• Published 20th Sep 2017
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Memoir of a King’s Master Consort by Sir Spike - CrackedInkWell

A memoir by Spike the Dragon on his relationship with King Thorax

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1: A Royal Summoning

It’s funny how much growing up changes you. I’m not talking about what puberty does to you, but rather, how much of your perspective on things could be turned upside down. For me, this is true, especially when it comes to figuring out what I want out of an intimate relationship. In truth, I never saw it coming.

As a dragon, I used to uphold the idea that I would dedicate my heart to a mare that was the closest thing to a fairytale princess. Back when I was a kid, I had a crush on a mare named Rarity. I won’t lie that at the time, when I first laid eyes on her, that I thought I knew what love was. How blind I was into thinking that this beautiful mare was perfect in every way, that I hoped that one day I could spend the rest of my life with her. In other words, I thought that I was attracted to only her.

However… one night at the Grand Galloping Gala transformed all of that literally overnight. I won’t go into too much detail, but what had happened was that two royal guards wanted to get back at Prince Blueblood, so they slipped some love poison in his drink in which I was caught in the crossfire. From it, I learned something about myself that had changed how I viewed myself… I was attracted to stallions too. The prank had given me the revelation that I’m bisexual.

While the Prince did come out of the closet and ended up marrying a stallion, I on the other hoof went on with my life as best as I could. Once puberty kicked in, Twilight had encouraged me to start dating (under her supervision, of course). The first pony that I asked out on a date with was Rarity, but, to make a long story short, we figured that it just wouldn’t work out between us. After that, I’d dated a few mares, as well as a handful of stallions too, but for a while, I couldn’t find the one that I could see myself being with.

That, however, changed when I got a letter from my friend, the Changeling King Thorax, in which he wanted me to, “Come to the hive as soon as you can, it’s urgent.

It is here, that my story really begins.

At the time, I was a sober age of twenty when I was summoned by Thorax. Back then, I was a little concerned as to what exactly he needed me for. The Changelings had already been reformed and Thorax had asked everypony that he considers being his friends (myself included) for advice on rebuilding his kingdom’s society. Of course, I was worried as I thought that the new hive may have been under attack. So after quickly packing everything, I asked Starlight’s help for a ride towards the hive. On that late afternoon that mid-October did we teleport over to the Changeling Kingdom.

“Okay,” I said as I started rushing towards the towering structure, “Nothing looks destroyed.” Indeed, the rocky skyscraper of a hive looked to me in one piece. Even the plant growth, despite that the colors had changed into autumn gold, red, brown, green and yellow.

“Spike,” Starlight told me catching up from behind. “Don’t you think that you might be taking this the wrong way? He just wrote for you to come over, he didn’t say anything about an attack.”

“But what if the Changelings are trying to overthrow him? Or Chrysalis has used mind control again? Or Ember has declared war on him? Or-”

“Maybe he just wants to talk,” she interrupted. “Take a listen, does it sound like there’s any conflict whatsoever?”

Admittingly, it was strangely quiet. There wasn’t any revolution, war, take over, or Thorax giving birth to be heard. As we rushed towards the hive, we were greeted by a sharp, “Who goes there!” and a green, fiery flash. We halted when a sea-green blue, purple and blushing red changeling stood in our way, but we knew who it was.

“Pharynx, thank Celestia.” I said, “Thorax wanted me to immediately come over here, is something wrong?”

He tilted his head in confusion. “Not really? I haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary in days. Although, my brother has definitely wanted to see you, don’t know why though.” Turning around, he told us to follow him, so we did.

“Are you sure that nothing has happened?” I questioned him. “No emergency? No sudden invasion? Nothing?”

“Trust me, if that were the case, I wouldn’t be doing this,” he craned his neck over to me. “Look, I don’t know why my little brother summoned you. If anything, he hasn’t told anyone, not even me. So your guess as to why you’re here is as good as mine.”

