• Published 27th Mar 2016
  • 5,841 Views, 526 Comments

The Ever Changing Moon - CommanderX5

The return of Nightmare Moon is coming, and with thestrals on her side, the Elements may not be enough. Now the fate of Equestria rests in the hooves of a young pureblood thestral, Fluttershy and the friends she made.

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Confrontations - Negotiations

The Ever Changing Moon


Chapter 4


Part 5 - Negotiations

“It appears your efforts to defeat me with the Elements has failed. Now, Miss Sparkle, what do you have to say for yourself?” Nightmare Moon asked as she towered over the little pony. Saying she didn’t find satisfaction in dominating over her sister’s student would be a lie. She actually found a bit of enjoyment in it, one she could savor for a minute or two.

Not hearing any response, she spread her wings and summoned a few thunderclouds for an intimidating effect. “Speak!”

“I… I… I came looking for you, not for the Elements.”

“Lies!” Nightmare Moon shouted as she wrapped her mane around the unicorn’s limbs, lifting her close to her face.

“Your Highness, please,” Fluttershy said in a pleading tone. “I apologize for daring to ask this of you, but could you be a little more gentle, pretty please.”

Nightmare Moon looked to the side, staring into the innocent eyes of Fluttershy.

Come on, Nightmare, we can’t say no to such a request. Just look into those cute little eyes, Luna spoke from within her mind.

But… but… Nightmare Moon groaned as she lowered the unicorn onto the dusty floor. This is the student of our hated sister. Can’t I torment her at least a little bit?

Absolutely not! Luna responded in a disapproving tone, causing Nightmare Moon to shut her eyes for a moment. We have no time for petty desires, and we disapprove of tormenting an innocent pony, no matter who she serves.

Nightmare Moon opened her eyes and sighed. Fine… but do not blame me if our enemies will no longer be intimidated by our presence.

We can live with that, Luna added.

Twilight walked to the side, stopping next to Fluttershy as if seeking her protection and support. “I r-really mean it. I wanted to s-salvage the situation before more ponies would lose their lives, I swear it on Celestia’s name.”

“What?” Nightmare asked with venom in her voice. “Mention her name again and see what happens. I dare you!”

“S-sorry!” Twilight hid behind Fluttershy, curling in fear. The pureblood bent her legs, gently stroking the unicorn’s head in an attempt to calm her nerves, which seemed to work a little.

The alicorn pointed at each orb, speaking, “Element of Laughter, Loyalty, Generosity, Honestly, Kindness, and lost Element of Magic. Why should I believe that you weren't trying to save lives by banishing me with their help?”

“Y-you g-got it all wrong.” Twilight stood on her rear hooves as she gestured at the lifeless orbs. “I admit that after learning that Fluttershy was alive I wanted to unlock the Elements, but not against you.”

“Then whom against, if I may ask?” Nightmare asked, a tone of curiosity in her voice. Her stare turned cold and unforgiving. "And watch your manners. You should address me by my proper title.”

Twilight lowered herself to four hooves, then pointed at a nearby hole in the wall which at one point served as a window. Canterlot Castle could be seen at a distance. “I hoped to use it against whoever is attacking the capital, Y-Your H-Highness.”

Nightmare Moon raised an eyebrow.

“She’s telling the truth,” Fluttershy said as she flew over to Twilight, now standing next to her. “Fleur de Lis was teleported to Ponyville after sustaining heavy injuries in battle.” Her ears dropped at the unpleasant memory. “Vinyl said that Canterlot is under siege and I believe her.”

Vinyl grinned. “You’re welcome.”

Applejack stomped, getting the alicorn’s attention. “Ah sent a message tellin’ those hunters to help in Canterlot, but those feather-brains came after you instead.“ She took off her hat and bowed, her head lowered apologetically. “Ah’m mighty sorry. Not all hunters are bad Apples, but someone seems to be pullin’ the strings.”

“Are you saying that attack on me was the result of some sinister plot?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Much is happening behind the scenes, Your Highness. We will share what we know.” She dropped to her knees, bowing as humbly as she could. “I beg you, please ignore the hunters and go to Canterlot. Only you can end whatever chaos and war is happening there.”

