• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 4,562 Views, 64 Comments

Foal Quest - Zubric

A simple adventure book quickly turns into a foalish adventure for three unsuspecting unicorns.

  • ...

Nightlight Moon

The three stayed silent for a moment, looking at each other as the daze wore off. “M-Moondancer what did you do?” Twilight whined, looking down at herself in surprise. The three magic users had somehow become foals and were now diapered up in thick padding. The plastic fronts of their diapers each had their cutie marks shown on them, and leak guards matching their coats that curved around their tiny chubby back legs, with some frilly fabric peeking out as well.

“I don know,” Moondancer lisped, staring down at the book. “I just felt that magic come over me then dis happened,” She blushed harder, “I didn’t know it was enchanted.” A small whine left her mouth as she stomped her hoof down, causing more crinkles.

“At least whatever tat magic was it let you keep your glasses,” Starlight commented pointing at the pink sparkly shades on Moondancer’s muzzle. She then stared down at her light purple leak guards and chubby tummy. Her hoof poked it as she shifted, trying to look at herself more.

Moondancer felt the foalish shades and blushed. “Well at least I can see,” She raised her hind leg, staring at her hip. “Um, girls, our cutie marks are gone!”

“What!?” Twilight eeped, quickly turning her head to look to confirm it. Unfortunately, she had shifted far too fast and ended up tipping, falling onto her back and sending her padded tushy in the air. The two unicorns soon broke into laughter kicking their legs about. It took nearly half a minute for both of them to calm down, blushing at their foalish actions.

“W-why was that so funny?” Starlight asked, as she waddled across the table to help Twilight to her hooves.

“I don’t know but watching her wiggle about was silly.” Moondancer broke into a laughing fit again as Twilight blushed.

“It no da funny,” Twilight pouted, puffing out her cheek in the most adorable way possible. As they started to look around they noticed things looking rather soft and plush like, with no sharp corners to be seen anywhere. Everything looked colorful like a children's coloring book as well. “Where are we?” Twilight wondered

Just as the three were looking around to answer that very question, Spike came running into the room with a bag of foal supplies. He was wearing a huge diaper with little gems printed on it. He waddled right up to the foals and they looked at the new Spike in awe as Twilight asked, “Spike, did ya come through the portal too?”

Spike gasped, surprised upon seeing the foals as he continued, “Twilight, where did you come from? I thought I sent you to Celestia’s nursery?”

Twilight giggled, “Tia has a nursery?” She blushed, realizing how foalish that sounded.

Spike eyed her shaking his head, “Did you escape again?” He looked at the other two fillies, “I’m guessing you dragged some friends along too, naughty little filly,” Without letting them respond he leaned down with his claw and pulled each of the foals diapers back checking them with practiced precision, much to the fuss of the three fillies. The dragon smiled nodding in approval when he found that they were dry. He then noticed the book and suddenly beamed, “Oh I think I know what happened. You three found Starswirl the Padded’s adventure book! He can be quite the prankster at times, especially to other ponies in different dimensions.”

Twilight laughed even harder, “Starswirl the Padded? I thought he was called Starswirl the Bearded?” She kicked her legs about..

Spike shook his head, “I’ve never heard of Starswirl the Bearded, in this universe Starswirl learned a spell to stay a foal forever and helped Celestia and Luna create this place. As far as I know, he’s always been called Starswirl the Padded.”

Moondancer curiously asked, “So Spike, is this really a universe made for foals?”

Spike nodded, “Yeah, a thousand years ago, Celestia and Luna used the elements of cuteness to make a place safe for foals, and created this universe. They fueled this world with their energy and made it foal friendly so that ponies from all over the multiverse can come here to play and relax. But I think Starswirl the Padded told you the rest, right? How the elements were stolen? That’s why I sent Twilight and her friends to Celestia's nursery, to be kept safe. In fact, I was going to go find them myself.”

