• Published 16th Feb 2017
  • 4,522 Views, 57 Comments

Kung Fu Dragon - CartoonNerd12

A parody to Kung Fu Panda as Spike is chosen as the Dragon Warrior.

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Chapter 7

The next morning, Twilight was walking down the hall in gloom. When she had reached the girls' rooms, she was surprise at how none of them were out waiting for her. She quickly checked in their rooms, but soon realized they were empty. She started to worry until she found a note in Rarity's room and read it.

Twilight, I'm sorry darling, but the girls and I have agreed that we're going to stall Trixie long enough for you to train Spikey- sorry, Spike. He's certainly not like any dragon we've ever met, given he's the only dragon we have met… but that's beside the point right now. Twilight, help him become the Dragon Warrior he was meant to be, we all have faith in him. So please, have faith in him too…


Twilight was in utter shock before she put the note away and voiced, "Oh, girls…" she knew it was too late to go after them so she had no choice but hope that they would be okay when dealing with Trixie. She then checked Spike's room only to see it was empty as well!

She began to fret as she searched the castle until she smelled something cooking in the kitchens and followed the smell to find Spike making pancakes with his fire breath!

Spike spotted her and stopped what he was doing when seeing the weird look on her face. He inquired, "What? I thought I'd make myself a last meal here at the castle, since I won't be much help when Trixie gets here."

Twilight approached him, "I wouldn't be so sure about that…"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

She asked, "What's the range when you breathe fire like that?"

Spike shrugged, "I don't know, maybe a few feet? I don't really use it that often."

"Hmm… then maybe we can do something about that…"

"I'm afraid I'm not following you…" he admitted with confusion.

Twilight touched his shoulder, "Spike… You are meant to be the Dragon Warrior. As in actual Dragon Warrior. You are a dragon so obviously you're going have the abilities of a dragon like breathing fire."

Spike's eyes widen getting what Twilight was trying to tell him.

She gestured, "Let us put that to good use in the training simulator."

He jumped for joy, "Yeah!"

In moments, Twilight performed her hologram spell and saw first hoof of how Spike blew fire at his opponents all the while using his smarts from the knowledge he had gain from the monster books he had read and his learning experience from watching the girls.

Twilight was completely beside herself when seeing how well Spike was doing on his own without help. She couldn't help but think.
All this time… had I just given him a chance… we would have realized his potential sooner…

Meanwhile, Spike was thinking, I can't believe I didn't think of my fire breath sooner! All this time it was the perfect defense mechanism! How dumb can you get?!

Finally, when they took a break, Twilight rewarded Spike with some gems to eat much to his gratitude.

He munched on the jewels as he mumbled out, "Thanks, teach…"

Twilight shook her head, "If Rarity were here, she would comment on your lack of table manners…"

He gulped the stones down before giving off a somber expression, "Think they're okay? I mean they're going to face off Trixie…"

"I don't want to think about that… I can only hope that their training gives them a fighting chance."

"I'm sure they do, the Elements of Harmony have never once lost a battle."

"Yet…" Twilight muttered then she looked at the dragon with a small smile, "You know, I am really impressed how you were able to use knowledge like that, how about you and I head to the library and you can help me organize some books I've been meaning to shelf?"

"Sure! Anything to keep me distracted from thinking about them battling Trixie…"

"You and me both…" they set out.

The girls had found themselves on the outskirts of Ponyville before they had spotted a unicorn with silver hair and a blue coat coming in the distance. Thanks to Twilight's description, the girls were able to recognize the pony as Trixie. Then when she got closer to them, they stood there to block her path.

The unicorn let out a chuckle, "So where's the Dragon Warrior?"

Applejack scowled, "How do you you're not lookin' at her?"

"Oh…" she laughed, "Trixie knows you're not the Dragon Warrior, none of you are! Trixie heard how he fell out the sky in a ball of fire, that he is a warrior unlike anyone has ever seen!"

Pinkie motioned, "Wellll, she's got a point there, Spike is a warrior unlike anyone's ever seen!"

The others uttered under their breath harshly, "Pinkie!"

Trixie smirked, "So that is his name… Spike. Finally, a worthy opponent for the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

Rarity muttered, "My, my, what boasting…"

Applejack agreed, "All hat and no cattle alright."

Rainbow whispered, "Yeah, what a loudmouth."

Trixie however heard this and grinned deviously, "Well, well, well, it seems we have some neighsayers. Who is so ignorant as to challenge the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

Applejack stepped forth, "I guess that would be me."

"Well then little hayseed, what can you do better than the Great and Powerful Trixie?"

"This!" she took out her rope and started to lasso in the unicorn but at the last second, Trixie teleported behind her and used her magic to take control of the rope and had it wrap around AJ instead and she summoned an apple to put in the country mare's mouth.

Rainbow Dash flew into a charge, shouting, "Oh, you asked for it now!"

But Trixie used her magic to make Rainbow's wing bigger then her making her lose control of her flying and caused her to crash to the ground.

Fluttershy cried out, "Rainbow!" and went to help her.

Rarity meanwhile was trying to free Applejack from her bonds but as Rarity was using her magic to untie the knots the knots kept forming back.

Pinkie gnashed her teeth and shouted, "You big meanie! You let Applejack go and change Dashie back! Or I am going to use my party cannon on you! Or get a yak to smash you!" she kept on ranting.