Other members of the clan bowed as well.

Twilight took their example, saying, “I understand that you hold a grudge against Princess Cel… my mentor, but she wishes to surrender to you and avoid conflict. There’s no point for ponies to suffer in this pointless war.”

Nightmare Moon watched her subject with a judging stare. Part of her felt uncomfortable as the ponies before her kept making requests, one after another. She couldn’t just fulfil every single wish her ponies threw at her, especially one where she would aid her traitorous sister.

“Stand,” the alicorn said in commanding tone as she approached the young pureblood. “Miss Fluttershy. I command you and your clan to share events that took place today and in recent years, anything worthy of my attention, and be brief for we wish to act with haste.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Nightmare Moon added, “Only after I know more shall I alter my plans.”

Twilight sat next to Fluttershy, ready to add her own bits of info while eagerly listening to her story. Others took her example.

“As I already told you when you visited my dreams to talk with me, Your Highness…” Fluttershy started, but was quickly cut off by Twilight.

“She can do that? Magic allows her to enter ponies’ minds and even interact with them? Fascinating. Can it alter dreams too?” She took out another piece of paper, writing down new information at alarming speed. “First magic used by purebloods, and now this. This adds fifteen new questions in need of answering.”

“Miss Sparkle!” Nightmare yelled, stomping her hoof as her voice echoed through the empty halls. “If you could cease your prattling, I would appreciate it.”

“S-sorry. I’ll be quiet,” Twilight said as her face became red like a tomato. She wrapped her own tail around her forelegs, curled her head a little and added in a squeaky tone, “C-continue.”

Fluttershy cleared her throat. “As I was saying, I already told you about Lord Moon Shadow and his cruel trials that lead to the death of my family. I am not sure when it all started, but for centuries he has been testing and training our kind and their clans. Leading monster hunters to my family’s home was but one of them.”

Applejack raised her hoof. “May Ah say somethin’?”

“Granted,” Nightmare said, looking at the Apple pony with mid-interest.

“When we meet the hunters recently and got a talk with that snake, Shackles, we learned that they were sent to kill ya and told ya were a pureblood, but nothin’ about assistin’ in Canterlot.” Applejack narrowed her eyes and pressed her hat against her forehead. “Even safety protocols were broken. For all Ah know, a bunch of thestrals could be among the hunters, and Ah get the feelin’ they serve Moon Shadow.”

“May I add something, Your Highness,” Rarity asked. Upon receiving a nod, she smiled and spoke up, “From what Shackles and Chains said, the hunter guild may have been manipulated for a long time, and they were used once against Mistress Flutterbat’s family.”

“I am fine with being called Fluttershy. We are friends, you don’t need to be so formal.”

Rarity sighed. “What I try to hint at is the likelihood that the monster hunters were manipulated for a long time. I mean, they have been at it for who knows how long, yet purebloods and thestrals still have a very strong presence in Equestria. And one would think that purebloods would do all they can to eliminate such a troublesome organization.” She tapped her hooves together. “It just… it just feels as if they were actors on a stage, all playing their own specific roles.”

Hawkeye massaged his head, his face showing signs of headache. “Ah… Ah remember.”

“Remember what?” Fluttershy asked as everypony looked at the stallion.

“Ever since ya saved me from blood control, some of mah memories have been hazy, but now Ah remember.” He groaned in frustration. “Mah former boss, Moon Shadow, he sent commands to us from a distance, speaking in our minds. But Ah overheard some of his conversations. He gave commands to leaders of the hunter’s guild. What… What if Rarity is right? What if that guild is just a tool he used…”

“Or created,” Rarity said, rubbing her chin. Seeing as Applejack looked at her with wide eyes, she added, “Think about it. Creating a guild that could fight purebloods and thestrals from the shadows, operating all across Equestria, equipped with the best equipment for the job is no easy task. Not only would it cost an insane amount of bits, but also quite a bit of ponypower. Surely purebloods and their clans would eliminate such an organization at its roots or, more simply, those who funded it.”