Starlight blinked. “So this is just one big interactive story?” She asked, staring down at the book, although now that she took a second glance at it, it seemed all gibberish. The pictures were pretty though. “Moondancer did read about summoning heroes right?” She asked, wiping off some drool as her cheeks turned cherry red again.

Moondancer nodded and explained, “Yeah, there’s a lot of adventures similar to this one in that book. But, you know, less foalish. Believe me, I never thought something like this would happen.”

Twilight hugged her, “It’s okay, this reminds me of an enchanted comic book that Spike had. I bet if we play this game and win, we can get out.”

Starlight watched again, feeling a little left out. “Y-yeah, not exactly how I imagined spending dis sleepover, but could be fun.” She commented, prodding the padding with her hoof before joining the hug.

“You foals always say the silliest things. Adults not in padding? That is just so funny!” Spike giggled, patting their heads.

Twilight blinked tilting her head as she asked, “Wait even the adults in this universe wear diapees?”

Spike nodded, “Yeah adults of all sorts of creatures. Dragons, gryphons, even Celestia and Luna wear diapers,” The foals all burst into laughter again as Spike eyed them, “Your world must be strange. I mean, who cleans up all the messes on the ground?”

The foals all were now rolling around, kicking their legs as Twilight gasped, “Spike, we gots potties fow big ponies to use! You dun have those?”

Spike simply asked, “What’s a potty?” He then gasped, “You don't mean the potty monster, do you?! He so mean and gets icky water all over you. And they say foals are his favorite meal, whatever goes into him never gets out!”

“Spike, the potty monster is just what foals make up when fearing the flush sound,” Twilight replied, seeing Spike frown. “I should know, I used to feaw it a wot til I found out thewe’s no such thing as the potty monstew.”

“Na uh! He’s a big, mean, monster that wants to eat foals! You wait and see!” Spike protested. “Just don’t cry to me if you get eaten.”

Twilight sighed, seeing how even Spike was more of a baby in this universe. She then asked him, “Otay, how about you take us to him, and I’ll prove to you that he’s not real?”

Spike nodded, “Deal, I was going that way anyways. The Element of Snuggles was stolen by Nightlight moon and she lives in the Everfree Playground where the potty monster dwells.”

Twilight eyed Spike again, “The Element of what now?”

“Oh I get it,” Starlight commented, “It using da Elements of Harmony, but is swapping them around for childish things. This is a game, remember?”

Twilight logical mind was still trying to keep a grasp on things as she blinked. “O-oh, right.” She blushed, wondering if that meant there really was a potty monster.

Spike shrugged still confused about what Twilight and the others had said and replied, “Okay, I think I’ve wasted enough time. I guess I should take you three along with me since there’s no other pony here to watch you,” He got out a big purple stroller and Twilight gagged upon seeing how foalish it was. It had a white frilled hood and little games on the tray. Spike lifted each foal and strapped them in, making sure the crotch straps were snug around them. He then put a giant foal blanket over them and slipped pacifiers into each of their mouths. “There we go, are you all comfy?” He cooed, tickling their little tummies and getting giggles out of them. Upon seeing them nod, he pushed them down the hall and out the castle door.


It seemed it was still late afternoon to the three fillies, as it had been before the magic took them. The sun was slowly begin to set, casting an orange blanket over the land. Everything looked so fluffy, even the ground looked like it was made of foam. A few ponies were still out and about, all padded up and waddling around as if everything was normal. The air was full of giggles and cheers, as a few younger foals played, rolling around on the ground. It seemed there was no way anypony could get hurt in this universe, what with all the foal proofing and stuff.

Moon Dancer broke into a laugh as she happened to look at the sun, seeing a baby face on it and a smile. “Hahaha, look silly face!” She jutted her hoof at the sun, kicking about.

Twilight also laughed as well. “Yeah, it wooks like something Discord would do.” The group seemed so relaxed along the way, despite the possible peril that awaited them. The toys on the tray seemed very fun to their affected forms. Needless to say, the trip along the forest was full of cheers and laughter a plenty.

