• Published 9th Apr 2017
  • 3,011 Views, 185 Comments

A Dragon's Selection - CartoonNerd12

A Selection AU. 35 mares. 1 dragon. The competiton of a lifetime.

  • ...

Chapter 10

Author's Note:

Couldn't wait any longer, have another chapter!

The days went on and over that time, three more mares had been eliminated. Applejack was still having a hard time weighing between Spike and her family of course it didn't help that she was so far away from home and that working on the farm was becoming a distant memory to her. And Spike had been busy with the other girls that he hasn't spent any time with her since their kiss. Then as she was walking around the foyer of the castle she spotted a familiar gray stallion with big square glasses on. She called out to him.

"Silver Shill!"

The stallion saw her and went to her, "Applejack!"

"It's great seeing you again, but what are ya doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing. I thought you said that you would never take part in this."

Applejack uneasily chuckled, "Yeah… I might have sort-of… changed my mind…?"

Silver slightly smiled, "I thought so, given how we seen you on the big screen in the sky."

"Big screen in the sky?"

"Yeah, that's how we saw the interview with you and Discord."

"Ah, so that's what Luna meant by how he was able to broadcast across Equestria…" she shook her head, "But we're gettin' off topic here. Why exactly are you here?"

Silver lit up with excitement, "I just got the job of being Sir Hoity-Toity's personal wig maker!"

"Really? That's great!"

"Yeah, he was on business in Ponyville when he saw my stand of wigs and asked if I made them. When I said yes, he offered me this job!"

She smiled, "I'm happy for you, Shill. You deserve it. Tell me, how's my family been faring since I been away?"

Silver gave a sad smile, "They really miss you and Apple Bloom was disappointed at how you didn't come home right away…"

Applejack bit her lip in guilt, Oh, Apple Bloom I'm sorry… I know I said I would be home… but I'm just so confused from my feelings to Spike…

"But when she saw how happy you looked on the big screen and that when you said those things about the prince, she knew then that you were in love and started jumping in joy for you."

Applejack was shocked to hear that and ended up sputtering, "I'm not in love with him! I just… I just… think we might have something, that's all. And you can tell that little mischief maker as such when you see her again."

Silver chuckled, "So yeah, she's totally okay with you going after the prince now that she knows you like him."

She asked in uncertainty, "What about Big Mac and Granny?"

"Well they were surprised by your sudden change of heart but they know you would never lie so they're happy knowing the prince is taking good care of you. But I can't say for sure if they want you to go after him or not…"

"Hmm…" she thought, If I could know for certain how they feel about this… Maybe it would finally give me the thing I need to decide between them and Spike…

"I have some more news from Ponyville if you want to hear about it."

"Darn tootin' I do! Tell me everything that's been happening!"

Spike had been endlessly searching the castle for Applejack since he felt a little guilty for not spending much time with her especially since after having their first kiss together when he heard talking coming from the foyer and found the country mare with another stallion! He quickly hid from view behind a column as they kept talking, it was hard making out what they were saying to each other but it sounded like they knew each other back in Ponyville. Spike felt a bubbling in his stomach and his claws dug in the column at the thought that these two used to be old flames.

Come on, Spike, get a grip on yourself! She would have told you about having an ex before and for all we know they could just be old friends! If you're so worried about losing her then get in there and ask!

He let go of the column and took a deep breath as he stepped forward. The stallion saw him first and he quickly bowed in respect. Applejack looked back in confusion until she saw him and her face lit up as she ran to his arms.

"Spike! I didn't think I would see you so soon!"

The dragon slightly grinned, "I was looking for you but you weren't in your room or anywhere else in the castle."

"Sorry about that, I was just wandering around thinkin' when I came across my old friend, Silver Shill here."

The stallion rose up, "It's an honor to meet you, your highness."

Spike still had a bubbling feeling in his stomach but he extended his claw and shook Silver's hoof not aware of its tight grip to it.

Silver winced when they had let go, "That's some strength you have there, your highness."

Spike slightly smirked, "Thanks, I work out." he flex a muscle.

Applejack looked at him strangely, Why is he acting so weird to Shill? It's almost as if he was being threaten' by him! Her eyes widen at the thought, realizing there was truth behind it. She noticed now how Spike's tail was almost wrapped around her almost as if he was trying to protect her! Her heart nearly leapt out in joy as she comprehended that Spike was jealous! But she knew that she had to reassure him that Silver meant no harm and said.

"Silver and I go back to when Granny got scammed into buying a tonic that supposedly could cure all ailments."

Silver said uncomfortably, "Regrettably I was part of that scheme but when Applejack saved her grandmother from a terrible stunt I spoke up then and told everyone the tonic was worthless."

AJ added, "We've been friends since then."

Spike seemed to relax a bit, "So you two never…?"

The two shook their heads. Applejack said, "It never came to that."

Inwardly Spike was rejoicing, What a relief!

"If I may say your highness, you are lucky to have this mare in your Selection. She's always putting others first before herself and she's honest to a fault."

Spike smiled at this, "I'm quite aware of this dear mare's finest qualities. Partially why she's still here…" he looked at Applejack when he said that last part making a smile appear on her lips.

Silver said, "I have to get going now and meet with Sir Hoity-Toity, it was nice seeing you again Applejack and it was a pleasure to meet you your highness." with a tiny wave he went on his way.

