• Published 9th Apr 2017
  • 3,004 Views, 185 Comments

A Dragon's Selection - CartoonNerd12

A Selection AU. 35 mares. 1 dragon. The competiton of a lifetime.

  • ...

Chapter 12

She had her hooves around the dragon as he kissed her head, she wasn't wearing her hat. They were in the gardens lying on the grass as they cuddled close to each other with the setting sun as their only light.

"I'm sorry about before…" she whispered, "You're right, you're one doing the choosing not me, even I don't agree to a choice you made…"

He softly replied, "I shouldn't have yelled at you like that… I don't want you to think your opinion doesn't matter to me but I don't want you to make a decision that's supposed to be mine in the first place…"

"I may not understand your choice in Sunset but the others you chose are good enough for me to overlook her in the mix."

"If you really want to know, I would pick you over her any day…"

"Really?!" she asked in excitement.

He smirked while running his claws through her hair making her cuddle closer into his chest, "As it turns out, I have serious problem of not being able to stay away from you… If this were a simple matter I would have sent everyone else home but am I wrong to assume your feelings to me are still unsure?"

Applejack sighed and faced him to shake her head.

"Then I'll have to hedge my bets. All I want is your happiness, Applejack, whether that's me or your family, I just want you to be sure of yourself, and have nothing holding you back from making that choice…"

"I agree. But in order to do that I need to talk to my family. Silver told me that Apple Bloom approves of us getting together but he's not sure about Granny and Big Mac. If I can have their blessings, then it would make my decision a heck of a lot easier."

In one swift motion he kissed her lips. She was surprise by the impact but she gave in and held his head closer, feeling his tongue in her mouth. When they broke apart he uttered, "I can do that for you…"

Her eyes widen as she sat up in shock. He sat up with a smirk on his face. "I can have Princess Celestia's bring all the families of Elite here so you girls can see them again before I decide."

Now it her turn to kiss him as she grabbed his face and struggled to gain access in his mouth, he let her in and the two while lost in their osculation ended up tumbling back onto the grass when there was a rustling coming from a distance as a guard shouted, "Your highness! Your highness! Where are you?"

Spike groaned as he sat up again and looked over the hedge that him and Applejack were hiding behind, called back, "What is it?"

The guard, Sir Sentry approached him with an apologetic look, "Forgive me, your highness, but you must come back inside now, it's no longer safe out here, and with half the guards being injured and unable to perform their duties-"

"I understand." Spike stated and sighed, "We'll be in shortly."


Applejack lifted her head up over the hedge to show herself to the guard.

"Oh…" the guard felt embarrassed for disturbing them, "My apologies, miss. But I'm sure you understand why we need to keep the prince safe."

Applejack slightly smiled, "I most certainly do. In fact I wouldn't mind it if I had a spear right now so I can protect the prince myself in case anyone tried to attack him."

The guard chuckled, "Out of all of the girls in the Selection I believe you would be the only one able to do that." he said to the prince, "Two minutes." then he left leaving them alone again.

"We're going to have to start doing indoor activities from now on…" he said with a sad smile.

Applejack started going with him following her, "That's okay, we just need to think what we would like to do together. Like I can bake some tasty treats in the kitchen and have you taste-test them."

His eyes lit up, "Even better! We can have a bake-off!"

She stopped to face him and asked in amazement, "You bake?!"

"Oh? Didn't I ever tell you? When I was younger I learned how to cook on royal visits. If Ember or Twilight were busy I would go into the kitchens to get some treats but I always ended up getting cooking lessons instead. So…" he asked with a mischievous glint in his eye, "You interested?"

Applejack grinned wickedly. She was never one to back down from a challenge. "Oh, I'm very interested! In fact you're looking at one of the best bakers of all Ponyville!"

Now it was Spike's turn to be intrigue before slightly smirking.

"Tomorrow, then? In the kitchen? To determine who the best baker is ever?"

"You're. On!" she held her hoof out for him to shake instead he scooped her up and kissed her. She smirked, "You're certainly kissy tonight lover boy, any reason?"

He touched her forehead with his forehead as they looked into each other's emerald eyes, "No reason. I just like being with you…"

She smiled happily as she let him carry her all the way back to the castle.

Princess Celestia had invited the Elite over to her suite to have tea with her. Twilight seemed a little uncomfortable being around her mentor but the princess was too busy talking to the others to notice. She then asked them, "If you were the one chosen to marry Prince Spike what would your wedding be like?"

Pinkie put her hoof up right away, "Ooh! I would totally plan the whole the thing! It would be the biggest party in all of Equestria!"

Rarity gestured, "I would want seven bridesmaids and a traditional Canterlot wedding since those are the hugest weddings ever known."

Fluttershy softly added, "I would want my animals to partake in my wedding."

Sunset motioned with a smug look, "Well I wouldn't want bridesmaids or animals, they would be too distracting, I want all eyes on me."

