• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 4,562 Views, 64 Comments

Foal Quest - Zubric

A simple adventure book quickly turns into a foalish adventure for three unsuspecting unicorns.

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Crinkle Bottom Chrysalis

Twilight and Starlight both stared at the double Moondancers, as they mimiced each other doing patty cake. The tiny princess watched the sight. “What are you going to do, Starlight?” She asked.

“I’m not sure, could ask Moondancer something only she would know.” Starlight suggested, while Spike scratched his head, before checking the diapers. They were the same too oddly enough.The other kids had wondered off to play as the Moondancer on the left booped the other one, giggling.

Twilight looked at the two once more and tapped her chin. “Which one of you is the real one?” As expected the two replied the same time and with the exact same manner too. Starlight couldn't help but chuckle at that, as she came up next to her friend.

“Well this should be fun to find out who the real one is.” Starlight took a quick look at both of the Moondancers, as the one on the left stuck her tongue out, before booping Twilight's nose and running away toward another tree.

“Hey, get back here!” Twilight soon gave chase and the others followed behind smiling at the silly game before them. The little duplicate was pretty fast, but Twilight kept up as best she could, diaper wiggling in the air.

“Nu uh, you got to catch me first!” The duplicate laughed as it darted around a tree, and just like last time, this got the other two foals to lose track of which was the real one. In the split second they were out of sight, the clone slipped behind Twilight and chased her out from behind the tree, before she knew what had happened. Twilight stopped, just as the duplicate grabbed her. “Hahaha, I got her!”

“Good work, Twilight.” Starlight commented, as she watched the one on the ground wiggling around to get free.

“No, she’s the changeling! She tricked me!” The other Twilight protested

“How do we know it’s you?” Starlight asked, as they got closer.

“Because I know this is all a book, there’s no such thing as potty monsters and evil sweaters, it’s just a foal’s fantasies!” The proof made the clone eep and run off again, resuming the game of tag. “Haha, can’t hide from such good friends!” Twilight then gasped, realizing she’d misplaced her element binky, only to see that the changeling had it. “Eep, she got da Element!”

The changeling stuck out her tongue, the pacifier hanging from her neck as she darted into the playset to try and lose them.

Spike gasped. “We’ve got to catch her!” With the bulk of his diaper, he was only slightly faster than the foals. The group ran through the play tubes, hearing giggles as the duplicate kept hidden.

Twilight rounded the red tube slide again, scanning the area. “Hey, taking things isn’t nice!” she called out. She wandered out of sight of the others during her exploration. “We need da Element to save the day!”

“Twilight, I spotted her down here!” Starlight called from beneath a yellow tube slide.

Twilight crawled into the tube and approached the slide, soon going down on all four front first. Moments later, she gasped upon seeing a puddle of green goop! But it was too late, as she slid right into it, her hooves trapped. “Aaaa, help!” She spotted Starlight on the other side of the round room, giggling and showing the element pacifier, before running off.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the playset, Moondancer and Spike met up while looking around. “Any luck?” Moondancer asked, looking up at Spike with worry.

“No, and I lost sight of Twilight and Starlight.” Spike replied. Then, as if on cue, they heard Twlight call out for help! Spike gasped as he rushed in through a red archway.

Moondancer tugged on Spike’s tail. “Wait, it could be a trick!” She warned, sounding worried.

“But what if it isn’t and she is in trouble?!” Spike asked as he clambered inside, just barely fitting into the tiny tube crawlspace. Moondancer followed behind him as they got to a blue square like room, spotting Starlight pushing under a large box. Books were stacked on top of it making the box too heavy for the filly to lift and escape.

“Spike, Moondancer, help me!” Starlight cried. “That changeling trapped me in here, and I think Twilight needs help too!” She pushed on the box, her eyes peeking out through a triangle shaped hole.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get you out!” Moondancer called, as Spike and her got on top of the box and leaned on the heavy phone book. “On three...um..no, go instead!” Remembering she couldn’t count to three yet.

Spike giggled and nodded. “You’ll learn to count eventually, little filly.” He smiled, and when the filly told him “Go!” they both pushed on the book, sliding it slowly across the top of the smooth cube, before making it land on the floor with a loud thud. After that, it was an easy task to lift up the cube and let Starlight crawl out.

Starlight clung to Spike, smiling. “My hero.” She said in a dreamy tone.

Another call of distress was heard from Twilight a second later, and the group started to move again. “Twilight, where are you?!” Starlight frantically called out.

Twilight’s voice echoed about as she replied. “Don’t go down the yellow slide, it trapped!”

