• Published 2nd Feb 2017
  • 5,316 Views, 892 Comments

Prickle Berry Tries to Be Careful - David Silver

Prickle didn't ask to become so strong, but it just happened. Now, as a growing foal, she's mightier than many grown stallions. What's an earth-filly to do? She tries her best to move forward and not draw attention to her supernatural strength.

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2 - Gaining Purpose

Prickle tried to hurry home as soon as Cheerilee allowed them to go, but there was a smiling Apple Bloom to stop her. "Hey! Are ya busy?"

Prickle glanced left and right. "I should make sure my mom knows where I am..."

Sweetie popped up beside Prickle. "Scootaloo's already going to tell her you're with us."

Prickle blinked softly. They were the Cutie Mark Crusaders. When they got their eye on something, it was practically impossible to shake them. She pointed at her saddlebag before she moved towards it. "Let me get my things." They didn't stop her as she got it on. "Where are we going?"

Apple Bloom grinned just a little too wide. "That there's a secret, but ya'll find out when ya come wit' us. It'll be fun, promise!"

"Yeah!" gushed Sweetie Belle, clopping her white hooves before the two of them started trotting away.

Prickle followed after them, a little resigned. "Are you gonna make fun of me?" That would be something the old Diamond Tiara would have done without hesitation.

Sweetie looked over her shoulder. "What? No! That'd be just... incorrigible!" She slowed down to let Prickle catch up and threw a leg over her neck. It was quite surprising that when she tried to pull Prickle closer, she was the one that ended up being pulled right off her hooves and hanging there as Prickle walked along, entirely unfazed by the weight.

Apple Bloom quickly noticed her friend being carried along with a shocked expression on her face and giggled at the sight. "Yer amazin', Prickle. Why would anypony make fun of ya fer that?"

Prickle's ears dipped a moment. She wasn't used to ponies being so friendly. Sweetie was even hanging off of her. Were they trying to be... nice? "Aren't you... disgusted? I'm a big terrible freak!" She shouted the words far louder than she intended and went red in the face as she came to a stop.

Taking advantage of the stop, Sweetie let go and flopped to the ground before rolling back upright. "You're a hero!"

"A super hero," added Apple Bloom, her brows waggling suggestively. "Just like in tha comics!"

Prickle had not read many comics, and puzzlement was written clear on her face. "So... you don't think it's icky?"

Apple Bloom waved the way forward. "C'mon! We got lots t'talk about."

Soon they approached the Apple Farm, and the clubhouse of the Crusaders. Prickle looked up at it with a concerned expression. "I'm allowed inside?"

Sweetie Belle threw her hooves wide, sitting on her haunches. "You saved me! Of course you're allowed inside."

Prickle moved for the stairs and put a hoof on it. She pressed down to test it and her hoof burst right through the wood as if it were wet paper, wood splinters flying in a light spray around her. "Sorry..."

Scootaloo peeked over the edge from the top of the stairs. "What was that? Oh, hey girls! Hey Prickle! Come on up!"

Apple Bloom gave an encouraging smile. "Let's try that again, gently this time, please."

Prickle took a slow breath that she held in, her chest bulging with air as she set her hoof back down as gently as she could. Step by tortuous step she ascended the ramp, trembling with the abject terror that she might cause more harm. Only when she brought up the last hoof to the platform above did she let it out with a loud sigh. "Made it."

The others came up behind her much more swiftly. Sweetie was glancing down at the neat hoof-shaped hole that had been made in their ramp. "You really are strong. I mean, not that I doubted you." She raised a hoof to her neck where she had felt the immense weight Prickle had so effortlessly hefted. "We had a question for you."

Prickle winced. She tried to prepare herself for the moment when they'd tell her just how much of a freak she was.

Scootaloo pointed at Prickle's flanks. "What does your cutie mark mean?"

All three of them were looking at Prickle, making her squirm self-consciously. She glanced back at the hedgehog that graced her pelt. Why would anypony ask that question, out of the blue? Then she remembered that she was dealing with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Of course they would ask, if anyone would. "I... got it saving a little hedgehog." She smiled at the memory. "He was trapped under a huge log. That was a very scary day."

"Go on," encouraged Apple Bloom, ushering all the fillies into the club house and arranging a pillow for Prickle to sit on. "We wanna hear all about it!"

So Prickle told them.

I was out walking in the forest. Not the Everfree! Mother taught me better than that. It was nice and sunny where the sun could get through all the leaves and there was a nice little breeze. I was having fun exploring.

I should have been paying more attention where I was going, because I wandered right off the usual path to a dark part of the forest. There were trees knocked over here and there, but not enough to let the sun in. I stepped carefully around and over them and then I heard him.

