• Published 29th Oct 2017
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Songs of the Spheres - GMSeskii

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047 - SCP 11947

Item #: SCP-11947

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-11947-1 is to be contained in a standard containment locker at Site 19. Its location is not to be revealed to SCP-11947-2 through 6. If at any time it appears any instance of SCP-11947 knows the location of SCP-11947-1, the locker is to be moved covertly to another location within Site 19. SCP-11947-1 is only to be removed from its locker for testing if approved by the Site Director or someone of higher clearance. On its own, SCP-11947-1 may be treated as Safe-class.

Members of SCP-11947-2 through 6 are to be kept in adjoining rooms at Site 88 with one meter thick walls lined with dimensional negation field emitters. These rooms should be monitored at all times from three separate security stations by personnel with level 3 clearance. SCP-11947-4’s detonation collar is to be triggered by one of these agents if SCP-11947-5 or 6 does any of the following:

- breaches containment.

- creates any dimensional anomalies.

- remains out of visual contact for a period of greater than 10 minutes. A verbal warning should be given at the 5 and 9 minute marks.

Personnel are further encouraged to threaten to detonate the collar for other reasons, though are only allowed to actually do so with authorization from the Site Director or O5 Council.

When testing or meeting with SCP-11947-2 through 6, it is required to do so through the video feeds unless other interactions have been approved prior. When approval is granted, there are additional requirements for meeting each individual member of SCP-11947.

SCP-11947-2 and 3 must be wearing maximum psychic inhibition helmets for the duration of all in-person meetings or interviews. Additionally, SCP-11947-3 must remove all clothing. When testing without physical personnel present, these inhibitions are not required.

Sunglasses must be worn in the presence of SCP-11947-4 and under no circumstances is SCP-11947-4 to be brought in proximity with another SCP object that is not part of SCP-11947. See Addendum C for further details.

When personnel are interacting with SCP-11947-5, SCP-11947-5 must be blindfolded and restrained. Only maximum strength steel wire bounds are to be used.

SCP-11947-6 must be heavily sedated and restrained while SCP-[XXXX] is in the room when interacting. By SCP-11947-6’s request, there are no restrictions to be exercised when interacting.

No more than two instances of SCP-11947 should be removed for testing at any given time, unless all five are removed at once.

Description: SCP-11947 is a team of interdimensional travelers and the device they use to travel between different planes of reality. The device is designated SCP-11947-1, and takes the shape of a disc-shaped pendant, 8cm in diameter, that can be worn as a necklace. The pendant has a number of dials on it that can be rotated to select a destination. The destination result – including name, power requirement, and safety – are then displayed on a small black screen in the center of SCP-11947-1. SCP-11947-1 can be operated by any individual with ease, though simply stumbling across a set of coordinates that work properly without assistance from the rest of SCP-11947 is difficult. Certain locations are ‘blacklisted’ and can only be accessed with the proper security codes. These codes are currently unknown to Foundation personnel.

A list of universes successfully dialed with the device can be found in Experiment Log A. Addendum A contains a list of all worlds mentioned by the members of SCP-11947.

Each member of SCP-11947 has identified themselves by a name, which vary from reasonably normal to distinctly outlandish. (By which we mean they sound like something out of a kids’ book. - Dr L Black)

SCP-11947-2 (“Renee Jackson”) is a female equine life form of a white color, roughly the size of a pony, though of a considerably rounder build and predatory body structure. SCP-11947-2 has a single conical extremity protruding from the forehead (It’s clearly a horn, lets just call it that, ok? - Dr L Black), which appears to be a channel for minor telekinetic abilities. SCP-11947-2 displays a deep understanding of fashion and clothing, despite not wearing any such article other than a hat. SCP-11947-2 has also demonstrated a keen sense of observation, particularly with regards to clothing and social interactions.

SCP-11947-2 is classified by SCP-11947’s people as a ‘Rarity’ (on questioning, the group declined to elaborate on this classification system, seeming to be of the opinion that it was “obvious”). SCP-11947-2’s personality has been described as “emotional, overdramatic, and manipulative.”

SCP-11947-2 is the only member of the group to claim a “normal” name. The subject declined to give any explanation for this.

SCP-11947-3 (“Nova Glimmer”) is a female equine of the same species as SCP-11947-2, with a pink pale purple coat. SCP-11947-3 wears two items: a ring worn on the base of the conical extremity horn, and a long black bracelet on the front left leg. (Why is it permitted to retain these items? - Dr L Black) The ring appears to somehow augment the psychic abilities associated with the conical extremity horn via some form of wireless interface with the bracelet, whose function is to scan and provide data. Most of the data observed on the bracelet appears to deal with time or temporal mechanics in some way, although data for other, yet-to-be-identified subjects has been observed. SCP-11947-3’s mastery over their psychic abilities far exceeds that of SCP-11947-2. SCP-11947-3 has been observed teleporting, altering the flow of time, summoning simple objects from the aether, firing impact lasers, and providing minor first aid with the psychic powers.

SCP-11947-3 is classified as a ‘Starlight’. SCP-11947-3’s personality has been described as “rebellious, rash, and snarky.”

SCP-11947-4 (“Flutterfree Asquall”) is another female equine, similar in size and shape to -2 and -3, but without a conical extremity horn (It’s a horn dammit. - Dr L Black). Instead SCP-11947-4 has a pair of simple, feathered wings that allow for flight despite being too small to allow for such movement under normal conditions; although similar in appearance to those of a bird, these wings seem to have a drastically different skeletal structure. Additionally, SCP-11947-4 has a heightened sense of hearing compared to the others, irises that appear to be filled with blood, and elongated, fanglike canine teeth in an otherwise normal herbivorous mouth. These fangs are believed to be used to suck and absorb blood into SCP-11947-4’s system, although this effect has never been observed and the effect of outside blood on SCP-11947-4’s physiology is unknown. SCP-11947-4 has been heard to comment that blood ‘tastes pretty good’. (Unicorns were bad enough, but now a vampire pterripus? Sometimes I think the universe exists just to mess with us. - Dr L Black)(Addendum: that’s a winged horse you philistines. - LB)

SCP-11947-4 has a secondary entity within it; referenced to by SCP-11947-4 as a ‘Stand’. SCP-11947-4 has been heard referring to it as ‘Lolo’; on questioning, it stated that this is short for ‘Lotus Locus’; no further explanation was forthcoming. The ‘Stand’ is allegedly usually only visible to other ‘Stand Users’, effectively meaning that it can only be seen by SCP-11947-4 itself. When activated fully, this entity manifests as a combination of brilliant green wires composed of sine wave patterns, framing a pink purple pink purple pinkish-purple (it’s purple dammit - Dr L Black) (Both of you stop that - Dr Bright) spirograph. In its ‘resting’ state, the Stand provides SCP-11947-4 with long-range perception data. In its ‘active’ state, the Stand has an ability dubbed ‘Revelation’ which is described as ‘uncovering the secret nature of things’. Documented effects so far include forcing SCP-11947-5’s wings to appear, removing illusions, and awakening abilities within individuals even if those individuals were unaware of said abilities. This ‘Revelation’ effect can be activated unintentionally by simple proximity to SCP-11947-4. The Stand is only visible when in its ‘active’ state, though the accidental use of the ability does not force it to appear. Site personnel are encouraged to think of ways to use this ability in SCP testing to uncover new anomalous properties. Experimentation with SCP-11947-4’s Stand has been discontinued indefinitely due to [REDACTED] interactions with SCP-[XXXX]. See Addendum C for more details.