She paused, giving each clan member a questioning glance. ”Why would such an organization spring up to begin with? It certainly did not garner the Princess’ approval, and they seem to be doing a much better job at keeping the population of monsters and dangerous creatures in check rather than at eliminating thestrals. There is only one group I can see that would benefit from its creation.”

“Are ya sayin’ that pureblood started this organization and helped it thrive? He created his own enemies?” Applejack asked, her tail flipping nervously from left to right.

“It is a distinct possibility. After hearing stories about the guild from you, Applejack, a pony who once worked with them, I got the impression of a stalemate that has remained stagnant for centuries. It just… I found it to be odd. How could both sides fight each other, maintain the whole thing as a secret, and yet neither side managed to deliver a deciding blow. It seemed almost impossible.”

“Unless both sides are led by a single puppeteer,” Nightmare Moon said as she gave Rarity a proud glance. “Quite an impressive insight, Lady Rarity. Your theory is something a cunning pureblood would do. Though it feels... too cunning. It takes a little too much effort. The purebloods of old that we worked with were nowhere as resourceful.”

“Times change,” Vinyl said from her lying position, her back now supported against the cracked wall. “I worked for Fancy Pants quite some time, and I can tell that a lot of games were going behind the scenes. I dunno what kind of lazy purebloods you worked with in the past, Cool Princess, but the modern ones are way more proactive… and sadly also more aggressive.” She groaned. “If those purebloods back then were peaceful, then I can tell you that Moon Shadow succeeded in hardening his kind… and their hearts.”

Fluttershy lowered her head and whimpered. “When I was younger I was sheltered, but in these past years I’ve learned the harsh truth. I fear that my family was an exception.” She raised her head, looking at Nightmare Moon with pleading eyes. “But I believe it is not too late. Purebloods and their clans may have been hardened by his trials and mind games, but you can show them a new way, one that doesn’t involve violence.”

“I still haven’t made my decision. Is there anything else?” Nightmare Moon asked as she took off her helmet, her mane now flapping more freely on the wind.

“Well…” Fluttershy tapped her forehooves together. “If Moon Shadow really used the hunters against you, knowing full well that you would kill them, he may also be responsible for the invasion on Canterlot. I mean, he could always say that it was a counterattack for those ponies’ attempt on your life.” She flew up and raised her forehoof at the hole in the ceiling, showing the star-filled sky. “Or maybe he is using the lack of sunlight to strike at Princess Celestia… S-sorry, I didn’t mean…”

“It’s alright, Fluttershy. I can forgive you, given the circumstances. Continue.”

Twilight crossed her forelegs and frowned.

“Of course. If the hunters are used to convince you that war is the only answer, that would be the logical course of action. For all we know, he may be waiting to give you the throne and try to convince you to take over the rest of the nation.”

“W-what!? Give away the princess's throne...” Twilight shouted, but quickly sealed her mouth with a hoof upon receiving glare from Nightmare Moon. “I… I respectfully would like to point out that my mentor surrendered Ponyville to you, so I am most certain an agreement can be made that wouldn’t involve ruling over war-torn Equestria with an iron hoof.”

“Duly noted,” Nightmare Moon said as she scoffed at the unicorn. “Lady Fluttershy, I can tell that you believe that peace between ponies and thestrals is possible, even after the mind-games and all the blood spilled behind the curtain. Can you tell me about your own experiences and hardships you faced after arriving in Ponyville? I am quite curious about them.”

“Of… of course. I will try to be brief, but I believe that the first one was when Ditzy’s family accommodated me with a lovely cottage.” She looked over her shoulder, giving Derpy the warmest smile she could muster, who responded in kind. “I was depressed and broken, and they did everything they could to help me start a new life.” She glanced at the pegasus. “And Rainbow Dash did her best to raise my morale in all this hardship, taking care of me when I was sad and vulnerable.”

