• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 4,567 Views, 64 Comments

Foal Quest - Zubric

A simple adventure book quickly turns into a foalish adventure for three unsuspecting unicorns.

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The Cute and Adorable Trixie

Twilight’s cat nap had lasted just long enough for her and her team to get back into town. Spike happy wheeled the foals along, looking around for their next goal.

Moondancer smiled as Twilight awoke, rubbing her eyes. “Hey Twilight, sleep well?” She giggled, nudging her lightly.

Twilight clung to her Smarty Pants doll, nodding slowly. “Mmmhmm, did I miss anything?” She asked as she stretched her tiny hooves, looking around and seeing the padded streets of the market place. The ground was made of colorful foam puzzle pieces. She can’t help but smile upon seeing that Sugarcube Corner was a playset with large slides and tubes.

“Just Moondancer getting her dirty diaper changed,” Starlight teased, while fanning a hoof in front of her nose. “Other then that, we’re still looking for the other elements.”

“I know the next one’s around here somewhere. I can feel it,” Spike commented, scanning around the market. The dragon seemed to be going off of a script of some kind. Not surprising but still silly.

As the foals were wheeled along, Twilight gasped upon seeing that where Celestia’s statue was supposed to be, was a foal version of her sitting on a plump gold diaper with her sun cutie mark on the front of it, while suckling on a hoof! Twilight gawked at it as she asked, “Why is thewe a statue wike that hewe?! Pwincess Cewestia wowd neva …” She then sighed as she calmed down and mumbled, “Wight, this is a foaw worwd, I not gonna question it.”

Moondancer giggled “Wook at Gowden Oaks Libwawy!”

“Gowden Oaks?!” Twilight’s eyes went wide like dinner plates upon seeing the tree library down the street. Sure its branches and leaves were plastic, but it was still intact. That was worth investigating! She pointed to it and shouted. “Spike, I wanna go der!” She bounced in her seat giddly pleading. “Please, please, please?!”

Spike giggled and said to Twilight, “If we find the next element nearby, I’ll let you explore.”

Twilight groaned, “Aww,” She crossed her hooves, puffing out her cheeks cutely. “But I wanna go now!” She demanded.

“Twilight, don’t make me put you in time out! You know the rules, no wandering off unless I say it’s okay.” Spike scolded, wiggling his claw. This got Twlight to calm down quickly. She sighed, slumping back as she snuggled Smarty Pants.


Upon passing one of Twilight’s favorite bookstores, the filly started to burst into laughter. Kicking her tiny hooves at what she saw next. Rarity’s boutique looked like a doll house, with filly mannequins wearing the frilliest pink dresses out in the front, with giant poofy pink diapers exposing in the back for mares. Twilight squealed, “Spike, you gots a camewa?! I wana show the next fashion line for Equwestwia made by Waiwty!” She started laughing again.

Spike, not realizing it was a joke, replied. “Sure, I’ll even let you take souvenirs. I'm sure the ponies in your world would love them, as weird as your world is.”

This made all the fillies start laughing. Spike shrugged, thinking they were just being silly for no reason, as they came across a filly on top of a stage. She wore a big poofy diaper with stars and a wand printed on it. A foal blanket was tied around her neck like a cloak and a frilly pointed wizard’s hat adorned her head. She shouted, “I am ta Cute and Adorable Trixie, and I gonna show ya the cutest acts in aw of Foaw Wowd!”

The three watched as Trixie wiggled her tushie as she danced, crinkling about. As she walked across the stage, she tripped, sticking her padding into the air. “That’s sooo cute!” A filly cooed, peeking out briefly from the boutique.

“Hey, look around her neck!” Twilight shouted, and pointed to a purple gemstone attached to Trixie’s pacifer. “Think it the element?” She asked the others.

Spike nodded, “That’s the Element of Daww alright,” He said, helping the foals out of the stroller once again.

Starlight asked, “How we gonna get it? This Twixie is actin wike how she was in Eqwestwia befowe she was nice, ow so I tink fwom what I been towd.”

“She can’t be that bad,” Moon Dancer replied, giggling as Trixie blew into a kazoo while doing a spin. “She funny.”

Trixie paused and looked over smiling. “Twixie tanks you, Twixie is always the cutest filly,” She then lifted her cloak and made a cute bow, making the crowd daww and cheer. “I challenge any foal to bestest me at Twixie’s own act.” She said to all who were watching.