SCP-11947-4 is classified as a ‘Fluttershy’. SCP-11947-4’s personality has been described as “reserved, quiet, and empathetic.” SCP-11947-4 wears a detonation collar in accordance with containment procedures, intended to ensure the continued cooperation of -5 and -6.

SCP-11947-5 (“Vriska Serket”) is a gray-skinned female humanoid with several unusual characteristics, most notably orange horns and an eye with seven pupils. The subject has displayed numerous anomalous abilities, including enhanced strength, a high pain tolerance, and the ability to make a pair of deep blue wings, resembling those of a butterfly, appear and disappear at will. SCP-11947-5 can change outfits without removing any clothing, and store objects in a seemingly endless supply of Magic Eight Balls, outwardly identical to those produced commercially by XXXXXX, despite many of said objects being larger than their receptacles (And no, we haven’t worked out where she keeps the balls, either. - Dr L Black). SCP-11947-5 seems to possess some kind of ability to manipulate probability. This ability believed to be restricted to increasing SCP-11947-5’s own fortune while decreasing that of those within sight range. SCP-11947-5 has demonstrated extremely fine control over this ability, able to determine exactly how much ‘luck’ can be stolen from a subject without resulting in a immediate heart attack. This ability poses no threat to personnel so long as they are not within SCP-11947-5’s line of sight.

SCP-11947-5’s secondary ability is of significantly more concern. SCP-11947-5 has demonstrated phenomenally precise and powerful powers over the minds of almost all personnel. There does not appear to be any range to this effect, as SCP-11947-5 was recorded exerting its will on Dr [REDACTED] to transcribe in SCP-11947’s initial file from memory while he was at home, away from advanced Foundation security networks. This incident was only discovered when the file was observed in the hooves of SCP-11947-6. The duplicate file has not been recovered. Individuals with demonstrably high mental fortitude have proven able to resist the influence of SCP-11947-5 and the subject has not yet shown an ability to manipulate minds of whose existence she is not aware. All observing agents are never to reveal their faces to SCP-11947-5 for this reason. A proposal to upgrade containment to utilize SCP-148 (“telekill alloy”) has been submitted to command.

SCP-11947-5 does not appear to be classified within the system in use by SCP-11947. SCP-11947-5’s personality has been described as “arrogant, violent, and defensive.” SCP-11947-5 does not require additional restraints despite the extreme anomalous properties due to the detonation collar on SCP-11947-4.

Of minor interest is the etymology of -5’s claimed name, which bears no resemblance to those of the rest of the group. Questioning on the topic elicited only a smirk and an offer to “demonstrate”, which was declined.

SCP-11947-6 (“Pinkie Pie”) is a female pink equine without the wings or conical extremity horn otherwise characteristic of the equine members of SCP-11947. Despite this lack of unusual features SCP-11947-6 is by far the most dangerous of all members of SCP-11947, and extreme caution should be executed around the subject at all times. SCP-11947-6 is by far the most cooperative and friendly member of SCP-11947, and is known to throw wonderful birthday parties for site personnel (How come I wasn’t invited? - Dr L Black). SCP-11947-6’s body, while appearing to be biological upon close inspection, is able to take on the consistency of many materials including rubber, cotton candy, syrup, and plastic. The subject is able to be compressed and expanded into a plethora of different shapes, allowing SCP-11947-6 to fit in places normally too small. SCP-11947-6 has also demonstrated an ability to warp space with no known limit. SCP-11947-6 has used this ability to teleport to multiple locations in Site 88 and is theorized to have a range beyond that. This spatial distortion also appears to allow for objects to be stored in some kind of pocket dimension, usually accessed through SCP-11947-6’s mane. Objects removed have included several dozen pastries, a warhammer far too large for SCP-11947-6 to wield, party supplies, another instance of SCP-11947-1, and a cannon. The mane in question has been reported to taste like rotting blood cotton candy. These abilities cannot be contained physically with the Foundation’s current resources, however alternative methods to keep SCP-11947-6 on site have been found.

SCP-11947-6 has demonstrated a high level of knowledge about the Foundation with no known source. Without fail, SCP-11947-6 knows when the cameras in the containment area are on, and has been recorded looking directly at even cameras that are completely invisible. No design of camera or sensor has been immune to this. SCP-11947-6 has shown intimate knowledge of site personnel history, events that happened at Site 19 far from SCP-11947’s containment area, classified information stored at other sites, and the existence of SCP objects that were assumed to be jokes until O5 Command revealed that most objects mentioned existed within the Foundation’s records (I bet all of them do, it’s just that we’re not allowed to know that much - Dr G Black) (I’m pretty certain this should be considered a security breach. - Dr L Black). SCP-11947-6 is intimately familiar with the contents of this file, quoting it regularly to site personnel, including sections of it that were not yet written at the time of quotation. This includes the prior sentence. And the sentence prior to this one. SCP-11947-6, apparently a fan of practical jokes, has quoted every sentence appended to this report before it was written, so it has been decided that no further information will be added to this paragraph.


SCP-11947-6 has demonstrated the ability to edit the contents of this file. [REDACTED] No further details need to be recorded on this matter.

SCP-11947-6 has shown the ability to [REDACTED], but notably only did this when alone. It is thought the other members do not know of this ability.

It is possible that SCP-11947-6 has the ability to influence memory in some capacity, as no one on staff can remember what was redacted in the above paragraph.

SCP-11947-6 is classified as a “Pinkie”. The fact that it shares its claimed name with its classification has been deemed “concerning”. SCP-11947-6 originally gave many different names when asked, but observations with the rest of SCP-11947-6 revealed that most were just jokes. The subject’s personality has been described as “bubbly, fun, terrifying, fun, calculating, fun, manipulative, and fun.” SCP-11947-6 has been observed, both by staff and members of SCP-11947, to love pranks and jokes, and serves as the leader of SCP-11947 as a unit. Her anomalous properties do not need to be contained with greater security due to the detonation collar around SCP-11947-4’s neck due to her cooperative attitude and desire to make everyone laugh.

It is possible SCP-11947-6 has an ability that endears individuals towards her, but investigations into this claim have been postponed. SCP-11947-6 has suggested the Containment Procedures be relaxed somewhat as a reward for her behavior, and it is likely the requests will be granted.

Under no circumstances lessen the Containment Procedures. - O5 Command.

Awww, you’re no fun, using your special object powers to be all contain-y! - Pinkie Pie SCP-11947-6.