Applejack spoke up, “Ah remember how she saved my poor Winona from the snake's poison, then handled all mah critters and animal problems Ah had on the farm. She was like an honorable Apple, but to think there was so much more…”

“And I got Fluttershy lots of poor little homeless animals!” Pinkie shouted, jumping onto the cape on Fluttershy’s back from behind. The pureblood flinched in response, yet refused to cover in fear, rolling her eyes instead. “And then convinced other ponies to give her bits for food and make her home the most fun place for animals.” She closed her eyes, held forelegs against her cheeks and displayed a wishful smile. “And then the most memorable day came, a day when she accepted me as a friend. It was the hardest and most satisfying friendship I ever made, and so many animals were happier in the end.”

Fluttershy blushed as she gently lowered her friend to the floor. “I’m glad I could help. Healing poor animals is what I did in the past and I’m glad I could use my powers for good.” She nuzzled Pinkie’s cheek. “And I am most grateful for your friendship, Pinkie. You have such a caring heart.”

“Please continue,” Nightmare encouraged, a weak smile now present on her face. Her cold calm expression now replaced with a curious one.

“Of course.” The pureblood looked at Rarity. “Well, the next event worth mentioning was when Rarity lost her cat in the Everfree Forest…”

Celestia’s bedchamber was once a place where the Princess of the Sun rested and watched over the land. A place where she raised and lowered both sun and the moon every day and night. Now it served as an observation spot from which Moon Shadow monitored the conquered capital, as well as an enemy airborne army on the horizon.

The princess' regalia and crown now lay on the bed while enhanced armor once again covered the pureblood.

Instead of usual confidence and pride in his accomplishments, only confusion and guilt was present on his face.

Guilt… something he easily suppressed now haunted him with greater force.

It would be a lie if Moon Shadow said he didn’t do things he regretted, but no matter what deed he made or how many lives he ruined, the long-term outcome justified his actions. He always told himself that sacrifices he made led to making his species stronger and more organized.

Tonight however he had no such excuse. Even if he conquered Canterlot, overthrew mighty Celestia, and ensured the safety of the two-faced princess, no, his future queen, he accomplished it with unnecessary losses.

All this time he feared that hesitation would lead to Nightmare’s downfall, and this fear blinded him to the consequence that his hasty action entailed.

Fleur, Fancy Pants and those who fell in today’s battle. Those who may die as soon as Equestria's forces make their move. All of them lost for nothing. The war he started was unnecessary. All he needed to do was to put pressure on Celestia and trust Nightmare Moon, and the kingdom would have been surrendered to her.

In fact, if intimidation was all he needed to make Celestia surrender to Nightmare Moon, most of his actions to strengthen purebloods and thestrals also seemed unnecessary. But how could he have known that? Even if he recognized the softer nature and conscience in his enemy, there was still risk that she wouldn’t surrender without a fight. And then there were those cursed Elements.

Moon Shadow grit his teeth, piercing his own lip with his fangs as blood spilled onto the balcony. Self-hatred grew in his mind.

He was supposed to be a strong leader, making harsh and even cruel decisions to make his kind into an unstoppable force and help Nightmare Moon take over. And it’s not like he expected of others something he couldn’t accomplish. After all, he made his own clan a target for hunters more than once to keep it and himself in shape.

However, if the sacrifices he made were unnecessary, if his decisions were rushed, it just meant he was incompetent. Not fit to lead.

Master, please answer. hunters are closin’ on the ruined Castle. Yer orders?

Moon Shadow sighed, ignoring the pleas of his subordinate.

“Should I continue with the plan, or admit my mistakes to the Queen?” He stomped, causing cracks to form on the edge of the balcony and a few pebbles to fall down towards the streets of the city. “Celestia, why did you have to plant this seed of doubt in me? You cursed which!”


“What!?” He turned around, looking at his soldier whose legs trembled fearfully under his unforgiving glare.

“My deepest apologies, but I have urgent news.”


The bat-winged pony saluted. “We have detected a high number of changelings arriving in the city.”

Changelings? Why now?

“Some of them have disguised themselves as civilians that still didn’t evacuate or hid in their homes, but most seem to have been hiding on the other side of the mountain.”

