• Published 16th May 2017
  • 3,323 Views, 84 Comments

My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic Season I - DakariKingMykan

How it all began, the many adventures of the Space Ponies and their struggle against evil.

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Episode 15: The Fallen World of Elfaron


Lightning and his entire unit had been summoned to Grand Ruler’s palace, for a star stone had been located on another planet, and the time had come to send a volunteer or two through the portal warp to retrieve it. As much as Lightning wanted to go, he knew he couldn’t in case Titan’s minions tried to attack Unicornicopia again, and Grand Ruler couldn’t go either as it would be most unwise to leave his kingdom during such fearful times.

Further, reports from other Starfleet forces on other planets have given off red-alert messages that the planet was in bad condition, as if it had been previously attacked, but by what they had no clue. The forces were not sent to retrieve it fearing that whatever attacked the planet would be bound to hit their sectors, and they were told to stand guard.

“I fear for the worst…” Grand Ruler said “But we must obtain that star stone. Again, this is a volunteer assignment. You won’t be held against your will.”

Buddy Rose and Artie decided to go. They both were very nervous yet excited at the same time for their first-ever space-mission, but they were both warned to keep their wits about them in light of the situation.

The both transformed and stood ready to go.

“Are you boys ready?” Grand Ruler asked.

The boys nodded, and just before they left, Grand Ruler went over final details and use his own magic to enchant the boys with a special return-spell. “Your visor-scanners should help you detect the stone’s location, and when you are ready to return, simply tap your Starfleet insignia’s three times in a row, but when you are absolutely ready to return.”

The boys bowed to him. “We understand, Your Highness.” said Buddy Rose. “We won’t let you down.” added Artie. Grand Ruler bowed to them and then he enchanted the magic portal to take the boys right to the planet, and the boys leapt through and vanished in a big flash of light.

“Now, all we can do is wait.” said Grand Ruler.

“I sure hope they can find the stone.” said Lightning.

Everyone felt the same way too, but as much as they had faith, they knew that when it came to outer-space or visiting other planets, anything was bound to happen.

As the boys magically slid across the long magical pathway, they couldn’t help but gaze in wonder and astonishment of the beautiful sights of Dimensional Space-- all the stars, and pretty scene. Still, they kept in mind not to stray from the path or face the dangers of being teleported to anyplace in the universe.

In just a matter of seconds, they had left their home star-system behind and were soon approaching their destination. “Here we go!” cried Buddy Rose. “Oh, boy, this is it!” Artie whimpered.

As they traveled along deeper towards the planet, they didn’t notice a pair of large, red glowing and evil looking eyes gazing at them from afar. Then they vanished into space.

The planet was just as dismal and upsetting as excepted. The skies were red, and the landscapes were all littered with destruction and charred vegetation, destroyed villages and wastelands.

The space-portal appeared and the boys emerged on the surface of the planet. Then the portal vanished. “We made it.” cried Buddy Rose. “Yeah, but exactly where are we?” asked Artie “I don’t recognize this planet from most others.”

The atmosphere had already checked out clean form prior reports, but the boys scanned the area with their visors. There was nothing lethal in the air, and the radiation-content was negative of the soil, but the ground was defiantly in bad shape. “My garden would never stand a chance in all this.” Buddy Rose said. Then he noticed a series very wide holes up ahead. “Maybe a swarm of meteors hit this place.”

“Not likely.” said Artie “Then the atmosphere would be clouded with dust.” They both walked right up to one of the large holes which had to be at least ten feet in diameter, and gazing down they found the hole was actually a large tunnel, one that no meteor could possibly have made. “I’m starting to think that something did attack here.” said Artie. Both he and Buddy felt it all the more important they find the star stone and leave quickly.

They scanned around for the stone’s energy and proceeded west, unaware that a strange creature was watching them from a far distance.

Back in Unicornicopia, Lightning and Krysta were charged with looking after Buddy Rose’s garden while he was away. It was a good thing they saw him do it so many times which was why they were doing so well. Lightning was tending to the weeding while Krysta watered the plants. She couldn’t help but wonder if the plants missed Buddy Rose.

“Well, I bet these weeds don’t!” growled Lightning as he struggled to yank them out, only to fling backwards into the wheelbarrow and hit the wall. Krysta couldn’t help but giggle. Lightning was not amused. “Very funny, Krysta.” he grumbled.

