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Prompt #243: Princess Bloom Blossom Saves Her Sister!

The Prompt: Somepony tells a bedtime story.

"...Ya really want me ta read ya a bedtime story?" She stared at her sister, surprised, as she passed her a tissue. "Ah thought ya were a big pony." Her sister nodded, taking the tissue and blowing her nose loudly.

"Well...alright then."


Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named...Bloom Blossom. Yeh, that's it. Bloom Blossom. She was a real great pony, an' everypony in her kingdom loved her, 'specially her family an' her two best friends...uh...Sweetie Swirl...an'...uh...aw hay, Scootaloo. Her name was still Scootaloo, cause Ah know that she'd get upset with me if Ah gave her a prissy name.

Anyway! So Bloom Blossom, Sweetie Swirl, an' Scootaloo were the best of friends, an' they did everythin' t'gether. They played sports t'gether, they went on adventures t'gether...the princess's big sister, Apple...uh...Apple Lily! Yeh, Ah like how that sounds...anyway, Apple Lily didn't really like her goin' on too many adventures, on account'a she was worried 'bout her sister's safety. But Bloom Blossom insisted cause she thought she an' her friends had ta do whatever it took ta get their cutie marks. They were the only three fillies in town without cutie marks, an' they didn't like that, not one bit.

One day, Bloom, Sweetie, an' Scootaloo were all hangin' out at the royal palace. They woulda been out on an adventure, but they'd made a promise ta Apple Lily not ta go adventurin' that day. They decided that they were gunna try an' get their cutie marks in sewin'. That didn't last long, though, cause they got bored real quick. Jus' as they were 'bout ta go an' do somethin' else, though, a carrier pigeon flew inta the palace with a letter! Bloom opened the letter (after thankin' the nice pigeon, of course) an' read that somepony had ponynapped Apple Lily! This upset Princess Bloom an' her friends a whole lot, an' they decided right then an' there that they had ta go save her! Jus' as they were 'bout ta leave, though, Princess Bloom remembered that they'd promised not ta go adventurin'! The three panicked, not knowin' what ta do. They didn't want Apple Lily ta be ponynapped no more, but they didn't wanna get in trouble neither! Finally, they decided that Apple Lily had ta be saved, an' if that meant gettin' yelled at, well hay, that's what had ta happen!

The three fillies ran off, down inta the dangerous Everfree Forest, where the letter said Apple Lily had been taken. There were a whole lotta mean critters there, but Princess Bloom didn't let that stop her, cause she had ta go save her sister! The three friends ran 'round a manticore, an' past a big ol' hydra, an' they even saw a whole bunch'a scary bats! None of 'em could stop 'em, though, cause they couldn't let nothin' get in their way. Finally, they arrived at the cave that the letter said Apple Lily would be in. They walked through the dark, scary cave, but they weren't scared, cause whenever they got scared, they'd just think'a savin' Apple Lily, an' they'd ferget how scared they were an' keep goin'.

Finally, they got ta the end'a the cave, where they saw...the cockatrice! The same cockatrice that Fluttershy...uh, Ah mean...Fancy Flutter! Is that a good name? Sure, Fancy Flutter! But anyway, it was the same one that Fancy Flutter saved 'em from a while ago! This time, though, it had captured Apple Lily an' turned her ta stone! Princess Bloom an' her friends were pretty scared as the cockatrice got closer an' closer, an' also Bloom was real sad that her sister was a statue now, but still they stood there, cause they knew they had ta save her! Jus' as the cockatrice got right up close ta them, Princess Bloom summoned up all her courage an' stared the cockatrice right in the eye! She demanded that the cockatrice turn Apple Lily back from stone, right now! The cockatrice tried ta change Princess Bloom ta stone, but it didn't work, cause...uh...cause the love in Princess Bloom's heart fer her big sister was too strong! Yeh, that's it! The cockatrice backed up an' got real scared, an' apologized ta Bloom an' her friends fer bein' a big meanie again. He turned Apple Lily back from stone, an' the two sisters hugged real tight. The cockatrice promised not ta turn ponies ta stone again unless they really deserved it, an' this made Bloom an' her friends real happy. What made 'em happier, though, was when they saw that they got their cutie marks fer bein' big cockatrice-tamin' adventurers! So Princess Bloom Blossom, Sweetie Swirl, Scootaloo, an' Apple Lily went back ta the palace an' lived happily ever after! The end!


Apple Bloom smiled to Applejack as the story ended. Applejack, however, didn't smile back. She was out like a ilght. Bloom smiled to her sleeping sister and gave her a kiss on the forehead. AJ always treated her like this when she was sick; it was only fair that she returned the favor.

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