“Don’t worry, we’re coming!” Spike called as they soon entered the large yellow pod, the sun shining down. Across the room, Twilight was struggling in the green slime, which was tugging on her hooves. The goop stretched and pulled her back down. Spike looked at the goop and giggled. “It looks like boogers.”

Starlight mumbled something about colts and frowned. “Now’s not the time to make jokes, Spike! We gots to save her!”

Moondancer moved to the edge of the slime, trying to reach out her hoof to grab Twilight. Twilight wiggled as well coming up short.

“I can’t reach her!” Moondancer whined. Spike came over and tried reaching out as well, but the circle of slime was too large!

Twilight struggled in the sticky slime some more, grunting as she tried to lift her hooves and break free. During her struggles she paused, blushing hard as she messed in the process.

Starlight waved her hoof at the smell. “Phew, stinky!” She tapped her chin to think, before an idea came to her. “Oh, I got it!” She rushed to the diaper bag and unzipped it, pulling out a few of the spare diapers.

Twilight blushed. “Starlight, my change can wait till after I’m rescued!” She tugged more and panted, finding it to be of no use. But then she saw Starlight unfold one of the diapers and toss it into the goo.

Spike gasped, as he realized what Starlight was trying to do! “Oh, you’re making a bridge! Good thinking.” He clapped, watching as Starlight laid out a few more diapers, getting right up to Twilight.

“Yay!” Twilight cheered and leaned her head forward, as Starlight grabbed hold and tugged hard! Moondancer came up from behind and helped pull as well. Twilight started to move out of the goop, the slime stretching as her hooves were pulled off the ground. “Almost there!” She cheered before there was a loud snap, like a rubber band, and the three toppled over landing on the ground! Twilight was free from the trap! Twilight cheered and hugged Starlight, beaming.

Starlight giggled. “You’re welcome, Twilight,” She wiggled about for a moment, and heard Twilight whine soon after. “Uhm, you can let go now.”

“I'm stuck,” The filly blushed, her hooves were still sticky and thus had caused her to stick to her friend’s’ back. Her tugging only causing her to snuggle her friend closer. Moondancer and Spike laughed a bit as the two tried to pull apart. Soon Spike waddled over and split them up with a swipe of his claws, using some wet wipes to clean off Twilight hooves.

“There we go, now let me get you changed.” Spike cooed, unroling the mat and setting Twilight down on it.


While Twilight was being changed, Moondancer and Starlight looked around. “What are we going to do? The queen could have gone anywhere by now,” Starlight said, stomping her hooves. “She cheated!” She was on the verge of a tantrum, but thankfully Moondancer hugged her

“D-don’t worry, we’ll find her. I mean the game can’t not let us win, right?” Moondancer asked, rubbing Starlight’s back.

“Y-you mean we might be stuck as foals fowever?” Starlight squeaked, already finding it hard to think like a big filly since they’d gotten into this game.

‘I don’t think so, da magic can’t last forever.” Moondancer let go once the other filly had calmed down. She smiled as Twilight came waddling over in a clean diaper. They wasted no time and clamber out of the playset into the sunlight, glancing around for any clues. “So where do we go?”

Twilight rubbed her chin and sighed. “I guess we go into town and just ask if anyone’s seen any doubles,” Upon the other two agreeing, Spike helped them into their buggy and buckled them in. Twilight once more snuggled her Smarty Pants doll. “Don’t worry, Smarty Pants, we’ll beat that meany bug butt.”

While strolling back into town, the group spotted a familiar pink coated foal, happily splashing about in the fountain and giggling at her swollen diaper as it drank up the water. “Pinkie, stop that!” Spike scolded, hurrying over and pulling her out.

“Oh, hi, Spike,” Pinkie cooed and giggled, wiggling her bottom. “What’s up?”

“We’re looking for um..well have you seen any doubles running around?” Twilight asked, unable to hold back giggles at the ballooned diaper on Pinkie’s bottom.

Pinkie tapped her chin and hummmed. “Oh I think I saw another me pass by a few minutes ago. Heading for Rarity’s, I think.”

“Thanks, Pinkie.” Twilight replied, before Spike began wheeling the stroller along towards Carousel Boutique. In no time at all, they arrived and headed inside. The place was like a giant doll house with large, plastic props. Every corner or leg post had padding around it for safety.

Spike stopped the stroller and glance about the main room. “Rarity, are you here?” He called out.

“Coming,” Rarity called out, soon appearing. She waddled in, suckling her purple pacifier while in a frilly pink princess dress and cap. “Hello Twilight,” She waved. “Did you come for da tea party? Sweetie Belle went upstairs to find her rattle, I tink.”