As the two of them worked, they couldn’t help but wonder how Buddy Rose and Artie were doing. “What do you think they’ve found?” Krysta wondered aloud. “I don’t know, but I’ll bet that it’s pretty exciting… or dangerous…?”

Buddy and Artie continued to track the source of the star stone. They found no signs of life. Just more destruction and devastation wherever they went. “Whatever attacked this planet must’ve been extremely powerful.” Buddy Rose suggested.

Artie was inclined to agree and he observed more of the damaged cities and villages he began to fear for whatever life-forms were on this planet, but as much destruction as there was, there were no signs of any murders or victims-- No bones, corpses, not a single bloodstain.

Suddenly, their scanners went crazy. The star stone was very near! “Down there.” Artie said while pointing to a dilapidated house in the remains a demolished village. The boys flew down to the ground and entered the large house. “It’s coming on real loud and strong now.” said Buddy Rose. “I’ll check upstairs, your scout down here.”

Artie nodded and they both split up.

As Buddy Rose checked upstairs he heard the sound of soft clattering. Artie heard it too from downstairs and both of them wondered what it was.

As Buddy Rose moved in closer down the hall, his scans were going crazy. He softly pushed open a door leading what looked like a bedroom, and there it was-- a star-shaped jewel, half red and half orange and with the silver star in the middle. “Oh, my stars-- That’s it! I found it!” he cried as he reached to take it in triumph, but before he could holler for Artie, he heard that clatter again. “Who’s there?” he snapped sharply. He heard the noise again coming from the closet.

Buddy Rose slowly crept towards it, and opened the doors forcefully, only to find a sweet little humanoid girl with pointy ears in tears and whimpering. “Please… don’t hurt me!”

Buddy Rose scanned her with his visor, and found she was a simple ordinary elf-creature and not a threat at all. His features softened. “Who are you?” he tried to reach out to her, but the girls backed away quivering. “Don’t be afraid. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m with Starfleet.”

The little elf girl had heard of Starfleet and they were a force to be trusted, and slowly began to come forward, but was still hesitant to trust him. Buddy Rose reached out to her politely, and she took his hand.

Artie came into the room relieved to see the star stone secured, but concerned for the frightened little girl. “What’s your name?” he asked.

The girl hesitated for a moment, and then said “My name’s Ilia, and this is all there is now of the planet Elfaron.”

Hearing the name Elfaron made the boys remember the planet after all. They had heard and studied about it during their intergalactic-studies at the academy, and why they initially didn’t recognize it.

Elfaron used to be a world with lush green fields, forests, ponds, just like Lightning’s birth-planet, Harmonious. The entire populace was a race of elves and other tiny little animals. They didn’t possess magic, but were experts at making potions, remedies, and elixirs. As such, and being peaceful creatures, they were practically considered some of the monster harmless creatures in the galaxy, with no need for warfare. Starfleet had discovered the planet long ago on explorations, and even asked the elders if they would ever allow Starfleet to lookout and protect as they did for most worlds that permitted them, but as always the decision was for the elders to decide, not an enforcement, and the elders politely refused insisting and confident that their world was the least likely to ever be the target for outside forces. Despite Starfleet’s persuasions and suggestions the refusal was final. Starfleet understood and left the planet in peace as one of those worlds outside of their derestriction.

“But what happened to your planet?” Buddy Rose asked. Hearing that brought tears of woe and fear to Ilia’s little eyes, but she did her explain. “Recently, an evil creature and her army of soldiers had come to the planet in search of something, which I’m sure is this jewel I found. They never found it.”

All Ilia could recall was the numerous explosions, attacks, and the panicking of her people, and as they were powerless to do anything to stop the monsters, their only choice was to flee Elfaron, as they had access to space-portals of their own, and head off to other planets until they could return home, if not, they would start their lives over elsewhere, but Ilia was mistakenly left behind after being separated from her family. She was the only one left, and she didn’t have the resources or the courage to venture out into space on her own. She had no idea where to go or how to get in touch with her family.

Poor Ilia, he eyes were brimming with tears. The boys very sorry for her, but they promised to help her by taking her back to Unicornicopia. If there was any place in the known star-systems her folks had gone to, they would know and find it. Ilia hugged Buddy Rose thankfully. The boys felt flattered, but Artie to ask “Ilia, just one thing; this evil creature you spoke of, can you tell us what it looked like?”