“An entire swarm?” Moon Shadow asked as he walked inside. A few candles provided some light in the darkened bedchamber.

“Hard to tell, but still a significant force. We estimate around three thousand, but there may be more.”

Moon Shadow slammed his hooves together as if crushing an imaginary foe. An army in this number means that Chrysalis must be in the area. How dare she interfere. I tolerated those bugs until now, but I cannot allow them to do as they damn please.


Moon Shadow looked over his shoulder, recognizing his soldier. What caught his eye was a little white bunny standing atop the helmet and a scroll in the thestral’s hoof.

“We found this familiar sneaking in the area while carrying a scroll. He said he’s delivering a message to you from the Changeling Queen.”

“Interesting,” Moon Shadow said, his eyes flashing with power. The blood on the balcony turned into a whip, picking the scroll from thestral’s hoof and delivering it to him. He narrowed his eyes. Now was not the time for guilt and self-pity. There was a bug infestation to resolve.

He glanced at the little familiar who seemed to follow him closely. Once a servant of purebloods, now a subordinate of the challenging queen. Should he consider him as a traitor? Or overlook this transgression?

Still, he didn’t see, nor sense any guilt, fear or hesitation in the familiar; emotions that would be present if the changelings had hostile intentions. Something didn’t seem right.

Twilight stared at Applejack in disbelief. “You said all those harsh words to her after everything she did for you? I mean… wow… it’s like you kept stabbing her already shattered heart. I know purebloods are durable and all, but how much mental and physical hardship can one pony face?”

“Ya think Ah don’t feel bad about that? Ah was too stubborn for mah own good, and mah experiences with monsters and other thestrals weren’t the nicest ones.” Applejack stomped. “It took some time, but mah view of her changed. Ah’m in debt that Ah’ll repay, even with mah own life.”

“P-please just d-don’t,” Fluttershy said in panic.

“Sorry to interrupt such an interesting and sad story, but hunters are advancing from all sides. If you want to make a move, Your Highness, now’s the time,” Vinyl pointed out.

“They are here, but why? I thought they abandoned this pointless hunt. Have they lost their minds?” Fluttershy asked as she flew towards the nearby window, peeking at the approaching force. She squealed, quickly withdrawing before somepony could spot her.

“Dagnabbit. This isn’t what Shackles said. What in tarnation is goin’ on?” Applejack asked in frustration, picking up her weapon while taking position at the closest entrance. Dash borrowed one blade-bracelet, now hovering in mid-air. Rarity picked a crossbow, taking a sniping position behind Big Mac and Hawkeye who took the frontline position. The large shield that was on Big Mac’s back now stood tall in front of them.

Fluttershy looked at the princess with pleading eyes. “Your Highness. Leave for Canterlot. We will keep them busy.”

“No.” Nightmare Moon stomped. “I will not leave my subjects behind. Furthermore...” She lowered her head down, her muzzle centimeters away from touching Fluttershy’s, “While I appreciate your initiative, I would prefer if you didn’t order me around. I believe I am in charge here.”

“Y-yes… of course… I just wish to minimize losses, both here and in Canterlot…”

“I am well aware,” Nightmare said. “We shall disarm them by destroying their weapons, but I won’t hesitate to kill if they threaten your lives. Hopefully I will intimidate them enough to avoid fighting, but in the end it will be up to what they do.”

“I understand... “ Fluttershy said hesitantly before addressing her clan. “You heard Her Highness, everypony. We must focus on destroying their equipment and intimidate them. That’s our top priority.”

“Got it,” Applejack said.

“Finally!” Derpy said as she flapped her wings while holding her hooves close to her chest, an enthusiastic smile on her face. “No weapon will remain in good shape with Derpy the Destroyer on the job.”

“Easier said than done, but I will do what I can,” Rarity said as she examined the sharp edge of her bolts. “I am not certain that a crossbow is best suited for this job, but I can always make them drop their weapons by targeting their limbs. Fluttershy can undo such an injury in the end if she’s given a chance.” She lowered her head and shook it. “I miss the more peaceful days. I think all this violence is getting to me.”

