• Published 7th Apr 2017
  • 2,988 Views, 974 Comments

The Influence - GMSeskii

Twilight Sparkle awakens in a mysterious room with a mysterious artifact - in a story where your comments influence the outcome.

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Author's Note:

[IMPORTING][…Yes I suppose ruler is fitting. So long as we wish to speak with you, we must follow some unspoken rules. The majority of which are simple common sense… …THAT, Twilight, THAT REEDING ENTITY IS WHAT YOU HAVE TO FEAR!! The people I work for call it the Sweeper. it’s the thing that puts on the whole show. Others call it Blackjack, but they don’t know it’s power like I do. They’re new, they haven’t seen pony after pony taken against their will to be a part of it’s sick games…Look I’m, I’m sorry okay, I’m stressed, my job is to make sure you remain interesting to the people viewing, the… other voices, and the countless observers that aren’t able to gain enough strength to become a voice. I tend to get mad at times, and for that I am sorry, it’s just so infuriating watching the Sweeper take and take and take until there’s nothing left! I can’t say much because it’ll be watching, but just.. just make sure to stay as interesting as possible, do unexacting things, fight the villains, be Daring Do and save the day! IT doesn’t matter what specifically you do, JUST DON’T WASTE TIME!!!… …Akumakami again - ]sorry about that, I didn’t realize how much I was actually telling you until after the fact. Still, glad to help and I appreciate you asking Diorite. Ahh, the standard creepy dream scene. Twilight, listen to me carefully. Calm your withers. This thing, which is likely either an avatar of Blackjack or is talking to Blackjack through the eye, knows everything that’s going on. However, in these situations it either needs you for some reason or, quite possibly is watching you mostly out of curiosity. That said, if it attacks or anything like that? I only have one thing to say: µß∂ˆø√¨∑ˆµ…¬˙ß∂˚¬¥® Now, when you get done dreaming and panicking, I want you to go out to the edge of town and look around. 1. The Princess of Friendship will happen upon a broken sword in the field. 2. The Student of Celestia will notice ravens flying in circles. 3. The egghead of Ponyville will spot a lone apple tree. 4. Twilight Sparkle will see a White Timerbowlf. Sorry for any potential issues those may cause. Doing a little experimenting with what I can do. I know it’s probably frustrating, but see what happens. Think of it as a quasi-scientific experiment on our effect on your surroundings. Good luck. PS: Okay, seriously, a land of ponies and dragons living together? Assuming Draconequus is a legitimate species name, i’m getting more sure that Discord has at least some connection to this place. PPS: Legitimate question of concern - does the Witch’s Eye make flying harder? PPPS: Suggestion: you raised the sun and moon during the whole Tirek thing, albeit not brilliantly, so… is there any way you could sense Celestia and Luna’s magic on them and use it as a compass of sorts pointing to Equestria’s general direction? And if you at least tried, could Celestia and Luna be able to sense your direction due to something messing with their orbs? Food for thought. AK out!… …This is Zen. I don’t know where Key’s information comes form, but this may very well be how the one known as Blackjack would choose to show itself to you. We, or at least I, know precious little of it, rendering it an effectively unknown variable. Whatever this creature is, it is very clearly not addressing you, or not at least not just you. While there are enough moving parts in this matter that certainty is hard to come by , I cannot shake the feeling that it addresses us. So I will respond. I do not know if it can hear me, but if it can’t than at least you will. Anyone or anything that does not know why Twilight Sparkle was chose does not know Twilight Sparkle. She is a compassionate, curious, and intelligent mare. Whatever lay before her on her journey, she has my confidence that she will see through it with aplomb, and will not falter for long should she stumble. And I will at every step endeavor to render her what aid I can so that she will see her friends again… …This is Josh here - I have to say I don’t know why Afizah is bringing up Jack Sparrow he is form a completely different universe, and yes most of us can see into different universes, some, like Blackjack, can even make them, I know that’s a lot to take in, but try to listen to what he’s saying, I have a feeling that it’s important… …Another reason I’m always angry Twilight? Is because everyone is CONSTANTLY FLAKING DOUBTING ME! Zen knows where I get my finromatin, but does he agree with me and help me keep ponies alive in the wake of the Sweeper? NOOOOOOOooooOOOOOoooooo! I’m just Key, oh look at me, I’m some loud idiot that like to yell all the time, it’s not like i’m employed to KEEP THE LASTEST PONY FROM CEASING TO EXIST OR ANYTHING. @#^@#%$#… …Twilight, this is Afizah. Listen carefully, that creature before you is not your friend, it is the one who caused the Witc’s eye to attach to you, but whatever you do, do NOT attack it, for it has lead many victims to death or madness. My sister was one such victim before she ran afoul of that creature. only you will be able to see how somepony dies but it is up to you whether or not you decide to stop the event from happening, but know this should you interfere with the death of one pony another will die in their place… …I’ just trying to think of things she might