Before Ilia could say a thing, the house began to rumble as the ground quake. “Oh, no…!” Ilia cried “It’s coming back! It’s coming!” The rumbling got more violent, and the house began to break up as if whatever was coming was coming right below them. “Let’s get out of here!” shouted Buddy Rose, and holding Ilia close, they all leapt out the window and sped away from the house just as the ground beneath it erupted as a huge, snarling creature emerged from the wreckage-- A huge serpent about twenty feet in length with huge teeth, razor-sharp fins, and red burning eyes.

Ilia screamed at the sight of her, and the boys were near speechless. “What is that?!” cried Buddy Rose. Artie scanned her with his visor, and found her to be a swamp-demon serpent, possibly from the planet Bayou. Her power levels were indeed off the charts, more powerful than even Titan’s minions and all the monsters they fought.

She turned and gazed at the fleeing friends, and opened her huge mouth “PLASMA VAPOUR!” and unleashed a burning stream of fiery energy straight at them. “Look out!” cried Artie, and they all dodged barely missing the energy, but crashed to the ground. Nobody got hurt, but the evil serpent-beast snarled and began to rush straight for them, busting through anything that stood in her way and shouting “STAR STONE!”

The boys gazed down at the stone, but would not let her have it. Arite and Buddy Rose tried to attack the oncoming beast…



…But their attacks did nothing at all, and the beast continued to charge forth shouting “GIVE ME THE STAR STONE!”

“Scatter!” shouted Artie, and they all jumped out of the way causing the creature to miss them and crash into several buildings. She seemed a little stuck. The friends thought this was their chance to run, but they suddenly found themselves surrounded by humanoid serpent-soldiers, armed with shields and swords. The boys scanned them, only to find they were actually hollow creatures artificially created by magic, almost like how Titan’s minions made monster. They were not truly living things.

“Quick, get Ilia out of here, I’ll try and hold them off.” said Artie. “No, I won’t leave you here!” snapped Buddy Rose, but Artie insisted he go. So Buddy flew off taking Ilia and the stone with him, and Artie stood ready for battle.

The soldiers all lunged at him, and he evaded their every move and using his material-art skills. He punched, kicked and bashed those ugly brutes all to the ground, but they quickly got back up again just as angry and fierce as ever. “Whoa! These guys are tough.”

“As they should be…” snarled the serpent-beast. She pulled herself from the wreckage and turned to face him. Artie narrowed his eyes at the beast. “I am Starfleet fighter HV7J. Who are you, and why do you seek the star stone so bad that you had to attack this defenseless planet?”

The demon hissed and answered “I am Serpentari-- Deadliest creature of the galaxy.”

“Serpentari?” Artie muttered.

“I exist for one reason and one alone, to become the most powerful creature in the entire known dimensional universe. For centuries I have searched for an ultimate power, and finally I find what I seek. I will allow nothing and nobody to step in my way from obtaining the star stones and depriving me from my rightful place as the best of the rest.”

Artie was absolutely livid at such a plot. “You would destroy other races just for your own selfish desires?! How-- Why would you do such a thing?”

Serpentari hissed angrily and thundered “Silence! I have told you of my goal, and my motivation is none of your concern. You will now surrender the star stone to me!”

“I don’t have it!” snarled Artie “And even if I had, you must be as crazy as you are ugly that I’d hand it over to slime like you.”

Serpentari looked as if she were about to explode with fury. “You dare defy and INSULT ME?!?!” She lunged right at him, and Artie swerved out of the way, but he saw her tunnel under the ground and was gone. “Huh? Where’d she go?” Suddenly, Artie’s visor gave of a seismographic warning. The ground immediately rumbled and Artie swiftly jumped out of the way as Serpentari burst through the ground. The shockwaves of the burst still threw him off, and the serpent-soldiers ambushed him and held him down. He tried to break free, but he couldn’t.

Serpentari snickered wickedly “Foolish pony! I have destroyed armies and you dare to try and resist me?! Now you shall DIE!!” She lunged right for him and even her own soldiers, ready to smash them all to bits, but at the last few feet, Buddy Rose came soaring like lightning and holding his whip and yanked one of the soldiers up off his feet and knocking him into several others, giving Artie his chance to escape, causing Serpentari to miss and only destroy most of her own men, and crash deep into a cliff-face. She was stuck hard.

“You okay?” Buddy Rose called out.

“Yeah, you came just in time, but what about the girl?”

“She’s safe, she’s okay. But let’s not leave here without saying goodbye to these creeps.”