It has been recommended that SCP-11947-2 through 6 be classified as separate SCP objects. This suggestion has not been approved yet.

Interim file compiled by Dr G Black and Dr L Black (no relation). The Site Director has recommended this file be sent for review.

Additional Files, Addendums, and Interviews:

Recovery Log: SCP-11947 was collectively first encountered in the city of [REDACTED] on XX/XX/XXXX at 10:32 local time. The group was found walking through the streets, talking to civilians about our world, specifically asking questions about culture, leaders, and who they should talk to for ‘first contact’. They also revealed much about their own society and practices to said civilians, providing most of the information contained in Addendum B. SCP-11947’s peaceful, friendly demeanor endeared the civilians toward them, even those who had expressed fear responses at first.

Foundation personnel arrived on the scene at 10:54, claiming to be a diplomatic party. SCP-11947 believed everything they were told and followed the Foundation personnel into containment willingly. Dr. Gears filled the role of ambassador, discussing the multiverse and possible political relations. Dr. Gears was able to control the meetings for three sessions before SCP-11947 caught on that they were not, in fact, attending an ad hoc diplomatic conference. It was at this point most of the containment procedures were instituted. There have been a few incidents, but otherwise containment has been completely successful.

All civilians involved were given class A amnestics after SCP-11947 was contained.

Report: Multiversal Theory: In the interviews with Dr. Gears, SCP-11947 revealed much of what they knew about the structure of a multiverse. As of this report, none of this information seems to be falsified or exaggerated. Certain details seem to mesh with what is already known from research on other SCPs.

It is unknown if the multiverse is finite or infinite, but it is known to be organized into ‘Spheres’. Our universe is located in the human-dominated sphere (designated “E”), while SCP-11947’s worlds are primary contained in the nonhuman-dominated sphere (designated “Q”) with some spillover into the E-sphere. There is no information on other spheres (suspected to be at least two) as SCP-11947 has not encountered them.

Different universes are connected to each other via constructs known as connections. Each universe has a number of connections, each one leading to a different universe. These connections require different levels of power to travel through, creating a sort of ‘distance’ between universes even though travel is always instant once a portal is established. Not all universes connect to all other universes, so in many cases multiple jumps are required to get to a specific location. Devices that perform multiple jumps at once apparently exist, but SCP-11947-1 does not have this capability.

Time and causality are not consistent between all universes. While it appears that some are linked to a single timeline, most are not. SCP-11947-3 revealed that, if this were not the case, the entire multiverse could likely be erased simply by going far enough into the past. Furthermore, the entire multiverse exhibits properties of ‘metatime’, that is, progressing onward as a whole even if universes have internal altered flows of time. It is also known that some universes experience one second of local time while others experience hours, though usually the flow of time is near one to one.

Multiversal civilizations appear to be rare in the multiverse. SCP-11947 has over a million universes in their Directory, according to them, and they know of fewer than ten distinct civilizations. Some of the civilizations are known to be dead, leaving behind ancient wreckage to be uncovered.

SCP-11947 also described an ‘esoteric classification system’ that could prove useful in analyzing SCPs. There are three primary categories of ability: Spiritual, Arcane, and Eldritch. Spiritual refers to ‘inner’ power, and can be Mental, Emotional, or Physical in nature. Arcane power refers to ‘external’ power, generally drawn from a ‘magic’ source. It is claimed to manifest as Aether-based (ambient power in the air), Objective (from physical entities), and Linguistic (using incantations). Eldritch is poorly understood, but has been described as power from ‘beyond’, requiring some sort of servitude to an entity or a force. The relevant powers can be Divine, Deviant, or Demonic, which has been compared to a ‘good-neutral-evil’ scale. It is known that many esoteric abilities come from multiple sources, and there is a theory forming within SCP-11947’s society that some abilities may come from an entirely different source, known as “the Beat”.

The Beat (also known as the Thread) is the largest mystery to SCP-11947’s civilization. They describe it as ‘a force of Fate, except when it isn’t. It’s everywhere, except it’s stronger in more places. It’s indirect, except when it curses people.’ Their observations on the Beat are highly inconsistent. It has been suggested that the Beat is [DATA EXPUNGED], in which case the Foundation has more knowledge about the Beat than SCP-11947 does. This is the only area of knowledge we have an advantage in, and even then it is uncertain.

SCP-11947-6 mentioned ‘the Tower’ in a private interview once only. The significance of this Tower is unknown, but it is certain that it is important in some fashion.

Experiment Log A: Foundation have used SCP-11947-1 on multiple occasions to examine other worlds. These have included:

-An identical version of the Foundation with the only difference being that SCP-11947 did not visit. (So glad Dr. Bright was not on site when we found this one. -Dr G Black)

-A version of the Foundation that actively uses SCP objects to subjugate the world to its will.

-A version of the Foundation where SCP objects study humans.

-A version of the Foundation where ‘Stands’ are commonplace and not considered anomalous. (I find that hard to believe. - Dr L Black)

-A world that is a computer chip of unknown design. The chip is an inch by inch square. A human cannot fit in the space this universe allocates. Trying to open a portal larger than an inch in diameter is impossible.

-A world full of diverse greenery. No further information can be acquired due to the fact that every time a portal is opened, it is promptly plugged by a giant eyeball.

-A world made entirely of SCP-682. (I am not surprised this exists. I am surprised we were able to close it before one of them got in. -Dr G Black).

-A world where SCPs study Foundation personnel. This is distinct from the previous, similar world already mentioned.

-A world where the Foundation is composed of equine beings similar to SCP-11947. Contact was made and it was discovered that their SCP-11947 was a team of humans from a place called the United States of the Multiverse.


Addendum A: Aside from the worlds discussed in Addendum B that comprise an alliance, many other worlds have been mentioned by SCP-11947, including the following:

-A Hub world that serves as the center of the alliance detailed in Addendum B. The world was once run by ‘demons’ before they handed it over to them. (They aren’t actually what we would consider demons. It appears we aren’t the only ones with terminology issues - Dr G Black)

-A world that sounds strikingly similar to the popular video game franchise [REDACTED]. SCP-11947 is not to be informed of this correlation.

-A world where the sky is static. No elaboration was forthcoming.

-A world where there are many duplicates of virtually every individual. A war is perpetuated between Red and Blu (sic) armies perpetually with no known beginning and no known win condition. Individuals apparently appear in the world fully-grown and with memories installed that never happened.

-A world where everything was inhabited by beings known as ‘Flats’ that didn’t follow any rhyme or reason. Flats are low quality images that are given sapience. Known races include Reapers, Appuls, Humans, Ponies, and many unique beings. (There’s no way this place can be real. Stop taking them at their word. They are not above deceiving us just because they can.- Dr. Gears)

-A world with nothing in it at all. (I wish they’d elaborated on this. What sort of nothing? - Dr L Black)

-A world that is a large forest with significantly more space in it than other universes.

