• Published 16th Mar 2016
  • 4,743 Views, 87 Comments

Two Cybertronians Walk Into A Movie Theater - Solphestus

Two teenagers dressed as their favorite Transformers walk into a movie theater, before being spirited away to a land full of colorful equines! Shenanigans ensue.

  • ...

Chapter 5 - First contact

“Arcee! Wake up!” Skywarp yelled.

“I’m up!” Arcee yelped in surprise, jumping to her feet as she snapped back to her senses. “Um… Did I faint again?” She then asked sheepishly.

“Yeah… So, what do you want to do?” Skywarp asked.

“Umm… I don't know…” Arcee replied.

“... Uh… What kinda date doesn’t have a plan?” Skywarp asked. “You know what? Let’s just spend some time together.”

“Ok…” Arcee said, not knowing what to do.

Skywarp sat down and patted his lap. “C’mere.”

Arcee complied, sitting in Skywarp’s lap. She then began to fidget with her hands as she snuggled in, her face turning a light shade of pink.

Skywarp’s arms wrapped around Arcee as he leaned back. “We could just sit like this…”

Arcee nodded in agreement as she got comfortable, not trusting her voice in her current situation.

An hour or so later Arcee decided to say something. “Um… Skywarp?” She said sheepishly

“Yeah?” Skywarp asked.

“What should we do now? Though personally, I would like to make a token so we could go on adventures together...” She said, hoping she wasn't annoying him.

“So that’s why you want to make a token…” Skywarp internally groaned. “Fine… We can make a token.”

Arcee grinned, mentally cheering over her victory. “Great! So until we come up with something to make a token with you want to go try and make friends with the pony that lives in the cottage at the edge of that town again?”

“Sure. Lead the way.” Skywarp stated.

“... Um, which direction was the town again?” Arcee asked sheepishly.

“Look down and we’ll find it.” Skywarp said.

Arcee looked up at Skywarp inquisitively. “Were inside a cave and I’m in you grasp… What's to look down at besides…” She said before blushing.

“We’re in a cave… On a mountain…” Skywarp deadpanned, letting go.

“Hehe… Yeah…” Arcee said before getting up, still blushing. ‘Bad thoughts! Bad!” She mentally berated herself over the thoughts that started spawning.

“Okay… Let’s go.” Skywarp said.

Arcee quickly transformed into her dragon form and walked to the entrance of the cave, once she spotted her target she spread her wings. “Ready when you are.”

Skywarp did the same as her, but nodded instead of spoke.

Arcee then began flapping her wings as she jumped into the air before flying towards the cottage on the edge of the forest with Thad, the sun was slowly rising which meant they had to fly close to the treeline to avoid being seen and causing a panic but they eventually reached the house and landed behind it. “Lets hope this works…” She sighed before slowly making her way around to the front, leaving skywarp to wait for her to give the all clear.

As Arcee approached the front door she tried to calm her nervousness before she knocked three times on the door.

There was the sound of hooves running about inside and animals making noise before the sound of the door being unlocked was heard. “W-who’s there?” A female voice asked from behind the door.

“Um… Hi? I’m not from around here and I was wondering if you could help me?” Arcee said sheepishly to whoever was behind the door, causing it to slowly crack open before slamming shut and locking once whoever was inside saw her. “What just happened?”

“Dragon!” Whoever was inside shrieked quietly.

Arcee huffed before knocking on the door again. This time the inside of the cottage fell silent, causing Arcee to start getting frustrated and start constantly knocking on the door. Sadly after ten minutes of this Arcee snapped and roared, “What's wrong with you!? I just want to talk and you slammed the door in my face and hide! Fine be that way, see if I care!”. Arcee then stomped around to the back of the house before climbing onto Skywarp’s back, laying there with her cheeks puffed out in frustration.

“What?” Skywarp asked amused.

“She… I… Argh! ” Arcee shouted, waving her talons in the air.

