• Published 7th Jan 2017
  • 3,370 Views, 43 Comments

SAVE - Golden Flare

After being the most ostracized student at CHS, you wanted to be a part of something greater. Your pleas were enough for some unseen being to give you the power to "SAVE".

  • ...


After getting dressed in your favorite clothes, you quickly ate your breakfast and head out the door to wait for the bus. Once it arrived, you got in and headed for the very back seat of the bus, your usual spot. Everybody seemed to have ignored you this time for some reason, but you weren't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

The bus driver went through her routine and stops to pick up the other students, one in particular was a girl you had your eye on for a while: Trixie Lulamoon. She was one of the most prettiest girls in school and quite boastful, you knew you could never have her with your reputation and all, but that didn't make it hurt less. As she walked down the aisle, she noticed that there were no other seats...except the one next to you.

She slumped in disappointment and sat next to you, but turned away so she couldn't even look at you, making you disheartened. Your new power could only make you go back and fix things, not make people like you, so you chose to do nothing, not even strike up a conversation with her. After a while, the bus driver pulled up to the school and everybody got off, especially Trixie, who looked like she couldn't get away from you fast enough.

With a sigh, you stood up and left the bus, ready to begin another day at CHS, but hopefully it won't be so miserable this time. Your homeroom classmates spoke to one another as you headed for your own seat, silent as ever. The teacher walked in as Principal Celestia started up the school announcements, one of them being the Fall Formal that supposed to be the day after tomorrow, you just tuned it out, not caring as per usual. After homeroom was over, you headed for your 1st Period, the one you dreaded so much: Gym.

Coach Spitfire blew her whistle loudly, silencing everybody and all of them, including you, standing at attention.

"Alright, maggots! Today we're gonna be playing dodgeball! You'll be split into two teams! Boys against girls! Now get to your sides!"

You all did so, with most of the boys looking nervous as some of the girls leered at them from afar. You? You sat back and couldn't play because of your terrible grades. For a good hour, the game of dodgeball raged on until the girls came out on top, thanks to Rainbow Dash, the captain of every team at CHS. Once it was over, one of the students called out.

"Hey! We shouldn't let the loser sit out of an epic game like this!"

Everyone nodded and gained sadistic grins, except for Rainbow and Spitfire, whom of which were not comfortable with this idea. The class picked up a ball and turned to you.

"GET 'EM!"

Suddenly, the world flickered around you and turned black. You look around and see that you are not alone in this dark area; two students, one male and the other female, stand before you wielding dodgeballs and creepy smiles. You gulp in fear at your soon-to-be attackers, then another screen popped up.

*Male Dodgeball Player blocks the way!
*Female Dodgeball Player blocks the way!

(your name) - LV 1 - HP 20/20


You were surprised at this turn of events, first there was a SAVE file, now there's some kind of battle system? It's almost like your world had become a game of some sort. You take notice that the students haven't moved from their spots, so you theorize that this must be a turn-based battle system, and it was your turn.

You hover your finger over the FIGHT option, but ponder for a moment; do you really want to hurt these people? Sure, they teased and mocked you, but if it wasn't for Sunset Shimmer, none of that would've happened. You finally decided that these people are not your enemies, Sunset is.

With a changed mindset, you moved your finger to the MERCY button and pressed it.


(your name) - LV 1 - HP 20/20


You chose to spare the two, but they didn't accept your MERCY.

"Not gonna fight back, huh? Too bad!" the male said.

"We're gonna smash you!" the female added.

Dodgeballs suddenly started raining down on you and you began dodging them. You were doing well, but eventually, you couldn't escape the inevitable and got hit at least once. You immediately notice that your HP had dropped a bit.

*The male and female look at you smugly.

(your name) - LV 1 - HP 17/20


You pressed MERCY and spared them again, and once again they refused.

"C'mon! Man up!" the male complained.

"Fight back!" the female ordered.

More dodgeballs fell down and you tried your best to avoid them, but couldn't help getting hit a few more times.

*The male and female looked annoyed.

(your name) - LV 1 - HP 9/20


You spared them one more time, but they still refused to accept your MERCY.