“What about the Elements?” Twilight asked as she charged power into her horn, focusing her levitation on the lifeless orbs. “Maybe they have power that can be used to win without hurting anypony.” Upon noticing as her magic kept being dispelled by an unknown force, she charged another spell and vanished in a flash of light.

“Where did she?” Nightmare asked as she scanned her surroundings for the unicorn. She noticed said pony standing atop one of the arms holding the Elements, trying to push the orb with her hooves. “No! You’ll activate the trap you fool!”

“Trap?” Fluttershy asked. “Oh no!”

“Trap?” Twilight asked as the arm she was balancing on started shining in red. Numerous magical runes became visible one after another and red magic moved between them, forming bloody veins. A red aura darkened more and more with each second. “Trap!” In an act of reflex she teleported, only to reappear in the same spot as powerful magic jammed her spell.

Nightmare Moon gritted her teeth, turning into a fog as she rushed towards Twilight, her reflexes kicking in.

Twilight’s horn was surrounded by a wide aura, summoning a magical bubble. The star-filled fog proved fast enough, reaching the unicorn before the shield closed around her.

Fluttershy could only scream in panic at the scene before her. Clouds of poison and streams of acid bursted from within the arm, blocking her field of vision. Numerous magical portals formed in mid-air, summoning and shooting arrows and spears made of pure dark crystals surrounded by black aura, quickly cracking and piercing the protective bubble. All that incredibly powerful magic, a nearly indestructible shield pierced in an instant.

The pureblood gulped. Even if she wasn’t experienced with the more harmful nature of dark magic, something she avoided as much as possible, she learned enough from her parents to know that this kind of magic was best at three things: Spreading curses, destruction, and piercing magical defenses. Only solar magic used by Celestia herself and strong resistances of thestrals and purebloods could effectively withstand its might. Magic of an average unicorn on the other hoof was very vulnerable. Even a weak mage using dark arts could pierce the protection of a much stronger unicorn.

To make matters worse, it seemed that both teleportation and levitation were useless against it.

The poison, acid, dark spears and arrows were just the beginning as black spikes emerged from the floor, stabbing upward into the cloud of poison. Arms of stone and the very platform shattered as rubble rained upon the area. A quick ‘Oof’ escaped Fluttershy’s mouth as a few pebbles struck her in the head, forcing her to raise her hooves and cover herself with her wings protectively. Other clan members defended in their own way, using shields, hooves or simply evading the incoming projectiles.

When she thought the trap was finally about to end, her heartbeat already triple its usual speed, large pillars made of stone with veins of red pulsating energy emerged from the ground, piercing the old floor. As she lowered her hooves, Fluttershy gasped. The pillars of stone together looked like the jaw of a large monster, which closed a moment later, crushing the target with merciless grip. When the cloud of poison and dust finally descended, all there was left was several tons of rubble.

Tears formed on Fluttershy’s eyes and her legs trembled. The magnitude of the trap seemed as if a pureblood or a group of purebloods put a massive amount of effort into making sure that whoever tries to retrieve the Elements would be turned into less than a mere puddle of blood filled with crushed bones. “N-Nightmare… Twilight… N-no…” Seconds dragged on like minutes as she walked forward, shaking left and right with each step.

She flinched as a wave of magic pushed the ruble aside, revealing a bruised figure.

Fluttershy could only stare in disbelief. Nightmare Moon was sitting, her legs injured as each was filled with bruises and bleeding cuts from top to bottom. Even Moon’s face wasn’t spared the scars. The armor was no longer present on the mare, most likely being melted into a puddle of metal with the acid. Speaking of acid, she could notice bits of it present on Nightmare Moon’s fur, and her coughing meant that some poison got into her lungs.

What also caught her eye was the way Nightmare Moon was sitting. Her injured legs and mangled wings were wrapped around something. Slowly, the wings and hooves were raised, revealing Twilight, whose face was pale and devoid of colors.