“I think my friend said her name was Fluttershy…” Skywarp remarked.

Arcee stopped her flailing and gave Skywarp a deadpan glare. “Is that supposed to be some kind of joke?” She asked.

“No. There’s also Twilight Sparkle which we met, Pickle Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack Daniel.” Skywarp said. “I think.”

“This is giving me a headache…” Arcee said, dramatically laying herself out on Skywarp’s back while raising a tallon to her forehead.

“Hey, look on the bright side.” Skywarp remarked.

“What bright side?” Arcee asked, removing her talon from her forehead.

“You can call Rainbow gay pride.” Skywarp said.

“That joke was bad and you should feel bad.” Arcee laughed.

“I should, but I don’t.” Skywarp smirked. “So… We failed to ma-” And evil grin formed on Skywarp’s face.

“... Skywarp?” Arcee said, confused and slightly worried as to why Skywarp stopped talking mid sentence.

“Hehehehehehe~” Skywarp chuckled evilly. “Oh we’re going to make friends with her alright…”

“Skywarp? What are you talking about?” Arcee asked, getting a bad feeling about what was about to happen.

Skywarp went over to the door and transformed. He then knocked on the door. “Miss, would you please open up? I wanted to see if you’d let me and my girlfriend stay here!”

“What are you doing!?” Arcee screeched in panic as she plopped onto the ground, staring at Skywarp as he tried to get the owner of the cottage’s attention in his robot form…

“Hmmm…” Skywarp teleported inside. Once inside, he immediately transformed to his dragon mode. “Good miss, please, I’m not a carnivore. I only eat gems.”

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” Quiet screaming could be heard from outside as the house's owner shot out from under the couch next to where Skywarp now was before she flew upstairs.

“Miss, we’re both civilized creatures! Look, what is it going to take for you to calm down!?” Skywarp shouted.

A small white rabbit then hopped down the stairs against the homeowner's protest and glared at Skywarp, waving a carrot in its paw at him in defiance.

“... Am I supposed to understand what you’re saying?” Skywarp asked. “Wait… You’re sapient? Nevermind that… Please tell your mistress I only wish to be friends.”

‘You’re being an ass.’

‘He’s right.’

‘Shut up…’

The rabbit continued to glare at Skywarp for a minute before flipping him the bird and jumping up the steps with his nose stuck up.

“Did he just…” Skywarp glared. “Why that little-”

A moment later a small yellow equine head peeks out of the stairway, it's pink hair covering half its face.

“Sorry if I scared you… I’m kinda born like this…” Skywarp whispered in order to not scare her. He somehow fit in the cottage. “Uh… I’m Skywarp. You are...?”

“... I’m Flutershy…” The pony responded nervously, her pet rabbit trying to push her out of the stairwell towards Skywarp.

“I’m sorry… What?” Skywarp asked. This felt like deja vu to him. “Speak louder please.”

“... I’m fluttershy...” The pony repeated as her rabbit left to go get help from the other animals.

“Nice to meet you Fluttershy. My girlfriend, Arcee, tried meeting you a bit ago.” Skywarp said.

Fluttershy didn't respond, frozen in fear. Her rabbit then returned with some of the pony’s other animals and they then proceeded to push and pull Fluttershy into the livingroom.

“Look… I’m not even a real dragon…” Skywarp said. “I swear.”

Fluttershy still wasn't responding, her eyes seeming to have glazed over. And her rabbit wasn't helping by jumping up and down in front of her face to get her attention.

Skywarp poked Fluttershy’s muzzle with a talon. “Hey…”

Fluttershy still didn't respond as she fell over like a petrified statue, causing her rabbit's eye to twitch.

Skywarp scratched his head. “Look, I just wanted to see if you’d like to have a picnic with me and Arcee. If you don’t want to that’s fine, I’ll leave.”

