• Published 9th Apr 2017
  • 3,011 Views, 185 Comments

A Dragon's Selection - CartoonNerd12

A Selection AU. 35 mares. 1 dragon. The competiton of a lifetime.

  • ...

Chapter 34

It was almost time for the broadcast as Applejack's maids had finished dressing her and Sugar Belle brushed her hair down so it was just straight and nothing else was in it. When the trio dismissed themselves, Spike came into the room with a gifted box.

She chuckled, "Another present?"

He smirked, "Of course, after all it is customary for a male to present his lady fair with gifts to show how much he cares for her…"

She sighed humorously, "What is it this time?"

He unwrapped the box and opened it up for her to see. What she saw made her gawk and uttered.

"Spike… That's… I cannot…"

He took out the bracelet made of emeralds and took her hoof to slip it on. He said, "I know wearing jewelry is not your thing but after the pain you endured this afternoon, I just had to make up for it…"

She sighed in exasperation, "Spike, you really to stop blaming yourself for things that are not your fault…"

"Like you stopped blaming yourself over the Timberwolves?"

She bit her lip and her eyes cast down to the floor.

"AJ…" he lifted her chin to have her face him, "If you stop feeling guilty then I will do the same, sound fair?"

A small smile grew on her face and nodded.

"Great… but just so you know the bracelet is yours to keep." he held her hoof as they looked at the beautiful gems that been string together. "I always did like emeralds since they're my favorite gem… In fact…" he looked at her, "Whenever I look into your eyes, they remind me of emeralds that shine bright in the light."

She vaguely chuckled, "Your eyes remind me of emeralds too… in fact they also remind of me of apples that are green, the leaves that are on apple trees, and the greens that grow on Sweet Apple Acres… No doubt about it, green is important color to me and it makes me glad that you match as well to it."

They leaned in for a longing kiss before Spike held up a scroll, making him smirk, "I almost forgot, this came in for you today."

She gasped as she grabbed for the letter but Spike playfully kept it away from her and she had to reach for it.

"Come on, Spike! Quit foolin' around!" she pleaded.

"What's the magic word?" he quipped.

She rolled her eyes, "Please?"

"Nah-ah, try again."

She lifted a brow as she inquired, "Can I at least get a hint?"

He stated, "It's a four letter word when two beings have affection for each other."

It took a second to realize what he meant. Why that little… She said to him, "You can't get me to say it first, Spike."

He sighed, "It was worth a try." he handed her the scroll.

She touched his cheek, "Hey, you do know how I feel about ya, right?"

He touched her cheek in turn, softly saying, "How we both feel…"

"Good." she kissed his cheek.

Spike checked the clock, "It's almost time for Discord's broadcast, we better get going."

She nodded as she set the scroll down and walked out of the room with her special some dragon.

True to Discord's word, the announcement was quick and simple, by now all of Equestria knows there was four mares left in the competition and that it would only be a matter of time before the winner was declared. Whether or not Applejack would be that winner was yet to be determined.

As she was leaving the ballroom the country mare grew conscious of how time was running out on her and Spike.

There's got to be a faster way to gain the Dragon Lord's approval… And as luck would have it, Princess Ember approached her, requesting.

"Miss Applejack, would you walk with me please?"

Applejack bowed her head and replied, "Of course, your highness."

As the mare and she-dragon walked down the halls, the Princess spoke, "You are my brother's choice for a wife but as you are aware, my father does not approve of you…"

Applejack nodded while saying, "Yes, I do know that."

Ember asked, "I know how my brother feels for you but I must ask how you feel for him… What is your attraction to him?"

Applejack took a moment before answering, "He's kind, noble, brave, honest, very generous, caring, funny, smart, strong, and we have similar values…"

Ember smirked, "That's quite the list you have there."

The mare chuckled, "Well, he's all that and more… Don't get me wrong, he does make mistakes from time to time, but that's what makes him real. Nopony's perfect, not even dragons."

The princess nodded, "That would be correct."

"I know I'm not exactly the type of pony your father is expectin' but I'm willing to try for Spike's happiness…"

The she-dragon smiled, "I'm glad to hear you say that… Because my brother deserves happiness in his life, especially after everything he's been through. Despite him being a prince, he had a rough childhood… Even as a baby…"

"I don't mean to pry, but when your scaly cousin came to visit me some nights ago he mentioned to me how your mom was too sick to lay another egg, but when Spike came along, that changed…"

Ember was silent for a long time before she replied, "My mother was on the verge of dying… We don't really know what happened, she just got sick one day and she wasn't getting any better… So I set out to look for a cure… but I failed…"

Applejack lowered her head in sadness, "I'm sorry… I know what it's like to lose a mother… given both my parents died when I was young…"

Ember slightly nodded in understanding.