Without hesitation, Fluttershy rushed forward, accompanied by Rarity who levitated bandages, a first aid kit and a few bottles of Sparkle’s blood. “Nightmare Moon, Twilight! Don’t worry, aid is coming!” Her eyes flashed red as she opened one of the bottles of blood, levitating half of its contents towards the injured princess as it refueled the blood lost and closed her open wounds. Another portion of blood went through the princess’ fur, soaking the acid before falling onto the floor, melting bits of the stone. A few fragments of dark crystals were present as well.

“I… I’m… I’m alive…” Twilight finally spoke up, her pale expression regaining some colors as she walked forward on her shaking hooves, barely maintaining balance. She turned around and looked up. “You… you saved me… if not for you, I would be dead.”

“This is so wrong…” Nightmare muttered.

“Huh?” Twilight took a step forward. “Does it hurt? Anything I can do to help?”

Nightmare Moon stood up, towering over the little pony as she pressed her hoof against Twilight’s chest, her bones still aching from the experience and her throat somewhat sore. “You are the student of my cursed sister, pupil of my greatest enemy who banished me to the moon for a thousand years. You were chosen by the Elements as a Bearer of Magic, capable of banishing me back into that cold prison.”

Twilight walked backward, staring back in confusion.

“I should be intimidating you, facing you in battle or even taking your life so that the Elements could never be a threat.” The alicorn stomped and groaned. “And what did I do instead? I saved your life from a trap you walked into. I endured poison and gallons of acid. Rains of dark spears and crystals tried to pierce every inch of my body. I was even crushed under tons of stone… pushing my endurance to my limits, all to save your miserable life. This is wrong on every level.”

“W-well… when you put it that way…”

She lowered her hurting neck, pressing her nose against Twilight’s muzzle. “Do me a favor and don’t make me rescue you ever again. Saving you even once is more than enough.” She raised her head arrogantly. “Also, forget this ever happened and don’t tell anypony, nor my sister about what happened.”

“What, but why?”

“If my enemies will learn that I risk my life for others, they will most likely use hostages against me. I have good reasons to uphold my reputation, so not a single word.”

“You did a brave and selfless thing. There’s no need to be shy about it,” Fluttershy said as she gently stroked the alicorn’s foreleg. “This trap was dangerous even for someone as powerful as yourself, yet you put yourself in danger to save a pony you considered to be your enemy. You have a good heart, there’s no need to hide it.”

Nightmare blushed as she looked to the side, avoiding the grateful glances and warm smiles directed at her. “I… I blame Luna for that.”

Sure, whatever let you sleep at night, Luna joked, giggling mentally.

“No need to lie to yerself like that,” Applejack said.

“You were really cool,” Rainbow Dash added.

“Encore, encore,” Pinkie yelled, hopping in place.

“At first I served you because of the circumstances, but after such an incredible display of bravery, I wish to serve from the bottom of my heart,” Rarity added, respectfully lowering her head.

“Kindness isn’t something to be ashamed of,” Fluttershy commented. “Your selfless act just proves that you’re a worthy leader. We will stand by your side to the very end.”


Nightmare Moon kept looking away, feeling uneasy at the constant praise. She was supposed to be the strong warlord that would intimidate her enemies, Luna was meant to be the kind-hearted ruler that ponies were supposed to look up to. How was she supposed to maintain that image after that?

Suddenly, a glint of something coming from the rubble caught her attention, and soon fragments of the lifeless orbs emerged from it, regaining their shine while turning into numerous little crystals. Oh no! Nightmare raised her forehoof defensively as the little crystals formed together into jewelry, each now decorating each bearer’s neck.

Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, all receiving their respective Element with gems similar to their cutie marks.

“What just happened?” Rainbow Dash asked as she examined her necklace.

“Oh, no, no, no,” Fluttershy said as she quickly untied her Element, placing it gently on the damaged floor, only for it to turn into transparent bats and reassemble atop her neck. After a few failed attempts, she looked up with the most apologetic puppy stare she could muster. “I’m sorry, Your Highness. I can’t take it off no matter how hard I try.”

