on your downtime,” Morganite said with her notepad in hoof.

The appearance of the pink crystal pony did bring more light to the Chocolate Palace, but Sugar wondered if there was more to Morganite’s arrival. “You two know each other?” Saradiamond asked.

“We do personally.” Morganite smirked at Sugar, “Did you give them your complimentary hug?”

“She, in fact, did,” Saradiamond said. “Then again, thestrals were known to be kind so long as you don’t get on their bad side.” She looked at Sugar with a raised brow. “Is that still true that others like yourself have the same kindness that I have been accustomed to?”

Sugar knew a few bad mangos, but most of the thestrals she knew were nice to one another. “We still are.”

“That’s good to hear. I’m just… making sure is all.” Saradiamond stared at Sugar for a good few quiet seconds before breaking her focus. She looked to Morganite and reached her hoof out to the pink mare. “I am glad to have this interview set up with you.”

“And thank you and your friend for wanting to be interviewed,” Morganite said while shaking Saradiamond’s shiny hoof. “I am glad to finally let modern day Equestria learn about our civilization. I just know great things will come with the next issue of Bright Spotlight’s magazine.”

Steadfast puffed out his chest, the muscles visible as they moved; Sugar flushed at how fit and fiery he glowed. “You are also in the presence of the great jousting duo, The Vamponies!”

Sugar remembered the date she had with Mineral when he told her the name of Nebula’s team. Sugar wanted to scream the truth about how much she knew, but remained quiet for the moment.

“Then let’s take a seat and begin,” Morganite said, gesturing to a random table.

Saradiamond began walking over to the corner table she chose to sit at before. Steadfast politely nodded at Sugar with a gentle, “Excuse me,” and went after his teammate.

Before Morganite got too far, Sugar stopped her with a clear of her throat. “Morganite, I forgot to ask you something important.”

“What is it? Does it have to do with your interview?”

Sugar looked at Saradiamond and Steadfast, trying her best to not appear concerned in front of them. “It’s a personal question I want to ask in the kitchen.” The daze of confusion was expected by Morganite, and Sugar knew it would be changed in an instant. Sugar made sure that her statement was not a request by walking toward the kitchen. She heard hoofsteps follow from behind as she pushed through the kitchen door.

“Sugar, what’s going on?” Morganite asked, her brows curious for answers.

The instant the door stopped flapping about, Sugar said, “Those ponies know about Nebula and Mineral?”

“Who’s Nebu-” Morganite gasped, her jaw nearly falling from its sockets. The notebook she was holding slipped from her hoof. “Wait? Did you just say what I thought you said?”

“Mmhmm! And the mare, she hates Mineral!” Sugar’s ears retreated. The fact that her friend was called a heartbreaker didn’t encourage Sugar in the slightest.

“Oh dear…” Morganite reclaimed her notepad. The mare lightly nibbled on her lip while she observed Sugar’s less than thrilled demeanor. “Do they know about you and him becoming friends?”

“No. And I think you should avoid telling them that I know him, please.”

“How come?” Somehow, Morganite managed to smile despite how serious Sugar was taking the situation. “This might be a good thing.”

The thestral shook her head. “Please. Don’t tell them anything about him and me; or anypony who knows him.”


“Please!” Sugar flinched at the sound of how protective she was becoming. Sugar didn’t want any doubt to infect her any more than it did. Who knows that Saradiamond might say about Mineral Water. However, Steadfast didn’t look spiteful toward Mineral, and instead, looked rather happy to remember him. But that was the past Mineral Steadfast chose to recall. Perhaps he had the same emotions that compared to Saradiamond when it came to the present.

“Please…” Sugar repeated in a quiet squeak.

Morganite’s brows bore down with some weight. “I won’t say anything to them. But understand that it may cause some issues later on. They will most likely look at my Morganite’s Mission when it publishes and may see my interview with you and Mineral.”

“Then- don’t let them see it! No, take out my interview!”

“Sugar, stop this! Why are you being so defensive?”

“Because I love Mineral, and I don’t want to know what he did to break Nebula’s heart!” Emotional tears formed at Sugar’s eyelids, not yet filled to the point of falling. “For the longest time, I have wanted to know about Mineral and Nebula. I wanted to know about their friendship. But now… I don’t want to…” Sugar’s neck its strength and allowed her face to dip at the ground. “I worry that my feelings will change. I love him that much now.”

The kitchen’s ventilation was the only thing keeping the setting from becoming deathly quiet. Morganite let off on her creased brows. Sugar huffed a little, her sobs quiet and muffled. Great. Now Morganite knows about how I feel about Mineral. She will most likely tell my sister and-

“I won’t tell them anything about Mineral,” Morganite said, her tone soft. “And I won’t tell anypony about how you feel about Mineral; not even your sister.” Sugar managed to look up at Morganite, but could not find the rest of her strength to lift her head all the way. “However, I won’t protect them from my magazine, nor will I reject your interview from being published.”


“Now hear me out.” Morganite rose a hoof to halt Sugar’s urge to be aggressively defensive. “First off, your interview has already been submitted to the editors. It’s too late for withdrawal.” Sugar snorted at the unfortunate news. “Second, the worst that could happen between you and Mineral’s old friends is they dislike you and not come around to the shop. And honestly, if the mare allowed you to hug her, I am sure she won’t hate you. Okay?”

“Just don’t tell either of them about him.”

A bothered sigh escaped the pink crystal pony. “Fine.”

“A-and if they ask about my cookie, tell them it’s called the Magical Milk Cookie.”

Author's Note:

I wonder if I will write a chapter that does not involve tears. This took a good while because of, well, I am sure you can guess why :3