“Any prizes?” Twilight asked, rolling her eyes at this Trixie’s behavior.

Trixie tapped her chin. “Um me no know. Wots of hugs?”

“What about your pacifier?” Starlight asked, and pointed to it, surprised to see Trixie cover it.

“Nu, some nice colts gave it to Twixe. Um Fim Fam I think.” She pointed down the road to a diaper changing machine, with the two colts running it.

An orange coated foal was coming out of it, crossing her hooves as she babbled, “I hate that stupid diapee changing machine. It puts diapees on owa heads.” A diaper could be plainly seen strapped over her blonde mane.

The other foals burst into laughter as a massive red coated foal came over and helped the orange coated one take the diaper off as Trixie rolled her eyes, “Otay, we gettin sidetracked.”

Twilight shouted at Trixie, “So Trixie, are you gonna do the competition, ow ya scared I the cutest filly ever?”

All the foals looked over at Trixie, who crossed her hooves and puffed out her cheeks, “Otay fine. But if I gonna offa my paci, then if I win you have to give me youw doll.”

Twilight gasped and hugged Smarty Pants close. Moondancer groaned, “Twily, even if ya wose, there’s tons of Smarty Pants’ here. Ya can awways get anothew one.”

Starlight nodded, “Yeah, Twilight. Ya owe us fow da Potty Monstew and Nightlight Moon. Come on, pwease?”

Twilight contemplated for a little bit, reluctant to risk her doll even if she could get a similar looking one later. Finally, she relented. “Fine, it’s a deal,” To Trixie she then shouted. “You’re goin down!” She couldn’t help but let out a giggle at the lisp, and put her doll on the stage as Spike helped her up. There was even a trunk of cute outfits to put on.


Trixie shouted. “Otay, Ta Cute and Adorable Trixie goes first!” She then tried standing on her hind legs, but lost balance on purpose and fell down, exposing her padded rump to the crowd. This made the crowd daww a lot, and also got a few laughs. Trixie got up with a smirk, “I think it’s your turn, Twilight!”

Twilight pondered for a second, unsure of what to do. She tried to walk on her hind legs, wobbling about and shaking her padded rump from side to side, before plopping on her behind making a whooshing sound as foal powder billowed around, her making her blush. This got a lot more dawws and a whole course of laughter from the crowd. “Can’t believe I remember my brother’s old diaper dance. If he were here now he’d probably be so embarrassed.” She thought, upon realizing what she’d done.

“Oh, she’s good.” Moon Dancer whispered to Starlight, giggling at the sight.

“Not bad, but Twixie’s got more tricks!” Trixie exclaimed, as she waddled to the trunk, pulled out a bunny plushie, and came back. She flopped onto her back and began to teeth on the bunny’s ear, kicking her hind legs while her eyes were closed. This elicited more coos, and laughs from the crowd than had been heard from the other acts. A foal in the crowd dawwed as she whispered, “Oh that bunny looks just like Angel.”

Twilight took up Smarty Pants in her hooves and thought. “Come on, I can do something like that!” She hugged Smarty Pants close and nuzzled it, but the crowd wasn’t impressed. She couldn’t think of anything and started to get nervous, she was gonna lose Smarty Pants!

Suddenly, Twilight heard a hissing sound, which snapped her out of her panic stricken state! She looked down and saw the front of her diaper growing yellow as the cutie mark print faded. She squealed and fell backwards by accident while still hugging Smarty Pants, making the entire crowd laugh out loud. Twilight laid there as she mumbled, “At least they’re foals. If I did this in my Ponyville I could never show my face in public again.”

Trixie got angry upon seeing Twilight getting so much attention from the audience, and shouted as loud as she could, “One more trial! And this time I not gonna hold back!” She went into her chest of stuff, and took out a frilly pink wand and fake fairy wings. She tied the wings onto her back, and she waved the wand around in her magical embrace. “Behold, I the Adorable Trixie will play the fairy queen!” She started to bounce around on her diaper twirling about and throwing sprinkles over the crowd, making the foals all gaze upon her with newfound attention, clapping and cooing at her. She then finished off the act as she tumbled back onto her rump on purpose and blushed hard, making the whole crowd squeal in delight!