Celestia looked at the cowgirl, "And you, Miss Applejack?"

AJ was unprepared for this question, "Oh… um… I really haven't given it much thought… Any wedding that happened in my family always occurred at Sweet Apple Acres, to be honest I kind-of always pictured my wedding there as well." Suddenly dreams from her fillyhood came flooding back to her… How she would be in front of the barn in a simple white gown and all her relatives across Equestria came to see her on her big day… The thought made her sad when she realized she wasn't going to have that if she married Spike. Suddenly more dreams filled her head as she pictured herself working on the farm with her children running around and playing. Children… Her eyes widen when she realized that she and Spike were two separate species! They might not even be able to breed together!

She gawked at this revelation causing everyone to stare at her.

Twilight asked, "Applejack? Are you okay?"

Applejack suddenly said, "I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner!"

Celestia said in concern, "Think of what sooner, dear?"

"Children! Spike's a dragon! I'm a pony! What if we can't have kids?!"

The other girls' eyes widen at this realizing the truth behind that statement.

Celestia looked sad then and said, "You're right about that, Miss Applejack…"

Fluttershy sadly said, "Oh, my… I never realized it either… And I always hoped I would be a mother someday…"

Rarity dejectedly agreed, "So did I…"

Pinkie had tears in her eyes, "Does that mean if I win, I'll never get to be a mommy?!"

Twilight muttered while looking down, "I want to be a mother…"

Sunset was the only one who didn't seem to care about this, and shrugged, "Eh, I never did see myself with kids, so this actually works out for me." she had a tiny smirk.

Celestia addressed the upset girls, "I understand your worries and rest assure I will have a long talk with his highness about this and see what his feelings on this are…"

Spike was about to go to the kitchen for his date with Applejack when Princess Celestia appeared at his bedroom door. Slowly he began to fret.

"Princess? What it is? Is everything alright?!"

"That will depend on you, Spike…" she walked in as she said, "I was asking the girls during tea what they would like for a wedding until one of them brought up an interesting topic…"

He raised a brow, "Like what?"

"Children." she simply stated.

"Oh." then his eyes widen from the impact of the word, "Oh!"

She nodded, "Hm-mm."

He started blushing uncontrollably and twiddled his fingers in nervousness. He never really pictured himself a father given how all his life he was told he was going to have to marry a pony and that his aunts and uncles from the past Selections never had kids so the idea of having kids never popped into his head.

"Almost all of the girls were upset by this. As they told me how they had wanted to be mothers. And I will admit it's taken me completely by surprise. It's a whole new situation that I've never dealt with before in previous Selections."

He finally spoke, "That's understandable, my aunts and uncles don't exactly have that drive to mate with one another…"

"But do you? Do any of these girls make you feel that way?"

He felt warm all over his body. As the memory of him and Applejack laying in the grass last night came to him and how he kept kissing her again and again. Like there was this primal urge to devour her, but not in the eating sense, more of… the breeding sense… With a gulp he said to the alicorn, "Um… maybe?"

A tiny smile appeared on her face, "I was hoping you would say that…"

"Uh?" he said as his heat was replaced with confusion.

"Long ago, your great-uncle Matchstick and aunt Brambleberry longed to have a child of their own. But the Dragon Lord did not permit it. He allowed for the wedding to happen given it's what brought our two lands together but to have a child of that union was unheard of and downright immoral. At least in the Dragon Lord's eyes it was… Luna and I however wanted to help the couple so we along with Discord created a potion that would allow two creatures that were so love with each other to become fertile and have that ability to reproduce. However in our experimentations we created many beasts in Equestria because of this…"

Spike scoffed, "Bet I know who went overboard there."

"Yes, you're correct to assume Discord but Luna also wanted more nightly creatures as well so they're both to blame. But the point is, we offered them the potion but they feared by taking it, it would only cause strife and that it would bring upon another war between ponies and dragons. Reluctantly, we agreed with them. We vowed to keep the potion safe so in the future if a dragon prince and mare fell in love during the Selection we could give it to them."

"But since there hasn't been…" he started.

"Until now." she finished.

"That's amazing. So you kept the potion all this time?"

"That's right, we've been waiting to give it to the right couple." she smiled.

"Can I have a chance to talk it over with the girls before you get it?"

"Of course, I just wanted to present you with the opportunity in case you needed to ease the girls of their concerns over this."

"Thank you, Princess. I will definitely consider your offer. Oh! I almost forgot to ask you this. But I was wondering if it was possible to invite the Elite's families to the castle because I know some of the girls have missed them and I think it would be good for the girls to see their families again before I make a choice."

"I think that is an excellent idea! May I suggest we invite them in time for Nightmare Night? After all it's coming up very soon and the girls can enjoy the festivities with their families before the final choosing."

"Good idea, Princess. And thank you."

"You're welcome. Now… I do believe you have some place to be…" she smirked.

He cringed when he realized how late he was to his date! And ran out of the room.