-A world whose society operates on ancient technology known as Numenera. The primary world in which the entity known as the University of Doors operates, an enemy of SCP-11947’s society with control over time.

-A set of worlds where [DATA EXPUNGED] called the Eldritch Embodiment. It is theorized that many SCP objects could originate from these worlds. The Embodiment is neutral toward SCP-11947’s society.

-A world that duplicates any universe that connects with it. Has been disabled.

-A world inhabited almost entirely by ‘Twilight’ entities, called the Sparkle Census. An ally of SCP-11947’s society.

Addendum B: The society SCP-11947 calls home is somewhat difficult to classify. It is in the process of becoming a single unified entity that is best described as a Democratic Federation in which each sovereign state can have virtually any form of government ranging from Republic to Monarchy, as long as they meet the loose sanctions. The higher government is planned not to have a single head - president or otherwise - and instead will be a Council of sorts. SCP-11947-4 admitted that an entity known as ‘Evening Sparkle’ could be considered the leader of the society.

Currently, SCP-11947’s home is not united, and exists in the form of an alliance between a handful of fully independent universes that nonetheless regularly act as a single entity. There is no overseeing government body, so all regulations are based entirely on political pressure from other members of the alliance. This apparently has caused a few issues and hiccups, and is the primary reason unification is being pushed aside from outside threats.

Despite this lack of consistent oversight, most of the alliance is known to cooperate and act as one, no doubt because unification is being pushed so heavily. Their foreign policy is believed to be very open considering their interactions with Foundation personnel, as SCP-11947 explained exactly what they were to everyone encountered who they were and what they did. They seek relations with most worlds they encounter, and are more than willing to assist any world in whatever problems they may have. Even after SCP-11947 was contained, they were willing to participate in certain tests for the sake of helping, though as time went on SCP-11947 became less and less cooperative.

It has been suggested that they have begun to view the Foundation as antagonistic towards their ideals of friendship, progress, and assistance. These ideals drive a large part of their collective society, compelling them to ‘help’ any society they think needs it. They have reported interfering with wars, deposing despotic leaders, and adapting poor societies into their fold. They seem mostly devoted to their idea of the greater good. They view themselves as heroes.

There are many worlds which are part of the alliance, but the following eight are participating in unification:

1: Equis Vitis: A world dominated by equine lifeforms with a strong presence of Arcane esoteric abilities. Homeworld of most instances of SCP-11947. Notably lacking in humans. Where the alliance started.

2: Earth Vitis: A version of Earth populated by humans (Usually we wouldn’t feel the need to state this… - Dr L Black) that has a strong connection to Equis Vitis, including alternate versions of many known individuals.

3: Earth Tau’ri: A version of Earth populated by humans, with advanced space-age technology focused around a device called the stargate. Also inhabited by a few alien races, who also form part of the alliance.

4: Equis Cosmic: A version of Equis with advanced space-age technology and Arcane abilities. The equine civilization owns almost their entire galaxy and is always open to refugees from other universes.

5: Elemental Nations: A simple world (technologically, approximately equivalent to the early stages of the Industrial Revolution) where the native humans are reported to have abilities relating to the four classical elements.

6: Equis Lai: Usually known simply as Lai. A world inhabited mostly by equines closely resembling, but with differing physiology to, SCP-11947. Further details are unknown.

7: Earth Stand: A version of Earth closer to our world than most of the others. It is claimed to be the source of SCP-11947-4’s Stand. Stand powers are extremely varied, ranging from stopping time to reading people like a book. A version of this world was also accessed during testing with SCP-11947-1.

8: Gem Vein: A world inhabited by an alien race called Gems, artificial creatures of unknown origin. SCP-11947 had little to say about them, except that they’re the least friendly and cooperative of all the worlds, and the other members of the alliance have been pressuring them to lessen their authoritarian practices to a level where they will be accepted into unification.

The accomplishments of this multiversal alliance cannot be accurately estimated, but given some of the comments dropped about Equis Cosmic, it is best to assume they could easily subjugate a galaxy inhabited by space-faring species.

Experiment Log 11947-3: SCP-11947-3 was tasked with descending SCP-087 after a discussion with Dr. Bright in which the object in question was brought up by SCP-11947-6. SCP-11947-3 was clearly displeased with the arrangement but was otherwise cooperative. SCP-11947-6 provided her with the data recorded in SCP-087’s file, and this prompted SCP-11947-3 to prepare for the journey.

SCP-11947-3 was provided with a few dozen high-energy protein bars. The day prior, SCP-11947-3 infused them with her psychic power, declaring they would serve as a recharge when needed. A 75-watt floodlight was also provided. SCP-11947-3, aware of SCP-087’s anomalous effects, activated a ‘fear enchantment’ that would completely disable the ‘flight’ response while leaving the ‘fight’ response. SCP-11947-3 was equipped with a video camera, but no live feed, since the time dilation would render such a feature useless.

SCP-11947-3 was placed outside the door of SCP-087 and told to teleport inside. What follows is the transcript of the video.

SCP-11947-3: Right, so, camera on. Creepy door with far too much reinforcement, check. Magic fun bars, check. Fear moderation spell, check. Feeling of really not wanting to do this, check. Cursing Pinkie inwardly? Expect to double check that one later.

Dr G Black: Are you quite done?

SCP-11947-3: Yeah. But for your amazing records, why don’t I state my plan? I’m going to accelerate myself so I can move through the stairway not only a lot faster than that face, but also so you won’t have to wait outside so long. The bars are for molding time an extended period of time. I will talk the entire time so this camera with eons of data space will have something for the report.

Dr G Black: Nova can you ju-

Video feed shows the motion of Dr G Black slow to almost nothing. SCP-11947-3 teleports to the other side of the door, revealing the interior of SCP-087. As expected, the floodlight does not illuminate as far as it should.

SCP-11947-3: All right infinite staircase of darkness, just you and me. And apparently a face demon that causes intimate fear in whoever sees it. But guess what face boy, I’m fearless, so heh.

SCP-11947-3 returns time to normal.

SCP-11947-3: I’m in, in case you’re wondering.

Dr G Black: Thank you. Make it back soon.

SCP-11947-3: I plan on it.

Dr G Black: Good lu-

SCP-11947-3 slows percieved time back to a crawl.

SCP-11947-3: And now to begin my descent! Observation that might be interesting to you crazy nuttos: my magic sense goes a little further than the light, about a meter. That’s decidedly less than it should be. So there won’t be any rapid teleporting up or down. Just gotta walk.

SCP-11947-3 walks down the stairs for a few flights, then resumes time and listens.

SCP-11947-3: Another note: I hear that child crying. “Please” “help” “down here”, the whole shabang. Holy Celestia that’s creepy. Lucky me I don’t have to listen to it the entire time. I’d go mad otherwise.

SCP-11947-3 slows time again and devours one of the bars. Subject descends in silence for quite some time. Subject points the camera at the empty spot where a previous team had placed a floodlight, and the gash in the stairway. SCP-11947-3 only stops when the hole is reached.