The rabbit turned to Skywarp and held up a paw before hopping into the other room. A short while later he returned with a bucket of water and dumped it on Fluttershy’s head.

Fluttershy snapped out of her fear induced shock from being doused with water before noticing Skywarp was still there. “P-please don’t eat m-me…”

Skywarp internally groaned. “I only eat gems. I’m a vegetarian.”

“But gems aren't vegetables… how could you be a vegetarian if you eat rocks?” Fluttershy asked, now more confused than scared.

“It means I choose not to eat meat.” Skywarp explained.

“... Ok…” Fluttershy responded, deciding to just roll with it.

“Am I wrong?” Skywarp asked. “The whole vegan and vegetarian thing always confused me… Wait, vegan is where I wouldn’t eat anything that comes from animals… Anyway, look, I don’t want to hurt or scare you. Arcee and I just moved to this land and are currently living on a mountain nearby.”

“Oh… I see…” Fluttershy said as she looked Skywarp up and down. “How did you even get in here…”

“I teleported.” Skywarp said. “Watch.” He then disappeared and reappeared outside. Only to reappear inside.

“How did…” Fluttershy muttered, now simply confuzed.

“It’s an ability I have. You see, I’m not really a dragon.” Skywarp said. “Come outside and I can show you. If you want that is.”

“A-are you some kind of changeling?” Fluttershy asked, now more terrified than before.

“No… What’s a changeling?” Skywarp asked.

“You… Don't know what changelings are?”

“No… I’m not from this land. You could say I’m not of this world.” Skywarp said.

“Not of this world?” Fluttershy said, now more confused than she had ever been before.

“Uh… I’ll tell you when you’re ready. So… Friends?” Skywarp asked.

“I... guess?” Fluttershy said nervously, not knowing what to think about the dragon she was looking at anymore.

“If I didn’t look like a dragon, would you feel more comfortable?” Skywarp asked.

“What do you mean by don't look like a dragon?”

“Don’t freak out.” Skywarp said as he slowly transformed, but stopped when his head was free. “See? True form.”

Fluttershy promptly fainted, making a sound similar to a sheep in the process.

Skywarp blinked outside, then went back to his dragon form. “It didn’t work… It did not work…”

“...” Arcee stared at Skywarp for a moment before sighing, “Of course it didn't work! You told her to much too soon!”

Skywarp shrugged. “So? We thought these bodies were fiction!”

Arcee held up a talon to try and make a witty comeback but couldn't come up with anything, so she then decided to just sigh again and slump to the ground.

“It’s okay Arcee.” Skywarp said. “We’ll come back later. We’re trying to do a date, right?”

“Oh yeah… I almost forgot…” Arcee said meekly, her face turning bright red.

“So… How do we start?” Skywarp questioned.

“Hmm… Well, we could go exploring possibly?”

“I suppose. What direction though?” Skywarp looked around.

“Well, why don't we start out over there?” Arcee asked, pointing to a mountain with a castle sticking out of it in the distance. “After all, we’re eventually going to have to figure out the layout of this world eventually. And since we can transform into dragons, a castle is the most logical place to start!” She then added with a sly grin.

“I suppose…” Skywarp sighed, spreading his wings. “Fine.”

“Something wrong?” Arcee asked as she spread her wings as well.

“That castle doesn’t look safe.” Skywarp said.

“How does it not look safe? The most dangerous things we know of in this world are probably the dragons, and there is most likely not any dragons there guarding a sleeping princess.” Arcee teased.

“I mean look at it! It’s on the side of a flippin mountain!” Skywarp gestured to it.

“So?” Arcee asked.

Skywarp groaned. “Let’s go…”

Arcee simply rolled her eyes at Skywarp before she began flying towards the castle, Skywarp not far behind her.

“Full house!” Fleetfoot triumphantly shouted as Flitter, Thunderlane and Limestone Pie groaned.

“You cheated, seven wins in a row is impossible!” Thunderlane glared.