“Was it really Sweetie Belle?” Twilight asked. “The Changeling Queen stole one of da Elements and ran this way.”

Rarity gasped, putting her hooves to her mouth. “H-how could my sister not be my real sister! She been here all morning.”

But just as Rarity had spoken, her sister waddled around the corner suckling milk from a bottle, while walking with her free hooves. She blinked and popped out her bottle. “Rarity, I didn’t go upstairs. Tat’s where the big, scawy potty monster lives!”

Quick as a flash, a duplicate Sweetie Belle ran down the stairs a blue colored rattle in her magic. The filly darted passed the group and out the open door! Twilight gasped! “Quick, Spike, after her!”

Spike gobbled down one of the cookies near by, before latching the group into the stroller and wheeling them out after the queen! “Get back here!” He called out, going as fast as he could, abd following the queen as she made her way towards the crystal castle.

“Why is she going to my castle?” Twilight asked, kicking her legs as the wind raced through her mane.

Moondancer gasped. “She must want to steal the book!”

Starlight looked over, confused. “Why would she want da book? It’s of no use to her.”

“Just thinking, I could be wrong.” Moondancer replied, watching as the queen darted inside the castle. The group followed her (though making sure not to get stuck in a goop trap if there was one). By the time they got inside, the queen had run up the stairs.

“Hehe, you want your elements back. you got to catch me!” Chrysalis giggled from out of sight, her hooves being heard clattering down the hall.

Spike quickly got the three out of the stroller and looked up. “Gah, how are we going to catch her?!” He asked, leaning in to join the fillies in their huddle.

“Maybe we can trick her?” Starlight suggested. “I mean if we can’t split up, then I got one idea.”

“Ooh, let’s hear it!” Moondancer leaned in closer.


The foals ran around the castle, catching glimpses of Chrysalis, before she darted around corners. They groaned at each failed capture attempt. “Gah, she too fast!” Twilight whined, stopping in one of the many living rooms.

Spike laid out the the Element of Snuggles blanket, and hid himself behind one of the doors while the other fillies looked around.

“Come on, let check the next room.” Twilight cried, and the fillies scampered off to do so, as the queen peeked into the room, gasping upon seeing the blanket! The little larva didn’t even consider it could be a trap, and ran inside, grabbing the soft cloth. As the queen cheered at her supposed victory, Spike came up behind and snatched her up, holding her as the larva kicked about. “Noo, let go!” She protested, trying to nip at him too.

Spike shook his head, giving a firm spank to her bottom. “No, bad Chrysalis! Stealing is bad!” He spanked again, as the queen yelped, whimpering. The other foals came back into the room, as Spike kept up the slow punishment.

“You were very mean taking my binky, I wan it back!” Twilight pouted, watching Chrysalis squirm, whimpering more.

“No, is mine!” Chrysalis hissed and yelped upon receiving another light swat. “Oh, oh ouchy!”

“Apologize, little one!” Spike scolded. “This game of yours isn’t fun anymore and you took things that aren’t yours!” He kept a hold of the small larva as she kept struggling. A simple claw on her bottom got her to squeak and stop her fussing. “Well, we’re waiting.”

Chrysalis pouted and turned away, mumbling for a moment. “I”m sorry,” She said half heartedly. “Is just, no one want to play with me unless they want something, so I took tat binky.” She grumbled.

Starlight frowned, feeling a little sorry for this Chrysalis. Then a smile creeped up on her muzzle, as she got a plan. She couldn’t fail this time around. She glanced at the pouting queen and approached. “Oh, so you just want friends?” The filly asked, resisting the urge to bounce from hoof to hoof.

“M-maybe, but everyone calls me bug butt. It mean.” Chrysalis pouted again, unable to escape Spike’s grip.

Twilight and Moondancer waddle over, smiling softly, and waiting until Spike set the queen on the blanket. “We can be your friends, but can we have our things back?” Twilight asked, watching Starlight give the queen a nice hug.

Chrysalis looked at the three, “Y-you not mad about da traps, are you?”

The three fillies all hugged her, and Twilight was the first to talk. “It was icky, but I forgive you, was my fault for not paying attention.” She hugged again.

“Yeah, you were just playing,” Starlight added, glancing around. “Can you get our toys back?”

The queen nodded, liking the hugs. “O-okay, friends,” She beamed as she trotted out to do so. Soon enough Chrysalis waddled back into the room, putting the rattle and pacifier down on the table. “I sorry.” She said, as she looked down at her hoof. The group once more rushed over to hug her (except for Spike who awwed, snapping a photo with a pink plastic camera). After a short hug, Chrysalis booped their noises and smiled. “I gots an idea.”