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Prompt #42: The Interview

Prompt A: What is the answer?

Prompt B: What is the question?

The Question: What is the meaning of life?

Twilight Sparkle: Well, it’s pretty clear that the meaning of life is getting a good education. Learning everything that one can possibly learn is imperative to making the most out of your life. I’ve spent the larger part of my life sitting around and studying up on everything that piqued my interest, and even many things that didn’t! There’s more to life than just the things that you in particular are interested in, after all. So yes, my answer would have to be “the pursuit of knowledge.” I mean, just look where it got me! I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve kinda done a fair amount with my life…although I guess that could also be attributed to the fact that I put aside my studies for long enough to go and make friends…I couldn’t have done half of the things that I’ve done in recent years if it hadn’t been for my friendship. But technically, that’s still research, as I’m doing research on friendship…can I change my answer?

Applejack: Well shucks, the meanin’ of life is the ability ta keep yourself active an’ make somethin’f yerself. Ta keep yerself active an’ have a good work ethic, ya know? Mah family’s always been a hard-workin’ bunch, an’ Ah reckon s’done us a lotta good. We got a pretty good handle on the whole life thing, if’n Ah do say so mahself. Ah wake up at the crack’a dawn, spend most’a mah mornin’ workin’ on the farm, an’ Ah see mah friends when Ah can. The work helps me do pretty decently in the way of bits, an’ that an’ mah social life keep me happy. An’ it’s all thanks ta the fine work Ah do fer Sweet Apple Acres, growers of Equestria’s finest apples! Y’all ain’t tasted a proper apple till ya’ve bitten inta the sweet flesh of a Sweet Apple Acres apple! Here on our farm, we make sure that every apple passes our personal quality control! If it ain’t good enough fer us, it ain’t good enough fer you! Yes, Sweet Apple Acres insists on…hay, where ya goin’?

Rainbow Dash: Oh, that’s easy. The whole purpose of life is to live on the edge and make the most of every single moment! There’s really no point to life if you’re not risking that life at every opportunity, I mean, come on, why live if you’re not gonna do everything as if it’s the last time you’re gonna be able to do it? That time that I performed my first Sonic Rainboom? Hay, I didn’t know what was gonna happen! All I was concerned with was beating those jerks in that race. Well, that and being awesome, which, I must say, I did pretty well. But that’s what life is all about! Doing the coolest things you can, regardless of what might happen to you, and worrying about the consequences after you’re finished being praised for it!

Pinkie Pie: The meaning of life? It’s a movie! With those crazy things that did that movie about that really pretty cup! You know, the one with the black knight and all the funny drawings and the evil bunny? Although I still don’t know where they got THAT idea from! I’ve never met an evil bunny before! Although the only bunny I’ve really MET met was Angel Bunny, but I know he isn’t evil! Why would Fluttershy keep an evil pet? I mean she’s really nice and kind and pretty and stuff but still, she’d never keep an evil pet! Even SHE has her limits! But then again she’d probably be all upset that it wasn’t getting taken care of even if it WAS evil…ooh! Maybe she’d be able to try and rehabilitate it from its evil ways! She could be Fluttershy: Super-Awesome Super-Cute Animal De-Evil-er! And she could have a show on the Discovery Channel! It would be soooooo cool to have a friend who had her own TV show! …Wait, what was the question again?

Rarity: Darling, the meaning of life is to leave a beautiful impact on society. Why do you think I do what I do? To revel in the beauty of my creations? …Well, that DOES factor into it, I must admit…but it is hardly the most important aspect of it. I create to let the world revel in my talents, to spread my visions amongst the ponies of the world and allow them to properly enjoy the fruits of my labor. For what, pray tell, is life, if not to share its beauty with the world? I give of myself because I love, darling. I love to give what I can to my fellow ponies, to share my haves with those who have not. I bear the Element of Generosity for a reason, darling. I am generous because that is what is important in life. Plus, if my designs get to the right ponies, perhaps I could finally meet my true love…oh, Rarity, you will meet him or her someday…

Fluttershy: Um…I don’t know…I guess I would say that life was meant to be enjoyed, and to help others enjoy. But I don’t know if that’s really the meaning of life…or if there really is even a meaning of life to begin with.life is…just life, really. …Um…I’m sorry if that isn’t what you were looking for…eep…

The Conclusion: Everypony has a different idea of what life is all about. Maybe one is right; maybe none are. We could never really be totally sure.

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