SCP-11947-3: Ah yes, the hole. A bottomless pit in an infinite staircase.

SCP-11947-3 shines the light down the hole. No light returns until time is resumed to a normal rate, at which point a small flash occurs for two seconds.

SCP-11947-3: Fun. Too bad I can’t calculate the speed of light in my head based on my time dilation. You brainiacs can worry about that later.

SCP-11947-3 slows time again and fires a magical bolt down the hole. It vanishes before it leaves the range of the floodlight in the darkness.

SCP-11947-3: And this is the time where I must ask the question - do I descend the mysterious, bottomless hole physically? I’m going to go with ‘nah’. Why? Oh illustrious voice in my head, it’s because if something takes away my magic I fall to my death, or at least can’t get out. What fuuuuuuun.

SCP-11947-3 continues down the stairwell. Subject stops suddenly.

SCP-11947-3: Okay, so, the woman who went down here turned around at this point and saw the terrifying face. Preparing backup spell - if my fear controlling spell doesn’t work, I won’t run down the stairs, but instead will teleport up and be able to run back to the top. Hoo-eee…

SCP-11937-3 turns around. There is nothing up the staircase.

SCP-11947-3: Guess I can’t expect it to be consist-

SCP-11937-3 turns back around and sees SCP-087-1, the face. SCP-11947-3 stops moving and talking, staring at the face. SCP-087-1 stares back. A few seconds pass. SCP-087-1 starts moving, but at a slow pace.

SCP-11947-3: Oh riiiiight, I have time slowed to a crawl. It can’t jerk forward right now. Heh. I was waiting. Least I’m not unresponsive right now.

SCP-11947-3 teleports behind SCP-087-1, looking at the back of SCP-087-1 for the first time in Foundation history. It is smooth and featureless. SCP-087-1 stops when it can no longer see SCP-11947-3. SCP-119347-3 encases the face in a box of magic and drags the face along.

SCP-11947-3: Heh. Gotcha. Now I’ll always know where you are. No scaring this unicorn, nosiree.

SCP-11947-3 descends further, SCP-087-1 in tow. After walking for a few hours, SCP-11947-3 takes a break, munching on a few of the bars, while keeping an eye on SCP-087-1.

SCP-11947-3: Resuming time to see if I can hear the kid. If that face freaks I’m probably going to try to kill it.

Time returns to a normal rate. The face stares at SCP-11947-3, but otherwise does nothing.

SCP-11947-3: Good facey. I can hear the child now. Whoop-de-do, the kid sounds closer. Maybe I’ll get to the bottom of this soon.

Time slows down again. SCP-11937-3 continues down. Video feed eventually starts to corrupt. Time stamp on video becomes indeterminate. Audio analysis reveals the following, albeit extremely distorted.

SCP-11947-3: Oh hey, I think this is the bottom. Took long enough. Let’s see… Uh… Yeah I don’t trust the bottom enough to return time to normal. Don’t see a kid, but I don’t see more stairs. I see a mirror here with the impression of facey’s face. Probably where he sleeps, I bet. And… Ow, okay, my hooves are burning… Ow…. OKAY OW NOT [Indecipherable]

Unknown: [Indecipherable] save me… [Indecipherable]

SCP-11947-3: How? This floor melts my hooves even when time is super slow! I get the impression breathing down here isn’t good either! And - damn, the light isn’t illuminating very far at all. Wait, talking? Wh [Indecipherable]

Explosive noises identified as originating from SCP-11947-3’s more powerful spells are recovered from the audio here, as well as a lot of gasps, yelling, and screaming. Video resumes several minutes later. SCP-11947-3 is walking up the stairway, wordlessly, the face of SCP 087-1 snapped in half and levitated in front of SCP-11947-3.

SCP-11947-3 does not make any comments until returning to the surface. SCP-11947-3 teleports back into the hallway outside SCP-087, leaving the face inside the reinforced door. Time resumes. Something loud explodes on the other side of SCP-087’s door.

SCP-11947-3: Here’s your video. Take the camera. I… I’m not going to turn off the fear moderating spell until you get me in some kind of containment. I don’t think it’s going to be pretty… Hah…

Dr G Black: As you wish. Take her back to the Site.

Video feed ends.

SCP-11947-3 was returned to containment. When interviewed, subject was largely unresponsive and could only answer questions in vague ways, as if the question was not understood. When told the fear moderation spell could be removed, SCP-11947-3 screamed for four hours straight while unleashing destructive ‘spells’ without any targets. Containment barely held. Upon coming out of the stupor, SCP-11947-3 was unable to speak, most likely due to damage from prolonged screaming. SCP-11947-3 does not remember anything that occurred during the period missing from the video. Besides expressing disdain over going through with the experiment at all, SCP-11947-3 seems completely healthy.

This is one of those cases where you get answers, but they just raise a lot more questions. -Dr G Black

11947-4 Experiment Logs: SCP-11947-4’s ‘Stand’ ability is expected to be of particular use to the Foundation, given its ability to reveal the true nature of things. What follows is a record of all SCPs that SCP-11947-4 was exposed to.

SCP-914: SCP-11947-4 was introduced to SCP-914. The Stand had no observable effect on any of SCP-914’s mechanical parts. SCP-11947-4 remained present during SCP-914 testing. Numerous objects were placed in SCP-914 and processed on every setting with no reaction from SCP-11947-4. When [DATA EXPUNGED] was placed into SCP-914 and the dial was set to the ‘very fine’ setting, SCP-914’s enclosure glowed a soft red color. SCP-11947-4 suggested completing SCP-914’s process was ill advised. The room was cleared and SCP-914 was remotely activated. The resulting object, [REDACTED], took seven hours to successfully contain.

Probably should have listened to her. It seems as if we now have a way to detect ‘ill advised’ experiments though. - Dr G Black

SCP-093: SCP-11947-4 was shown SCP-093 on the surface of a simple hand mirror. Subject indicated that SCP-11947-6 had ‘warned’ her about SCP-093. SCP-11947-4 relayed a relatively accurate description of what SCP-093 does, aside from the anomalous properties it exhibits when seeking out mirrored surfaces. SCP-11947-4 demonstrated knowledge of SCP-093’s relation to internal guilt, its ability to transport individuals to other worlds through mirrors, and that the world visited was dead from the actions of [REDACTED], described by SCP-11947-4 as ‘a false god, or deity.’

When SCP-093 was moved within the activation range of SCP-11947-4’s Stand, it glowed a white color. When held by only the power of the Stand alone, SCP-093 retained the white glow. When held by SCP-11947-4, the disc took on a yellow hue. SCP-11947-4 theorized that this was due to a negligible amount of inner guilt. Subject stated that it had to learn to accept failure early on in the exploration of the multiverse.