find to make the adventure experience better. Plus I like having lore or items foremother universes intersect with this one. In fact, I’m making a universe where Twilight tis half-phoenix, but it’s taking a lot of energy doing it alone. Right now I’m going to see if I can gift THIS twilight with some useful skills… Skill Download: skill: telepathy. Download commencing. Error: data corruption.Data purge complete. Remaining incorporated data: mind reading, psychic navigation, danger intrusion. Download recommencing. Download complete. initializing insatllation. Installation complete. Skill description: mind reading. The ability to read/sense the thought of others. Limitations: unable to turn off. Skill description: psychic navigation. The ability to create a mental make of the area. Skill description: danger intrusion. Can sense any sort of danger within a certain radius range. Limitations, unable to shut off faculty. maybe e hard to decipher the impending danger until it happens… …[ERROR: CANNOT DISPLAY VERSE. NOTE: TWILIGHT HEARD, BUT CANNOT BE REPRINTED] HAHAHAHAAH!!!! Are you prepared little mare? Cause soon you shall die… …Akumakami once more - keep in mind, some of us are deliberately trying to freak you out. Afizah and Key seem to be firmly in this category. Also, yes, I’m a guy… …IM NOT TRYING TO FREAK TWILIGHT OUT, I’M TRYING TO WARN HER OF THE DANGER SHE’S IN… …Akumakami in response to Key; since we influence how the story goes, it’s more likely we’re/you’re warping it into being a danger… …Akamakumi, please, if we were truly trying to freak her out then we may have just pretended to be right behind her breathing in a very creepy manner juts to build the tension to even worse level than they were before, wait till she found a place of relative safety, wait till she lowered her guard, then pounce out at her like in that one universe with the run down pizza restaurant. Mmmm I could go for some pizza right now. Bbq chicken pizza with a slide glad of root beer. Hey, Twilight, you want some? The chicken just melts in your mouth. Starts drooling a waterfall. HAHAHAHAHA You scared yet little mare?!… …This is Zen. Do none of you know the meaning of restraint? Or perhaps it’s forethought you lack? All of your insane prattling is going to be funneled directly into Twilight’s mind, which will only make her situation all the more precarious, and if not it still causes her considerable disorientation and discomfort - which is why I have bene purposefully refraining from speaking multiple times before now. And Akumakami, I think you’ll find that, if you go over everything that has happened thus far, any attempt that any of us has made to alter the course of events has been a resounding failure, save for those suggestions made to Twilight which she has chosen to carry out. The notion that we have some ability to alter the nature of reality is utterly baseless. I cannot, for the life of me, think of where you could have gotten that idea. We are voices in Twilight’s head, and as far as we have any reason to believe, the ti sit. And Afizah, what, by all that is sacred, do you think you are doing? Twilight’s brain is not a computer… …From Akumakami: read the summary. And things have just started, Zen. WE don’t know what we can and can’t do yet. It’s an experiment. so leave me to my own little attempts to see what CAN be done and I’ll leave you to yours. I also disagree with it being baseless, but I am tRYING to refrain form overloading this mare’s head. So I won’t get into that. AK out… …It’s Wolf here. I wanted to let you know that I am on your side at least. Ask me for advice anytime, but I may not have all the answers. Also, tell the entity that we didn’t exactly get a choice this time. He should understand… …Zen, I know her brain is not a computer, but I wasn’t downloading the gift directly into her brain, i was downloading it into the eye. It would then activate the skills that had been downloaded in the form of a mental link while she was allowing us to talk to her,. The only way I would do a direct download would be if she was asleep so her brain wouldn’t overheat trying to process all the information. Besides the skills probably won’t even make it to her if the creator chooses not to allow hem anyway… …Well great if that thing is here then the situation is more dire than I thought. Twilight listen, don’t do anything drastic and try to keep an open mind going forward okay… …Mmm, strange indeed. Duke here. I think Key, Zen, and Kami are blowing things way out of proportion. As long as they exist and keep looking at your universe, you will be fine, and the Sweeper will get what he wants. Another thing of note - you’ve been hearing us for… oh about a day and a half, I think. Time flow much slower for us. In the epitome it takes for you to get the update, two or three days have gone by for us. Everyone has hours to compose their Influence on your universe. Do with the information as you see fit, but know that they have all thought this through way more than you could ever hope to. That may not be a good thing…. …We are Light and Dark. I am Light you friend and I want you to be cautions, gather information, and be ready for the worst also pay attention to the small details but most importantly do not stray from the path of righteousness no matter what and never forget your friends and family. I am Dark and I want you to go on a rampage and slaughter all the villagers, even the dragon, use you power and enforce your rule and most importantly forget what is good and embrace the evil within you.]

