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Prompt #25: Eyes On Her

The prompt: Ship Derpy with one of the Mane Six.

Pinkie Pie bounced around the kitchen of Sugarcube Corner. She had no particular reason to do this. She wasn't baking anything. She just thought it was a really fun thing to do. She had been doing this for about 10 minutes, and was finally forced to stop it when she heard a very familiar knock. She recognized the knock immediately as that of Derpy, the mailmare. She knew everypony's knock, and this was undoubtedly Derpy's. She found this a little odd, because it was Sunday and the mail never came on Sunday. Pinkie instantly assumed that this meant there was a super-special ultra-important package for her and it simply couldn't wait until tomorrow. She bounced excitedly towards the door, opening it as quickly as she could.

"I hope it's a new sled!" Pinkie bubbled, bouncing up and down in the doorway. Derpy looked at her with a confused look.

"What do you hope is a new sled?" Derpy asked. Pinkie stopped and assessed the situation. It appeared that Derpy had not brought her a package of any type, let alone a new sled. She took a moment to wonder why she was so excited about getting a new sled right now in the first place; there weren't many sledding opportunities in mid-July.

"Oh! I thought you were bringing me a super-special ultra-important package since you were visiting on a Sunday and the mail doesn't normally come on Sundays!" Pinkie answered. Derpy slowly shook her head.

"Nope!" Derpy told her. "I came here because I want to talk to you!" Pinkie beamed and stepped aside to allow the mailmare entry. Talking with friends was always nice, and in some cases, even better than a new sled. Derpy entered Sugarcube Corner, looking all around the place. She never really got much of a chance to come in here, and she was utterly distracted from the reason she'd come by all the muffins stacked up in one of the display cases. She pressed her face against the glass, staring at the delicious baked goods that lay before her.

"So you said you wanted to talk to me?" Pinkie asked. This pulled Derpy out of her muffin-induced daze. She nodded and sat down on the nearest couch, accidentally bumping into the end table. Pinkie's tail twitched, and she dashed over to catch the vase that had been on the table before it shattered into pieces. She then sat on the couch next to Derpy.

"What did you wanna talk about?" Pinkie asked. Derpy nodded, getting right to the point.

"What do you do when you think you're in love with a pony?" Derpy asked. Pinkie blinked; she certainly hadn't expected that question.

"Are you in love with a pony?" Pinkie asked.

"Yuh huh!" Derpy answered cheerfully. "Well, I think! I really like her a whole lot! She's really fun to be around!" Pinkie awwwed, causing Derpy to blush.

"Well, who is it?!" Pinkie asked, Derpy looked away for a moment, blushing harder.

"It's a secret..." Derpy said quietly. Pinkie nodded knowingly. She couldn't bother somepony into telling their secrets. It just wasn't right.

"How do you know you're in love with her?" Pinkie asked. "Oh, I mean, how do you know you think you're in love with her?" Derpy blushed even deeper.

"Well..." Derpy started, rubbing the back of her head a bit. "I like being around her...and I think she likes being around me, but I'm not sure. She does talk to me a lot when we do stuff together." Pinkie nodded sagely; it already sounded a lot like her reasoning when she was thinking of asking Twilight out.

"What do you do together?" Pinkie asked. Derpy looked up, as if she was thinking.

"I help her with stuff sometimes," the mailmare said. "We fly around and talk and stuff...she's a real good flier."

"Oh, she is?" Pinkie asked. She was pretty sure she had a good idea of who Derpy was talking about now.

"She is!" Derpy answered, giggling a quiet, embarrassed giggle. "She's real good at it. I can't even keep up with her! And her wings are real nice, and she's got a real nice mane..." Derpy blushed even deeper still, and her wings began to stir a bit. Pinkie giggled at this reaction.

"Alrighty, that's enough!" Pinkie said. "I think I have a good idea of it now! So what are you gonna do about it?"

"That's what I wanted to ask you!" Derpy answered.

"Oh! Right!" Pinkie said with a gigglesnort. "Well, when I wanted to ask Twilight out, I was nervous about it at first, just like you are! But then I thought a lot about it and about how nice and sweet and pretty and smart Twilight was, and I just decided to go ahead and ask, because I really wanted to go out with her, and I knew that if I didn't ask I'd never know if she felt like that about me, and I really wanted to know that! So I just went and asked her!" Derpy nodded, taking this in. "So you should just go fly right up to her house, knock on the door, and ask her out!" Derpy thought about this for a moment. Finally, she smiled and nodded.

"You're right!" Derpy exclaimed. "You're the smartest pony ever, Pinkie Pie! Seeya later!!" Derpy flew right out the door, and Pinkie beamed. She knew Rainbow Dash would be so surprised at this.

Derpy gathered her thoughts and her courage. It would take every single bit of her courage to do this. She reached her hoof our and knocked her usual knock on the door. She sweated a bit as she waited, shaking anxiously and going over what she would say when the door opened and she saw that pretty face staring right at her. Derpy stood confidently, staring right at her door. This was it. She was going to do it. The door opened.

"Oh, hello Derpy!" Fluttershy said with a sweet little smile.

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