Fleetfoot snickered as she took the pile of bits in front of her. “My brother got all of my bad luck.”

Limestone snatched whatever bits she had left. “I’m getting a drink.” Flitter nodded and followed.

“Hey Captain!” Thunderlane called out to Rainbow Dash. “Something on your mind?”

“Its nothing… I was just thinking about that thing from the other day.” Rainbow sighed as she reflexively stretched her robotic wing.

“Dash, don’t dwell.” Flitter said. “Dwelling clouds your head.”

“But I can't help it!” Rainbow groaned, “I mean, what was that thing!?”

“Looked like a giant kite.” Fleetfoot suggested.

“It talked… and was made of metal…” Rainbow said as she started to zone out again.

“Well, let’s not focus on it like that. Let the eggheads figure it out.” Fleetfoot said.

“Yeah, featherhead is right.” Thunderlane nodded.

“I guess…” Rainbow groaned as she got up from her seat, “Anyone want to go a lap around canterlot with me?”

“Sure!” Fleetfoot said, her wings spreading.

“Alright, see you out there.” Rainbow said with a smirk before she zoomed out the entrance to the bar.

“Hey Featherbrain, nice wingboner!” Thunderlane laughed. Fleetfoot blushed and looked away, before flying out.

“She’d never like me…” Fleetfoot whispered to herself. “Wait up Dash!” When Fleetfoot caught up to Rainbow she cleared her throat. “So Rainbow, I was thinking maybe later we could-” Fleetfoot was cut off though as she and Rainbow noticed two dragons flying towards Canterlot.

“Dragons!? What are they doing here!” Rainbow shouted, “We have to tell the princess!” she then turned around and flew straight for the castle.

“I’ll see if I can hold ‘em off!” Fleetfoot shouted.

Rainbow flew swiftly as she headed towards the castle, fearing the worst as civilians began to notice the pair of dragons and panic. Moments later she swiftly made her way through the gates and halls of the castle before crashing into the throne room where the princess was currently holding court. “Princess! We have an emergency!” She gasped from the spot on the ground where she had landed.

“What is it?” Celestia asked. Her face portrayed sorrow and alertness, but also, from what Rainbow could see, a loneliness.

“We have dragons approaching from the south!” Rainbow reported as she caught her breath and bowed.

“Thank you my little pony, I’ll deal with it myself.” Princess Celestia said, standing up. She then vanished in a blinding flash of light.

Skywarp was trying to ignore the white maned mare as best he could with how she was shooting something at him.

“Can I shoot her?” Skywarp asked.

“No, you can not shoot her…” Arcee groaned as she tried to ignore the mare as well, though her patience ran out when the mare blasted her in the face... “Ok, that's it! Either you stop shooting at us or I’m going to personally tear you to pieces!” She roared.

Fleetfoot yelped and retreated several feet.

“I think you scared her.” Skywarp teased.

“So what if I scared her a little!?” Arcee whined, “She hit me in the face! And it's much better than you blasting her out of the sky.”

“Fine.” Skywarp rolled his eyes. “We’re almost there anyway.”

“Hey, is it just me or is it getting warmer?” Arcee asked as she looked towards the castle, completely forgetting about the white maned pegasus that was just attacking them.

“Holy crap!” Skywarp yelped, grabbing Arcee and diving to dodge an oncoming yellow beam that was hotter than fire. “Hey Arcee...?”

“Y-yeah?” Arcee asked, a little shaken from the sudden attack that almost hit her.

“I think we should explore another castle…” Skywarp said.

“That's probably for the best…” Arcee chuckled weakly as she hung in Skywarp’s grasp.

“Leave now dragons!” Princess Celestia yelled as she appeared before Skywarp and Arcee.

“... Uh, Skywarp? Is it just me, or is that a pegacorn?” Arcee asked, her eyes starting to sparkle for some reason.

“Looks more like a Unicus.” Skywarp replied. The princess glared.

