• Published 9th Apr 2017
  • 3,004 Views, 185 Comments

A Dragon's Selection - CartoonNerd12

A Selection AU. 35 mares. 1 dragon. The competiton of a lifetime.

  • ...

Chapter 30

Author's Note:

Fluff galore in this chapter! With some sultry in the mix. Sorry if you were expecting an update yesterday but I wasn't feeling so good so I couldn't. Okay, here's what's going to happen regarding the rest of the story, I'm going to release one more chapter, then I'm going to take a break due to the fact we have to wait for an episode in Season 7 to air which if my sister and I estimating right won't be until close to the end of summer. It sucks, I know, but I really think this episode might give me some good inspiration. So in the meantime, enjoy this chapter and tell me what you think of it. Your feedback is very important to me.

"Well this has been a weird day full of revelations." said Spike as he met Applejack in her room that night. She had finishing explaining Sunset's changed behavior just as he told her about what Rarity did and told him. He could tell she wasn't thrilled that Rarity kissed him but there was relief afterwards when learning that neither of them felt anything. But he had just been as surprise when she told him about Sunset crying and explaining herself on why the unicorn acted the way she did in the first place.

"It sure has…" she sighed while lying top of her bed as she stretched out.

Spike couldn't help staring at her figure and the way she was laying there… it was quite a tempting position as he found himself wanting to lie on top of her and start kissing her to no end but kept himself in check, there was too much at stake right now so he would have to wait. Then he realized her silky blonde mane was up in a braided bun this whole time.

He asked, "What's with your hair?"

She sat back up to face him, "Just thought I try somethin' different, maybe then I can be different and act the way your father wants me to."

Spike shook his head, "Applejack… just because you have to be obedient doesn't mean you have to change yourself completely… It's like I said, you only need to follow my father's orders until Ember is the new Dragon Lord. This mane style is not you in the least, in fact I like how you keep your hair down…" he started undoing the do and when the mane fell onto her shoulders, he sighed happily, "Much better…" and began to stroke.

Applejack smirked, "The only reason you like my hair down is so you can run your claws through it."

He replied suggestively, "Maybe… or maybe I just like touching you so much…"

"Is that a fact, lover boy?" she asked playfully.

"Yes, it's a fact of life." he flirted.

"Then how's this for a fact of life… I can beat ya in any contest you throw at me…" she kept smirking.

"That sounds more like a challenge then a fact of life." he smirked back.

"And if it is?" she led on.

"Then I'm going to have come with a challenge that will show you that I can beat you at your own pace." he pretended to ponder on it, "Say… whose the strongest?"

"You're on!" she grabbed hold of his face and kissed him square on the lips, leaving him in quite a bit of a daze. Then she moved back to grab the letter she wrote this afternoon and asked, "Oh, before you go, think you can send this letter to my brother?"

Getting out his daze, he smiled, "I can do that." taking the letter and blew fire on it, making it disappear.

"Thanks… I can't tell you how grateful I am that you agreed to turn yourself into a walking mailbox…" she slightly giggled.

He shook his head in amusement, "I wanted to do it…" then said seriously, "Your family is important to you and I hate how you were force to choose between them and me, but I want to thank you for staying…" he put his arms around her, "that meant so much to me…"

She kissed his arm, "It means just as much that you're here next to me…"

Spike smiled as he held her closer, "Since now that the other girls have given up their pursuit of me, I'm all yours now." he kissed the back of her head and slowly made his way down to her back.

Applejack was lost in pure bliss from those kisses as her thoughts screamed, Sweet Celestia, never let this end!

Unfortunately it had to come to an end as Spike stopped kissing and got up making Applejack do something that was completely out of character for her, she whimpered.

Spike faced her with a sad smile, "Believe me, I don't want stop this anymore then you do, but the timing is off since we still need to wait for approval… But when that happens… We'll have all the time we want and we won't have to hold back…"

"Promise?" she questioned.

He nodded, "Promise." he took her hoof and kissed it. "Now what time should I pick you up tomorrow for that contest?" he smirked.


"Not soon enough."

She smirked, "I can do 11:45."

"Done." he kissed her lips this time before going out the door.

Applejack apologized the next day when Coco presented her with a sweet looking dress, "Sorry you had to make it all for nothing…"

But Coco shook her head, "It's okay, besides, the trip wasn't a complete loss…" she blushed.

Night Gilder rolled her eyes, "She's talking about the guy she met, Silver Shill."

Applejack's eyes widen before a smile crept on her face as Coco stammered out.

"He was looking for more material to make Sir Hoity-Toity wigs when he saw me struggling to get a fabric on the top shelf and he helped me out by lifting me up…"

"Aw…" AJ gushed.

Coco blushed further, "Once I had the fabric, we started talking and well… I asked him he wanted to have dinner some night…"

Night Gilder commented, "And that's bold coming from her." telling Coco, "You must've really liked this guy to risk rejection like that."

