• Published 19th Oct 2016
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Blood Poisoned - CrackedInkWell

Prince Blueblood's newest guards want to humiliate the Prince at the gala by slipping a love poison in his drink. After he consumed it, the Prince spontaneously falls in love with the first pony he sees. Unfortunately, it's Spike the Dragon.

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Chapter 1: Le complot visant à humilier le prince

NO! NO! NO!” Prince Blueblood screamed, “Have neither of you listened to a word I said! I asked you to fetch the admiral ink! This is clearly azure! Did you not read the label at all?”

The Prince newest personal guards stood there at attention while his majesty berates them. “We did, Your Grace,” spoke the stallion on the left.

Blueblood narrowed his eyes, “Is that so Curve Dagger?” In his aura, he held up the inkwell in question, “Then tell me, what does this say?”


“To be fair,” the guard on the right said. “We had to grab it in a-”

“Did I spoke to you Silver Cloak?” the white unicorn nearly spat in his face.

“No, you did not Your Ma-”

“Then no you didn’t!” Blueblood yelled. “You only speak when spoken to! How did either of you pass boot camp with this lack of discipline? Perhaps I should inform of your superiors so that the both of you could be demoted back to privates. Do either of you want that?”

“No sir,” both stallions said in unison.

In a fit of rage, the prince uncorked the bottle of ink and splashed it across both of their faces. “Then go back to that shop and get me the admiral ink! Do you want to be the cause for war between Equestria and Saddle Arabia?”

Trying their hardest to hold their anger back, both guards said in unison, “No sir.”

“Then go! And make sure you clean this up when you get back.”

“Yes, sir.” With that, both guards left the Prince’s chambers. But before they could leave the palace to go into the city, they both made a stop at the barracks to clean themselves and their armor from the blue ink.

“Face it Dagger,” the white Unicorn said as he whipped his face with a rag. “Our superiors are punishing us.”

“I won’t be surprised if that were the case,” the equally pale Pegasus tried to scratch the ink off his armor with a sponge. “I guess this explains a few things.”

This got Dagger’s attention, “What do ya mean?”

“Have you heard that anypony that’s been assigned to be Prince Blueblood’s personal guard ends up resigning, frequently? I don’t know if you’ve heard the rumors that the more we’ve spent time with the guy, the more I think that they might be true.”

“Mind enlightening me?” Dagger inquired, “After all, unlike you, I didn’t grow up in Canterlot.”

“I'm surprised you haven’t. Even before I joined the guard I’ve heard all sorts of things coming from His Majesty. I remember one that while I was in high school, there was a rumor going around that the Prince had treated these newbies so badly that the privets begged their superiors that they would go as far to suck them off just so that they could be reassigned to something else.”

The Pegasus blinked, “Woah, really?”

Cloak shrugged, “Don’t know, but I won’t be surprised if that were true. But as far as I know, no one has lasted so much as a year with the guy.”

Dagger snorted, “Yeah, I can see why. It’s not even a week yet, and I’m already thinking of committing regicide.”

His comrade laughed, “I know. I rather spend a year with the drill sergeant all over then spend another minute with that spoiled, arrogant, uptight stallion that ever ate hay.”

There was an awkward silence between the two guards, Cloak looked around the barrack’s bathroom before muttering, “Maybe we need to do something about it.”

The Pegasus raised an eyebrow, “Like what? You’re not suggesting that we…”

“What? No. I’m not talking about killing him, we’d get executed for that.” Shaking his head, the white Unicorn clarified, “No, I’m talking about teaching that pure evil stallion a lesson, at least take his inflated ego down a few notches so he won’t be so high and mighty.”

“Like embarrassing him or something?” his companion asked.

“Yeah, something like that – just some sort of prank to bring his sense of superiority down a bit. Something so embarrassing that he would think twice of treating his personal guards like that.”

Still angry at being belittled from the mistake that was made, the pale Pegasus leaned closer. “What do ya have in mind?”