"Don't you get it?! You're at our MERCY! We choose whether to spare you or not!" the male reprimanded.

"Yeah! Now stop chickening out andβ€”" the female was silenced by a loud whistle from Spitfire and the battle ended, returning the area to normal.

"Enough! Detention for all of you!" Spitfire roared, making everyone groan and leave, you began to exit the gymnasium, but Spitfire stopped you, "You okay, kid?"

You nod.

"Look, I'm sorry that you had to go through that and that you had to miss the dodgeball game, but if you don't improve your grades, I'm gonna have to hold you back."

You nod in understanding and leave, heading for your next class, but not before you enter the restroom to do your business. Once inside, you see another SAVE point next to the sink. You reach out to it and the SAVE file appeared, you pressed "SAVE".

(HP fully restored.)

(your name) - LV 1 - 6:36

Canterlot High School β€” Restroom
File saved.

You entered one of the stalls and went through the motions.

After finishing up your business in the restroom, you SAVED one last time to avoid any...accidents. You were now on your way to class when you were stopped by two bulky ATHLETES.

"We heard what happened at Gym and what Coach said." the first one said.

"Heh, yeah, you being held back? That's rich! And the only way you can get your grades back up is if you pass today's test! Unless you got the answers, you ain't gonna pass!" the other added.

They both walked away from you, laughing all the while. Though what they said was hurtful, it gave you a crazy idea.

Hmm...if I can sneak a peak at the answers to the test, I could be able to pass! But, I gotta be smart about this, my grades have been slipping lately, so...I have to make it at least a B or C. And if I get caught, I can just LOAD my SAVE file. This plan is so crazy it just might work!

With a fist pump, you rush to your next class before anyone else arrived.

You are filled with DETERMINATION.

After making sure that no one was inside, you snuck inside the classroom and dug through your teacher's desk and found the test answers. You read through them and memorized each and every one, afterwards you put them back in their rightful place and got ready to leave.


The voice makes you stop in your tracks, you slowly turn around to see none other than your teacher, Miss Cheerilee, and she wasn't very happy to see you.

"Detention. Now."

You slump and walk out the door, trying your best to hide your sneaky grin. Once outside the classroom, you pull up your SAVE file.

(your name) - LV 1 - 6:46

Canterlot High School β€” Restroom
[Continue] - [Reset]

You press "Continue" and found yourself back in the restroom, with all the memories of what happened before you LOADED, now you were all set for the test. You left the restroom and encountered the ATHLETES again, though you tuned them out, you've heard this already, so after they left, you casually walked to Miss Cheerilee's classroom and sat at your desk, waiting for everyone. Once everybody arrived, including Miss Cheerilee, she began to explain the test and that everyone should do their best, then narrowed her eyes at you.

"That goes double for you," she called you out with your last name, making the students snicker.

You didn't mind it, you had this test in the bag. After the test was handed out, you got right to work.

You are once again filled with DETERMINATION.

As you left the room, Miss Cheerilee was in shock.

"I...I...how did...I don't..."

You frown, Maybe I was a little TOO determined...

Nonetheless, you continued on your way and stopped at the restroom to SAVE again.

(your name) - LV 1 - 7:48

Canterlot High School β€” Restroom
File saved.

After that was done, you left the restroom to see Rainbow Dash and Applejack arguing. You overheard them, saying something about a bake sale, you remember that; Applejack said Rainbow and the softball team were coming, but none of them showed up. You later learned that Rainbow arrived with the softball team on a different date, believing Applejack cancelled on her.

What should you do?

*Side with Rainbow Dash
(Rainbow is right! Applejack's a liar!)

*Side with Applejack
(Applejack is right! Rainbow's a traitor!)

(Can't pick sides, gotta try to resolve the situation.)

Author's Note:

Vote in the comments below what "you" should choose, and yes, this story will partly be a "Choose Your Own Adventure" and later on, I'll make a chapter of what could've happened if you chose the other options.

Keep in mind, your actions WILL affect the main story, no pressure.

Hope you've enjoyed it so far!

EDIT: Forgot that when you SAVE on Undertale, your HP is fully restored, fixed it