When they reached The Everfree Playground, the foals couldn’t believe their eyes. It looked incredibly nice. The padded ground was covered with foal swings, seesaws, and fun looking tube slides. There were also changing tables dotting the landscape, packed full of diaper supplies. A duck pond could be see in the distance, and little baby ducks could be heard quacking. But further down the path was what looked like an inflatable jump house, with moons and stars decorating it. Spike pointed out, “You see that inflatable castle? That's where Nightlight Moon lives.”

Twilight could only smirk as she thought, “If this is really where Nightmare Moon lives in this universe, then this will be a walk in the park...literally.

Spike continued on, until the group suddenly heard a flushing noise. Spike gulped and froze, “Oh no, that’s the potty monster!” He exclaimed, his knees shook and the foals felt his body rattling.

Twilight shouted furiously, “For the last time, that’s probably just a normal big potty! Me and my fwiends go wook first if ya too scared! We pwomice we wun get sucked down the dwain!”

Spike nodded and quickly took the foals out of the stroller (despite not knowing what this drain they spoke of was) as Twilight waddled with her friends down the road. They came upon what appeared to be a big white toilet with legs, and tendrils of toilet paper coming out of it. It also seemed to have two horns on the tip of the tank. Even considering the size difference, the foals were convinced the toilet was far bigger than it should be, definitely big enough to suck a foal down its pipes should one slip into the bowl.

Twilight eyes went wide, “That really is a potty monster! I dun believe it!” The toilet made a fearsome flushing sound, wiggling its toilet paper around. It sounded like it was eager for a chance to swallow up the foals.

Starlight nervously nodded at Twilight’s comment,” He’s so big, how do we beat him befowe he eats us?!”

Moondancer bravely went over to a nearby changing table and opened it up. She pulled out some diaper changing supplies and said to Twilight and Starlight, “We can probably take its tendrils of toilet paper and tear them off. It can’t do much else after dat. We just gots to be careful not to end up in the bowl.”

Twilight shrugged and said, “Okay Moondancer, you know better on how to play these games. Guess I’ll follow your lead.”

Starlight suddenly eeped, as a coil of toilet paper wrapped around her leg! She kicked about as she was dragged towards the toilet. “Aaa, it dual ply!” She screamed, trying to break free before she could be pulled in and flushed away!

Moondancer gasped, dropping her pacifier, as she tossed of one the diapers at the toilet paper strand, moments before the potty monster shot water at her and hitting her square in the face! “Ew ew ew ew!” She exclaimed.

Twilight watched Moondancer run around, as she groaned and rushed towards Starlight on her stubby legs. Tripping a few times, as she grabbed the toilet paper and tugged hard! “It not dirty water, Moondancer, calm down! Is just pwain toiwet watew, chances awe nopony uses dis toiwet, and I can see why!” She tugged on the toilet paper some more, and it broke off, allowing Starlight to retreat to safety. For a brief moment, Twilight noticed Starlight had wet herself in the shock, but before she could comment, the toilet tried to lash out at her instead! She tried to roll but her chubby legs were unable to do as her mind commanded, causing her to stumble again. She let out a shriek as she was splashed too, her padding getting soaked with toilet water. She cried as she ran back towards the table. “Starwight, do somethin, quick!”

“M-me, bu-but what do I do?! When my Mommy and Daddy potty twained me, they promised me that this would never happen!” Starlight panicked, frankly looking at the table. Hastily, she grabbed a jar of powder as the other two fillies whined about being wet. She hid behind the table as the potty monster tried to grab her, and smirked. “Ha, you missed you big meany, tak dis!” She lit up her horn with a great deal of effort and threw back her head, before tossing the powder with her weak filly magic. Surprisingly the jar flew up high enough and into the potty monster’s mouth. Moments later the toilet gagged and gurgled, flailing it paper arms around as it bowl started to flow over. It quickly turned tail and ran, leaving a wet trail behind it. The light grayish-purple coated filly blinked. “T-that actually worked?” She asked herself.