“You that the Grand Galloping Gala is coming up?” his fellow guard nodded. “I think if there’s a time in which his ego could be brought down, it would be right there and then. But whatever we end up doing, it cannot harm the Prince physically, and if we do get punished, the most we could expect is being Court Marshaled. Plus, it has to be in the open for all to see and hear. Try to make it look like that anypony else could have done it. The question is what exactly?”

Both Royal Guards thought for a minute or two until the Cloudsdale Pegasus recalled something. “Have you ever read about what happened in Ponyville that one time when these fillies had accidently given their teacher a love poison?”

Cloak hummed, “Kinda. Why?”

Dagger grinned wickedly, “Do you think there might be a chance we might find that recipe, for His Royal Highness?”

Then it clicked to his fellow guard. “Oh! Oh, that is cleaver! But where are we going to find it or the ingredients for it?”

“The story did say it was in Ponyville,” the Pegasus pointed out. “When we get our leave, then we could find that book and gather the ingredients to make it.”

With a look at the window to where it looked out to the palace, Cloak too grinned, “Alright, now that’s a plan I can get behind.”


Weeks of tolerating the Prince’s antics later, both Cloak and Dagger were able to find the instructions of the recipe of the Love Poison and the ingredients to make a small vile of it. They bear with Blueblood’s demands up until the Gala in which they had to stay by the Prince’s side. At one point, the Prince had ordered them to fetch them some Prench champagne from a particular year did the two guards had time to converse.

Dagger looked over before he whispered to his comrade. “Cloak, I think I’m starting to have doubts about this.

What?” The Unicorn whispered back, “I thought we’re committed to this?” he said as he grabbed a glass of champagne without looking the date it was made.

Well, hold on a second here,” the pale Pegasus said. “Before we embarrass him in front of all of these ponies, don’t you think we should at least give the guy one last chance to redeem himself? Sure he’s evil, but shouldn’t we at least give him a fair shot at being nice before we pour it into his drink?

Cloak breathed through his nostrils, looking over to where the Prince was and thinking for a moment. Then looking at what year the champagne was, he sighed, “Okay, fine. If he can’t redeem himself from us grabbing the wrong drink, the bottle goes in. Got it?

His companion nodded, and the two guards made their way back to the prince who after taking the glass into his aura, took one sip before spitting it out.

What is this?” he hissed, “This isn’t the 986, this is the 996 champagne! Are both of you deaf? Now you both go get me the right aged glass or I’m going to make sure that the only duty that either of you will ever do is to clean every toilet for the rest of your lives!

As the guards headed back to the refreshment table, Cloak looked over to Dagger with a scowl on his face. “That’s it,” he whispered, “We’re defiantly doing this.

Nodding, the Pegasus took out the small vile from underneath his wing, and as they looked around to make sure that nopony was looking, they slipped the Love Poison into the glass.

Fire in the hole,” the Unicorn commented. “Remember, as soon as we give this to him, we need to get out of his line of sight immediately. He’ll fall in love with the first pony he sees, so get ready.

The two Royal Guards returned to the Prince to offer the correct glass of champagne to him. As soon as he took it into his magic, both Cloak and Dagger quickly went behind Blueblood as he lifted the drink to his lips. After tipping the bubbly liquid back into his mouth, the guards watched to see who the Prince would see first.

To which, it didn’t take long.

Blueblood heard the sound of someone laughing, his curiosity made him look over towards the laughter. His eyes focused upon the one that was laughing, to which he felt his blood feel warmer, his heart beat faster, and hearts had replaced the pupils in the Prince’s eyes.

Oh… my…” the royal Unicorn whispered.

The Prince’s personal guards looked at one another for a moment before Cloak cautiously approached Blueblood. “Uh, Your Highness, are you alright?”

Blueblood laughed while at the same time gave off a goofy smile, “Oh, everything is fine. It’s just…” he sighed, “I think I’m in love.” There was a collective sigh of relief from both of his guards before the prince quickly turned around to both of them. “So how do I look? Is there a stain on my tuxedo? Is my mane alright? Do we have a field of roses on hoof?”

Both guards looked at one another, “I… think so?” Dagger said cautiously.

“Excellent!” the love-struck Prince quickly turned around and although his hooves were shaking nervously, he felt excited as he approached Spike the Dragon.