It was puzzling. What exactly did Thorax want from me? As long as I’d known him, Thorax wasn’t the kind that would just ask anypony to come to see him without giving a reason why. Sure, he would sometimes pop up to for the sake of surprise, but not usually the other way around. We followed him into the stone like hive, walking over the leafy ground and moss. Here and there, Changelings came to see who had arrived; many of them gave their friendly greetings to us.

We climbed upwards, towards the very top of the tower and onto the open plateau that looked out of the Changeling Kingdom. There, on a stone throne was Thorax that, no sooner had he spotted me, suddenly flung himself out of it. “Spike! I’m glad you came! And Starlight, good to see you too.”

After that, we greeted each other with the usual hug. But I noticed that something was a little off. Thorax seemed hesitant as if he was being careful with me like I was made out of glass instead of scales. As if he was trying as hard as he could to make sure that I wasn’t offended for whatever reason. “How’ve you been? I haven’t seen you for quite a while now.”

“Apart from making sure that you haven’t been overthrown, I’m relieved.”

This made him laugh before turning to Starlight, “And you?”

“Oh you know, same old, same old. The only thing interesting that’s happened is that I got to help Princess Twilight in a friendship problem.”

“That’s good,” he nodded, taking a few quick nervous glances at me. “Hey, can I talk with Spike alone? This is kinda important.” She told him that it wasn’t a problem and left, then he turned to the remaining Changelings, “Same goes with the rest of you. We need some privacy.” They too obeyed.

“Thorax? What’s going on?” I asked him. “Did something bad happen?”

“What? Oh no. It’s nothing like what you think, I swear. It’s that I have something that we needed to speak about. Friend to friend.”

“Um, okay?” I raised an eyebrow and found a seat by a wall. “So what’s up?”

“Well…” he hesitated. For several minutes he stood there, trying to think up of what exactly to say. “I guess that, first of all, I would like you to be the first one outside of the hive to know that I have found a Queen.”

“Oh?” This caught me by surprise. In all the letters that I had gotten from him, I didn’t know that he was courting someone. If anything, up to that point, I thought that he might have been gay. “You mean that you’re married? When did this happen?”

“Yesterday. And I know what you’re thinking; I can sense the confusion coming off from ya. The answer is no, I didn’t exactly choose her – the hive did that for me.”

“You had the hive arrange the marriage for you?”

“Technically yes. But don’t worry; we’re not doing this out of love per-say. If anything, my Queen has the role of my personal adviser, something like a business partner in a way. Besides, she’s nice, in fact, do you want to meet her?”

“Considering that nopony has heard of this, I might as well.”

He called out for the Queen, and a few minutes later, in walked in a salmon red Changeling that had a crown of flowers on her head. “You wanted to see me.”

“Yeah, I want to get you two properly introduced.” He said as he waved a hoof, “Sir Spike, this is Queen Lavender, Lavender, this is Spike.”

“Ah,” she went up to shake my claw. “So you’re the drake that my husband has told me about.”

“I wish I could say the same about you ma’am.”

“Oh I know, the news hasn’t gotten out to the outside world as of yet. So it would be unlikely that you have heard of me. Still, I’m grateful that after all that Thorax had told me about you that I finally get to meet you.” She crooked her head over to her newly wedded husband. “So, shall I start now?” He nodded. Then she began to slowly walk around me, looking and examining all over my body. “Sir Spike, may I ask you some personal questions?”

“I guess?”

“Are you currently in a serious relationship?”

This caught me off guard, “Uh… Not really.”

“Have you contracted some kind of illness within the past five years?”


“Do you have a sense of humor and of fun?”

I looked over to Thorax, “What is this?”

“Just go with it,” he replied. “I promise that I’ll explain later.”

“So?” Queen Lavender inquired as she took hold of my arm to examine it.

“Well yeah, I guess.”

“Are you older than eighteen years of age.”

“I’m twenty.”

“Good, good,” she went over to look at the other arm. “Have you committed a serious crime in the past five years?”

“I haven’t broken any laws as far as I’m aware of.”

She went on to look to feel my back, “Do you hold any sort of grudges against King Thorax?”