Twilight scrunched up her face, darting her eyes around as she tried to think. “Come on, think! There’s got to be something that wows them more than that! My friends are counting on me! She thought, and wiggled about like a potty dance for a bit as she tried stalling for time. She then gasped a light bulb sparkling to life above her head. “Oh, that’s perfect!” She giggled and pick up Smarty Pants sitting her up in a pose as she leaned down. She moved her hooves in a pattern, using the tiny bit of foal magic she had to wiggle Smarty Pants. “Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake,” She chanted, as she moved the plushie’s hooves about to clap them to her. “Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” Her rump shot into the air as she wiggled it at the audience, giggling a bit. At that very moment however, her tummy acted up and a blush washed over her face as he stood there on that pose as the padding began to lump and sag. “O-ooops.” Her face flushed as red as could be. The crowd giggled and dawwed louder after she was done and sat down with a smush from her padding.

Trixie pouted, but walked up, seemingly unphased by the smell. “Well, seems Twixie’s been beaten at her own game. You win, Stinky Butt!” She pulled her sparkly blue pacifier off and popped it into Twilight’s mouth.

“Aww don’t feel bad, you were cute too,” Twilight said, and happily gave Trixie a hug. She looking so cute that a few photos were taken of the sight. They let go as Twilight made a hasty retreat towards Spike, putting her hooves up. “Changy?” She asked, trying hard not to blush.

Spike chuckled and scooped her up. “Phew, what have you been eating, Twilight?!” He teased, taking her to a nearby bench to change.


While Spike was occupied with Twilight, Starlight waddle up to Trixie smiling. “Hi there.”

Trixie adjusted her blanket and looked up. “Hello, did you want Twixie auto..auto..scribbly thingy?”

“No, I was going to ask if you seen any gemstones like that one you got?” Starlight asked, booping the magician’s nose and causing a giggle.

“No, I don’t think so but they sure are pretty.” Trixie quickly replied.

“Yeah they are and you did so good on stage,” Starlight beamed. “You a good magician.

“Aww, thank you,” Trixie clapped happily. “Nice to see somepony appweciates Twixie keeping hew diapee cwean duwing her shows.”

Spike returned soon afterward and scooped Starlight up, setting her back into the stroller. Twilight beamed, bouncing next to Starlight and clapping happily. “Library, library!” Twilight cheered, pointing down the street!

Spike couldn’t help but chuckle and pat the foals’ heads. “Yes, Twilight, we’re going to the library next. You silly filly.”

“Yay!” Twilight beamed, squirming around loudly.

Starlight couldn’t help but smile at how happy Twilight was and enjoyed the ride, as Spike pushed them along the street towards the library.

The princess became hyper as they got ever closer. Her legs kicked about, causing more loud crinkles. The other two just snickered at Twilight’s behaviour. After just a few moments, they were wheeled inside and allowed out of the stroller. Their eyes darted about the colourful reading room. The carpet had ABC’s on it, along with pillows scattered about.

Moondancer waddled to a shelf at her eye level, seeing all kind of kid stories. “Oooh, I remember dis one,” She pulled out a blue covered book with the image of a bunch of coloured teddies on it. Filly Fluffy Fun was the title.

Spike smiled contently, as the foals waddled around the bottom shelves, pulling down whatever books they could find. Twilight eagerly opened one but soon frowned. “Mmm, I can’t read, dis isn’t fair!” She pouted, plonking down and crossing her hooves.

Spike chuckled. “Aww, don’t worry, Twilight, I’ll read to you and your friends. Besides, I think it close to your nap time little ones.”

“Nu huh,” Twilight whined, “I just took a nap!” She puffed out her chest, huffing. Starlight and Moondancer both end up yawning, rubbing their eyes as they tried to deny it too. Twilight hugged Smarty Pants more, as she and the others were set on soft pillows. Spike just patted their heads and sat with a crinkle upon finding the right book.

“Here we are, the three butterflies,” Spike said, and booped Twilight’s nose. They all got comfy setting their pacifiers in as he began to read the adventure to the three. As expected, the foals slowly got tired, leaning on each other as they tried to not fall asleep. Spike silently dawwed as he read, seeing the three soon curl up around each other in a warm, snuggling pile, almost like kittens. He quietly grabbed a blue blanket near by and covered up the sleeping toddlers. “Sleep well little ones.” He lightly cooed.