“Yay, you did it!” The other two cheered and hugged Starlight (who was beaming) causing her to squeak as she got partly wet from their fur.

Spike seemed to be on the case though, as he rushed over with a towel. “Y-you girls were so brave!” He exclaimed, while cleaning them up.

“So gross,” Moondancer whimpered, “Fun, but gross. Reminds me of the time I clogged up the toilet at home as a foal by stuffing it full of toilet paper and whatever I could get my hooves on.” She used the edge of the towel to dry off her glasses.

Starlight blushed as she turned and noticed her soaked undergarment. “Eep, I peed,” She commented, her cheeks flushed heavier as Spike patted it gently.

“Aww, don’t worry. I’ll get you all changed.” Spike cooed, patting their heads as he got to work, humming the whole time.

The three all squirmed, feeling the cold touch of the wipes and such. Although Spike’s funny faces helped it all feel better in the end. After they were all clean, and their pacifiers were recovered, they made their way towards the inflatable castle via the stroller.


The group approach the edge of the castle and looked up as Twilight asked, “Okay so do we just go in?”

Spike shrugged, “I don’t know, I’ve never been here before.”

Moondancer replied, “Just set us down again, we’ll do the rest, Spike.” Spike nodded, and helped take the foals out of the stroller once more.

The three foals crawled in and gazed upon a giant padded room, filled with toys and cookies. In the middle was a little shadowy looking filly with a giant dark blue diaper with a big moon on it, sleeping in a cute crib with the element hovering over her. She had nightlights illuminating the room. Moondancer whispered, “I say we take out the nightlights and tell her we put them back, if she gives us the element.”

Twilight nodded, “Yeah, sounds wike a good idea.” They then began to go around the room pulling out the nightlights one by one. Just as they had finished, they heard Nightlight Moon begin to cry. She got up, looking around as she bawled. “Wha..wh..where’s my nightwights?” She began to bawl, crying heavily. Twilight looked at the crying foal and suddenly she began to feel really bad about what they had done. Celestia knows Twilight as a foal could never get to sleep without a nightlight. She came up to Nightlight Moon, hugging the filly, “Hush now, it’s okay.” She told her.

Nightlight Moon sniffled, “Nah, my nightlights are gone. Where did they go?”

Moondancer came up and nervously answered. “Um...I think they just fell out.”

“They did? And who awe ya?” Nightlight asked.

Starlight came up and said to the filly, “We friends and we’ll help ya get ya nightlights back, but fiwst we need the Element of Snuggles.”

Nightlight shook her head, “Nah, I like the element of Snuggles. It helps me sleep.”

Twilight smiled and offered, “How about I trade you both the nightlights and a stuffed animal fow the element?”

The little filly pondered this for a bit, then she said to Twilight. “Otay, I’ll do it. But I want a bat pony plushie. If ya give me that and my nightlights, I’ll give you the Element of Snuggles.”

“Oh great, a fetch quest.” Moondancer mumbled, rolling her eyes while idly sucking away on her binky.

Ignoring Moondancer, Twilight nodded and asked Nightlight, “Okay, so where do we find a bat pony plushie anyways?”

The filly giggled, “There’s one right across from here in the plushie pit. But all the plushies there try to snuggle you while you there. They silly.”

Twilight turned to her friends and said to them. “Okay, this may be the best way to get the element and not make Nightlight Moon angry. How about we all go and find the plushie real fast?”

Moondancer sighed. “Looks like we don’t have a choice. Can’t be worse than fighting the potty monster though. If I ever see another toilet again, it’ll be too soon.”

The three left the bounce castle and went to a pit not far from it that was filled with all kinds of plushies. Twilight was the first to step in and soon Smartypants’ of all shapes and colors started to nuzzle her and cuddle her. She giggled and squealed at the variations of her favorite stuffed animal from her foalhood. She grabbed a few into her hooves and snuggled them. ”I'm keeping these!” She exclaimed, now wishing more than anything that she hadn’t given up her doll to Big Macintosh.

