Something of great magical power has been found in Equestria. Unfortunately no one knows what it is or why it's here. Celestia trusts this object to a pony she's sure can figure the mystery out, but what happens when things don't go as planned?
So, wait, Celestia. You ask for Twilight to bring Spike so that he doesn't feel left out...and then you have him escorted from the room because something is too sensitive for him to listen to? Okay, I'm sorry, as immature as Spike can be, he also sometimes appears to be the most mature of the entire cast. People seem to forget that he's just a few years younger than Twilight by about, what, five years? Six, tops. Tell them all, Spike included, that this is a very sensitive subject and not to tell anybody about it. Seriously, that's all you need to do here.
6787177 Perhaps that's something I could have handled better in the writing. I'm still relatively new to this after all. But, if I had to defend myself for not wanting Spike to be in the meeting, part of it is the slight need for Spike not to know anything for the next few chapters. In fact, without spoiling anything, your comment will likely be addressed in future chapters.
6787220 Eh, fair enough. It's just a personal peeve that everybody seems to forget that Spike isn't really that much younger than Twilight. I mean, if they want to exclude him from something, don't treat him like a baby, just let him know WHY he's not needed/wanted at that time. Granted, a lot of it has to do with how the MLP writers have written him, but it just irks me.
And don't worry about the writing thing, I've been out of it for about 5 years so I'm nowhere near as good as I once was myself. You're doing fine, mate.
Interesting... Curious to know how Rainbow was able to see those images by touching it. More so, would it have happened had any of the others done it at that moment, as well? Or just her? Can't wait for the next chapter.
When I read this, it doesn't feel rushed, or forced in any way, except Luna feels rather cold, and we don't see any of the awkwardness she displayed in season two.
I have to wonder though, how did the key get here? The way you portrayed its magic tasting was very appropriate for Borderlands, but isn't its magic alien? So would it taste of the Borderlands we know? Just a thought.
The flashback/vision Rainbow got was primarily Borderlands 2. Is there a particular reason for that?
Regardless, I am enjoying this story quite a lot, and I even have another chapter to read straight away. So, onwards!
So, wait, Celestia. You ask for Twilight to bring Spike so that he doesn't feel left out...and then you have him escorted from the room because something is too sensitive for him to listen to? Okay, I'm sorry, as immature as Spike can be, he also sometimes appears to be the most mature of the entire cast. People seem to forget that he's just a few years younger than Twilight by about, what, five years? Six, tops. Tell them all, Spike included, that this is a very sensitive subject and not to tell anybody about it. Seriously, that's all you need to do here.
Perhaps that's something I could have handled better in the writing. I'm still relatively new to this after all. But, if I had to defend myself for not wanting Spike to be in the meeting, part of it is the slight need for Spike not to know anything for the next few chapters. In fact, without spoiling anything, your comment will likely be addressed in future chapters.
6787220 Eh, fair enough. It's just a personal peeve that everybody seems to forget that Spike isn't really that much younger than Twilight. I mean, if they want to exclude him from something, don't treat him like a baby, just let him know WHY he's not needed/wanted at that time. Granted, a lot of it has to do with how the MLP writers have written him, but it just irks me.
And don't worry about the writing thing, I've been out of it for about 5 years so I'm nowhere near as good as I once was myself. You're doing fine, mate.
Interesting... Curious to know how Rainbow was able to see those images by touching it. More so, would it have happened had any of the others done it at that moment, as well? Or just her? Can't wait for the next chapter.
Very interesting. Are we gonna see Twilight and/or the others meet up with Rys and Yvette?
Hmm, missed this update somehow. No matter.
When I read this, it doesn't feel rushed, or forced in any way, except Luna feels rather cold, and we don't see any of the awkwardness she displayed in season two.
I have to wonder though, how did the key get here? The way you portrayed its magic tasting was very appropriate for Borderlands, but isn't its magic alien? So would it taste of the Borderlands we know? Just a thought.
The flashback/vision Rainbow got was primarily Borderlands 2. Is there a particular reason for that?
Regardless, I am enjoying this story quite a lot, and I even have another chapter to read straight away. So, onwards!
So it's a Borderlands 2, type crossover?