• Published 31st Jan 2016
  • 1,386 Views, 78 Comments

The Great Transition - Bronyfordays

Equus is dying, so Twilight and all of Equestria take three massive ships to look for a new place to live. When they get there, however, they find another race on the brink of extinction.

  • ...

Chapter 4

'Where am I?' was the first thought that came through my head. I had reason to ask that too. I was in what seemed to be complete darkness. I tried to remember exactly what had happened before I went unconscious. There was the launch from Equus, then the wormhole, then the princesses and I trying to prevent a crash landing. Oh no, had we failed?! Was I dead, along with everybody else?

"Hello?!" I yelled, was this what death was like? No, I had to think positive! "Is anybody there?"

"Just us as far as we can tell," came a voice from behind. I nearly jumped from the sound and whirled around to see Princess Luna behind me.

"Luna?" I said, confused. "What are you-"

Then I put the pieces together, Luna could enter other ponies dreams. "So I'm dreaming?"

"Yes," Luna nodded.

"Then, did we do it? Is everyone safe?" I asked.

"Indeed," Luna smiled. "The ships are safely on the ground with only a few injured ponies. You just used too much magic."

I sighed in relief, "Thank Celestia." Then I frowned, "This sure is a weird dream, just nothing as far as the eye can see."

Luna frowned as well, "It does seem strange."

As we looked around, I noticed a faint light in the distance. Then it started growing brighter and brighter until Luna noticed it as well.

"What the?" we both said at once, finally the light became blinding and I had to close my eyes. After a second I opened them to find myself and Luna in a strange city. It kinda looked like Manehattan with the big buildings, but instead of ponies walking around, there were strange creatures walking around.

They had the same kind of stature as Spike, two arms starting at shoulders below the neck, they walked on two legs as well. On top of their heads was what seemed to be their only source of hair. Their heads were also weird, they had round ears jutting out from the side. Their pointy noses stretched away from the spot below their eyes. Oh, and their eyes! They were like tiny little slits on the front of their face.

There were other notable things as well, such as their color, it varied little. All of them seemed to be wearing different types of clothing as well. Some were talking into strange objects, some kind of long range communications device? Some of the creatures were in these odd carriages, like trains, it seemed to power itself.

"Where are we?" I heard Luna ask behind me.

"That's an awfully good question," I said.

Suddenly, what sounded like sirens in the distance started blaring constantly. Every creature immediately stopped what they were doing. A voice could be heard, coming from the skies. Luna and I looked up at the same time the creatures did. There was some kind of small flying ship, but there were blades on the top spinning speedily, probably to keep it in the air. The voice, which somehow spoke the same language I did, could be heard coming from the ship.

"This is the President, everyone must take shelter immediately! This is not a drill. I repeat everyone must take shelter immediately!"

I heard another voice nearby go, "It's the Terrors! They're finally dropping the nukes on us!"

At that point the streets were filled with chaos, the screaming of a million creatures was heard. Quickly, I flew upwards to get a better glimpse of the chaos. The creatures were frantically running into various buildings down below. Luna quickly followed my lead as I stopped in the sky. I could see a vast ocean in the distance, and coming from it was another ship, this one was going very fast, unlike the other one which was more rounded in the front, this one ended in all point.

After a second or two, the ship zoomed past us and went a ways away from the city. As it went a couple miles away, I could see something large fall from it. Then it hit the ground and, to our horror. A huge explosion occured and a giant mushroom shaped cloud formed. That wasn't the worst part, the shockwave from the explosion carried all the way to the city. I looked down to see millions of the creatures covered by the dust and debris of the shockwave.

Somehow Luna and I weren't affected by the shockwave and we looked around as the dust settled. To our shock, dozens of buildings had toppled over and the ones that hadn't looked terrible. But the worst part of all, was the total silence. Nothing at all.

"Dear Celestia," Luna said in utter disbelief. It looked as if every single creature was killed by the blast.

"Princess Luna?" I turned towards Luna. "This doesn't seem like a normal dream."

"Indeed," I heard a voice from behind and turned to see a jet black stallion with black hair. He was unnervingly tall, about as tall as Celestia herself. But the creepiest part was his eyes, the iris' were pure red, he just seemed evil. Then he spoke in a creepy deep voice, "This is a vision."

I was about to speak when Luna, who I completely forgot was there, trotted up next to me and spoke in a demanding voice, "Who might you be?"

The stranger smiled, "I go by many names, but in all fairness, I'm just a traveler."

Luna and I staggered back at that, "what?!"

"Yes, but enough about me," he said. "What about you Twilight?"

I was startled when he called my name, "Oh, well...what do you want to know?" I asked.

"How about what you think of this vision?" he said as he waved a hoof around.

I was a bit unsettled at his tone, but I gave my thoughts on the matter, "It's very disturbing, I don't know what could have caused all those poor creatures to die in such a horrible manner. It looked like some sort of giant explosion, but nevertheless, it's a terrible sight."

The stranger snorted, "why are you pitying these fools. They destroyed themselves."

"What do you mean?" I asked, "Why do you despise them so much?"

"Because, they're worthless. That's why I made sure they died off!" He said.

My eyes grew wide and I heard Luna gasp, "You caused this?!"

"Well I certainly helped them die off, that's for sure!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing! This being caused the extinction of an entire race I've never even heard of! I was angry to say the least.

"You're a monster!" I said.