Spike and Applejack faced each other.

"So, what would you like to do?" he asked her.

"Gosh, I'm not sure, I guess we can go back to the gardens, but if you feel we should do something different, go ahead and say it."

"Hmm…" he pondered on it and said, "Nah, I like to think the gardens have become our place, and I haven't brought anyone else there, so…"

She smiled bright at this tidbit of information. She really didn't like the idea of him using the gardens for the other girls. It was the place they first met after all and that's what made it extra special to her.

"By the way, I forgot to ask you that night in your room if you liked Bloomberg that is if that's what you're calling him."

She chuckled, "I am. And I love him. I didn't think you would go so far as to give me an apple tree sapling where did you get him anyway?"

"I took a seed from an apple I was eating and planted it in a large pot then I asked Discord to put a growth spell on it. He thought the idea was amusing so he went it."

She shook her head in amusement; it was just so touching at what he did.

"And when's your birthday? Rarity's coming up soon and I promised her a big party so we can celebrate."

"Oh, my birthday won't be for awhile."

"Well, shall we?" he offered his arm.

She happily took it as they headed outside.

Rarity's party was held in the ballroom as the Selected talked and laughed with each other. Expect Sunset was in a corner by herself not being in a partying mood. Applejack could see Rarity was the center of the attention with her wearing a beautiful white dress that made her look bridal. A band was playing classical music as some of the mares danced to it. Guards were stationed around the room and she saw Twilight was again close enough to one of them while keeping a close distance to the party. It was odd but remembering their talk she wouldn't pry.

She also noticed the large amount of presents on the table and she felt bad that she had nothing to offer Rarity on her special day. That's when Pinkie showed up out of nowhere, asking.

"Whatcha doing?"

She yelped at the pink mare's appearance.

"Ah! Yourself! But that doesn't answer my question, silly."

"I was just looking at the gifts, and I realize that I don't having anything to give Rarity for her birthday."

"Well why didn't you say so?!"

"Uh, thought I just did…"

Pinkie started bouncing around, "You should totally give her something that comes straight from the heart!"

"Um, how am I going to do that?"

"Do you play any instruments?"

"Well I do play the fiddle a little."

"Perfect!" she zoomed away and came back holding a fiddle. "Here you go."

"Where did you…? Never mind I don't think I want to know." she took the fiddle.

She went over to Rarity who was talking with Fluttershy and few other girls when Applejack cleared her throat to get their attention. She addressed, "I would like to play something for you if you like as a birthday gift."

Rarity perked up at the gesture, "Oh! Yes! I would love to hear you play!"

"I must warn ya though it's not the kind of music you're used to hearing…"

Fluttershy said, "Oh, I'm sure whatever music you play doesn't make it any less special since you're trying to give Rarity a birthday present."
The prime and proper unicorn stated, "Fluttershy is absolutely correct. Now play! Play!"

Applejack took a deep breath as she took the bow in her mouth and lift the fiddle in her hoof as she placed the bow on it. She then played the song 'Happy Birthday' in a country tune. Around her, the other mares heard her and listened to her play even the band that was playing quieted down to listen.

Spike was on his way to the ballroom when he heard the country music playing and he only he knew of one pony that had a love for it and sure enough when he entered the room with his gift to Rarity he saw Applejack playing on the fiddle until she came to a stop. Everyone applauded to her including him and he even shouted.

"Brava! Brava!"

The mares turned to him and quickly crowded around him in excitement but he kept looking at Applejack with a smile. The cowgirl blushed at the smile until she heard a screech and she turned to see Rarity had a large stain on her dress! Sunset stood next to her holding an empty glass while looking mortified but AJ knew that was just an act.

Sunset said with fake sincerity, "I'm sooo sorry Rarity! It just slipped from my hoof!"

Rarity bawled, "Ruin! Just ruin! I'll never be able to get the stain out!" she rushed out of the room with tears running down her cheeks.

Spike called out to her, "Rarity, wait!" he rushed after the unicorn.

Applejack felt disappointed that Spike didn't stay longer and glared over to Sunset as she claimed to the others how it was an accident.

Twilight scowled as she told Applejack, "Of all the things she had to… She just had to ruin Rarity's dress on her birthday."

Pinkie pointed out, "We really need somepony to get her out of this competition."

AJ thought in determination, And I'm just the pony to do it…

Spike found Rarity in an empty room as the unicorn kept sobbing. He softly said her name before putting a claw on her shoulder. She turned to him, "Oh… Spike… I'm terribly sorry… I didn't want to look like a mess to you…"

"It's okay."

"It's just I put a lot of work into this dress and I really wanted to look and feel gorgeous for my birthday, I was hoping you would like it as well…"

"I do. It's beautiful on you." he smiled.

That made her smile a little as she said, "Well, it would be without the stain."

He slightly chuckled, "I know all about stains, one time, I was eating some blueberries until they got on my scales. It took weeks before I could get the stain out."

She let out a lighthearted giggle.

"It's great to hear you laugh again. Here, I have a present for you." he handed her a jeweled box.

She opened it and let out a huge gasp then a huge squeal, "Is that…? A firestone ruby?! The most rare of all gems?!"

He beamed, "That's right. I figured it was the perfect gift on your birthday."

"Oh, Spike!" she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek!

He blushed at the touch and gave a cheesy smile.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" she embraced him.

"You're welcome." he embraced her back.