SCP-11947-4 was asked to enter the mirror while SCP-093 was white. SCP-11947-4 refused to enter personally, but was willing to use the Stand’s long range observation capabilities to explore. The Stand was given a small transmitting video camera. When the white SCP-093 was pressed to the mirror, it passed through and created a portal to another world, as expected. The interior world was monochromatic on every viewing angle - outside the mirror, the camera, and through the Stand’s own transmissions to SCP-11947-4. The location was unlike the earthlike landscapes seen in previous tests, being a temple made of smooth, featureless materials. The glass-free windows led to nothing but complete blackness. There appeared to be no doors.

SCP-11947-4 commented that the Stand was splitting into two - one branch going to the windows, the other continuing to hold the camera. The split off branch went ‘outside’ and found nothing of interest. The camera-holding branch swept the field of view around the entire temple, finding nothing of visual interest.

SCP-11947-4 reported a soft glow on a central altar that the camera did not detect.

A voice became audible to all present; it was later described as “booming”. Voice designated as SCP-093-V.

SCP-093-V: At last, at last! A pure man has come! A- wait.

SCP-11947-4: Can you hear me? I’m not really there, and I can’t talk through Lolo… But I think you’ll be able to hear me anyway.

SCP-093-V: You are not a pure man. You are Flutterfree Asquall.

SCP-11947-4: And you are [REDACTED].

SCP-093-V: Your power is blasphemous. What makes you dare come into my presence this way?

SCP-11947-4: Testing. By ‘request’ of the doctors here. Say hello.

Dr G Black: ...Greetings. So, you are the being responsible for SCP-093?

SCP-093-V: Even more insulting than your presence. At least you have a seed of purity within yourself, Flutterfree. A faith. That man beside you has nothing. His world clearly does not contain what I seek.

SCP-11947-4: A pure man? Doesn’t causing a war work against that?

SCP-093-V: The purest of men will survive anything uncorrupted.

SCP-11947-4: Why do y-

SCP-093-V: Get out of my temple or I will take my presence to your worlds, Flutterfree.

SCP-11947-4 obliged, returning the Stand and SCP-093. The mirror returned to normal.

SCP-11947-4 later related that the entity from which SCP-093-V originated had an appearance, describing it as “a fractal made of white energy.” SCP-11947-4 related that not all of SCP-093-V’s presence was within the temple, most of it apparently being located within another plane of existence entirely. SCP-11947-4 did not have any explanation as to what this meant.

SCP-11947-4 would not go through a mirror with the yellow disc. Subject declared that it wouldn’t give the Foundation any more information.

SCP-1981: When asked, SCP-11947-4 said that SCP-11947-6 had not revealed much about SCP-1981 besides the fact that it was a disturbing video that featured a man getting cut up while talking. SCP-11947-4 was willing to watch.

The first viewing was done with SCP-1981 in an adjoining room, the video signal transferred to a monitor SCP-11947-4 could see. No new anomalous properties revealed themselves. SCP-11947-4 reported that it was certainly disturbing, but nothing that hadn’t been seen before.

SCP-1981 was brought before SCP-11947-4. Even after activating the Stand directly, no outward changes were observed. SCP-1981 was prepared for a second viewing, this time the tape remaining in the room with SCP-11947-4. The video began as normal and progressed as such until the 19:19 timestamp, at which point the image flashed with static for a second and revealed the dark figure of SCP-1981-1. The video cuts to red text that reads “WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME?”

SCP-11947-4: Oh, I’m sorry, I di-

Video text changes to read “I HAD FOUND THEM.”

SCP-11947-4: Found who?

Text reads “I SEE YOU NOW.”

SCP-11947-4: Yes, of course you do.


SCP-11947-4: What did they do to you?

Text reads “I ALWAYS SEE YOU.”

Video cuts to static. SCP-11947-4 seems dissatisfied and activates Lolo in full, touching both the screen and the video player containing SCP-1981. The static ceases, instead showing SCP-1981-1 in a previously unseen location resembling a hall at Site 19.

The video cut to text reading “STOP WATCHING.” The static then resumed; technicians were unable to restore the picture.

Personnel at Site 19 reported nightmares the following day. Whether this is related to SCP-1981 is unknown.

SCP-895: SCP-11947-4 admitted to being told about SCP-895 without being asked for this experiment. Subject demanded access to powerful amnesiacs in case the Stand acted as a normal camera observing SCP-895. The request was granted.

SCP-11947-4 approached SCP-895 slowly, with the Stand fully active and visible the entire time. Subject reported no visual manifestations. Approaching slowly, subject entered the red-zone of ten meters with no observed effect. Entering the five meter range did nothing as well.

SCP-11947-4 opened the top of the coffin, peering inside. The casket was empty, as it always was when viewed without cameras. SCP-11947-4 left containment. SCP-11947-4’s report is below.

SCP-11947-4: I think there’s nothing really there - nothing at all. Probably a spell on the coffin or something that detects artificial ‘eyes’ and endows them with madness of some kind. Lolo doesn’t show you what isn’t there, only what is.

It was later discovered that all cameras on-site that were active during the experiment manifested anomalous effects. The presence of the Stand increased the reach of SCP-985, though the red zone has not extended.

Addendum: The red zone for SCP-895 has been extended to fifteen meters due to [REDACTED].

SCP-343: SCP-11947-4 requested a meeting with SCP-343 without being prompted. The request was granted, with the requirement that SCP-11947-4 used the Stand.

SCP-11947-4 entered SCP-343’s room with the Stand active. SCP-343 waved a hand and the Stand vanished.

SCP-343: If you saw my true form, you would die. And you already knew that.

SCP-11947-4: So you are Him?

SCP-343: Not the one you want. Just an aspect, a shadow like all the others.

SCP-11947-4: At least you admit that.

SCP-343: Used to think I really was who they think I am. But it doesn’t take any time for someone who knows everything to realize this isn’t the right world. That’s how all of us start. We exist believing we are the Truth. And then something happens to change that.

SCP-11947-4: Do you thin-

SCP-343: Yes. I do think there is. But you didn’t need me to tell you that, did you?

SCP-11947-4: (laughs). Not really. I just wanted to talk.

SCP-343 and SCP-11947-4 proceed to spend the rest of their time talking about life. Nothing of any further interest to the Foundation occurs. SCP-11947-4 had a significant improvement in attitude after the meeting.

SCP-902: Experimentation on SCP-902 was ordered by O5-[X] once they had heard of SCP-11947-4’s unique abilities.

SCP-11947-4 had no idea what SCP-902 was. SCP-11947-4 admitted that SCP-11947-6 refused to reveal details because ‘it would be more fun this way’.

All SCP-11947-4 was told about SCP-902 was that it was a box.

When introduced to SCP-902, SCP-11947-4 reported hearing a ticking noise. When the subject approached SCP-902, the ticking ceased. SCP-11947-4 opened the box, looked inside, and examined it around all edges for a minute.

At this point SCP-11947-4 asked if the experiment was a joke.

When SCP-11947-4 left the presence of SCP-902 the ticking resumed.

So does this mean SCP-902 really isn’t dangerous? - Dr [REDACTED]

We can’t afford to take that risk. - O5-[X]

I could have told you any sort of testing on that box would have done nothing for us. But did anybody ask me? - Dr. Bright.