"But at least she had Spike before it was too late…"

Ember muttered, "More or less…"

That made Applejack raise her brow. What does that mean? Then remembering what else Garble said, she mentioned, "Your cousin also told me how Spike looks nothing like the rest of your family. Why do you suppose that is?"

Ember scoffed, "Garble just loves to have any reason to undermine Spike's place in the family… All because he showed up all of sudden…"

To Applejack that sounded very suspicious. There's somethin' about Spike's birth she's not tellin'… The signs all point to her mother not bein' well enough to lay an egg at all! And there's the fact that Spike doesn't look anything like his sister or cousin says a lot too… Could it be…? Could Spike be adopted?!

The thought made her eyes widen in shock, it seem impossible but Ember's story made it likely. She wanted to keep on asking questions to see if she was right but she didn't want to risk the Princess's anger given she was the only ally she had in Spike's family at the moment. Ember obviously didn't want Spike to know or the rest of their family. So she would keep quiet in meantime until the time would come for them to have it out.

Ember spoke again, "I know my brother's wants and needs. That's why I made sure you were entered into the Selection."

That broke AJ from her thoughts as she stared at the princess in bewilderment and uttered out, "It was you…? You were the reason I came here?"

Ember stated, "Yes. When I read your form, I had a inkling you were some pony that my brother would like very much… Of course, I didn't know about your headstrong behavior until after the fact. And that's what have brought us to this point."

"Then what should I do? How do I gain his approval?"

"So far you've been lying low and that's good. As long as you don't break anymore rules in the Selection, my father will see how well-behaved you can be."

"But what if it's not enough? What if he never allows Spike to marry me?"

Ember touched her chin in thought before saying, "My father will be watching the griffon and pony's trial. As such, whatever punishment befalls them you and the rest of Elite will have accept it, neither of you can make any objections. He will see this as a sign of obedience from you and will most likely give his blessing to you two."

"Hm… you think that'll work?"

Ember shrugged, "It's your best shot. And if you really want my brother, you have to do this…"

Applejack sighed but nodded.

When she got back to her room, Applejack unfurled the scroll seeing Big Mac's writing.

Applejack, you'll have to write a letter to Apple Bloom and Granny Smith soon. When they saw this letter was for my eyes only, they were a might disappointed. But to answer your question, yes, I did talk with Sugar Belle and I was with Marble Pie on Nightmare Night. The both of them are very sweet gals, but while Marble is cute and nice, we didn't really speak to each other so nothing happened between us. As for Sugar Belle… Where do I even begin? She's kind, talkative, and passionate about her dreams… Did you know she wants to own her bakery once she retires from being a maid? If what you say is true about her wanting to see me, it would make me the happiest stallion in the world. Tell her I look forward to her visiting Sweet Apple Acres because I want to see more of her and get to know her more.

I tell you, Applejack, if you hadn't gone into the Selection, I don't think I would have met Sugar Belle regardless… And I hope everything's goin' okay with you and Prince Spike, from what you told us in your first letter, it sounds like you had a mighty close call of not bein' with him… But it makes us so happy that you can keep in contact with us through him. Especially since Princess Celestia gave us instructions to send our letters to her and she'd take it from there. It never ceases to amaze me how powerful our alicorn princesses can be… But I'm getting' off topic here, just promise me you'll keep writin' to us and keep us updated once you and the prince get married.

Your brother, Big Mac.

Applejack smiled at her brother's words and quickly found some parchment but couldn't find a quill until Winona came up to her with one in her mouth as she wagged her tail. Her mistress chuckled and took the pen as she rubbed her pup's head. Then she began to write.

Hey, that's great to hear, Big Mac. I will definitely let Sugar Belle know you're willing to see her again and that you think highly of her just as she thinks highly of ya. As for how Spike and I are doin', things had never looked better for us. There's still a hiccup we have to encounter but I got a feelin' we'll get past that soon enough. In meantime, let Apple Bloom and Granny know I'll be writin' to them soon. I love you all very much.

Your sister, Applejack.