Coco admitted, "It wasn't easy, but I couldn't let the opportunity pass me by."

NG said, "At least he said 'yes' by the time I came to get you."

Applejack smiled further from that answer, Atta boy, Shill! And since she knew Silver and Coco's personal histories together, she realized the relationship actually had potential! Coco will definitely be a better pony for him then I ever could be… Then she addressed Coco, "You should take the dress for your date."

The reserved mare gasped, "I couldn't!"

The earth pony motioned, "I insist. Also, I think the dress will be better on you then it ever would on me." she smirked.

Coco flushed as she beamed, "Thank you…"

"Yer welcome." she checked the clock on the wall, "Speaking of dates, mine's going to be here soon."

Her maids giggled as they started to leave the room and wished her luck.

Spike and Applejack made it to the castle's gym where the guards would do training exercises, but today it was completely empty thanks to Spike's request to Shining Armor to make sure they would have the room all to themselves.

He questioned to his date, "So how we do go about this of finding out who's the strongest?"

Applejack went, "Hmmm…" as she looked around before settling on a couple of barbells hanging on a rack. She went to them and told Spike, "Whoever can throw these the farthest should prove which of one is the strongest."

Spike gave a determined look, "Deal."

Applejack grabbed a fifteen pound barbell and with a hup she threw it across the room where it landed with a clang. She smirked at the result, then turned to the dragon stating, "Your turn, lover boy."

Spike smirked back as he also grabbed a fifteen pound barbell and brace himself. Then in one quick motion, he threw the barbell across the room where it also landed with a clang.

They quickly went over to see which barbell was further but to their complete surprise the barbells were in the exact same position! It was a tie.

"Whoa…" uttered Spike, "Garble wasn't kidding about earth ponies rivaling us in strength…"

Applejack slightly scowled, "I rather you not mention that scaly varmint…"

Spike turned to her with a concern look, "Why?"

She sighed, "He came to me a few nights ago tryin' to bully me into leaving…"

Spike gnashed his teeth, "He didn't hurt you, did he?"

She shook her head, "No. But I sure wasn't goin' let him tell me what to do."

He sighed in relief, "Good…" there was a pause before he said, "You know, I thought he was cool, my cousin. I actually looked up to him when I was younger. He let me hung with him during the Great Dragon Migration and taught me how to be a dragon, and everything was going so well until he and a couple of his friends took me on a raid to swipe eggs from a phoenix's nest…"

Applejack gaped at this information.

He continued, "Luckily, the eggs were already hatched and the chicks got away with their parents, but while Garble was chasing them, I found there was one egg that hadn't hatch yet. So I took the egg back home and letting it hatch without my cousin trying to smash it. Because of that, I had Pee-wee, and we've best pals since." he blew on his fingers, and with a squawk, a majestic phoenix showed up and landed on Spike's waiting arm.

The dragon introduced his pet to his mare, "Applejack, Pee-wee. Pee-wee, Applejack."

AJ chuckled, "Howdy, Pee-wee." tipping her hat to him.

Pee-wee squawked as he nudged his head to her.

Spike smiled at the sight, "He likes you."

She smirked, "And I like him."

Spike signaled Pee-wee to go as he sat on the floor and she did the same. They ended up staring into each other's emerald eyes, as Spike reached for her hoof and whispered, "I like you too, you know… well, more than like… I like, like you…"

Her eyes gleamed from hearing that, she could tell he was so close to saying it. And in his eyes he was hoping she would do the same.

"I feel the same…" she replied softly.

He was on the edge of tears coming down. Before they could be shed, she gently wiped the wetness away before kissing his cheek. He cupped her face and moved his lips to hers. As their tongues twirled in their mouths, they were so lost in the kissing that Spike landed on top of his back with her right on top. When they took a breath, he chuckled while moving his claws through her hair.

"Is this always going to be a habit with us? Kissing at every chance we get?"

Applejack smirked, "I would think so…" as she leaned forward close to his face she said, "By the way, I want a rematch of who's the strongest…"

He gave a sly grin, "An arm wrestling contest then to determine it once and for all?"

She kept smirking while moving closer to his face, "Hm… I was thinkin'… more along the lines… of tongue wrestlin'…"

"Challenge accepted, my dear…" he quipped remembering how Applejack didn't like being called 'my dear' when they first met.

"Oh-ho-ho, you just asked for it now, lover boy…" she pressed her lips onto his with force, demanding access.

When he did let her in, their tongues danced making the kiss that much more pleasurable. When they took a breath, they looked at each other for a moment. Before Spike uttered, "Who do you think won?"

Applejack shook her head, "Honestly? I could really careless…"

He softly chuckled as he held her in an embrace. "I'll have to go soon, but it's hard to depart from you…"

She nodded, feeling the exact same way.

"Can I pick you up at 11: 45 again tomorrow?"

"That would be amazing…" she sighed into his chest.

They stayed like that for a few moments before having to say their bittersweet goodbyes.