• Published 11th Jun 2016
  • 13,049 Views, 389 Comments

MLP: The Magic of... Music? - The Bricklayer

So Twilight discovers human radio and decides to share it with her teacher. However, they are shocked at what they find. And soon, everypony wants a listen...

  • ...

Part 13: "Your past is NOT today!" (A Dazzling Duel Part 2)

As soon as the synthesizer's tornado warning siren like whine sounded off thanks to Rarity's expert use of the Korg keyboards, even the Dazzlings had to admit they felt a little chill run down their spines. In fact, pretty much everypony did including the Rainbooms and the Royal Sisters themselves. (Applejack in particular felt like taking her kin and shuttering down at Sweet Apple Acres's storm cellar.) It was just that plain downright eerie as Applejack or her younger sibling might have put it after all. But Sunset's chill running down her own spine wasn't out of nervousness. In fact, it was of anticipation. She was eager to show the Dazzlings up once more and kick them out of Ponyville. They'd tried to take over her new home, and now that had been a complete failure, they were gunning for her old one as well with their hooves nearly on the trigger so to speak. So quite needless to say, Sunset was boiling mad, her already quick to being furious temper now as red hot as her former demon form's skin.

The guitars started as soon as the synthesizer notes ended, with a light jangely sound I suppose you'd describe it. Now you'll have to excuse me while I go ahead and give you a brief notation but a rather necessary one on my part on the Rainboom's instruments, specifically the guitars. They'd been enchanted via a complex spell from Twilight, so that they could switch from the light sounding guitars used here for this particular song to heavier sounds if necessary for songs like Creeping Death by Metallica or When the Levee breaks by Led Zepphlin. As Sunset sung about riding a storm out, a feeling of confidence filled the air and even Fluttershy began to feel as if they just might make it through this. The song went on for a good five or six minutes give it take a few seconds with a series of rather impressive guitar solos from Rainbow Dash throughout before the song finally concluded with that exact same bone chilling synthesizer riff from Rarity.

"Well, I have to admit. That was really rather... Invigorating." Rarity admitted to her friends while wiping a bit of sweat off her muzzle from her hooves.

"Though I really don't particularly care for the sweat worked up here. Really ruins my appearance." She huffed before continuing. "And a lady such as I must look absolutely fabulous everywhere, especially on stage performing."

Rainbow gaped at her in complete and utter shock.

"Are you kidding? All you're commenting on is your hair? Did you even hear my guitar solos? That was absolutely awesome!" The rainbow maned pegasus bragged. Sunset groaned and facehoofed.

"Uh gals? Evil sirens who want to take over Equestria right in front of us?" She pointed out, and both Rarity and Rainbow suddenly remembered as they rubbed their heads sheepishly and murmured "Oh, right..."

Said sirens were now snickering in their own evil manner.

"So that's how it's going to be huh? Us doing this dance again?" Adagio laughed and Twilight glared harshly at her.

"And it'll have the exact same outcome. You, losing." Twilight growled. She didn't know how the Dazzlings got their powers back, that was a mystery she'd have to ponder later. Currently, she had to be focused on the here and now, which was the Dazzlings who were throwing magical blasts deflected by a powerful shield that the Royal Sisters had thrown up.

"Cute." Adagio smirked. "But that shield won't hold forever And then you'll be ours... Forever and ever to do with as we feel fit. But in the meantime..." She trailed off as she and her two siblings began to hum in unison before beginning a familiar song.

Pinkie let out a groan of "Not this again! I hated that song, it wasn't even good the first time around!"

Nopony bothered to question how she knew about this song in the first place. This was Pinkie Pie we're talking about after all. But the real concern was the affect the song was having on the crowd. It was whipping them into a frenzy, making them act out against the Rainbooms. Unicorns fired off blasts of magic spells that were intended to do various things, from igniting somepony to just blowing them to smithereens in a shower of blood and gore. Earth ponies bucked boulders and street carts while pegasi whipped up gusts of wind and created storm clouds to rain down lightning. Thankfully, the Royal Sisters' shield still held in spite of it all.

"Hold fast, My Little Ponies!" Princess Celestia barked out in a reassuring tone. "We can get through this!"

"You gotta be kidding me!" Applejack exclaimed in disbelief. "They've gone plum crazier then a whippet after a sugar high powered jackrabbit!"

"...Never heard that particular countryisim before." Rainbow muttered as Fluttershy squeaked in terror but then she remembered all the Dazzlings had done and she felt not fear, but rage and her eyes narrowed and the rest of the Rainbooms had their eyes widened as they realized what the normally shy pegasus was about to attempt.

"Whew doggies! She's going to use THAT, y'all!" Applejack exclaimed in joy and relief. What she was talking about, was of course the infamous Stare known for freezing even full grown fire breathing dragons in their tracks. But it seemed a very large crowd of ponies was just too much for it, as there was very little, if any noticeable affect at all.

"I... I just can't do it!" Fluttershy breathed and began to worry. "There's just too many of them, and the Dazzlings are just too powerful!" She panicked as Adagio smirked.

"Yes, that's right... Give in." She remarked and smiled...

Meanwhile, after the Doctor had moved the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Vinyl to a safer location somewhere out of the way so they wouldn't be caught up in this rapidly evolving form of chaos, he began to deal with his other problem: A blond maned, silver coated pegasus known as Derpy Hooves AKA his wife.