Addendum C: Testing with SCP-11947-4’s Stand has been discontinued after an encounter with SCP-[XXXX]. The event resulted in the deaths of 19 Site personnel and [XX] different SCP objects breaching containment across several different Foundation Sites. SCP-11947-4 had no control over this incident and expressed great remorse for what had taken place. Subject gave a report:

SCP-11947-4: There are some things that should be kept secret. When I walked into [DATA EXPUNGED], I felt the secrets swirling around me. I couldn’t stop Lolo. They all found out. All of them. The ones who didn’t think escaped now. The others are waiting. I… I may hate a lot of what you do, but you need to be on guard. The smarter ones will not be as easy to deal with. Revelation doesn’t care what it reveals, nor who it reveals it to.

I have submitted a proposal that testing with the Stand be resumed - it’s just too useful of an effect to give up. We just need to keep her away from Thaumiel class objects. -Dr G Black

Experiment Log 11947-5: XX/XX/XXXX: SCP-11947-5 was tasked with killing SCP-682. SCP-11947-5 only agreed to this after touching SCP-682’s mind and agreeing it needed to be destroyed. SCP-11947-5 walked into SCP-682’s containment and reduced the luck of SCP-682 to what SCP-11947-5 considered ‘absolute zero’. SCP-11947-5 was extremely surprised that SCP-682 did not die instantly. SCP-11947-5 later stated it was expecting “spontaneous combustion, heart attack, and random manifesting black hole.” SCP-682 instead found itself unable to move without falling over, speak without biting its tongue, or attack without falling on its back. SCP-682 suffered several self-inflicted injuries of minimal effect.

After absorbing enough luck from various Class-D personnel, SCP-11947-5 produced a set of eight eight-sided dice and attacked with them, rolling straight 8s. The resulting attack, while impressive, just angered SCP-682.

SCP-682 did not appear to absorb SCP-11947-5’s nature after being attacked, but the large increase in stubbed toes and papercuts at Site [REDACTED] over the next few days suggests that there was a slight lingering effect.

Conclusion: not lethal to SCP-682 in any way, but very effective for restraint. SCP-11947-5 was very troubled and angered by SCP-682’s immunity.

Excerpts from Testing Log SCP-978, XX/XX/XXXX

Subject: SCP-11974-1
Photographed Activity: Sitting in its containment locker.
Photo Result: No change.
(Well, I guess that proves it’s inanimate. - Dr L Black)

Subject: SCP-11974-4
Photographed Activity: Being escorted back to containment by Assistant XXXXXX following conclusion of testing with SCP-902.
Photo Result: Pinning Assistant XXXXXX to the ground, wings flared, apparently biting him in the neck; subject appears agitated, while Assistant XXXXXX appears deceased. When questioned, subject seemed embarrassed and distressed, and requested that the contents of the image not be disclosed to the other members of SCP-11974.

Subject: SCP-11974-3
Photographed Activity: Being escorted back to containment following experiment with SCP-087; fear moderation spell is still in effect.
Photo Result: Subject is standing outside SCP-087, wearing a labcoat and apparently levitating a clipboard and pen; a substantial quantity of blood is seeping from beneath the door. No Foundation staff are visible.

Subject: SCP-11974-2
Photographed Activity: Curled up under the bed in its containment unit.
Photo Result: Scene has completely changed. Scene is now a tastefully-appointed living room; subject is in the same position, now lying on a couch, along with a second, smaller white equine and an unknown human male, both of whom are displaying a great deal of affection towards subject. Subject has refused to identify either of them.
Addendum: human male bears a close resemblance to actor XXXXXXX XXXXXX, aged around XX years. This is approximately XX years older than Mr XXXXXX’s current age.
(Well that might explain the Jackson in her name. What I wouldn’t give to hear that story. - Dr Bright)

Subject: SCP-11974-6
Photographed Activity: Being escorted to an interview.
Photo Result: Scene now shows a large party in the Site 88 staff recreation room; all members of SCP-11974 and most members of site staff can be identified, along with a number of unidentified individuals.
(There’s people in there it hasn’t even seen. How… - Dr L Black)

Subject: SCP-11974-5
Photographed Activity: Seated in its containment unit, one hand raised towards the camera in an obscene gesture.
Photo Result: [REDACTED].
(Dr L Black has been forbidden from further interaction with the subject.)
(Hey Lou, I think she likes you - Dr G Black)
([EXPLETIVE DELETED] you - Dr L Black)

Interview Log 11947-6: After hearing of SCP-11947-6, Dr. Bright made it a point to meet with the subject. Despite many Foundation personnel discouraging this as a breach of his personal restrictions, Dr. Bright was able to secure a block of time to meet with SCP-11947-6. This is expected to be partially due to SCP-11947-6 asking that Site 88 personnel stop ‘delaying the inevitable’. Dr. Bright walked into the room first. Before SCP-11947-6 could be let into the room, the subject appeared.

SCP-11947-6: Happy Birthday Dr. Jack Bright!

A cake appeared on the table; confetti is heavily spread on every available surface in the room.

Dr. Bright: So you did have something to do with this! Hah!

SCP-11947-6: You bet I did! It had to be perfect when I met you! (giggles) What should we do for your party, huh? I could grab your friends and family, but I think that would end our time together. Stupid grumpy guards! (turns to the one-way glass in a wall) You hear that? You’re all grumpy!

Dr. Bright: I wonder what they think that glass will do.

SCP-11947-6: One of the few things I don’t know!

Dr. Bright: What do you know?

SCP-11947-6: Looooots of things!

Dr. Bright: (Laughs) You’re everything the rumors suggested you were, Pinkie.

SCP-11947-6: I like you already. You don’t just call me BZZZRT S-C-P-ONE-ONE-NINE-FOUR-SEVEN-DASH-SIX. Or SUBJECT.

Dr. Bright: That’s the problem with all the stuffy coats who have no idea that rules are meant to be broken.

SCP-11947-6: And bent into pretzels.

Dr. Bright: And tied into little licorice whips and swirled above your head to turn you into a real cowboy.

SCP-11947-6: (subject produces a Western-style hat and a pair of firearms, loosely resembling “six-shooter” revolvers. On later examination of footage, no exact match could be found with any existing weapon.) IIII’TS HIIIIIIIGH NOOON!

Dr. Bright: I’m surprised they haven’t come running in to stop the interview.

SCP-11947-6: (shrugs) Just luck, I guess. (winks)

Dr. Bright: I suppose I should actually ask what I’m here to ask.

SCP-11947-6: Ask away!

Dr. Bright: Tell me how to get Dr. Gears successfully pranked.

SCP-11947-6: Oh! That’s a good one! Let’s wait for the video to go to static before doing that, though.

Dr. Bright: There’s a way to get that inhuman robot?

SCP-11947-6: Yep!

Dr. Bright: I can’t wait.