“It is alright, as long as the sixth Element remains missing,” Nightmare said, only for another glow to catch her eye. She looked up, seeing and sensing powerful magic as another orb formed before her very eyes, only to transform into some sort of crown.

She rolled her eyes. “Of course.”

She observed the Element of Magic descend, watching as it landed atop Twi… Fluttershy’s head. She blinked in surprise. “Wait… wasn’t Twilight Sparkle chosen to unlock the Element of Magic?”

Twilight quickly jumped forward, examining the crown. Both necklace and crown had a gem in the shape of a red bat. “I… I don’t understand. Can one pony use more than one Element?”

“Of course she can you fool! Luna in her prime represented the Element of Laughter, Loyalty and Honesty. My traitorous sister represented Magic, Generosity and Kindness,” Nightmare Moon explained while observing Fluttershy, who kept trying to throw away the crown. Of course, it was quite persistent and kept coming back.

“But I’m pretty sure my magic is a lot stronger than hers… no offense.”

“None taken,” Fluttershy answered before holding the crown firmly in front of her face. “Now listen here, Mister Magic, I appreciate choosing me to wield you, but I’m pretty sure there’s another pony more suited for this task. So I would be grateful if you reconsider the Bearer.”

Rainbow Dash landed and whispered to Applejack. “Is she really talking to it? Or are my ears deceiving me?”

“Ah see it too, but to be honest, it ain’t the craziest thin’ happenin’ tonight. Seems pretty normal actually,” Applejack replied.


Nightmare Moon raised Twilight’s chin with a hoof. “Raw power isn’t enough to represent the Element of Magic. This element is so much more. It is a unifying force for the other Elements; it chooses born leaders, those who others trust.” She pointed at the pureblood, who simply continued her negotiations without a care for what was going on around her.

The princess continued her lecture, “Lady Fluttershy has created powerful bonds with her clan members over the years as they faced trials and hardships. They no doubt have proved worthy of their respective Element with actions and deeds. Her magic may be inferior, but other bearers trust her. She’s a great uniter who turned enemies into allies. She’s far more worthy than a shut-in scholar like yourself.”

Twilight’s ears dropped as she lowered her head in shame, whimpering sadly.

Fluttershy placed the crown on the floor once more and gestured at the unicorn. “Please Mister Magic. Give another pony a chance. Pretty please.”

Much to Nightmare’s confusion, the crown started to levitate away from Fluttershy, landing on Twi… on top of her own head. The gem in the shape of a red bat transformed into an onyx in the shape of a crescent moon. The princess poked the crown that now decorated her once bare head.

Magic, the Element that once favored her sister, now chose her? She looked at each Bearer who kept looking back at her with trust in their eyes. Could this be? That after a thousand years of solitude, the Element that was once used to banish her, the Element that her sister represented… now choose her?

A wide grin of satisfaction formed on her lips while a warm feeling grew in her heart. In the past, Celestia was the one who everypony trusted, the one who united others and led them. Tonight, however, after saving Twilight’s life and risking her own, she gained their trust and respect. The other bearers saw her as a worthy leader second only to Fluttershy.

But most importantly, the Element of Magic favored both her and Fluttershy over Twilight Sparkle.

In your face Celestia! Your student’s got nothing on me. Nightmare Moon mentally shouted.

Once we get this mess sorted, we’re so going to tease our sister about it. Luna stated, creating a few images of an annoyed Celestia in their mind. Though If we’re to save Equestria from war, forgiveness must be strong in us.

Forgiving her won’t be easy, but I suppose we can quell our desire for vengeance a bit. Besides, there’s one specific pony… NIghtmare Moon responded and glanced down, looking at the depressed unicorn, as if a scolded abandoned puppy. On the other hoof, I think I’ll give her a break.

Nightmare Moon’s ears perked up as she picked up noise of hoofsteps. Fluttershy, Rarity and Hawkeye immediately rushed towards the entrance, alarmed by the approaching force. The time to lead her subjects against the enemy had come. One thing was certain, she was going to ensure that her subjects survived. The question was, how many more lives was she going to take tonight, and how much blood would be on her hooves?