“Wha- no. He’s my friend, he hasn’t done anything to make me not like him.”

“Do you have any plans of moving away from the Equestrian continent in the next ten years?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t thought of it that far.”

Then without warning, she ducked her head underneath my tail and asked, “Are you a virgin?”

My face turned bright red and I hopped out of the way, “Hey! Hey! That’s private!”

At least he doesn’t have any unusual lumps,” she muttered. “Look, I know it’s really personal, but I must know. Have you ever had a sexual experience with another partner?”

“Why do you want to know? It’s none of your business.”

“Technically it is,” she responded. “However, given by your reaction, I’ll take that as a ‘no’.” I narrowed my eyes at her. “Alright, one last question and I promise to leave you alone: Do you currently have a crush on someone?”

I took a few calming breaths to get the blush off my face, “Not really,” I replied. “I haven’t so much as dated anypony in the past two years.”

She smiled and turned around as she began to walk out, but not before stopping in front of Thorax and saying, “I approve.”

Thorax instantly looked so happy that he hugged her, “Oh thank you so much!”

“Uh hey,” I called out. “Do either of you want to tell me what that was about?”

Queen Lavender looked over at him, “I think you might want to explain it to him.”

“Yeah,” he nodded. “It’s about time he knows. I’ll see you later for dinner tonight.” Both changelings bid farewell, before leaving me and the King in the outdoor throne room. “I… I know you have a lot of questions at this point.”

“Yeah, like, pardon my Equestrian, what the living buck was that about? Did you honestly have me come all the way here for your new wife to ask me such personal questions?”

Once again, Thorax hesitated before sighing. “Spike, I think that now is as good a time to finally let you know.” He flew over to his enormous throne in which he sat on one of the armrests and patted the other. “I think you might wanna sit down for this one.”

Complying, I sat on the other end of the armrest. Looking back, it’s rather amazing how much I had grown in my teen years. I was now just roughly as tall as him and twice as skinny, so we practically saw eye to eye. Now I admit, as I was sitting down, I was preparing myself for whatever news he had to tell me. While I did have my assumptions about him and plenty of theories to fill Twilight’s library several times over - at that moment, as I sat there with my arms crossed, I waited to hear which scenario was coming true, “Okay, I’m listening.”

Thorax took in a deep breath, “Spike… I think it’s about time that I told you the truth. The whole truth. And nothing except the truth. And as much as I trust you as my best and closest friend, I honestly don’t know how you’ll react to what I’m about to tell you.” He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. “The truth is… Several years ago, I started to realize, although slowly at first, that I was becoming more attracted to someone. It was one that I have placed so much trust in ever since we met, and ever since I’ve learned how to share love instead of taking it, it only increased my… enlightenment.”

“In other words, you’re in love?”

I saw his cheeks redden, “I-Is it that obvious?”

“Well, you’re not quite like yourself today so I assume that either something is horribly wrong, or you’ve found a special somepo- eh, changeling.”

“…. Yeah… You’ve got that part right. I think I am in love.” He rubbed his foreleg, “So I suppose you’ve guessed by now who I’m in love with?”

The next three words that came out of my mouth weren’t by any means a guess. Rather, an assumption that I’d had for a long time at this point. I wasn’t by any means blind to his behavior towards me; the letters that had a double meaning. The gifts he would bring whenever we got the chance to visit. Not to mention how much he wanted to be by my side like a bodyguard – along with him getting instantly suspicious of anypony new that I happened to talk to. I guess I always have known but I wasn’t sure if it was a Changeling thing or not for him to display this much of affection toward me. I never brought it up so that I didn’t give him the wrong impression. After all, I was advised to have an open mind until something solid were to show itself. And now, it strongly looks like it. “Is it me?” I asked him.

He didn’t say a word but looked me right in the eye and gave a nod.

“How long exactly?”

“Four, maybe five years give-or-take. Look, I’m sorry that it’s taken me this long to finally say something, but I wasn’t sure how you’d react if it was at the wrong time.”

