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Prompt #4: Anything For You

The prompt: Princess Luna takes Pinkie Pie on an “outing” to thank her for something.

"Omigosh...it's so beautiful!" Pinkie exclaimed as her eyes darted left and right, overseeing all the sights that laid in front of her. The Princess had shown her many sights in the time that they had been together, but this, by far, was the most wowie-zowie, super-fantastic awesome sight of all time! The moon princess smirked at Pinkie's excitement.

"I take it you enjoy where I have taken you, my little pony?" Luna asked. She already knew the answer to this query, but Pinkie had the most adorable, entertaining ways of answering questions like this. She wouldn't miss this opportunity.

"I do!" Pinkie bubbled. "It's so cool and awesome and great and fantastic and gray! I usually don't like gray all that much because it's not very colorful and I really like things that are really really colorful, although one of my sisters is gray and I liked her just fine but STILL! I usually like color-y things the best, but this gray is different! I love it soooooooo so so much!" Luna chuckled lightly to herself. The answer did not disappoint.

The little pink pony bounced left and right, too excited to stand still. As she did so, she marveled at just how high she was able to bounce. She could never do anything even remotely like this back in Equestria! Any time she bounced around back at home she'd land about a second later, and that was fun and all, but this! This was glorious! It took almost five seconds for her to land from each bounce! This wasn't just regular bouncing; it was ADVANCED bouncing! Pinkie bounced to and fro, and then back to to once she was done with fro, because she didn't want to neglect to. To was just as good as fro and deserved equal treatment in Pinkie's mind. Before Pinkie could make it back to fro, though, the moon princess took hold of her with her magic. Pinkie giggled as Luna levitated her over and gave her a gentle kiss.

"Do you see that over there?" Luna asked, pointing to a particularly large crater. "That's where I spent most of my time over those years. It doesn't look very comfortable, but one gets used to it." Pinkie gaped as she stared at the crater. Upon closer inspection, she saw little lines carved into the side. Tally marks, indicating how many days the princess had spent here. It was a very big crater.

"I'm sure it was super-duper comfy-womfy!" Pinkie said excitedly. Luna rolled her eyes a bit, just outside of Pinkie's field of vision. She didn't want her little pony to see any sign of disagreement. As far as Pinkie knew, the two of them agreed about everything.

"Yes," Luna said. "Comfy-womfy indeed." Pinkie giggle-snorted. It was funny to hear the princess say comfy-womfy. Luna gently spun Pinkie around so that the two were facing each other. The rest of the tour could wait, for Luna still had to thank Pinkie properly.

"My dear Pinkie Pie," Luna said. "You mean everything to me. Without you, I would have nothing."

"That's not true!" Pinkie said, smiling. "You'd have your room and your bed and your blankets and-" Luna cut her off, smirking a bit.

"Literally, I would have things," Luna explained. "But none of them mean as much to me as you do."

"Ohhhhhhhhh," Pinkie answered. She blushed and giggled softly. "I see." Luna nodded, then floated Pinkie a bit closer, so they were nose-to-nose.

"You are going to keep your promise to me, right?" the princess asked. "It would mean the world to me...and to you."

"I'd do aaaaaaanything for you, Princess!" Pinkie replied, nodding happily.

"I do hope you brought it," Luna said, looking straight into Pinkie's eyes. Pinkie blinked a bit, then felt reeeeeeally happy. This happened a lot when she was with Luna and they looked into each other's eyes. It was the happiest, most spectacular feeling ever, like every single party that she had ever thrown had manifested into one big huge ball of joy and enveloped her. Luna always made her feel like that when she looked into her eyes, and it felt even better when she'd do whatever Luna asked of her after that. She really liked that feeling.

"Yup!" Pinkie answered, smiling dreamily. "I suuuuure did!"

"Then give it to me," Luna said, a bit of ice in her tone. Pinkie gleefully acquiesced, reaching into her bag and pulling out her Element. Luna put an extra bit of magic into her gaze as a reward for obeying, and Pinkie felt it all over her body, the same warm, pleasing feeling she got every time she did something that the princess told her to do. The moon princess placed the happy, squirming Pinkie on the ground, then brought the Element into her possession. With a quick motion, she snapped it in half.

"You do promise to help me in any way you can with this, correct?" Luna asked, setting her gaze on Pinkie once more. The little pink pony giggled as another wave of happiness wafted through her.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Pinkie responded.

"Very good," Luna said, her lips twisting into a smile as she surrounded herself with an all-too-familiar dark energy. "Thank you, Pinkie Pie. When Equestria is mine, I shall give you Ponyville as a present."

Pinkie beamed, overcome with joy. She loved making Luna smile.

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