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Prompt #45-A: Sharing the Love

The Prompt: Everypony loves Applejack.

Applejack sighed to herself as she lay on her bed. The bed wasn't the reason for her sighing; on the contrary, it was probably the most comfortable her bed had ever been. She had been gifted the softest and most luxurious of blankets from Rarity not long ago, to go with the new, gigantic bed that that nice carpenter pony Ocean Mist had made her. She had received so many pillows that they couldn't even all fit on the bed anymore. It got to the point where she'd rotate her pillows every night. Of all the things to come from this situation, the new bed and its makings were probably her favorite. It was nice and new to have a fresh pillow every single night. She wanted to just spread out all over the bed and enjoy every bit of the nice comfy sheets, much as she did when she was a little filly and her regular-sized bed was way too big for her. Such a thing proved impossible, though. She glanced for a moment at Rainbow Dash snuggled on one side of her. She turned her head and glanced at Fluttershy curled up on her other side. A while ago, this probably would have been one of her happiest fantasies. Things change.

AJ was interrupted from her thoughts as her bedroom door opened and Pinkie Pie bounced in, carrying a tray of cupcakes. More gifts. They had been nice for a little while, but now, she felt like she was taking advantage, even though she wasn't trying to.

"Applejaaaaaack!" Pinkie bubbled, landing at the side of the bed. "I made you apple cupcakes!"

"Thanks, Pinkie," AJ said, giving her a weary smile. Pinkie placed the cupcake tray on top of AJ. She paid little to no attention to Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash as she smiled in the farmer's direction. AJ looked at the cupcakes with a small smile, then looked up to notice Pinkie's kissyface. AJ held back a sigh, and leaned up slightly. Pinkie took the initiative, planting a big, wet kiss on AJ's lips. The slight shifting was nothing to Rainbow, who slept soundly, but it was enough to cause Fluttershy to stir.

"Mmm...Applejack...please don't move around so much..." Fluttershy mumbled as she opened her eyes. "Um...if that's okay...I don't want to make you unhappy." AJ sighed slightly and looked to Fluttershy.

"It's fine, Fluttershy," Applejack said. "Ah'll be more careful."

"Thank you, Applejack," Fluttershy said quietly. She yawned, then uncurled momentarily to rest her head on AJ's belly. "Ooh, cupcakes...is it okay if I have one?" AJ nodded, and Fluttershy began to nibble on a cupcake. She finished her treat in short order, then yawned again. "I'm going to get back to sleep." AJ nodded, then noticed the proximity of Fluttershy's face to hers. She knew what she wanted, and with a very slight sigh, she gave her a gentle kiss. Fluttershy's wings fluttered slightly as she kissed back, then pulled away with a sweet smile.

"Night night, Fluttershy," AJ said. Fluttershy rested her head back on AJ's belly and closed her eyes. AJ took a deep breath, then reached for a cupcake. She really wished that Twilight would find a cure for this soon...it was so nice in the beginning, and she'd never thought that she'd tire of something like this, but here she was, hoping for a remedy. So many ponies would do anything to be in her position, but it was much more taxing than one would expect. She wasn't holding her breath for a cure from Twilight, though; it was unlikely that she'd want to cure it.

"Applejack!" Twilight called as she trotted into the room. AJ opened her mouth to say something back, but she had the wind knocked out of her as Pinkie, who'd moved the tray of cupcakes just a moment ago, belly-flopped onto her. AJ tried to reach a hoof over to give Pinkie a nice pat on the back, but Fluttershy was lying on top of one foreleg, and Rainbow was clutching her other like it was a favorite stuffed toy. None of this seemed to bother Twilight as she approached the bed.

"Hay Twilight," AJ said hopefully. "Any luck with the counterspell?" Twilight grinned.

"Oh, was I supposed to find a counterspell? I completely forgot," Twilight said playfully. AJ sighed. Of course she hadn't. That was the answer ever since she'd accidentally cast the Want-It-Need-It spell on her. Twilight looked up and down the bed, and AJ knew exactly what she was looking for.

"Ah'm awful sorry, Twi," AJ said. "Bed's kinda full up..."

"But Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy always get to sleep next to you!" Twilight said, pouting. "When do I get a turn?" AJ was about to try and respond, when she felt Pinkie shift over slightly.

"Room for two up here!" Pinkie said gleefully. Twilight beamed and lit up her horn, teleporting herself on top of AJ and next to Pinkie. AJ grunted slightly as Twilight snugged up, making herself comfy. She silently thanked Celestia that Rarity was busy with work tonight, because there certainly wasn't room for five. She wished she could get in contact with Celestia to fix this like she'd fixed the spell last time, but with the way Spike gave her the goo-goo eyes he'd previously reserved for Rarity whenever he looked at her, her only direct line of contact with Celestia wasn't likely to send this particular message. AJ sighed and resigned herself to her fate for the night, snugged up to Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Twilight. Maybe tomorrow she'd take the train to Canterlot. That is, if her friends would let her go.

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