He was squeaking and crying, and I rushed towards the sound. The noises were coming from under a log, so I just... picked it up. It wasn't that heavy, not for me, but there was a little hedgehog underneath. He had been pinned between the log and the boulder underneath. He squeaked. I couldn't speak hedgehog, but he seemed very happy to not be being squeezed by that log.

The wood must have been old, since as I held it up, it broke in half and the two pieces fell on either side of me with a crash, but I heard something else.

The hedgehog curled into a little ball. He was scared, and so was I, but I wasn't gonna let someone else hurt my new little friend. I turned in place, looking for the source of the faint scratching sounds, and then I found it!

This great big monster rushed at me right out of the dark! I screamed, I was so scared! I turned away and bucked out a hoof, bam! I hit it right between the eyes.

It fell over, its tongue hanging out, knocked dizzy. I felt a little tingle and there it was. That hedgehog was right there on my flank. I wished him, the real one, good luck, and we left each other.

Scootaloo shook her head slowly. "You just... kicked it?"

Prickle bobbed her head. "As hard as I could!"

Sweetie paled a little at the thought. "Wow..."

Apple Bloom was all smiles. "See! That proves it. You're a super hero." She pointed to the hedgehog mark. "Your mark. You got it for your first rescue. That goes an' proves th' whole thin'."

Prickle rubbed a cheek with a hoof. "I'm no hero..."

Sweetie burst into giggles. "Lots of heroes say that."

"Those are the best ones," agreed Scootaloo. "You saved Sweetie Belle, so it's our job to help you out."

"I need help?" Prickle tilted her head faintly.

"Sure ya do." Apple Bloom nodded slowly. "Ya have to realize yer potential, and we're here to make that happen!" She thrust a hoof out and was quickly met by the other two. She looked to Prickle, smiling and waiting.

Prickle was slow on the uptake before she started. "Oh!" She thrust forward her hoof with a terrific clop as they all collided. The other three fillies were sent sprawling. "Sorry..."

Sweetie clambered up to her hooves again. "It's alright." An idea leaped into her head. "Let other people do the touching."


"Put out your hoof."

Prickle looked at her right forehoof before she extended it forward.

Sweetie quickly put out her hoof to meet it with a gentle clop. "See? You just let other ponies do the moving and no problem."

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were quick to join in the safer meeting of hooves. Scootaloo smiled at their newest friend. "There're so many things we have to do!"

"Like what?" Prickle pulled back her hoof and set it down. "I mean, thank you, all of you." She dipped her head a little. "I've never been part of a club before."

Apple Bloom tilted her head. "Yer not technically in the Crusaders. Yer a client, and one we're lookin' forward ta helpin'. Yer also a friend, I hope?"

Prickle's smile grew just a little. "I'd like that." She glanced back towards the door. "You're really not mad... about the hole?"

Apple Bloom thumped her chest. "Ya just leave that t'me. Ah'll have it fixed in no time. Jus' haveta get some wood."

Scootaloo bobbed her head. "She's great at fixing things, and making potions too. We all have our talents, and we're not going to give up until you're doing yours and having a good time at it."

Sweetie Belle pointed past Prickle before she moved past and threw open the door. "There are tons of ponies out there that could use a strong hoof just like yours. They desperately need your help, but they don't know it, yet."

Scootaloo seemed to get an idea suddenly. "Hey, now that we're official, have you tried showing what you can do to Bulk Biceps? He'd probably pass out."

Prickle paled faintly. That sounded like just about the worst thing. "No! I... Can we keep this a secret? I don't want to scare ponies."

A sudden huge grin spread over Sweetie's face. "I know precisely what you need. For today, you should head home and relax. We'll call you back when we're ready."

The other two were clearly unsure what idea had come to Sweetie Belle, but they supported her in wishing Prickle a great day and promising to see her the next, at school.

Prickle decided not to take the stairs, scared of hurting them again. She went down just enough to get to the edge, then casually tipped right over and flopped to the ground with a resounding thud from the impact. She was unharmed and soon back on her hooves. "See you all tomorrow!" They all shared waves, and she began her hike home.

She had friends. Those weren't her first friends, no, but they knew she was strong, and didn't seem to mind. She was still a freak, but... "It's alright," she said to herself as she trotted. She would just have to be extra careful not to hurt her new friends, especially since they seemed quite intent on making her act strong.

Prickle hoped it wouldn't be anywhere public. "Regular ponies just aren't this strong..." She had plenty to compare against. Even Bulk Biceps, the pony who's very destiny it was to pick up heavy things... At least he looked like he should be strong, but she had seen him struggling later in the day moving the same bar she had wrenched off of Sweetie Belle.

It was the start of something, maybe something amazing. It was definitely a little scary.

Author's Note:

Prickle makes some friends who are in on her secret, and only breaks one thing in the process. A good day!

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