"Maybe, but I did save your sorry flanks," he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well," he started. "You see a long time ago, the creatures on this planet were divided into two main groups, the Terrors and the Alliance. Now, unlike how you ponies settle things, these creatures declared violent wars on eachother."

Luna gasped, "You mean like in the early days?"

"Yes, but much worse, some of these wars caused thousands of deaths, sometimes in brutal ways."

Luna and I were shocked, "Why would they do such things?" I asked.

He shrugged, "Dunno, maybe it was just in their blood to fight."

I looked down, "That's terrible."

"Oh but I'm not done yet!" He smiled, "Let me tell you about their creations!"

"Creations?" I wondered.

"Yes, not only did these poor creatures like to fight, they made killing machines to fight with."

"Like what?"

"Like guns! They're handheld objects that kinda look like metal sticks that fire small pellet like things called bullets at lightning speeds! These bullets can easily kill anything on sight, depending on the gun and where you shoot. The worse part is that they mass produced these things, they aren't even just for fighting. The creatures killed animals for sport with these weapons!"

"That's downright atrocious!"

"Indeed! But the worst weapon of all, was the nuclear bomb," he whispered as if it was the scariest thing ever. Though if it was worse than guns, then it probably was.

"What's that?" I asked, afraid to know the answer.

Instead of saying something, he just waved his hoof around the ruins of the city. At first I didn't understand, but Luna did.

"You mean that explosion was made by the creatures, and the thing falling out of the ship was the bomb?!"

He nodded.

"Why would they make such a terrifying weapon?" I said, shivering at the thought.

"I don't know," he said. "Probably the same reason they made guns, but it just shows that humans are nothing but bloodthirsty beings that do nothing but kill everyday. That's why I destroyed them by influencing the Terror's decision to launch 100 nuclear bombs into the air! Then I did the same with the Alliance."

I thought about it, but I still didn't think it was the right thing to do, "That doesn't mean you had to kill them all. Right Luna?"

I turned to her but couldn't believe my eyes when she looked at me guiltily and said, "I'm sorry Twilight, but he's right."


"Yes," the stallion said, "because if they ever found your planet. I'm sure the consequences would be deadly."

As much I hated to admit it, the stranger was probably right. If these creatures who are capable of so much violence came to our planet. Who knows what would happen?

"I guess you're right...but tell me, what were these creatures called?"

"Humans," then he smiled. "Well that ends our little session. Nice meeting you two! Adios!"

With that, the stranger disappeared as well as the vision. Luna and I were standing in complete darkness. We just stared at each other for a second, then Luna spoke up.

"I think your dream is about to end, so I'll be going. We can discuss the matter later."

After those words, she vanished and another bright light engulfed my vision.

As soon as a I felt the warmth, I opened my eyes. Quickly I looked around, I was in the room where my friends and I took the picture. I was lying on a very comfy sofa. As I took a sigh of relief, I heards footsteps approaching the door. There was some talking I couldn't quite make out and then I heard a knock on the door.

"Twilight, darling, may we come in?" it was Rarity.

"Yes, of course," I smiled.

The door opened and my friends filed in, as well as the princesses. They all had concerned looks on their faces.

"Are you feeling alright?" Celestia asked.

Now that she asked the question, I was feeling a little weak, my horn was hurting too. I used up a lot of energy on that spell.

"For the most part, just a little woozy," I said.

They all breathed a sigh of relief.

"But I had a really strange dream," I said. Everyone looked at me confused, spare Luna of course.

"What kind of dream?" Celestia asked.

So I told them everything Luna and I had seen, the city, the creatures called humans, and the mysterious stranger. As I told them them the story their expressions went from curious to astonished and finally to horrified. Then my friends all started talking at once

"Those humans sound like jerks!" "Think of those poor animals!" "That seems downright terrible." "Horrifying!" "I wouldn't want to invite them to a party!"

Then Celestia interrupted them and said, "Whoever they were, let's just be glad we don't have to deal with them."

"She's right," I said. "No point in worrying about it now."

Then Celestia's Long Range Transmitter, or LRT, which I just noticed at that particular moment, started buzzing. She pressed a hoof on the button on the side and spoke, "Yes Captain?"

Everyone could hear what the Captain said, "We got movement heading towards our ships. Looks like some sort of alien creature."

"What does it look like?" Celestia asked.

"Tall, it's standing on two legs, got two arms on it's side. It's also got some sort of stick in it's hands."

All our eyes were wide open at that statement.

"It couldn't be..." Luna muttered.

"It sounds like a human, and by the description he has a weapon. The gun," Celestia said. "Alright, everyone follow me."

Everyone was about to leave when Celestia turned towards me, "Not you Twilight."

"What? Why?" I asked, confused.

"Twilight," Celestia frowned, "You've already exerted enough energy, if the human starts a fight, you could be really hurt."


"Twilight please, we don't want y'all to get hurt," Applejack said.

I frowned, but eventually caved in, "Alright."

Then my friends group hugged me to make me feel better, it was nice. I watched as everyone left, unaware that I put a hidden voice recorder in Applejack's hat. Hopefully, this would all end well.

Author's Note:

Here's chapter 4! Sorry it took so long, I've been having to deal with life issues as of late. Hopefully, it won't burden my writing too much. Side note though, I've been thinking about writing a HiE fic for a while now. I'll still be writing this one but I just like to have options for what to write. I still don't have a real update schedule so I don't know when the new one will start. But anyway, thanks for the support!