"Derpy, you've got to listen, I never meant to hurt you! You know how hard it is to keep me tied down to anything right?" The Doctor pleaded, and for a moment, just a brief one, Derpy's eyes softened.

"I know that..." Derpy began before her eyes narrowed once more and they went back to being harsh and cold.

"But you could have at least dropped me a warning, or... or something!" Derpy ranted, tears streaming now her face from her eyes, which weren't their usual off-set state and focused squarely on the Doctor. "Do... So you know how many times that not just me, but Derby as well worried that you wouldn't come home because of some monster, or worse come back as a different pony entirely? New face, new mane, new... Well, new everything!" Derpy sobbed, as a particular memory came back to her of her youngest daughter, Dinky asking when would daddy come home and her being unable to give that answer because she wanted to know the exact same thing as well.

"By Rassilon... I never knew. Has she been keeping these feelings bottled up inside the whole time? Guess it just took a little help from the Dazzlings to finally let them out." The Doctor thought to himself sorrowfuly as he hung his head in guilt. Now that he thought about it, there was always a sense of relief and more joy then was normal for a pony's wife whenever the Doctor returned home after one of his little "Vacations" as he called them and announced that he was back, always receiving a tight hug from Derpy. Always. As he looked back, the Doctor cursed himself. He supposed he should have seen it before. Then, his thoughts were brought firmly back to the present as Derpy launched gusts of wind at him by flapping her wings hard and he had to roll to the left to dodge them.

"It's going to take more then my wits and my Sonic Screwdriver to solve this." The Doctor mused as he looked towards the Rainbooms who had just finished playing a hard rocking cover of The Who's Long Live Rock ( https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BQHZ7nvBSLY ) and a idea came to his mind as if he'd been suddenly struck by a thunderbolt from the heavens.

"Of course!" He exclaimed, before galloping towards the stage and grabbing the microphone, stealing it away from Sunset, who could only gape at him.

"Doctor, w-what are you doing?" She stammered in disbelief as the Doctor looked at her, his eyes full of determination.

"Fixing a family." He growled before he announced into the microphone "Okay, this next song goes out to my absolutely beautiful and so, so wonderful wife Derpy."

"Follow my lead." The Doctor mouthed to Sunset before whispering the song he wanted. Her eyes widened, but she nodded all the same.

The song opened with a yet another strong synthesizer note, before the guitars joined in. As the Doctor sung about wanting to ride on a "Silver Dove" and be taken on it's mighty wings, there was no denying which pony he was talking about it that the words came from the heart. (Well, two hearts in the Doctor's case anyways.) It was here that Sunset finally figured it out. This was the key to defeating the Dazzlings. It didn't matter which song you played, as long as you genuinely felt the emotions in it while playing it. She looked around at the Rainbooms and saw that they were slowly coming to this conclusion as well. So had the Dazzlings, and with beastly snarls they resumed their ancient siren forms, becoming sea serpent like.

"Well, this is it girls. It's now or never!" Twilight shouted as Sunset began to sing.

The lyrics themselves were easy enough to follow, with Sunset singing from the bottom of her heart and soul about rejecting her past, and as she sung, both Twilight's and Celestia's eyes widened to see Sunset gain two golden wings. Celestia smiled and a small tear of pride ran down her face as she thought "My student, you've finally done it..."

The real shock for the Rainbooms personally, was then going right into their Rainbow Power forms before they fired a glowing stream of multicolored light at the Dazzlings and then with a nearly blinding flash of white light, it was over. The Dazzlings were defeated. Sonata whispered "I'm free..." even as Royal Guards surrounded the threesome and pointed spears at them even as Derpy enveloped the Doctor in a kiss in the background.

"Wait!" Sunset shouted as she ran up to Sonata. The guards didn't know how there was a new Princess in Equestria, but they bowed all the same.

"There was something different about you, wasn't there? In the fight, it was almost as if you didn't want to go along with your sisters. Tartarus, I even noticed you singing along to that final number."

"You... You noticed?" Sonata squeaked in surprise before she explained all that had happened. By the end of the story, Sunset was left furious and she pointed at the two other Dazzlings and snarled "Take them away!"

As the Dazzlings were led off, Sonata stared at Sunset.

"You're really forgiving me? After all I've done? For realizies?" Sonata asked and Sunset smiled and put a hoof on her shoulder.

"For realizies." She replied. "After all, as the old song says, your past is not today."

Sonata let out a squeal of joy and hugged Sunset tightly who gasped out "Can't... breathe... Mommy, help."

Later, in front of the Golden Oaks Library as the sun set on a day that would long be remembered in Equestria's history, Twilight and Sunset stood in front of each other.

"Sure you have to leave so soon?" Twilight asked sadly.

"Yeah, I do. Equestria's not my, or Sonata's for that matter, home now." Sunset replied but as she looked at Twilight's almost begging face she sighed.

"Weeeeelll, I guess I could stay a little while lo-" She never even got to finish as Twilight embraced her before they both pulled away from the hug, blushing heavily.

Author's Note:

Well, there you have it folks, that's the end of the Dazzling arc! But do you think that the story's over? Oh no, it most certainly isnt! After all, the Mane Six still have to figure out who gave the Dazzlings back their powers in the first place and they still have to restore a certain group of ponies' faith in humanity. ...Plus, there's still that little "Thing" between Sunset and Twi that still has to be resolved...:raritywink:

Okay, one last thing. I'm still requesting songs as always, but for the next chapter, I'm specifically requesting blues and swing songs.