Something of great magical power has been found in Equestria. Unfortunately no one knows what it is or why it's here. Celestia trusts this object to a pony she's sure can figure the mystery out, but what happens when things don't go as planned?
I like! The magic sensing was well thought out and believable. I can see Rainbow being bothered by her inability to perform the Sonic Rainboom at will. The story is, so far, well written. I will be tracking.
6779290 Updates will likely be sporadic. I have no intention in setting myself up with a schedule only to disappoint by missing it. You likely won't have to wait too long though.
I like! The magic sensing was well thought out and believable. I can see Rainbow being bothered by her inability to perform the Sonic Rainboom at will. The story is, so far, well written. I will be tracking.
When is the next chapter coming out?
Updates will likely be sporadic. I have no intention in setting myself up with a schedule only to disappoint by missing it. You likely won't have to wait too long though.
Mm.... Is Twi-Dash = I Hope No.
I am a massive fan of Borderlands, so I am quite eager to so how this plays out!