“I’m Princess Celestia. Last remaining Alicorn of Equestria.” Celestia said in her royal tone.

“Pretty… Pony… Princess…” Alice said as she twitched a few times in Skywarp’s grasp. Not a moment later she was suddenly behind Celestia, and glomped her… “Cute!”

“... Holy mother of a goat…” Skywarp said dumbfounded. he had never seen this side of Alice besides when he got that puppy… It was soon her dog.

“Is she…?” Fleetfoot trailed off, unable to comprehend what Arcee was doing.

“Can I keep it? It's so fluffy and adorable!” Arcee squealed, her entire appearance somehow morphing into a child like state.

“Arcee… She shot us…” Skywarp said. Celestia herself was stunned. This was new territory for her.

“But… But… It's adorable!” Arcee whined as she gave Skywarp the puppy dog eyes.

“‘It’ has a name and gender…” Celestia deadpanned.

“I think it is getting pissed…” Skywarp said nervously.

Arcee stared at Celestia for a few moments as the things she was just told started to register… Before she resumed cuddling the princess. “So fluffy~”

“Unhand me!” Celestia yelled. She couldn’t attack Arcee with her magic due to the dragon disguised robot being behind her.

“Hm? Do you not like cuddling?” Arcee asked blankly, tilting her head to the side. She then thought for a moment before starting to scratch behind Celestia’s ears playfully. “Is this better?”

“I command yo-” Celestia was cut off as she started purring into Arcee’s claw. Skywarp and Fleetfoot stared in awe, and some terror.

“Arcee… How did you…?” Skywarp stopped himself. “Pony’s with cat-like attributes, cartoon world war, and unnaturally small wing that work… Why am I surprised?”

“Something wrong Skywarp?” Arcee asked with a innocent yet foreboding smile.

“Uh… Nope!” Skywarp said, terrified for some reason.

“If you say so~” Arcee chirped as she returned to cuddling Celestia while still scratching her behind the ears.

“Don’t you think we should… You know, leave?” Skywarp hinted.

“But why would we leave?” Arcee asked.

“Unhand the princess!” Someone shouted before a rainbow streak shot past Arcee and Skywarp.

“Oh great, it’s the skittles retard.” Skywarp groaned.

“What did you call me!?” Rainbow shouted as she finally came to a stop before turning around and hovering in front of the two dragon disguised robots.

“A skittles retard.” Skywarp shrugged.

“... I’m sorry… I belive I misheard you?” Rainbow said as a vein in her forehead began to visibly pulse.

“A: used to indicate membership of a class of people or things. Skittles: a type of rainbow colored candy. Retard: a mentally handicapped person.” Skywarp said insultingly slowly. “Was that slow enough for you?”

“I’ll kill you!” Rainbow shouted as she charged towards Skywarp at full speed.

Skywarp smirked and transformed. Rainbow, before she could register, smashed into the Decepticons chestplate.

“What the buck!?” Rainbow shouted as she quickly recovered from crashing before looking up at Skywarp’s face, causing her jaw to drop.

“Miss me?” Skywarp asked, grinning madly. He then noticed a dent in his chest. He also noticed the area got… Colder.

“You tried to hurt my Skywarp…” Arcee said, her playful and childish disposition suddenly nowhere to be seen as she dropped Celestia like a rock.

“W-what?” Rainbow asked, unable to register what was going on.

“Oh… Shit…” Skywarp said, shaking a bit.

Arcee’s scales darkened slightly as her eyes began to glow bright red, she then slowly began to flex her talons as she aimed herself at Rainbow.

Sensing something bad was about to happen Rainbow immediately took off, screaming like a little girl as Arcee chased her down like a rabid dog chasing a cat.

Celestia glared at Skywarp. “Who are you!? What are you!? Why are you here!?”

“One question at a time!” Skywarp said, “My name is Skywarp… It’s a long story…”