Twilight regained control of everything - and had a panic attack. The entity was standing right in front of her, as if it was curious.

"You all seem to have a serious case of mistaken identity."

"Uh..." Twilight said.

"Disappointing. While this 'primary' is fascinating, I was hoping my efforts would find something more... knowledgeable."

"Your... Efforts?"

"I am curious if any of you would bother to explain the name 'Sweeper' at a later date. Prove yourselves at least somewhat worthwhile.

"Why do you want to know?"

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't kill your vessel. More time is all you need."

"Would you at least respond to me!?" Twilight screamed.

The entity floated away from her. "You are The Influence, but you woefully misunderstand your own nature. Maybe with time you will mature, and take the place you were meant to."

Twilight gritted her teeth. "I am Twilight Sparkle and you are in my dream - the least you could do is respond!"

The aura became shrouded in a torrent of sand. The entire dream soon became nothing but a super dense sandstorm - and Twilight could feel herself waking up. "Oh come on!"

She sat bolt upright in her bed - it was early morning. The sun hadn't even crested the horizon. She sighed, rubbing her temples... It was probably time to go over what they had said. ...She supposed they were The Influence, if what the entity said was anything to go by. Zen was apparently the only one who was right about the entity - it had been addressing them. The rest had thought it was some avatar of the primary or talking to him... What did it mean?

It meant they were all confused - her, the Influence, all of them. They were trying to figure it out just as much as she was. She was going to go look at the edge of town after talking with Diorite and some elders... To see if she did find anything. Though... "Egghead of Ponyville? Really? You couldn't think of a different title?"

She took a moment to think about Key - he was making her nervous. He seemed wrong, so wrong, about everything, but he seemed so terrified. "You... Key, I'm sorry, but you've said lots of things that don't seem to matter or make sense. Could you... Calm down and try to explain why you're so agitated in such a way that me and the others can understand? Just... Here's some advice, take some deep breaths, count to ten, and think. I know you have time to think about what you're going to say, to make use of it. Please just... I want to know what's gotten you all scared. Because it's scaring me. And something tells me that isn't good."

"And as for those of you who are deliberately trying to freak me out... What's the point of that? Why give me songs? Why try to upload things into my brain? Why talk about food? What is the point?" She shook her head. "I just... I'm trying to figure my way out of this. Zen, Duke? Thanks. You too Akumakuma, even if you are a little weird. Nice to have some people I can trust."

She got out of bed. "Okay... Talk to Diorite... Talk to some elders... then go check out the forest and maybe get Prancey those plants. And..." She paused for a moment, turning to look at the place the sun should rise any minute. Could... Could she contact Celestia through it? She was an alicorn after all...

She took a deep breath. She didn't have the power of four alicorns in her anymore... But she would try. She spread her wings and lit her horn with intense magics. She forged a connection to the sun and strained herself. She wasn't anywhere near powerful enough to fully raise the sun into the sky - but she moved it above the horizon. She probably freaked a few ponies out by doing it a little earlier than expected, but it did move.

Then something moved it back.