SCP-11947-6: You won’t have to! (winks at camera. At this point, the footage is lost to static for three minutes, nineteen seconds. At the same time, the interior surface of the one-way glass becomes coated in a viscous pink fluid, which later analysis identifies as interior paint. When the door to the chamber is tried, those who enter find themselves walking out of the door they just entered. Subsequent investigation has concluded that the footage interruption was due to a power surge caused by a temporary breach of containment by SCP-XXX, and completely unrelated to the subject.)

(footage resumes)

Dr Bright: (now wearing a sombrero) Tell me, Pinkie. Why are you still here?

SCP-11947-6: Because I’m supposed to be. Not for much longer, mind you, but I still have to be here.

Dr. Bright: You have enough time to remove Flutterfree’s collar. You could have escaped by now with the lackluster containment procedures.

SCP-11947-6: True. But then I wouldn’t have gotten to talk with you! As annoying as it is to be here, there’s stuff we do. Things we get to change.

Dr. Bright: Care to elaborate?

SCP-11947-6: Beyond Flutterfree’s tests, there’s also something I’m here to do. Two-three-one-seven.

Dr. Bright: What?

SCP-11947-6: It’s actually above your clearance level. You’d read that file and not really see what’s there. You might be able to figure it out, though.

Dr. Bright: Given me something to research, have you?

SCP-11947-6: Not really. Just a thing I’ll have to do. And there’ll be things you have to do as well.

Dr. Bright: You want to say something else, don’t you?

SCP-11947-6: Yeah. I can’t tell my team, not yet anyway. But it’s so dangerous. There are many SCPs that could… You know what? I’ll just expunge this from the record later. You better remember this! I [DATA EXPUNGED] and then [DATA EXPUNGED] and it all needs a bit of [DATA EXPUNGED] and of course I’ll leave tiny bits in the middle to confuse the [DATA EXPUNGED] out of them.

Dr. Bright: I would say you deal with a lot, but I deal with reptiles bent on the destruction of reality, nooses that demand sacrifices, and mysterious artifacts that try to eat souls. You might have it easy.

SCP-11947-6: Only for a while. The scope just keeps increasing. It doesn’t stop for a quite some time…

Dr. Bright: I kind of hope I’ll get to see that.

SCP-11947-6: Always curious! Don’t worry, we’ll be pen pals. Don’t ask how, just believe.

Dr. Bright: (laughs) Of course. Goodbye Pinkie, until we meet again.

SCP-11947-6: Goodbye!

End transcript.

(Note: When Dr Bright leaves the room, the door functions normally. Subsequent testing has revealed no anomalous properties. When questioned, SCP-11947-6 refused to explain why the door behaved as it did, commenting only that it was a “private discussion”.)



SCP-2317: [Indecipherable]

SCP-11947-6: Wow, do you think you’re scary, trapped there in your chains. Yelling eldritch ramblings about the death of all things. The whole shebang.

SCP-2317: [Indecipherable]

SCP-11947-6: Grumpy much? Don’t like the idea that anyone can stand in front of you and not feel fear? Are you perhaps afraid of me?

SCP-2317: [Indecipherable]

SCP-11947-6: You’ll never escape. You may weaken those chains, you may get ever closer to your freedom, but you’ll never actually escape. Do you know why? Because you don’t have time. There are things out there that make you and me look like ants of ants.

SCP-2317: [Indecipherable]

SCP-11947-6: Oh, me? I’m just a pink pony that throws parties. Nothing more, nothing less.

SCP-2317: [Indecipherable]

SCP-11947-6: Yeah, I’m lying through my teeth. Good catch! (giggles) Let’s say I’m an inversion. That’s the best description at this point.

SCP-2317: [Indecipherable]

SCP-11947-6: I’m going to go now. You won’t see me again. You’ll spend the rest of your life trying to convince yourself that what I said meant nothing. Then, at the moment you think you will have free rein - well, I’ll let you ponder that. Goodbye!




Addendum Ω: XX/XX/XXXX: A purple equine slightly taller than all equine instances of SCP-11947 with both a horn and wings appeared in the containment chamber through unknown means. All members of SCP-11947 were removed from containment. SCP-11947-1 was not disturbed. Recapture has been deemed unlikely and unwise by site personnel. Due to this incident, this file will be archived and replaced with a single file for SCP-11947-1.


I was going to leave a silly remark, just to make you wonder, but you know what? I’m not going to. I’m going to be serious with you for the first time since you captured us. Strange, since we’re not captured anymore! Heehee!

We’re gone. You can keep the dimensional device. Do whatever you want with it, we really don’t care. You already had objects that could do similar things anyway, though you’ll find that ours is much safer. Might even be able to solve a few problems for you!

But we’ve left, and I don’t think we’ll be coming back. Why? Because you were horrible. You treated us like objects, as little things for your hands to play with, to see what it did. Some of you genuinely thought we needed to be contained, but the rest? You just had to scratch that itch in your mind. Had we stayed much longer, you would have traumatized us. As it is, you merely angered us. Angered some of us to the point of wanting to kill you.

You want us to stay away. Because if we come back, it won’t be as friends.

I think you can imagine how that will go down. -Pinkie Pie SCP-11947-6 Pinkie Pie SCP-11947-6 Pinkie Pie SCP-11947-6 Pinkie Pie SCP-11947-6 Pinkie Pie SCP-11947-6 Pinkie Pie

Does this mean you’re not available for my daughter’s birthday? - Dr. G Black.

What about taco tuesday? And our games? - Dr. Bright.

Oh I’ll still be there for those, don’t you worry! I’m not a cancelling pony! - Pinkie Pie.

Update: This file has now been tentatively classified as SCP-11999 due to SCP-11947-6 Pinkie Pie repeatedly altering it through unknown means.


Item #: SCP-11999

Object Class: Safe Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-11999 is to be accessible only by personnel with Level 4 clearance and above. Otherwise, it is to be treated as per standard procedures for Foundation documents. Any copy found not under Foundation control should be treated as a security breach and seized in accordance with normal procedures.

Further editing of the text of the item should be avoided, and is considered unlikely to be necessary.

Description: SCP-11999 is a Secure Containment Procedures document which appears to either have minor anomalous properties, or simply be the target of an anomalous effect. It describes an object and a group of individuals, collectively identified as SCP-11947. Through unknown means, the document has been accessed and edited on multiple occasions by one of said individuals, several times in direct response to revisions made by Drs Bright and Black.

SCP-11999 is classified as Euclid not for its properties, which would otherwise rate a Safe classification, but for the fact that a second copy of the document is known to exist, transcribed by Dr [REDACTED] while he was at his home, and acquired by SCP-11947-6 through unknown means. This second copy is believed to be complete to that date. SCP-11947 is believed to have retained this copy. Even if it is recovered, there is no guarantee that further copies will not exist by then.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to my editor/prereader Triv the Imaginary Duck for going above and beyond in not only editing this chapter to make it sound right but also writing some of the testing logs.

-GM, master of credit.

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