Artie agreed and got out his staff. The remaining serpent soldiers hissed fiercely and charged at the boys. Buddy Rose gripped his whip tightly, and waved it over his head like a lasso. The while began to charge up and glow with power. “Have a taste of my new finisher.” He shouted “WHIPLASH STRIKE!” and he cracked his whip fiercely at the ground sending a shocking waving towards several of the soldiers, hitting them hard with the powerful jolts, destroying them.

“My turn.” said Artie...

(Skip to 0:33)

...and he leapt right at the swarm of remaining soldiers, whacking at them hard with his staff. Even performing new moves he had practiced while training including a spin-kick: by placing his staff hard into the ground and holding it tight while spinning like a top and kicking his opponents hard.


“Now it’s time for my new finisher. SUPER-STAFF SPIN”

He held his staff up over his head and began whirling it round and around like a propeller, and the staff began to charge up with power. In a swift rage, he slashed at the soldiers and destroyed them hard. After the last one exploded, the boys quickly decided to retreat with the star stone in hand.

At that very second, Serpentari pulled herself free but found her soldiers destroyed and her enemies gone. She roared fiercely and furiously in the outrage of having lost the battle.

After meeting back up with Ilia, the boys activated the return-spell and warped back to Unicornicopia. In Grand Ruler’s palace, the portal was glowing madly and in a bright flash the boys emerged. The others rushed there the second they heard.

“Guys, are you alright? Did you find the star stone?” Lightning asked. Buddy Rose held up the stone for all to see, but the first thing he and Artie wanted most was to help little Ilia.

Grand Ruler quickly sent word to the Starfleet Missing Creature Department, and it almost took no time at all for a report to come in from one of the outer Starfleet forces knowing the location of Ilia’s folks. Grand Ruler issued a team of astronauts to escort the little elf girl to them immediately.

Before Ilia left, she hugged Buddy Rose and Artie and couldn’t thank them enough for helping her. “I’ll never forget you guys, ever, and thanks again for everything.”

“No sweat.” Buddy Rose said.

“It’s what we’re here for.” added Artie.

Then Ilia left with the astronauts and was soon reunited with her family on another planet. The boys were very happy their little friend would be okay, and the Grand Ruler was proud of them both for not only having helped the little elf-girl, but for safely securing another one of the star stones. “Thanks to you boys, you now can become even stronger, but keep in mind there are still two more stones that must be obtained.”

The boys bowed to their ruler in acknowledgement, and then gave their report on their adventure, including about Serpentari and her serpent-soldiers. This made a shiver run down Lightning’s spine, the way they described the demon in every way. “No, it couldn’t be…!” he muttered, and mind began to trail back to that awful day when his planet Harmonious was attacked by the exact same creatures as the ones described.

“Lightning, are you okay?” asked Krysta.

Lightning remained stiff and entranced, even when Krysta flicked at his cheek, he still didn’t move. “LIGHTNING!” she shouted into his ear finally snapping him to his sense. “Huh? What? I… sorry, I zoned out.”

“I don’t understand.” said Starla “Whoever this Serpentari is, how did she learn about the star stones?”

“I don’t think it matters how.
We should all tread more cautiously now.” said Rhymey.

The others all agreed, especially Grand Ruler. “It has now become a race to obtain the remaining star stones. Serpentari is now labeled as universal threat; she cannot be permitted to find them before we do.”

The Spanish twins felt hot with fury. “If that slimy Chiquita shows herself again, we’ll show her.” said Dyno, and his brother agreed “She kills so many and destroys so much. This cannot stand.”

Everyone in the room agreed, especially Lightning who was still wondering if Serpentari was really whom he thought she was. He gazed out the window and up into space in a threatening expression and thought deeply “I swear-- If you’re who I think you are, so help me… you will pay!”

As for Serpentari, she vowed to re-gather her forces and powers to strike again. “You have not heard the last of me, Starfleet!” she snarled, and then she vanished and left the planet. After which, those same glowing red eyes shone in the darkness above the planet, and then they faded again!


In our next episode, Titans minions have mastered their new powers and issue a showdown for Lightning and his friends. Unfortunately during the time, Lightning is suffering extreme traumatic episodes from his past which could be a problem to his battling style, but with the fate of Unicornicopia and the Galaxy at risk, there may not be a choice.

How will Lightning trauma affect him, and what will Starfleet do about Titan’s minions and their threat?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “The Great Army Showdown: Part 1”)