Trixie groaned, "Ugh, that voice! So annoying!" she quickly casted a spell making a computer mouse arrow and a digital trash can to appear and when using the arrow she made Pinkie's mouth vanish into the trash can!

Pinkie muffled out shouts, no doubt demanding for her mouth to return.

Trixie sighed happily, "Peace and quiet…"

Rarity had seen what happened and yelled, "You monster! How dare you do that to Pinkie!"

"Oh… you mean something like this?" she shot her magical beam at Rarity.

Fluttershy and Rainbow gasped when seeing what Trixie had done to their friend.

"QUICK! I NEED A MIRROR!" Rarity shrieked, "I know she did something to my hair!"

Pinkie held one out and gave a sympathetic look.

Rarity gasped loudly when seeing the green seaweed-like hair and a dress that was in a terrible color scheme, that she started bawling right away.

Trixie gave a smug look, "So there you have it, Trixie is the highest level unicorn in the world!" she laughed evilly.

Fluttershy called out, "The Dragon Warrior will stop you! If not, then Twilight will!"

Trixie smirked, "Twilight may be powerful but Trixie has more power than her… And Trixie can't wait to meet the Dragon Warrior so that Trixie can defeat him! And you can tell him as such…" she used her magic to teleport them away.

Spike and Twilight had been having fun shelving the books when suddenly with a loud pop the girls landed on the library floor! The alicorn and dragon gasped.

Spike ran to them, "Guys!"

Twilight looked on in horror of how the girls that were touched by Trixie's magic were affected. But that's not possible! The Alicorn Amulet's power should have diminished while she was in Tartarus! Unless… she quickly took out a book and started flipping pages.

While Twilight was researching, Spike was helping comfort their friends from the spells Trixie casted on them and tried to get Applejack out by unknotting the ropes when that didn't work, he resorted to using his claws and to his luck the twine broke!

Applejack got the apple out her mouth and sighed in relief, "Thanks Spike." but when she looked at him, her heart started to pound like crazy and she had no idea why.

And once more when Spike looked into her eyes, the bubbling sensation returned. And there it is again! Why does that always happen whenever I'm this close to Applejack?

But he couldn't dwell on it further when Twilight shouted.

"Oh no! How could I not have caught that when we had first sent her there?!"

Applejack inquired, "What is it, sugar cube?"

Twilight magically held out her book showing a picture of the Alicorn Amulet. "According to this, the Amulet can still corrupt its wearer even if the wearer is not wearing the Amulet! If the wearer is still vengeful and thirsting for power by the time they're taking off the Amulet then it can transfer a piece of its power to them!"

Rarity exclaimed, "That explains so much!"

"Ha! I knew she wasn't all that great as she said she was!" Rainbow motioned.

Twilight said, "She still has the Amulet's power within her, and there's no known cure of how we can rid that from her. So there's only one solution on how to stop her…" she looked right at Spike and the others did as well.

They gathered in Princess Celestia's suite as Twilight started to get the box containing the Dragon Scroll.

Spike said to her, "Do you really think I'm ready?"

"You are…" Twilight smiled at him then concentrated on the box to open it and lifted the scroll up and handed it to Spike. There was a drum roll and everyone turned to see Pinkie using a drum but once she saw the glares she stopped.

Spike turned back to the scroll in his claws and took a deep breath. He slowly opened it and when it open all the way, he made a yell, making everyone around look on with concern. But then when he got a good look at the scroll he stated.

"It's blank."

"What?!" Twilight shouted.

"Here look!"

"No, I'm forbidden to look upon… Oh, give me that!" she magically took it and looked it over but she could see that Spike was telling the truth and could see nothing but a golden reflection of herself. "Blank… I don't understand… How can that be?!"

Spike sighed, "Look's like Princess Celestia made a mistake after all… She did pick me by accident…"

Twilight stated firmly, "No. Celestia knew better than anyone… She would have not picked you unless there was a reason…"

"Then what is the reason?" he asked with big eyes.

"I…" but she ended up shaking her head, "I don't know…"

Spike sighed and slumped.

Applejack looked between her longtime friend and her new friend, she felt sorry for the both of them feeling lost in this matter. Frankly, she felt lost herself, the Dragon Scroll was the only thing they had that could've stop Trixie but it turned out to be a farce this entire time. The situation was desperate and they didn't know what they were going to do next.

Suddenly Twilight spoke up, "Listen to me, all of you… I need you to evacuate Canterlot."

"What? Why?!" Rainbow pointed.

"Because, I am going to face Trixie… alone…"

"WHAT?!" they shouted though with Pinkie she muffled it.

Twilight expressed, "You heard me…"

Spike protested, "No! There's no telling what she'll do to you!"

"I have to… it's time for me to face my past no matter how much I don't want to…"

Applejack started, "Twilight, we can't let you-"

But Twilight's raised hoof made her stop as the alicorn kept speaking, "I want to thank all of you for being the best friends I could have asked for. When I first brought you here I didn't want to get in close for fear of history repeating itself but you had eased those fears in our time together and now I just want to keep you safe. I need all of you to respect that decision. As your princess, I command it."

The tears came down and the girls quickly got into a group hug with Fluttershy saying, "We love you, Twilight…"

Twilight's tears ran down as she softly said, "I love you girls too…" she spotted Spike on the side and motioned for him to join in. He did as his own tears came out and embraced the group.