Something of great magical power has been found in Equestria. Unfortunately no one knows what it is or why it's here. Celestia trusts this object to a pony she's sure can figure the mystery out, but what happens when things don't go as planned?
6834023 Don't worry, I didn't forget about anybody. They're just not around at the moment. Partly because I didn't want to introduce too many characters at once. Otherwise, the chapter would have probably felt bloated.
Just keep in mind that not everyone will become main characters. Most of your favorites will likely make an appearance, but don't expect all of them to play a huge role in the story.
I think it'd be impossible to write a Borderlands story and leave out a character such as NIPPLE SALADS! :)
6834373 ok, just wondering cause you know gaige has mlp refrences in her skill tree, if she meets ponies, well pinkie could probably pick up that level of inception.
So far so good, but then again, nothing much has happend so far. This story reminds me of Dark Wanderings by ed2481, just with a different game. But I did like that a great deal, so whats not to love?
6837915 Never read that one so any similarities are purely coincidential, though I'll probably give it a read once I finish this fic. Sounds interesting!
You're right, not much has happened so far. Of course, we're not even close to the halfway point of this story and I'm still introducing characters and concepts. However, we're getting close to the main conflict of the story though so keep your eyes open. :)
In Tales from the Borderlands. Sorry if you're upset that it got spoiled for you, but I did imply there would be spoilers for all the Borderlands games. If you don't want anything else from Tales from the Borderlands (or Borderlands the Pre-Sequel, though there likely won't be too many major plot spoilers from TPS) I suggest either playing those games or at least watching a lets play of Tales from the Borderlands before continuing reading the story. Like I've said before, I'm going to be referencing a lot of scenes from Tales from the Borderlands in future chapters so do keep that in mind. It's not 100% required to continue reading the story, but it may help you understand what's going on and why.
And just a general statement about the progress of the next chapter for those who have been waiting. It's coming very soon. Just a few more pages to write. Unfortunately, I have to go to work today and I don't think I have enough time to finish and re-read the chapter before I have to go. Hopefully I'll be able to get it posted later tonight.
oh yeah ikno what required oin borderlands 2 didn't get the first one but i plyed to completion the 2 game and gottA say wow shit is fucked up in the bordelands
I like this story, and want to see more of it.
Also, it inspired me to do my own take on it with my co-author.
We'll see how each does
you still left out gaige krieg Salvador and *forgets commandos name*
Don't worry, I didn't forget about anybody. They're just not around at the moment. Partly because I didn't want to introduce too many characters at once. Otherwise, the chapter would have probably felt bloated.
Just keep in mind that not everyone will become main characters. Most of your favorites will likely make an appearance, but don't expect all of them to play a huge role in the story.
I think it'd be impossible to write a Borderlands story and leave out a character such as NIPPLE SALADS! :)
Interesting chapter. Enjoying the interactions between Twilight/Rainbow and the others so far, intrigued to see more. Until next time.
So far so good, but then again, nothing much has happend so far. This story reminds me of Dark Wanderings by ed2481, just with a different game. But I did like that a great deal, so whats not to love?
Cant wait for more.
Never read that one so any similarities are purely coincidential, though I'll probably give it a read once I finish this fic. Sounds interesting!
You're right, not much has happened so far. Of course, we're not even close to the halfway point of this story and I'm still introducing characters and concepts. However, we're getting close to the main conflict of the story though so keep your eyes open. :)
she forgot to mention some of the vaults are prisons.
In Tales from the Borderlands. Sorry if you're upset that it got spoiled for you, but I did imply there would be spoilers for all the Borderlands games. If you don't want anything else from Tales from the Borderlands (or Borderlands the Pre-Sequel, though there likely won't be too many major plot spoilers from TPS) I suggest either playing those games or at least watching a lets play of Tales from the Borderlands before continuing reading the story. Like I've said before, I'm going to be referencing a lot of scenes from Tales from the Borderlands in future chapters so do keep that in mind. It's not 100% required to continue reading the story, but it may help you understand what's going on and why.
And just a general statement about the progress of the next chapter for those who have been waiting. It's coming very soon. Just a few more pages to write. Unfortunately, I have to go to work today and I don't think I have enough time to finish and re-read the chapter before I have to go. Hopefully I'll be able to get it posted later tonight.
that and handsome jack at the end of borderlands 2
hhe dies by your hand or by lilths hand he dies regardless
oh yeah ikno what required oin borderlands 2 didn't get the first one but i plyed to completion the 2 game and gottA say wow shit is fucked up in the bordelands