Something of great magical power has been found in Equestria. Unfortunately no one knows what it is or why it's here. Celestia trusts this object to a pony she's sure can figure the mystery out, but what happens when things don't go as planned?
Oh now the fun starts! And Lilith has PTSD or something? Never played The Pre-Sequel, so I'm kinda 'meh' on what happened in that. Granted, I wouldn't blame her considering what Jack put her through in BL2, but yeah.
6794647 You might at the very least want to read a plot synopsis from Borderlands: TPS. Only the game's intro and ending truly matter though. I have a feeling future chapters will confuse anyone who did not play Borderlands: TPS or Tales from the Borderlands. It's not too important to the fic's plot, but it'll definitely help you understand some of what is going on. Just a fair warning for the future.
Never played Borderlands, but I'm interested in this story. Be interesting to see how Dash and Twilight adapt to this world. Really good look into how they're dealing with it so far... As, in not very good, which is understandable. Until next time.
Very interesting. I'd completely forgotten about those stalkers. They kept sneaking up on me when I wasn't looking and made me nearly have heart attacks. Just so long as no threshers got involved I could take them no problem, though.
I'm torn. On the one hand, I want to keep reading this story. On the other, I want to play The Pre-Sequel with a minimum amount of spoilers when I eventually buy it.
The two ponies turned around and were met with a human man. He wore raggy dirt-brown pants adorned with multiple straps going around the waist and legs. Another strap lay over his bluish-gray sweatshirt. His face was covered by a red bandana with a white insignia on it.
Who is this guy? I don't remember him. Is he from Tales From The Borderlands?
Also, why can Zer0 sense magic? Are you drawing off his Decepti0n as being similar to a Siren's ability?
6801025 Just so you know, the only events from TPS I'll likely be referring to are the intro and the ending. None of the story stuff in between will be referenced to in a detailed manner. Of course, knowing the ending to the game does kinda spoil the experience a bit, but it's unfortunately necessary to the plot.
EDIT: However, do keep in mind that there will be a chapter that references one key moment in TPS. I'll be sure to make a spoiler warning in an author's note at the top of that chapter when the time comes.
As for Zer0, I'm more drawing off his mysterious inhuman-like nature. His backstory is pretty much unknown, which gives me a lot of freedom when writing his character. I'm not sure how much I want to dig into his backstory though, and I'll likely keep a lot of things about him a mystery. Such is the way of a ninja.
Oh now the fun starts! And Lilith has PTSD or something? Never played The Pre-Sequel, so I'm kinda 'meh' on what happened in that. Granted, I wouldn't blame her considering what Jack put her through in BL2, but yeah.
Hmm this story has piped my interest. I love borderlands and I await for more chapters of this story.And CLAPTRAP
You might at the very least want to read a plot synopsis from Borderlands: TPS. Only the game's intro and ending truly matter though. I have a feeling future chapters will confuse anyone who did not play Borderlands: TPS or Tales from the Borderlands. It's not too important to the fic's plot, but it'll definitely help you understand some of what is going on. Just a fair warning for the future.
Never played Borderlands, but I'm interested in this story. Be interesting to see how Dash and Twilight adapt to this world. Really good look into how they're dealing with it so far... As, in not very good, which is understandable. Until next time.
Looks good, can't waitfor the next chapter. I hope Gaige makes an appearance.
Very interesting. I'd completely forgotten about those stalkers. They kept sneaking up on me when I wasn't looking and made me nearly have heart attacks. Just so long as no threshers got involved I could take them no problem, though.
I'm torn. On the one hand, I want to keep reading this story. On the other, I want to play The Pre-Sequel with a minimum amount of spoilers when I eventually buy it.
Who is this guy? I don't remember him. Is he from Tales From The Borderlands?
Also, why can Zer0 sense magic? Are you drawing off his Decepti0n as being similar to a Siren's ability?
Just so you know, the only events from TPS I'll likely be referring to are the intro and the ending. None of the story stuff in between will be referenced to in a detailed manner. Of course, knowing the ending to the game does kinda spoil the experience a bit, but it's unfortunately necessary to the plot.
EDIT: However, do keep in mind that there will be a chapter that references one key moment in TPS. I'll be sure to make a spoiler warning in an author's note at the top of that chapter when the time comes.
The guy in question is just a no-name bandit marauder. Their clan have taken over the old Hyperion facility that is built above Overlook.
As for Zer0, I'm more drawing off his mysterious inhuman-like nature. His backstory is pretty much unknown, which gives me a lot of freedom when writing his character. I'm not sure how much I want to dig into his backstory though, and I'll likely keep a lot of things about him a mystery. Such is the way of a ninja.
Wait, when did Scooter die?
it true i played the game and i know how the games end
5 chapters each taking about half hour each to