Moondancer slowly entered the pit next, and as soon as her hooves touched the plush ground, owl plushies started to pounce on her. She started to laugh and romp. letting the plushies chase her while shouting, “This is so cool!”

Starlight jumped in last landing on the soft comfort of the plushies. As soon as she entered, a few teddy bears started to hug her, one even patting her diapered rump, making her blush and laugh. “Awww, you remind me of my old teddy,” She commented. The bear hugged more as she tried to waddle along, several other plushies wrapping around her legs. She fell onto her tummy, giggling. “H-hehe, hey, let go!” They were so warm and cuddly that it was distracting. She turned and gasped, seeing Twilight and Moondance now actually falling asleep with a few of their favorite plushies in their hooves!

Starlight turned to see Nightlight Moon come up and shout, “Now ya three all snuggled, and going night nights! If ya want to get out, I want my nightlights ya stole!”

Starlight shouted, “So this was a trap?!”

Nightlight Moon rolled her eyes, “Duh, I not jus gonna give ya my Element of Snuggles. I love it a wot.”

Must not fall asleep, got to stay awake!” Starlight thought to herself. She slowly rose to her hooves, the teddies still snuggling her (one even hugging her neck and keeping her warm). “That’s not very nice,” She yawned, shaking her head to resist the snuggles. Another yawn escaped her lips as she added, “If we go to sleep, ya won’t get ya nightlights back.”

Nightlight Moon gasped and pondered for a second, taking out her deep thinker pacifier and placing it in her mouth. She suckled it for a few moments, then she said at last, “Fine, I'll release ya from the spell.”

The plushies stopped snuggling the foals, and the other two woke up, slowly yawning and stretching their tiny legs. Upon seeing Nightlight Moon Twilight shot up and shouted, “Ya big meanie! Ya tricked us!”

Nightlight Moon shouted, “Ya was mean first, ya stole my nightlights!”

Starlight shook her head, “Na uh, ya stole the Element of Snuggles! Without it this world won’t work anymore!”

Nightlight gasped! “Really?! Why?!” She asked.

Twilight pondered, “Um...it’s like ya sleep with nightlights. Ya can’t have nice nappies without them, right?”

Nightlight Moon nodded as Twilight continued, “It’s the same with the world, it needs the Elements. They’re its nightlights.”

Nightlight Moon sat on her padded rump and suckled her paci even more as she mumbled, “Fine, but I still want a bat pony plushie.”

Miraculously, Moondancer had managed to obtain one before falling asleep. So she crawled up to Nightlight Moon, hoofing her a plushie and her nightlights (which Moondancer had stuffed into her diaper for safe keeping). Nightlight Moon, in exchange, gave her the Element of Snuggles. Upon the little pink gemstone, was a picture of a teddy bear on it. Moondancer, with nowhere else to put it, slipped it into her diaper. “Tank you, Nightlight. I sowie for taking your nightlights.” She apologized.

Nightlight sighed and said to the three. “I sorry for tricking you and your friends.” They all hugged each other. Nightlight Moon then waddled back to her inflatable castle, while the other three foals went back to Spike and the stroller.


When the foals got to Spike, he came over and asked, “Are you three okay?”

They all nodded as Moondancer took the element out of her diaper, “Here’s the Element of Snuggles!”

Spike shouted in glee, “Great!” He took it and placed it in the diaper bag. “One down.” He then with a claw checked their diapers, and when he found them dry he helped buckle them back into the stroller as he cooed, “Now, I think it’s time we head to Foalville. I believe the next element is around there somewhere.”

Twilight nodded and snuggled Smarty pants as she was buckled into the stroller. “Mmm, okay Spike, I trust you.”

The other two giggled as Twilight quickly dozed off, softly suckling her pacifier. This was one odd but fun game, and there was still more to come.