“Dude, you do know that I swing both ways, right?” I deadpanned.

“Yeah, I know… but isn’t it weird to have someone confess their love for you when they just happen to be your best friend?”

I couldn’t say that I didn’t know. After all, Rarity, while I had a crush on her, was and still is a really good friend of mine. I do remember how much guts it took for me to outright say something to her. “Ah… Okay, yeah.”

He pawed at one end of the armrest he was sitting on. “Are you weirded out by me?”

“I can’t say that I’m surprised, to be honest. After all, I did have my suspicions before, only I didn’t want to cross a line, ya know? I didn’t want to overstep my bounds or take how you behaved around me the wrong way. Up until now, I wasn’t exactly sure or knew why you did what you did until now.” After clearing my throat, I added, “Still, why did you have your queen borderline molest me?”

“About that,” he gulped. “Spike, there’s one more thing that you need to know, and for me to ask of you. You see, while I was reconstructing the culture of the hive, I had help from not just the Princesses and other world leaders, but from history books too. I have been, for years, carefully looking through what worked in courts and what didn’t. Anyway, some time ago, I was reading up on how the old Prench court functioned, you know, before the Prench Revolution? In it, I found a custom that I and my Changelings decided to adopt.”

I raised an eyebrow, “And that being?”

“In Prance, it was common for the king to technically have two spouses or more without being called such. Louis XIV, for example, had an official wife, the Queen, in which he saw her as more along the lines of a business partner. She was there to assist running the country and to bear official heirs to the throne. At the same time, however, he had a second mare for fun. She was a mistress he could have a real, emotional connection with – so in a way, she was like the king’s wife and marefriend at the same time.”

It didn’t take long to see where this was going, “Hold on, your Changelings know that you’ve…”

He nodded, “To an extent, yes. They got to choose the Queen in which I would have official heirs to start a dynasty with. Hence, Lavender was chosen by a vote of the hive. At the same time, they wouldn’t mind if I took a Mistress, or, in this case, a Master, only if they get approval from the Queen and the one that I wanted to be my companion.”

Now everything made sense.

“Spike, I don’t ever want to force you into something that you’re not comfortable with. All I can do is tell you that I have developed feelings for you, and I want to date you. However, where you want to take this is completely up to you.”
I stared at him for a moment, “And your new wife is okay with this?”

“Like I said, she wouldn’t allow this without her consent. And she already has. It’s up to you now Spike, you have a say in this. Now, it’s up to you to see if you accept this proposal or not.”

Never in my life, with all the ponies I’ve dated had I expected to be the in the eye of a king. Not just that, but being offered to be his… mistress isn’t an accurate word, but a sort of master to him? I thought for a moment if this was considered as one of those arranged affairs in which the other spouse knows full out. How would Twilight react? What would Cadence say? How would-

“I can tell that you’re feeling overwhelmed,” Thorax interrupted my train of thought. “Spike, if you need time to think this over, take it. If anything, I encourage it because this is one heck of a decision to make. Just rest on it until your mind is made up.”

My jaw was ajar for a moment before I found the words I was looking for, “What would happen if I say yes to this?”

He shrugged, “If that were the case, you’ll be free to see me whenever you want. My Changelings would see you as one of them and respect you like royalty. You’ll be able to sit next to me during meals. Go anywhere I go. Oh, and if you find yourself in some serious trouble, you’ll have an army of Changelings to assist you at your beckon and call.”

I blinked. “Yeah… I think I’m gonna need to sleep on this.”

Thorax nodded, “I know. Take as long as you need to think it over. I’ll be waiting to hear from you.”

After telling him thanks and bidding each other goodbye, I began to leave the hive. Starlight Glimmer was chatting with a group of changelings when I found her. I told her that I was ready to go back home and soon, we were outside the hive.

“What did you guys talk about?” she asked me. “You were in there for a long time.”

I blushed at this, “It’s… It’s something that I just need to think about.”

“Like what?”

“Don’t worry about it,” I told her. “It’s just that what I heard was a lot to process, so I need some time to myself.”