Twilight smiled. Celestia. Now... ...How was she going to communicate by moving the sun? She didn't have enough power to draw pictures with it... She would try Moose code. She shifted the sun back and forth four times - but she quickly realized she didn't have enough power for this. It was... far, far too much of a tax on her. She stopped, letting out a breath. Then she walked down the stairs and out into the town.

The town was in a mild panic, scurrying left and right, holding their heads and yelling.

Diorite was up in the air, waving his arms. "Now now, calm down... The sun has stopped moving. Everything's back to normal. There's nothing to worry about."

Twilight gulped. Oh...

Feckless screamed. "WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!"

Diorite facepalmed. "Feckless, you know you have to keep your citizens calm right?"

"But what if I'm not calm!?"

"Oh for the..." Diorite sighed. "You know what, I'm just going to let them panic until they all get too tired to continue. Hello Twilight, sorry about this, a cosmological trouble has scared the ponies."

"I... noticed," Twilight said, looking a bit sheepish.

Diorite narrowed his eyes a little, as if he saw something in her face, but shook his head. "Anyway, what is it you wish to know?"

"You... Well a few things actually, but first off, what kind of dragon are you? You look different from the ones I know."

"Lung," Diorite answered, "there are many dragon tribes, ranging from the common, to the amphithere, to those mysterious sky serpents. Some of us even have feathers. But we're all big lizards. Your turn - what are alicorns like?"

"Oh, uh, we're a rare breed - I only know of five, myself included - and we're essentially a combination of all three pony races. We have internal unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony magic. Admittedly I've only really used my unicorn aspect to any significant degree, but I've been working on the other two."

Diorite nodded. "Did you get a cloak yet?"

"Oh! No." She looked down at the Witch's Eye. "...Forgot about that." She looked at her wings. "...That's going to make flying even more annoying. The Witch's Eye is a little heavy."

"...The Witch's Eye?"

"It's what I call this thing." She tapped the artifact. "Not sure if that's its real name, but I have to call it something, you know?"

"Ah. I can direct you to the tailor - an old mare by the name of Malty - though you may wish to wait until the chaos has died down."

"Guess I'll get it when I get back from the forest..."

Diorite blinked. "...Heading into the Bluemish?"

"I feel like there's probably something in there." She looked around at the stressed ponies. "...I suppose asking an elder about things is pointless now..."

"I'm over a hundred years old."

"Oh, right, sorry. Er, have you heard of a creature called Discord?"

Diorite nodded slowly. "Indeed I have. The reign of weirdness extended to your lands as well?"

"Yeah, actually," Twilight confirmed. "But that was a long time ago..."

"Indeed it was. It was from the ashes of that apparently worldwide terror that Peran was formed. The weirdness forced dragons and ponies to put aside their differences. In much... we have to thank him."

"Nothing more recent though?" Twilight asked.

"No. He just showed up one day, threw everything into chaos, and then vanished without a trace."

Twilight nodded. "He's in Equestria now, if you're curious. Not changing the world into chaos or anything - just living among us. Though to be perfectly honest he is a little annoying."

Diorite blinked slowly. "...Interesting."

Twilight shrugged. "It is, I suppose. Now, uh, excuse me, I'm going to walk around the edge of town because... reasons."

"Suit yourself."

Twilight walked around the edge of town, looking for anything that Akumakami had suggested - there were no swords, ravens, apple trees, or timberwolves. Twilight shrugged. "Well, there's your answer. Doesn't look like you can change much. It would've been nice if you figured that out though, I could really go for a 'Twilight Sparkle finds herself back in Ponyville without explanation' right about now." She frowned, looking towards the Bluemish. She spread her wings and took off into the air - it wasn't much harder to fly, though the Witch's Eye was rather heavy. She flew over the grass and into the woods.

She stopped just inside the treeline, looking around, nodding to herself. There were a few of the glowing blue flowers, but otherwise, all she could see was densely packed green trees. They were the greenest trees she had ever seen - the leaves were a deep green, the trunks were even darker, and the few that were flowering had lighter green buds. She saw no bugs, animals, or anything - just the plants.

She sensed some kinds of odd magic in the place, but there was no path or trail to follow. She shivered - creepy forest indeed. She took a breath and set out.

Three minutes later the Witch's Eye started glowing again. She softly sat down and entered a safe meditation pose...